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土壤动物群落生态学与土壤微生态环境的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要综述了国内外蚯蚓种群、捕食性线虫、蚂蚁、跳虫、螨类等土壤动物与土壤理化性质的关系,以及蚯蚓、白蚁、蜗牛、线虫等土壤动物与土壤酶活性的相关性研究;提出了该学科今后的研究趋势。该学科未来要融合土壤动物和整个农林生态系统的研究为一体,把农林的土壤动物群落生态学及其与土壤微生态环境关系结合起来,耦合土壤动物与植物根系-根际微生态环境,链接农林土壤动物与土壤健康及其害虫生态调控,分析探究它们内在的联系和机制,加强立地调控措施,为森林健康和土壤健康提供科学基础资料。  相似文献   

The threat posed by lead (Pb) in soil for pediatric populations continues to be a public health issue. In long-established residential areas, a principal source of Pb in soil is likely to be old Pb-based paint originating from building surfaces. The health hazard posed by Pb from paint in soil will likely depend on quantity of paint incorporated, its Pb-mineral composition, whether the Pb is locked in some other material and the paint residence time in the soil (degree of aging). Here the relative bioavailability (RBA) of Pb in different types of Pb-bearing paint has been assessed. Tests were performed with individual paints, with paints mixed with a low-Pb soil, and with paints mixed with soil and the biogenic phosphate apatite II. Thirteen Pb-bearing paint samples were ground and passed through 250- and 100-µm screens. Samples nominally <100 µm from all the paints were analyzed, and six of the paints for which there was sufficient material in the 100- to 250-µm-size range were also tested. RBA extraction of Pb employed a simulated gastric fluid (SGF) of HCl and glycine adjusted to a pH of 1.5 in which samples were agitated (in an end-over-end rotator) for 2 h. Original paints were examined by SEM/EDX, and by XRD, residues collected after RBA extraction were examined by SEM/EDX. The concentration of Pb in the extraction fluid was measured by AAS. The quantity of Pb mobilized in each test batch was approximately an order of magnitude less in the paint–soil mix compared to the corresponding paint-only sample. The difference in the amount of Pb extracted from the paint–soil mix compared to the paint–soil–phosphate mix was minimal. However, in the post-RBA residues of the paint–soil mix, a PbCl precipitate was observed, and in the extraction residues of the paint–soil–apatite II mixes PbClP phases were recorded. Precipitation of these secondary phases obviously modified the amount of Pb in the extraction fluid, and this may need to be considered, i.e., under-reporting of extractable Pb, when this form of in vitro extraction is used to determine the RBA of Pb in environmental media.  相似文献   

连续年龄序列桉树人工林土壤微量元素含量及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对连续年龄序列(2 a、3 a、4 a、5 a、6 a)桉树人工林土壤三种微量元素(Fe、Mn、Zn)的含量及其影响因素进行了分析,探讨了土壤微量元素含量随林分年龄的变化规律.土壤养分之间的相关性分析表明,所有年龄阶段的桉树人工林中土壤Fe、Mn、Zn含量与土壤pH值之间呈极显著的正相关,说明土壤微量元素含量强烈受土壤酸度的影响.土壤三种微量元素含量与土壤全K、全ca、全Mg等大量养分元素含量之间均存在显著或极显著的正相关,而与土壤有机C、全N、全P的相关性不明显(0~20 cm表层土壤的Zn除外).总的来说,土壤微量元素含量随桉树人工林年龄的增加呈下降趋势,其中6 a生桉树人工林各土壤层(0~20 cm、20~40 cm、40~60 cm)的Fe、Mn、Zn含量分别比2a生林分下降13.7%~21.8%、55.6%~57.2%和71.0%~73.2%.在当前桉树人工林种植方式下,随着林分年龄的增加,应增施有机、无机肥和Fe、Mn、Zn等微量元素肥料,以有效控制土壤地力衰退和实现桉树人工林可持续经营.  相似文献   

Because household dust is a heterogeneous assortment of particles derived from a multitude of diverse sources, concentrations of toxicants, like trace metals, vary widely among sample populations. For risk assessment purposes, the bioaccessibility of a trace metal, or its degree of solubilization in the human lung or digestive environment, provides a better metric of its potential health impact than its total concentration. In this paper, the relatively little direct information that exists on the in vitro oral bioaccessibilities of metals in household dust is reviewed. Data and mechanisms from studies involving better characterized geosolids, like soil and street dust, or metal-rich components thereof, such as paints, are also extrapolated to the household setting, although use of these solids as surrogates of household dust is not recommended. The bioaccessibility of a given metal is highly variable in the household setting; for instance, reported accessibilities of Pb in fluids that mimic the human stomach range from 25 to 80%, and accessibility is usually, but not always, reduced when conditions are altered to mimic the intestine. While part of this variation reflects the inherent heterogeneity of samples arising from local to regional differences in geology, industrial emissions, and domestic (and cultural) practices, considerable variation results from the precise means by which bioaccessibility is determined in vitro. It is recommended, therefore, that the effects of physicochemical variables, and in particular, the solid to fluid ratio and the pH of the stomach phase, are studied systematically such that appropriate algorithms or corrections may be factored into measures of bioaccessibility obtained under operationally defined default conditions.  相似文献   

长期不同施肥方式下土壤酶活性与肥力因素的相关性   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
利用常熟农业生态国家野外试验站长期定位试验,对长期不同施肥方式下(无肥、化肥、化肥 秸秆,始于1989年,采用稻麦轮作方式)土壤酶活性和水稻土养分的相关性进行了研究,探讨长江三角洲地区施肥管理措施对土壤酶活性的影响以及土壤酶活性作为土壤肥力质量指标的可能性.结果表明,土壤酶活性对长期不同施肥管理方式有明显的响应,化肥处理比无肥处理中土壤脲酶、转化酶、酸性磷酸酶活性分别提高108.7%、170.2%和58.0%,化肥 秸秆处理比单施化肥处理中相应酶活性分别提高30.7%、85.5%和25.8%,三种施肥管理方式之间土壤酶活性差异性显著(P<0.05);土壤脲酶、转化酶和碱性磷酸酶活性之间呈极显著的正相关,脲酶与转化酶、碱性磷酸酶的相关系数为0.915和0.942,转化酶与碱性磷酸酶的相关系数为0.918 (P<0.01),三者均与土壤速效磷均存在极显著的正相关,相关系数分别为0.884、0.846、0.824 (P<0.01);三种酶活性与作物产量之间的相关系数分别为0.845、0.812、0.824(P<0.01),土壤酶活性和作物产量之间的相关性优于土壤养分和作物产量之间的相关性,这说明土壤酶活性和施肥方式呈密切的相关性,可将其作为评价土壤肥力的指标.  相似文献   

叶菜类蔬菜硝酸盐含量及其与土壤肥力因素的关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对长沙市蔬菜生产基地春夏季节3种叶菜类蔬菜硝酸盐含量进行测定并与对应的菜园土壤8个肥力因素进行相关分析。结果表明,叶菜类蔬菜中,以小白菜硝酸盐含量最高,平均含量为3336±1359mg/kg,污染最严重;所调查的14个样本中超过四级标准达到严重污染水平的占64%以上。叶菜类蔬菜硝酸盐含量与土壤硝酸盐含量呈正相关,其中小白菜和苋菜相应的相关系数和通径分析系数均达5%以上显著水平。土壤硝酸盐含量是影响叶菜类蔬菜硝酸盐含量的主要土壤肥力因素。  相似文献   

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a group of fatal neurological conditions affecting a number of mammals, including sheep and goats (scrapie), cows (BSE), and humans (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease). The diseases are widely believed to be caused by the misfolding of the normal prion protein to a pathological isoform, which is thought to act as an infectious agent. Outbreaks of the disease are commonly attributed to contaminated feed and genetic susceptibility. However, the implication of copper and manganese in the pathology of the disease, and its apparent geographical clustering, have prompted suggestions of a link with trace elements in the environment. Nevertheless, studies of soils at regional scales have failed to provide evidence of an environmental risk factor. This study uses geostatistical techniques to investigate the correlations between the distribution of TSE prevalence and soil geochemical variables across the UK according to different spatial scales. A similar spatial pattern in scrapie and BSE occurrence is identified, which may be linked with increasing pH and total organic carbon, and decreasing iodine concentration. However, the pattern also resembles that of the density of dairy farming. Nevertheless, despite the low spatial resolution of the TSE data available for this study, the fact that significant correlations are detected indicates there is a possibility of a link between soil geochemistry, scrapie, and BSE. It is suggested that further investigations of the prevalence of TSE and environmental exposure to trace metals should take into account the factors affecting their bioavailability.  相似文献   

Successful reproduction requires a well developed genital tract, including a good cooperation between hypothalamus, pituitary, ovaries and uterus on the female side and good sperm quality and motility on the male side. Heavy metals may interact with every single step of these processes, and after successful implantation the feto‐placental unit may be another target for heavy metal toxicity. In this review the reproduction process and the interaction of the heavy trace elements Cd (cadmium), Pb (lead) and Hg (mercury) are described.  相似文献   

不同土地利用方式下土壤微生物数量与土壤肥力的关系   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
章家恩  刘文高  胡刚 《生态环境》2002,11(2):140-143
选取了6种不同土地利用方式,分别对土壤微生物数量变化及其与土壤养分的相互关系进行了研究,结果表明,不同土地利用方式下土壤微生物总量各有差异,具体表现为干鱼塘底泥>菜地>水稻田>果园>粮作旱地>荒草地;但从土壤微生物多样性指数来看,则表现为粮作旱地>菜地>果园>荒地>水稻田>鱼塘底泥。土壤中微生物总量与微生物多样性指数二者的变化趋势不一致,因此评价土壤生物多样性指数应将二者结合起来。微生物数量与土壤大多数养分含量(除有效磷和全钾之外)之间存在着一定的正相关关系,即土壤微生物数量随土壤养分含量的增加而增加。  相似文献   

由于大气气溶胶浓度增加地表太阳辐射减弱地球变暗。采用遮光网模拟太阳辐射减弱,设置60%、40%、20%、15%、0%的遮光递度,大田种植冬小麦,测定了冬小麦拔节期、孕穗期、抽穗期、灌浆期根际土壤过氧化氢酶、转化酶、脲酶的活性以及根际土壤Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn等有效微量元素的含量。采用相关性分析、通径分析和主成分分析等方法分析了太阳辐射减弱后土壤酶活性和土壤有效微量元素的相关性。结果显示,太阳辐射减弱,降低了小麦根际有效Fe、Zn和Mn的含量以及脲酶活性。有效Cu元素除了孕穗期有所增加外其它时期也均为降低。过氧化氢酶和转化酶的活性的变化没有明显规律性。太阳辐射减弱使得土壤过氧化氢酶活性与有效Fe、Zn极显著的正相关,脲酶与Zn也达显著水平。Zn和Fe对土壤酶的直接通径系数和间接通径系数都较大。太阳辐射减弱改变了土壤酶和微量元素在土壤肥力中的权重,最大肥力权重脲酶被过氧化氢酶所取代。结果表明,太阳辐射减弱影响了土壤根际有效微量元素含量和土壤酶的活性,提高了土壤酶和微量元素之间的相关性,反映土壤肥力微小变化的敏感土壤质量指标有一定的变化,脲酶的肥力权重降低,过氧化氢酶的肥力权重增加。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to provide insight into human exposure to trace contaminants bearing red mud, derived precipitates and geopolymeric blocks due to inhalation contact and/or hand-to-mouth ingestion. The in vitro bioaccessibility behavior of trace contaminants was investigated with the PBET (physiologically based extraction test), ALF (artificial lysosomal fluid) and MGS (modified Gamble’ solution) methods. The results showed that total contents of trace contaminants and operation parameters, such as pH and chelating properties of simulated gastrointestinal phases (PBET), played a joint role in controlling the bioaccessibility efficacy for size-fractionated red mud particles. As for airborne particles (<38 μm size fractions), trace contaminants concentrations extracted by MGS was significantly higher than those by ALF. Additionally, higher bioaccessibility (PBET) values of Cu, Pb, Zn, As, V and U were obtained from red mud derived precipitates compared with those of red mud itself. Even though short-term and long-term leaching values of trace contaminants were relatively lower in the prepared geopolymeric blocks, the health risk could be significantly higher due to the more pronounced bioaccessibility characteristics.

The relationships between trace metal content (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn) and body weight of Mytilus edulis L. show that smaller mussels are richer in trace metal than larger ones. According to the metal, the season and the locality examined, 3 types of relationships were obtained: (1) straight lines over the whole size range of mussels; (2) curves with steeper slopes in larger mussels and (3) curves with lowering slopes in larger mussels. For most metals the slopes changed from one locality to another. A detailed analysis of the relationship between Cd content and body weight showed a gradual decrease in metal content until maturity was reached, thereafter the relationship varied significantly with the season, and 2 different types of curves were obtained. Thus, our results contradict the idea that slopes are uniform for a given metal and species. Multivariate analyses showed that weight accounted for most of the variance in metal content while age and gonad maturation explained little of the variance observed. We propose the metabolic changes associated with sexual maturity and season continually change the relative importance of the circulating and storage compartments of metals and may be responsible for the variations of slope observed.  相似文献   

Sea water was collected at several stations in the Bay of Lim at a depth of one meter below the surface, and before analysis, was filtered with 0.45-μm Millipore filters. Shallow water sediments were collected at the same locations. Humic acids used in this work were separated from near-shore sediments taken from various saline waters of the Bay of Lim. The prepared humic acids were then analysed for their elementary composition and also for positions of their hydrolytic products to obtain more data on how and to which characteristic part, the trace elements were related. The hydrolysis of humic acids was done by chemical methods in order to obtain four main components: amino acids, sugars, phenols and condensed benzene core. Neutron activation analysis was used for trace element analysis in evaporated portions of filtered sea water, sediments, soil, living organisms, humic acids and their hydrolytic products. This work was undertaken to obtain more data on the organic matter present in sediments and in seagrass flats, and also to collect more data on trace elements that are associated with typical and representative samples for the Bay of Lim. Analyses of trace elements associated with either humic acids or their hydrolytic products were performed with the purpose of gaining evidence as to which part of humic acids metals are bound. Humic acids or their decomposition products play an important role in the distribution and availability of a number of essential or nonessential trace elements. Results of this work indicate that humic acids influence the process of redistribution of trace elements in the investigated local coastal area.  相似文献   

A large number of data (n=488) were acquired from 2003 to 2006 for five Italian harbours and three control areas to determine trace element (Al, As, Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg, Cr, and Ni) levels in sediments. Results were utilised to evaluate, on a multivariate statistical basis, pollution levels, significant relationships between observed levels and specific factors, and enrichment factors. Of the factors tested, main human use of harbour, was best able to determine segregations in the observed trace element fingerprints. Compared with the concentration limit approach, the evaluation of enrichment factors, even if affected by mathematical approximations, represented a useful tool for environmental studies, allowing evaluation of the presence of sediments enriched by human activities and reducing the occurrence of both false positives and false negatives due to natural differences in aluminosilicate levels.  相似文献   

A fast, high-throughput and accurate method was developed for determination of Al, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, U, Zn, Sb, Sn, I and Hg in urine and serum by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The samples were directly analyzed after 1/20 (v/v) dilution in 0.4% (v/v) HNO3 and 0.005% Triton X-100. Three calibration modes were tested: aqueous and matrix matching with urine and serum. The accuracy was tested using reference materials of serum, urine and spiking. Results showed that the use of matrix matching calibration reduced the interferences and improved the recoveries for Al, Co, Pb and I in urine. The matrix matching did not affect the results considerably for serum. When serum was spiked with As, Co, Cs, Pb, U, Hg, I, Ba, Al, Cr and Ni, only matrix matching presented good recoveries. Helium was used as a collision cell gas reducing effectively polyatomic interferences for Al, Mn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Zn, As and Fe. Selection of the best internal standard was carried out for each element. The use of diluted HNO3 improved the limit of detection. Finally, the method was applied successfully in samples of urine from workers occupationally exposed.  相似文献   

Simulated lung fluids are solutions designed to mimic the composition of human interstitial lung fluid as closely as possible. Analysis of mineral dusts using such solutions has been used to evaluate the respiratory bioaccessibility of various elements for which solubility in the lungs is a primary determinant of reactivity. The objective of this study was to employ simulated lung fluid analysis to investigate the respiratory bioaccessibility of nickel in soils. Current occupational guidelines in Australia regulate nickel compounds in terms of water solubility, though this may not be an accurate estimation of the total nickel that will dissociate in the lungs. Surface soils were collected from the city of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia, the site of an operational nickel smelter and metal mining activities. The fraction of the samples less than 10 μm was extracted from the soil, and it was this sub-10-μm fraction that was found to hold most of the total nickel present in the soil. The fine fraction was analyzed using a simulated lung fluid (modified Gamble’s solution) to isolate the nickel phases soluble in the lungs. In addition, a sequential extraction was employed to compare the bioaccessible fraction to those dissolved from different binding forms in the soil. In all samples, the simulated lung fluid extracted more nickel than the two weakest leaches of the sequential extraction combined, providing a more representative nickel bioaccessibility value than the current water leach method.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the influence of exposure to strontium on human blood and serum concentrations of magnesium, copper, cobalt, and molybdenum. Inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to analyze the elemental content of whole blood and blood serum of 97 healthy men including 70 workers in a thermal power plant and 27 control subjects from the rural area of Dragash (Kosovo), an environment without pollution. The results showed that chronic moderate exposure to strontium decreases the levels of copper in blood (BCu) and serum (SCu), of cobalt in blood (BCo) and serum (SCo), and of molybdenum in blood (BMo). All changes in blood and serum concentrations of these essential elements were significant but remained within the normal range. The results suggest that strontium may induce adverse health effects in humans.  相似文献   

The shell composition of 5 species of barnacles [Balanus balanoides (L.), B. crenatus Bruguière, B. hameri Ascanius, Elminius modestus Darwin and Chthamalus stellatus (Poli)] collected from four different sites on the coast of North Wales and one site in the Irish Sea were studied using chemical, X-ray diffraction and electron-microprobe analyses. All the shells consisted of calcite. The trace substances studied were Mg, Sr, Na, Mn, PO4, and SO4. Other trace elements detected included Si, Li, Ba, Zn, Cl, and Al. For each species, Mn was the only element in the shell which varied significantly from one locality to another. Variation of concentration of Mn in the shells may be related to the variations of the concentration of Mn in the water, since concentrations in the shells were highest in (estuarine) waters containing high concentrations of Mn. In Balanus balanoides L. and Elminius modestus Darwin, the Mn:Ca and Mg:Ca ratios decreased with decreasing shore level and Sr:Ca varied in the opposite direction. When B. crenatus Bruguière, a subtidal and lower littoral species, and B. hameri Ascanius, a Continental-Shelf species, were compared with the intertidal, species B. balanoides and E. modestus, the Mn:Ca and Mg:Ca ratios followed the same decreasing trend, and the Sr:Ca ratios the same increasing trend with increasing depth. These variations may be related either to increased growth rate of the shells of each species or maxium temperature to which the species is exposed, or both. The differences between species are more consistently reflected, in the concentration of Mn. However, since the concentration, of Mn is correlated with the amount of organic matter in the shell, the specific variations may reflect only the variations in the amount of organic material in the shell of each species.  相似文献   

北京城区大气颗粒物与地表土壤金属元素空间关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究北京市区大气降尘金属来源及其与表层土壤的关系,在北京市区五环内的典型地段采集落尘与土壤样品。研究中使用电感耦合等离子体原子光谱仪(ICP-AES)测定了9种金属元素Cd、Cu、Zn、Fe、Pb、V、Ti、Mn、Al的质量分数。结果显示,降尘和土壤中Al、Fe两种元素所占比例最大,质量分数分别为16144.8、12881.9μg· g-1和21400.9、815712.2μg· g-1。其次降尘中Zn、Ti和土壤中Ti、Mn居第二位。随后基于灰度关联法对大气降尘与表层土壤的金属元素关系分析可知,大气降尘与表层土壤是高度关联的,关联值均介于0.92~0.95之间,二者间关联较为紧密。其中在空气降尘对表层土壤的影响研究中分析得出,空气降尘对表层土壤的影响与采样点的空间位置变化相关性不强,与风向、风速等自然环境因素的关联度较大。在表层土壤对空气降尘的影响研究中分析得出,表层土壤对空气降尘的影响度随采样点环境变化较大,尤其是北京南站。最后,通过对降尘金属元素进行因子分析得出,第一因子Z1同时与Pb、V、Ti、Mn、Al、Fe、Cu、Cd等元素有较大关系;第二个因子Z2与Cd、Cu等元素有较大的相关性;第三个因子Z3与Zn、Fe等元素有较大相关性,与其它7种元素的相关性不明显。前三因子 Z1、Z2、Z3方差累积贡献率可达97.2%,由此可知,降尘来源主要与风引起的地面扬尘,与塑料制品的焚烧,冶金、化工等工业影响及轮胎磨损有关。  相似文献   

Soil, plant, and water, as well as trace elements they contain, can influence human health through the food chain. A survey was conducted on distributions of trace elements in soils, plants, and drinking water in Rugao County, Jiangsu Province, China, an agricultural area with a high level of centenarians and nonagenarians. The ratio of people over 90 years old per 100,000 inhabitants (90-rate) based on village (about 4,000 residents in 4 km2) was correlated with trace elements in soil, drinking water, and rice by means of correlation analysis and/or principal component analysis. Although the average 90-rate in the whole area was as high as 277, the rates were not uniform across the entire region. The 90-rate in the area of loamy and strongly-developed Anthrosols and Cambosols was about 330, significantly higher than the 255 in the areas of sandy and strongly-developed Cambosols and of clayey and weakly-developed Cambosols. The concentrations of available Se, B, Ni, and Mo in soils of the area with the high 90-rate were markedly greater than those in the area with the low 90-rate. This was demonstrated by highly positive correlations between the 90-rate and available Se (r = 0.33), B (r = 0.21), Ni (r = 0.17) and Mo (r = 0.17) at the p < 0.01 level and high loadings of available Se (0.851), B (0.535), Ni (0.594) and Mo (0.394) in the longevous factor. Similar relationships between the available elements in soils and elements in water and rice were found. These results suggest that: (1) the available forms of elements in soil were more crucial to elemental bio-availability in the ecosystem and human health than total elements in soil; and (2) the element association above might have affected the 90-rate positively and could be an important environmental geochemical factor influencing the longevity of humans.  相似文献   

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