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Lake Okeechobee (surface area = 1830 km2, mean depth = 3.5 m), the largest lake in Florida, is eutrophic and has nitrogen and phosphorus loading rates in excess of nearly all established criteria. The lake is not homogeneous regarding trophic conditions, and spatial and temporal variations occur regarding nutrient limitation. Nonetheless, phosphorus loading rate and trophic state data fit reasonably well to various input-output models developed for temperate lakes. Modification of the models by regression analysis to fit data for Florida lakes resulted in improved predictions for most parameters. Analysis of nutrient management alternatives for the lake indicates that a 75% reduction of phosphorus loading from the largest source (the Taylor Creek-Nubbins Slough watershed) would reduce the average chlorophyll a concentration by less than 20%. Complete elimination of inputs from the largest nitrogen source (the Everglades Agricultural Area) would decrease the average nitrogen concentration in the lake by about 20%. Limitations of nutrient inputoutput models regarding analysis of trophic conditions and management alternatives for the lake are discussed.  相似文献   

数据代表性是指监测结果在表征被监测对象特性时所能达到的真实程度;样品代表性是指局部体现整体时所能达到的真实程度。加密监测是重点原调查的质量基础,不能简化行事。监督性监测中,通过测定流量比例混合样来获取总量控制所必需的漉量加权平均值浓度数据,并以此来减小工作量。为满足浓度控制需要,时间—浓度确定型废水的峰浓度样应单独测定。  相似文献   

寻洁 《四川环境》2010,29(6):44-47
随着经济的高速发展和人民生活水平的提高,工业废水和生活污水的排放量越来越大,水环境所面临的压力也越来越严峻,这已成为制约中国经济发展的主要因素之一。因此,如何做好水环境的预警工作将是未来中国的工作重点。本文以广州市水环境预警监测体系为例,指出广州市目前水环境预警监测体系构建的难点和不足,提出建设意见,以期对其他区域水环境预警监测体系的研究起抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

彭州市环境监测站发展与建设的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李伟 《四川环境》2000,19(2):76-77
四级环境监测站担负着环保系统最基层、最繁杂的各项环境监测及管理工作 ,本文从如何认识环境监测工作的重要性、坚持依靠与服务的方针、加强能力建设、疏通经费渠道、深化改革五方面探讨了县级市环境监测站在新形势下发展的方向与途径。  相似文献   

The effects of nutrient loading on estuaries are well studied, given the multitude of negative water quality and ecosystem effects that have been attributed to excess nitrogen and phosphorus. A current gap in this knowledge involves the sensitivity of seasonal cycles of estuarine biogeochemical processes to direct (warming) and indirect influences (nutrient load timing) of climate change. We used a coupled hydrologic–biogeochemical model to investigate changes in the phenology of hypoxia and related biogeochemical processes in Chesapeake Bay under three different hydrologic regimes. Shifts to earlier nutrient load timing during idealized simulations reduced the overall annual hypoxic volume, resulting from discernable, but relatively small reductions in phytoplankton biomass and both sediment and water-column respiration. Simulated increases in water temperature caused an increase in spring/early summer hypoxic volume associated with elevated respiration rates, but an associated exhaustion of organic matter in the early summer caused a decrease in late summer/fall hypoxic volume due to lowered respiration. Warming effects on hypoxia were larger than nutrient timing effects in scenarios where warming was restricted to spring and when it was applied to all months of the year. These idealized simulations begin the process of understanding the potential impacts of future climatic changes in the seasonal timing of key biogeochemical processes associated with eutrophication.  相似文献   

In the UK, there now exist hundreds of low-carbon community groups (LCCGs) that aim to decrease collective resource consumption and/or generate renewable energy through diverse social and environmental interventions. These groups have in recent years become the subject of political attention and funding schemes, underpinned by beliefs that LCCGs are key to fostering resilience to climate change and meeting national-level greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. While previous research into LCCGs has focused on drivers, barriers and outcomes of LCCG action, there is now growing policy and academic interest in groups' capacities for, and uses of, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) processes and tools. However, little is known about the experiences, opportunities and potential challenges for LCCGs undertaking M&E. In response, this paper draws on a Knowledge Exchange project that explored M&E processes and tools with a sample of UK LCCGs. It outlines the benefits and drawbacks of groups' attempts to achieve change and to account for their outcomes and/or impacts, individually, and as part of a wider movement. It argues that, while M&E could be one way for groups to “scale up” their impact without losing their grounding in place and community, issues of capacity, resources and utility remain paramount.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了中山市在国家环保总局“十五”环境规划期间做为第一批工业污染源全面达标试点城市,环境监测部门发挥出的重要职能和作用。对工业污染源全面达标验收工作做了全面而客观的总结和评估,为日后开展此项工作的兄弟单位提供了有益的经验和启示。  相似文献   

朱培瑜  魏轲 《四川环境》2014,(3):99-101
YSI 6600-V2多功能水质自动监测仪采用荧光原理快速测定水体中浮游植物蓝绿藻的密度,梅梁湖夏季水华高发期时,湖体中的浮游植物几乎全部是蓝绿藻。传统的浮游植物监测前处理方面就需要24~48 h,最终要数天后才有镜检结果,导致浮游植物数据滞后,不能很好的应用到预警监测中。通过比对相关性验证,保证荧光法数据的可信度,提高工作效率,为预警监测提供有力的支持。  相似文献   

据2016年胶州湾水质自动监测的数据结果,分析了水质变化趋势,并统计和评价其水质超标情况。结果表明:2016-04—11水质自动站海域溶解氧质量浓度和pH 的日均值均达到二类海水水质标准,达标率为100%;活性磷酸盐年均值为0.023mg/L,无机氮年均值为0.154mg/L,以硝酸盐为主(64.9%);无机氮和活性磷酸盐超标率均为16.7%,而且集中在降雨量较大的8月、9月,营养盐指标超标基本与海泊河的淡水输入有关;叶绿素a质量浓度与溶解氧、pH 和浊度呈显著正相关,浮游植物光合作用对该海域表层海水的水质参数影响较大;自动站监测和人工监测的营养盐在年际变化上呈现较一致的趋势,说明运用水质自动站监测该海域的营养盐变化趋势较为准确。  相似文献   

山东省辖城市空气自动监测网运行监控及信息管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研制了山东省环境空气自动监测网络运行监控及信息管理系统,实现了山东省全部省辖市所有点位环境空气自动监测统一数据实时采集与多级多目标传输,全过程跟踪的质量控制与保证,全省统一数据确认、在线信息化管理。  相似文献   

绵阳市环境空气质量监测系统中心控制软件开发应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李谦  沈菁 《四川环境》2004,23(2):91-94
利用Microsoft office 2002软件开发绵阳市环境空气质量监测系统中心控制软件,具有智能模块化功能,从数据采集、整理、统计、计算、制图、制表等方面均可自动完成,直观、快捷、高效,可满足空气质量日报准确、及时上报要求,并可以较短时间内完成空气质量预报,可操作性强。  相似文献   

从水质自动站发展特点和管理两个方面,阐述了南京市水质自动站的做法和经验,总结了水质自动站的发展趋势。  相似文献   

伍钧  朱启红  李昆  吴涛 《四川环境》2005,24(6):71-74,91
无公害产品的产地农业生态环境质量是影响无公害产品质量的重要因子之一。对中江县中药材产业化基地调查资料和实际监测结果表明:中江县中药材产业化基地农业环境未受到污染,适合无公害中药材的生产。  相似文献   

建设项目竣工环境保护验收监测对于落实“三同时”制度、实现总量控制目标、为环境监督管理提供重要技术支持具有重要意义与作用。目前,验收监测在管理体制、收费标准、成果应用等方面存在的突出问题,可通过创新管理机制、健全管理制度、提高管理水平等具体措施解决。  相似文献   

何爱兰 《四川环境》2005,24(3):49-51
无公害产品产地农业生态环境质量是影响无公害产品质量的重要因子之一,对丽水市庆元县甜桔柚基地农业环境质量的调查和监测表明,庆元县无公害甜桔柚基地符合无公害产品的环境质量要求。  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, the sediment flux of the Yellow River to the sea has shown a marked tendency to decrease, which is unfavorable for wetland protection and oil extraction in the Yellow River delta. Thus, an effort has been made to elucidate the relation between the sediment flux to the sea and the drainage basin factors including climate and human activities. The results show that the sediment flux to the sea responds to the changed precipitation in different ways for different runoff and sediment source areas in the drainage basin. If other factors are assumed to be constant, when the annual precipitation in the area between Longmen and Sanmenxia decreases by 10 mm, the sediment flux to the sea will decrease by 27.5 million t/yr; when the precipitation in the area between Hekouzhen and Longmen decreases by 10 mm, the sediment flux to the sea will decrease by 14.3 million t/yr; when the precipitation in the area above Lanzhou decreases by 10 mm, the sediment flux to the sea will decrease by 17.4 million t/yr. A multiple regression equation has been established between the sediment flux to the sea and the influencing factors, such as the area of land terracing and tree and grass planting, the area of the land created by the sediment trapped by check dams, the annual precipitation, and the annual quantity of water diversion by man. The equation may be used to estimate the change in the sediment flux to the sea when the influencing variables are further changed, to provide useful knowledge for the environmental planning of the Yellow River drainage basin and its delta.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, the water fluxes to the sea of the Yellow River have declined significantly. Based on data of precipitation, air temperature, the measured and “natural” river flow, the water diversion and consumption, and the areas of erosion and sediment control measures over the drainage basin, water fluxes to the sea of the Yellow River are studied in relation with the influences of changing climate and human activities. The Yellow River basin can be divided into different water source areas; multiple regression indicates that the variation in precipitation over different water source areas has different effect on water fluxes to the sea. In the period between 1970 and 1997, averaged air temperature over the whole Yellow River increased by about 1.0°C, from 16.5°C to 17.5°C, a factor that is negatively correlated with the water yield of the Yellow River. Water diversion and consumption has sharply increased and resulted in a significant decline in the water fluxes to the sea. Since the 1960s, erosion and sediment control measures have been practiced over the drainage basin. This factor, to a lesser degree, is also responsible for the decrease in water fluxes to the sea. A multiple regression equation has been established to estimate the change in water fluxes to the sea caused by the changes in precipitation, air temperature, water diversion and consumption, erosion, and sediment control measures, indicating that the contribution of water diversion and consumption to the variation in annual water flux to the sea is 41.3%, that of precipitation is 40.8%, that of temperature is 11.4%, and that of erosion and sediment control measures is 6.5%.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to contribute to coherence in marine, coastal and land use planning and management from the perspective of landscape values. At a time when new sea uses are emerging and marine spatial planning laws and regulations are being adopted, but have not yet been put into practice, research studies are required that provide spatial planners with informed insights concerning public stakeholder attitudes to controversial policies. The undertaken research explored the attitudes of two important social groups (local residents and tourists/recreational users) regarding locating wind parks in the marine and/or terrestrial environment along the Latvian coast of the Baltic Sea. The results of the study indicate that both groups support land-based wind park development versus offshore. Moreover, the visibility of wind turbines influences the willingness of tourists to visit recreation sites and impacts directly on their duration of stay. Research findings indicate that policy makers and spatial planners from both marine and land domains should adopt a broader and more integrated approach when setting priorities and allocating space for development activities where both domains are involved.  相似文献   

In this issue of Environmental Management, Glenn and others posit that a previous study had analytical and interpretive errors in analysis of shrimp fishing in the Upper Gulf of California, Mexico. Unfortunately, much of their evidence is too indirect and of insufficient scale to address the central question of salinity in the Upper Gulf. Also, many of their suppositions did not include direct interviews with local officials or a robust understanding of remote sensing literature. This response to their rebuttal presents a set of figures and analysis demonstrating that the Colorado River flows into a closed evaporative basin known as the Laguna Salada and thus cannot flow into the Gulf of California. Readers are asked to examine the images and interpret their meaning for themselves.  相似文献   

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