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Goal, Scope and Background Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) is a well-accepted marker for biological effects in fish and is, therefore, part of numerous monitoring programmes. EROD activity was measured in livers of dab (Limanda limanda) from the German Bight (North Sea) from 1995 to 2003. The aim of the present long-term study was (a) time trend monitoring of EROD activity of dab from the German Bight and (b) to elucidate the needs for a successful application of EROD activity as an early warning system. Methods. EROD activities were determined fluorimetrically in dab liver microsomes, using resorufin as an external standard. The limit of detection (LD) and the limit of quantification (LQ) were calculated. Results were referred to protein concentrations. Results and Discussion. EROD activities of 610 female dab caught in different seasons between January 1995 and August 2003 were analyzed individually. Activities varied from 〈 LD to 1768 pmol/(min mg protein) and showed an annual cycle as well as significant differences between the years. Highest EROD activities were observed in early summer and lowest activities during the winter period. In autumn 2002, significantly elevated EROD activities were detected, possibly related to effects of the River Elbe flood event. Two scenarios with different EROD baseline data are presented to discuss the prerequisites for the use of EROD as a monitoring tool. The comparison of these scenarios underlines the importance of appropriate season-specific baseline data. Conclusion. The use of EROD as an early warning tool for contaminant effects in dab in the German Bight has different prospects during the year, because, due to the high background variability, elevated EROD activities are less easy to detect in spring/summer than during the remaining times of the year. Recommendation and Outlook. The availability of site-specific data on the EROD baseline level, its random variation and its annual cycle is a necessary prerequisite for monitoring. If monitoring is to be carried out only for a limited time period of the year, a season with low background variability in EROD activity (autumn) should be chosen to avoid the need for a compensation of the temperature-triggered shift in sexual cycles and the resulting changes in EROD activity.  相似文献   

The stock of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) continues to decline and has reached a new minimum in 2011. Poor health status of the spawners due to organic contaminants is one of the possible causes for this dramatic situation. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous contaminants, which are rapidly metabolized in vertebrates. EROD (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase) and GST (glutathione-S-transferase) are two enzymes involved in PAH detoxification in fish. In this study, PAH metabolites as well as EROD and GST activity in a large, comprising dataset of more than 260 migratory and pre-migratory eels from five large German river basin districts were used to describe PAH exposure and its metabolism as possible indicators for the habitat quality for eels. Eel from the river Elbe appear to be moderately contaminated with PAH. Highest mean values of PAH metabolites were analysed in fish from the river Rhine. However, the results suggest that contaminants such as PAH are metabolized in the fish and may have contributed to EROD activity in eels caught from the Elbe estuary to 600 km upstream. Since the eel’s onset of cessation of feeding is closely linked to maturation and migration, we propose bile pigments as new indicators contributing to identify the proportion of migratory eel, which is crucial information for eel management plans. We showed that PAH metabolites normalized to bile pigments as well as EROD could be used to describe the habitat quality and might be suitable parameters in search for suitable stocking habitats.  相似文献   

The Seine Estuary is well known to be widely contaminated by organic pollutants and especially by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Fish are known to metabolize PAHs, leading to different toxic effects at both cellular and sub-cellular levels. In this work, we studied the relationships between the 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity in the liver, the level of DNA strand breaks in blood cells and the concentration of PAH metabolites in the bile of the sentinel flatfish species Limanda limanda. Muscle and liver samples were analysed for parent PAH levels. Female and male dabs of two size classes (juveniles and adults) were collected by trawling in two sites with different degrees of pollution during March and September 2005 and 2006. Significant effects of sex, age, site and season were demonstrated on EROD activity and the level of strand breaks. Parent PAH concentrations in dabs did not allow discriminating of the two sampling sites. However, for PAH metabolites, significant differences were observed with sites and seasons. Dabs collected at the mouth of the estuary appeared to be the most impacted when looking at the results obtained with the three selected markers. The significant correlations observed between the level of PAH metabolites and the level of DNA lesions showed the importance of a combined analysis of chemical and biochemical markers to correctly assess the contribution of chemical contamination to the toxic effects measured in situ in fish.  相似文献   

Perus J  Bonsdorff E  Bäck S  Lax HG  Villnäs A  Westberg V 《Ambio》2007,36(2-3):250-256
A new method for classifying soft-bottom zoobenthic assemblages along the Finnish coasts (northern Baltic Sea) is presented and tested against traditional physicochemical monitoring data in the complex Archipelago Sea. Although multivariate methods for assessing the state of the marine environment have become widely used, few numerical indices can operate over a wide salinity range. We compare indices currently in use and propose a new index, BBI (brackish water benthic index), for the low-saline and species-poor Baltic coastal waters. BBI offers a salinity-corrected tool for classification of the soft-bottom zoobenthos under the demands of the European Union Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

Two analytical methods have been evaluated for quantitative determination of de-conjugated chrysene metabolites in fish bile. High performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence (HPLC-F) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC--MS) were compared regarding instrumental and overall limits of detection (LOD) as well as recoveries for the following nine chrysene compounds: 1-, 2,- 3-, 4- and 6-hydroxychrysene (1-, 2-, 3-, 4- and 6-OH-chr), 1,2-dihydroxy-1,2-dihydrochrysene (1,2-DHD-chr), 3,4-dihydroxy-3,4-dihydrochrysene (3,4-DHD-chr), 5,6-dihydroxy-5,6-dihydrochrysene (5,6-DHD-chr) and chrysene. Instrumental LODs were comparable for the two methods whereas the overall LOD was better for HPLC-F. Recoveries varied per chrysene compound for both HPLC-F (62-107%) and GC-MS (48-124%). In vivo formed chrysene metabolites were studied in the bile of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) exposed to chrysene (1 mg/kg) via intra-peritoneal (i.p.) and inter-muscular (i.m.) injection. Total amounts of chrysene metabolites were three times higher in i.p. compared to i.m. exposed cod bile, but the relative distribution of determined metabolites was very similar. 1,2-DHD-chr was the most prominent metabolite in de-conjugated bile and constituted more than 88% of the total chrysene metabolites. Additional chrysene metabolites formed were 3,4-DHD-chr and 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-OH-chr. K-region chrysene metabolites (oxidation at carbons 5 and 6) were not detected and seem to be a less favoured biotransformation route. The two methods were applied and evaluated for analysis of chrysene metabolites in two bile reference materials (BCR 720 and 721) and a limited number of field exposed cods.  相似文献   

Burreau S  Zebühr Y  Broman D  Ishaq R 《Chemosphere》2004,55(7):1043-1052
Pike, perch and roach from rural waters of the Baltic Sea were investigated for possible biomagnification of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). For this we used data on delta15N, weight and sex of the fish. We were able to separate body size effects from trophic position effects on biomagnification. Both these parameters lead to biomagnification of PCBs and PBDEs. All investigated PCBs (tri- to deca-CBs) biomagnify and the biomagnification potential is positively correlated with hydrophobicity up to log Kow 8.18. Tri- to hepta-BDEs also biomagnify but showed a maximum biomagnification for the penta-BDEs (log Kow 6.46-6.97). The biomagnification of hexa- to hepta-PBDEs was negatively correlated with degree of bromination, likely due to large molecular size or high molecular weight (644-959 Da). Octa-, nona- and deca-BDEs did not biomagnify but were found in two (octa-BDE) and three (nona- and deca-BDEs) of the species, respectively. Increased size of pike is correlated with increased lipid weight based PCB and PBDE concentrations in males but not in females and mean PCB and PBDE concentrations in males are generally higher than in females. For the least hydrophobic PCBs, no sex difference is observed, probably as a consequence of faster clearance of these substances over the gills, making the spawning clearance of PCBs and PBDEs of lesser relative importance.  相似文献   

Ecosystem-based management requires understanding of food webs. Consequently, assessment of food web status is mandatory according to the European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) for EU Member States. However, how to best monitor and assess food webs in practise has proven a challenging question. Here, we review and assess the current status of food web indicators and food web models, and discuss whether the models can help addressing current shortcomings of indicator-based food web assessments, using the Baltic Sea as an example region. We show that although the MSFD food web assessment was designed to use food web indicators alone, they are currently poorly fit for the purpose, because they lack interconnectivity of trophic guilds. We then argue that the multiple food web models published for this region have a high potential to provide additional coherence to the definition of good environmental status, the evaluation of uncertainties, and estimates for unsampled indicator values, but we also identify current limitations that stand in the way of more formal implementation of this approach. We close with a discussion of which current models have the best capacity for this purpose in the Baltic Sea, and of the way forward towards the combination of measurable indicators and modelling approaches in food web assessments. Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01692-x.  相似文献   

Between 1978 and 1996, egg and chick samples of little terns (Sterna albifrons) breeding at different colony sites along the eastern coast of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, were annually gathered by chance in the framework of a long-term ringing programme. Analyses of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCHs), and mercury were carried out on eggs, chicks, and down (only mercury). In all matrices, pollutant concentrations decreased over the 19-year period. The mixture compositions of Sigma PCB, Sigma DDT, and Sigma HCH changed during the previous decades indicating decreasing releases of PCB mixtures, DDT, and technical HCH mixtures. The pollutant concentrations currently found in the tern eggs are compared with those of other bird species from other Baltic Sea subregions, suggesting a relatively low pollution of the Belt Sea. The temporal trends in contamination are related to international measurements and conventions on bans of pollutants. Since individually known females were recaptured up to three times, inter-individual variation in pollutant burdens could be studied. Remarkable variation among individuals as well as between breeding seasons were found that were not explainable by general temporal trends. Influences of individually and seasonally varying feeding habits on this phenomenon are discussed. Compositions of individual PCB mixtures varied in relation to total PCB concentrations found in eggs suggesting a concentration-dependent metabolization of PCBs as with other species. Amounts of particular organochlorines varied between matrices possibly indicating metabolization of low chlorinated PCBs, beta-HCH, and HCB during embryogenesis. In mercury, body detoxification via down is assumed. As indicated by eggshell parameters (thickness and index) being not related to organochlorine concentrations and being similar to that found in historical studies, respectively, effects of recent organochlorine contamination on eggshell thickness seem to be improbable. In conclusion, influences of contamination on declining little tern stocks observed in Germany are discussed. Negative influences of contamination in the 1960s and 1970s are assumed to be probable.  相似文献   

Levels of tributyltin (TBT) and its degradation products, mono- (MBT) and dibutyltin (DBT), as well as triphenyltin (TPT), were monitored in 10 stations along the Polish coast (Baltic Sea). Mussel-Mytilus edulis-and fish-Platichthys flesus-were used as sentinel organisms. The bioaccumulation patterns of butyltin and phenyltin compounds varied substantially. Butyltins were detected in mussel tissue from all the sampled stations. Among them, organisms from the Gulf of Gdansk showed the highest residues (68 ng/g w.w. as Sn) in conjunction with elevated TBT/DBT ratios, which suggest recent inputs of TBT in the area. Additionally, flatfish were sampled in the Gulf of Gdansk, and different tissues (liver, digestive tube and gills) were analyzed separately. TPT, although undetected in mussels, was always present in fish. The highest organotin concentration was observed in the liver (369 ng/g w.w. as Sn) of fish caught near Gdansk port. Relatively high concentrations were observed in digestive tube, which points out the ingestion of organotin contaminated food as an important uptake route of those compounds in P. flesus.  相似文献   

Atuma SS  Bergh A  Nilsson I  Aune M 《Chemosphere》2000,41(4):517-520
Three toxaphene congeners have been determined in salmon from the Swedish coastal environment using both supercritical fluid (SFE) and the traditional liquid/liquid extractions. The levels obtained using a modifier-free SFE technique, followed by group separation on a silica gel column, were by far much lower than concentrations obtained by SFE with a modifier or liquid/liquid extraction. The mean concentrations on fresh weight basis using a liquid/liquid extraction technique were 5.87, 8.70 and 1.59 microg/kg for CHBs 26, 50 and 62, respectively. There was a plausible relationship between the various fishing sites and the toxaphene levels.  相似文献   

Induction of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity and porphyrin accumulation shows different structure-activity relationships for different polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Interactions between the two responses can strongly influence the induction and activity of EROD. The results support the conclusion that there are nonadditive interactions between nondioxin-like PCBs and dioxin-like compounds. The interaction between EROD activity and the porphyrin biosynthesis makes the prerequisite of additivity in the toxic equivalency factor concept for environmental mixtures highly spurious. Inhibition of EROD activity caused by non-dioxin like compounds could have a significant impact on the value of EROD activity as a biomarker in the present methods of risk assessment for these compounds.  相似文献   

An ex vivo gill EROD assay was applied in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) as a biomarker for waterborne CYP1A-inducing compounds derived from oil production at sea. Exposure to nominal concentrations of 1 ppm or 10 ppm North Sea crude oil in a static water system for 24 h caused a concentration-dependent gill EROD induction. Further, exposure of cod for 14 days to environmentally relevant concentrations of produced water (PW, diluted 1:200 or 1:1000) from a platform in the North Sea using a flow-through system resulted in a concentration-dependent induction of gill EROD. Crude oil (0.2 ppm) from the same oil field also proved to induce EROD. Finally, gill EROD activity in cod caged for 6 weeks at 500-10 000 m from two platforms outside Norway was measured. The activities in these fish were very low and did not differ from those in fish caged at reference sites.  相似文献   

High-resolution digital photography and graphical image analyses systems have been used to define external morphometric characters of shell deformations in four populations of the Baltic clam Macoma balthica from the Gulf of Gdansk (southern Baltic Sea). The proposed shell deformation indices (SDI), which were based on the relationship of selected dimensions in the posterior and the anterior part of the shell, showed at least three morphological features that provide a distinctive diagnosis of "regular" and "deformed" clams: the presence of flexure on the posterior side (SDI1), elongated posterior region (SDI2), and shell growth (SDI3). The degree and prevalence of deformed clams varied locally over space. Increase in percentage contribution of aberrated shells with depth, corresponding to oxygen depletion profile in the Gulf, suggests low oxygen concentrations as the main agent exerting a deforming influence. The observed morphological aberrations developed with age (size) of a bivalve, suggesting a long-term effect of causal factors, and were accompanied by lightening shell weight, possibly due to decalcification of previously deposited calcareous material during anaerobic metabolism. It is hypothesized that hypoxic/anoxic conditions and a subsequent presence of hydrogen sulfide on a deep organic-rich sea bottom induce shell form alterations that enable the pumping of oxygenated water from above the anoxic layer. Such a morphological modification highlights the functional significance of shell deformations in protective response to the ambient low-oxygen concentrations. Sediment organotin concentrations fall within moderate to high contamination range and, therefore, may also have an adverse impact on the shell form. DNA analyses of the fragment of mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI, 393 base pairs) showed homogenous genetic structure of regular and deformed clams, indicating that shell deformations in M. balthica are primarily driven by acclimatization to the ambient environmental conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, we measured via surgical sampling hepatic EROD activity in yellow-legged gulls from oiled and unoiled colonies, 17 months after the Prestige oil spill. We also analyzed stable isotope composition in feathers of the biopsied gulls, in an attempt to monitor oil incorporation into marine food web. We found that yellow-legged gulls in oiled colonies were being exposed to remnant oil as shown by hepatic EROD activity levels. EROD activity was related to feeding habits of individual gulls with apparent consequences on delayed lethality. Capture-recapture analysis of biopsied gulls suggests that the surgery technique did not affect gull survival, giving support to this technique as a monitoring tool for oil exposure assessment. Our study highlights the combination of different veterinary, toxicological and ecological methodologies as a useful approach for the monitoring of exposure to remnant oil after a large oil spill.  相似文献   

Wet deposition is an important source of metals to the sea. The temporal variability of Hg concentrations in precipitation, and the impact of air masses of different origins over the Polish coastal zone were assessed. Samples of precipitation were collected (August 2008–May 2009) at an urbanized coastal station in Poland. Hg analyses were conducted using CVAFS. These were the first measurements of Hg concentration in precipitation obtained in the Polish coastal zone. Since Poland was identified as the biggest emitter of Hg to the Baltic, these data are very important. In the heating and non-heating season, Hg concentrations in precipitation were similar. Hg wet deposition flux dominated in summer, when the production of biomass in the aquatic system was able to actively adsorb Hg. Input of metal to the sea was attributed to regional and distant sources. Maritime air masses, through transformation of Hg(0), were an essential vector of mercury in precipitation.  相似文献   

Neoplasia and other histopathological lesions in flounder (Platichthys flesus) liver have been investigated in several European sea areas, including the Baltic Sea. Several studies have been able to link neoplasm epizootics in fish with the exposure to genotoxins such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The level of hydrophobic DNA adducts in tissue DNA reflects the exposure of the organism to PAHs.Using hydrophobic DNA adduct levels as biomarkers, possible PAH exposure was assessed in flounder from 10 different sites in the Baltic Sea, collected during the years 1995–1997. The results show that the overall levels of hepatic DNA adducts were low and, in general, the chromatograms appeared clean. The highest levels of DNA adducts were found at two sites in the southern Baltic Sea. There were no statistically significant differences in adduct levels between the sites. Our results indicate that flounder from studied off shore sites of the Baltic Sea had not been exposed to a greater extent to large polycyclic hydrophobic hydrocarbons in their environment.  相似文献   

Mälkki M 《Chemosphere》2001,44(4):637-642
The partitioning of some elements in sediments of two Baltic Sea basins (the Bothnian Sea and the Gotland Deep) was established by leaching experiments. Both partial (dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate) and "total" (HCl-KClO3) leach were used. Trace metals of both natural and anthropogenic sources (Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) were evaluated for affinity to terrestrial material and to authigenic mineral elements (Fe, S). The results indicate that the easily leachable "mobile" fraction is not necessarily a good indicator for pollution. Longer stagnation periods result in intensive pyrite formation in the Gotland Deep which mask pollution trends. The permanent oxic conditions in the Bothnian Sea may affect a dissolution capability for selected elements.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the concentrations and patterns of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and their metabolites in liver and plasma of two ringed seal populations (Phoca hispida): lower contaminated Svalbard population and more contaminated Baltic Sea population. Among OCPs, p,p′-DDE and sum-chlordanes were the highest in concentration. With increasing hepatic contaminant concentrations and activities of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes, the concentrations of 3-methylsulfonyl-p,p′-DDE and the concentration ratios of pentachlorophenol/hexachlorobenzene increased, and the toxaphene pattern shifted more towards persistent Parlar-26 and -50 and less towards more biodegradable Parlar-44. Relative concentrations of the chlordane metabolites, oxychlordane and -heptachlorepoxide, to sum-chlordanes were higher in the seals from Svalbard compared to the seals from the Baltic, while the trend was opposite for cis- and trans-nonachlor. The observed differences in the OCP patterns in the seals from the two populations are probably related to the catalytic activity of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes, and also to differences in dietary exposure.  相似文献   

Chronic concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been commonly detected in international estuaries ecosystems. Reliable indicators still need to be found in order to properly assess the impact of PAHs in fish. After an in vivo chronic exposure to hydrocarbons, the enzymatic activity of 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and the antioxidant defense system were assessed in sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. A total of 45 fish were exposed to the water-soluble fraction of Arabian crude oil, similar to a complex pollution by hydrocarbons chronically observed in situ, while 45 other control fish sustained the same experimental conditions in clean seawater. Fish samples were made after a 21-day exposure period and after a 15-day recovery period in clean fresh water. Throughout the experiment, liver EROD activity was significantly higher in contaminated fish than in control fish. In addition, nonenzymatic (total glutathione) and enzymatic (GPx, SOD, and CAT) antioxidant defense parameters measured in liver were not significantly different in fish. Furthermore, in gills, glutathione content had significantly increased while SOD activity had significantly decreased in contaminated fish compared to controls. On the other hand, CAT and GPx activities were not affected. Chronic exposure to PAHs disturbing the first step (SOD) and inhibiting the second step (GPx and CAT) could induce oxidative stress in tissues by the formation of oxygen radicals. After the postexposure period, there was no significant difference between control and contaminated fish in any of the antioxidant defense parameters measured in gills, attesting to the reversibility of the effects.  相似文献   

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