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针对炼油区域可能产生非甲烷烃排放的问题,大庆炼化公司在新项目建设初期采用先进的工艺和设备,降低了非甲烷烃的损失。对非甲烷烃排放进行的环境影响分析表明,在非甲烷烃排放的损失中,汽油装车损失占42%,设备散发损失占23%,原油储罐小呼吸损失21%,原油储罐大呼吸损失10%,汽油储罐小呼吸损失4%。该公司使用内浮顶汽油储罐及对汽油装车采取密闭回收油气的办法,有效地降低了非甲烷烃的散失,对区域环境质量的改善起到了重要作用,同时减少了炼油企业油气的损失。 相似文献
本文从环境保护角度分析了氯化物对环境的影响。从而提出了制订“气田水中氯化物含量排放标准”的建议,讨论了气田水的处理方法。 相似文献
Oscar Huerta-Pujol Montserrat GallartMontserrat Soliva F. Xavier Martínez-FarréMarga López 《Resources, Conservation and Recycling》2011,55(11):1095-1099
The EU is committed to encourage biological treatments of organic waste as an alternative to landfill and also to enhance organic matter recycling. When these wastes are composted, the composition of the initial raw materials is very important in order to obtain a good quality product. In this article, the mineral composition of the organic fraction obtained from source-sorted collection (SC) and the organic fraction mechanically separated (MS) from mass-collected municipal solid waste was evaluated. Also, the compositions of these 2 raw materials that are used in the current Spanish municipal solid waste biological treatment facilities were compared. The mineral elements analyzed were the total content of the heavy metals Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Pb and Cd, and the plant nutrients P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn. The results obtained were expressed on dry matter basis and on mineral matter basis. Important differences were detected between SC and MS samples, on both dry and mineral matter basis. In general, nutrient contents are higher in SC than in MS, and heavy metal contents are significantly lower in SC. Our results also support the idea that the heavy metal migration from the non-compostable materials to the decomposable matrix takes place from the beginning of the process while both types of materials are in contact. 相似文献
本文利用1996-2014年我国30个省份的面板数据,从行政、法律、经济和技术四个领域来刻画环境规制,实证检验了不同环境规制手段的减排效果是否具有门槛效应。研究发现,环境规制的强度确实因环境规制的手段不同而有所不同,其中,法律手段、技术手段未因地方政府的异质性表现出明显的门槛特征,而行政手段在政府规模较小(地方财力不足)地区的减排效果显著,经济手段在政府规模较大(地方财力雄厚)地区的减排效果显著。 相似文献
Denise J. Reed 《Environmental management》1992,16(1):55-65
Sediment deposition both inside and outside of fixed-crest weirs was measured for fresh/intermediate, brackish, and saline
marsh areas in coastal Louisiana, USA. Sediment traps, collected on a weekly basis, were used to monitor short-term changes
in sediment deposition. Feldspar marker horizons were used to measure cumulative marsh accretion during the 16-week monitoring
period. Results show that for most sites less sediment is deposited in marsh behind weirs than at the control sites outside
the weirs. Patterns at each site are consistent throughout the 16 monitoring periods. At only one site was no significant
difference found. Streamside areas both inside and outside the weirs were found to have higher rates of sediment deposition
than backmarsh areas. At both marsh locations, sediment deposition rates were higher outside the weirs than inside. More sediment
was deposited in saline marshes than in brackish or fresh/intermediate areas. The vertical accretion data shows that marshes
in most areas are accreting sufficiently rapidly to keep pace with local rates of sea-level rise, except for two areas, both
of which are inside weirs. 相似文献
碱度、氨氮负荷和COD对独立硝化的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用自制好氧装置进行硝化试验,考察碱度、氨氮负荷和COD对以硝化菌群为优势菌群的独立硝化的影响。试验结果表明:污水的碱度太低引起pH下降将导致硝化反应不能进行甚至停止;氨氮负荷影响硝化速率,氨氮浓度低将使硝化菌受底物限制影响硝化速率,氨氮浓度过高则对硝化菌有毒害作用;污水的COD对硝化菌在一定程度上产生抑制作用,COD越高抑制作用时间越长。 相似文献
为研究降雨产生的地表径流对水库水质中总磷、总氮的影响,以铁岭市入柴河水库的柴河流域集雨面积内的降雨径流为研究对象,分别在雨季汛期的三个时期(雨前、雨时及雨后)对柴河流域下游入库前的柴河堡断面采集水样进行分析,以期为铁岭市柴河水库的面源污染治理提供科学依据。 相似文献
We investigated the hypothesis that perception of psychological restorativeness during visits to coastal parks is modified by objective and perceived environmental conditions. Visitors (n = 1153) to California beaches completed a survey on perceived weather, environmental quality, and perceived restorativeness. We used generalized ordinal logistic models to estimate the association between environmental parameters and odds of perceiving higher levels of restorativeness. Visitors perceived greater restorativeness at beaches when ambient temperatures were at or below mean monthly temperatures and during low tides. The odds of perceiving the environment as more psychologically restorative were three times greater when visiting on days defined by government policy as having good air quality (OR = 3.25; CI: 1.69–6.28). Visitors’ perception of air (OR = 1.56; CI: 1.14–2.18) and water quality (OR = 1.78; CI: 1.28–2.49) also affected perceived restorativeness; with perceived healthy days more restorative. Warmer temperatures with less space due to sea level rise and poor environmental quality will restrict restorative experiences in recreational facilities designed for urban populations. 相似文献
深入揭示生态环境与居民幸福感的内在关系对创造人民美好生活具有重要的理论与现实意义。本研究基于幸福感产生机制对生态环境影响居民幸福感的机制进行了深入的理论探讨,利用2013-2014年我国居民大样本调查数据,定量分析了水、大气,绿化三个关键生态环境要素对我国居民幸福感的影响。研究认为,生态环境对居民幸福感的影响受制于经济发展与居民收入水平及居民对环境价值的认知与重视程度;尽管研究期居民对生态环境质量满意度不高,但生态环境对我国居民幸福感的并没造成显著影响;比较而言,水环境对居民幸福感的影响小于空气环境,而空气环境的影响又小于绿化环境。为提升我国居民生态幸福感并激励居民亲环境行为,应通过科普教育切实提高居民对环境及其价值的认知度,努力营建人地和谐的文化氛围;应在普遍提高居民收入和物质生活水平的基础上,引导和促进居民向环境审美消费需求的升级;当前应重视生态补偿等经济手段的运用,通过影响居民经济利益激发居民环保行为;应优先解决居民直观感知明显且反映强烈的环境问题。 相似文献
An Experimental Study on the Effect of Electrolytic Concentration on the Rate of Hydrogen Production
The effects of concentration of electrolytes on hydrogen production rate (HPR) at different applied voltages were experimentally evaluated in this research paper. The rate of hydrogen production was found to be directly proportional to the concentration of total dissolved solids and the efficiency did not change much with the change in the concentration of solids. Sensitivity analysis of the electrolysis system was also carried out to understand the relative importance of concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) on the HPR, which can help for an optimum design. 相似文献
大气氮沉降增加是全球变化的重要现象之一,草原生态系统对氮沉降增加的响应成为草地生态学的研究热点之一。凋落物分解是草原生态系统养分循环和能量流动的主要途径,氮沉降增加引起草原植物群落结构变化,导致凋落物质量、土壤肥力、土壤微生物和土壤动物的变化,最终影响凋落物的分解。本文综述了氮沉降对草原凋落物结构、化学组成和分解环境的影响等方面的国内外最新研究进展,讨论了需进一步加强研究的内容,以期为进一步拓展该领域研究的广度和深度、为全面分析和评估全球变化对草原生态系统的影响提供参考。 相似文献
采用人工模拟降雨和室内分析相结合的方法,研究了黄土区不同耕作措施对降雨入渗的影响。结果表明:①不同耕作管理措施对降雨入渗的影响效用不同,在相同雨强和坡度下,降雨入渗速率表现为:耙耱地〉人工掏挖〉直线坡,在中小雨强和较短滞后情况下,这种情况表现更为显著;②不同耕作管理措施对降雨产流的影响效用不同,在相同雨强和坡度下,产流滞后表现为:耙耱地〉人工掏挖〉直线坡,在中小雨强和较短滞后情况下,这种情况表现更为显著;③根据水量平衡原理,得出了不同耕作管理措施不同坡度下入渗及产流滞后随雨强的变化关系式。上述结果为黄土高原坡耕地水土流失的治理和管理,提供了一定的理论依据。 相似文献
本文介绍了环境试验方法、内容和应用范围,详细阐述了环境试验中环境应力引起的失效模式及其对塑料产品质量的影响。 相似文献
以高抗黄曲霉花生品种J11、中抗品种HY22和敏感性品种JH1012为材料进行黄曲霉侵染,在不同时间段取样测定各品种花生种皮和籽仁的毒素含量,并同时测定籽仁中脂肪酸和亚油酸、油酸含量。结果表明,各花生品种的种皮内毒素含量随侵染时间增加而升高,到最大值后保持稳定;而籽仁中的毒素含量较低,不同品种花生受侵染后毒素含量大小表现为高抗品种〈普通品种〈高感品种。亚油酸和脂肪含量与黄曲霉毒素含量呈显著正相关,而油酸呈显著负相关,说明高油酸含量和低脂肪、亚油酸含量的花生品种对黄曲霉毒素的侵染有一定抵抗作用。 相似文献
以新疆喀什噶尔河流域克孜河卡拉贝利水利枢纽工程为例,采用水均衡模型计算方法,从工程建成后区域荒漠河岸林草耗水量变化、荒漠河岸林草区地下水位变化情况、工程建成后洪水过程变化等方面分析工程建设对工程影响区荒漠河岸林草的影响。评价结果显示,工程建成后,与现状相比荒漠河岸林草植被的耗水量有所增加,区域平均地下水埋深仍能维持现状,在河岸林草生长和繁殖的6-9月,区域地下水位较现状略有上升,可满足大部分荒漠河岸林草植被的正常生长需求,水库对5年一遇标准以下洪水不调蓄,不会对荒漠河岸林草的繁衍存活产生明显不利影响。 相似文献