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Methane mussels (Bathymodiolus sp., undescribed; personal communication by R. Turner to CRF) were collected in September 1989 and April 1990 from offshore Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico. These mussels contain endosymbiotic methane-oxidizing bacteria and are capable of utilizing environmental methane as a source of energy and carbon. Oxygen consumption, methane consumption, and carbon dioxide production were measured in mussels with intact symbionts, functionally aposymbiotic mussels, and separated symbiont preparations under controlled oxygen and methane conditions, in order to study the roles of the symbionts and the hosts in methane utilization. The association was found to be very efficient in fixing methane carbon (only 30% of CH4 consumed is released as CO2), and to be capable of maximal rates of net carbon uptake of nearly 5 mol g-1 h-1. Rates of oxygen and methane consumption were dependent upon oxygen and methane concentrations. Maximal consumption rates were measured at 250 to 300 M O2 and 200 to 300 M CH4, under which conditions, oxygen consumption by the gill tissues (containing symbionts) had increased more than 50-fold over rates measured in the absence of methane. A model is proposed for the functioning of the intact association in situ, which shows the symbiosis to be capable of achieving growth rates (net carbon assimilation) in the range of 0.003 to 0.50% per day depending upon oxygen and methane concentrations. Under the conditions measured in the seep environment (200 M O2, 60 M CH4), a mussel consuming methane at rates found to be typical (4 to 5 mol g-1 h-1) should have a net carbon assimilation rate of about 0.1% per day. We suggest that the effectiveness of this symbiosis arises through integration of the morphological and physiological characteristics inherent to each of the symbiotic partners, rather than from extensive specialization exhibited by other deep-sea chemotrophic associations.  相似文献   

In situ growth rates were determined, using two, 1-yr mark/recapture experiments, conducted between September 1991 and July 1993, for an undescribed mytilid, Seep Mytilid Ia, at three hydrocarbon seep sites in the Gulf of Mexico. The sites are located at depths of 540 to 730m, approximately 27°45N; 91°30W, and are separated by distances of 6 to 18 miles. These seep mytilids harbor methanotrophic endosymbionts and use methane as both a carbon and energy source. The mussel habitats were chemically characterized by analysis of water samples taken from precisely located microenvironments over, among and below the mussels, using small-volume, interstitial water samplers and the Johnson Sea Link submersible. Substantial differences were found in habital conditions, growth rates, and population structure for the mussels at the three sites examined. The growth rate of these seep mytilids reflects the methane concentration in their immediate habitat. Mussels at sites with abundant methane had growth rates that were comparable to shallow water mytilids at similar temperatures (5 to 8°C) with increases in shell length up to 17 mm yr–1 documented for smaller mussels (<40 mm shell length). In conjunction with measurements of growth rates, three condition indices (glycogen content, tissue water content, and the ratio of ash-free dry weight to shell volume) were used to determine the relationship between the condition of the mussels, their growth rates, and their habitat chemistry. The three condition indices were correlated with growth rate and were often significantly different between mussels in different samples.  相似文献   

Comparisons between invertebrate communities hosted by similar foundation species under different environmental conditions permit identification of patterns of species distributions that might be characteristic of the different ecosystems. Similarities and differences in community structure between two major types of chemosynthetic ecosystems were assessed by analyzing samples of invertebrates associated with Bathymodiolus heckerae Gustafson et al. mussel beds at the Florida Escarpment seep (Gulf of Mexico, 26°01.8N; 84°54.9W; October 2000) and B. puteoserpentis von Cosel et al. mussel beds at the Snake Pit vent (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 23°22.1N; 44°56.9W; July 2001). Macrofaunal species richness was nearly twice as high in the seep mussel bed compared to the vent mussel bed, and only a single morphospecies, the ophiuroid Ophioctenella acies Tyler et al., was shared between the sites. Similarities between the two faunas at higher taxonomic levels (genus and family) were evident for only a small percentage of the total number of taxa, suggesting that evolutionary histories of many of these seep and vent macrofaunal taxa are not shared. The taxonomic distinctiveness of the seep and vent mussel-bed macrofaunal communities supports the hypothesis that environmental and oceanographic barriers prevent most taxa from occupying both types of habitats. Macrofaunal community heterogeneity among samples was similar in seep and vent mussel beds, indicating that spatial scales of processes regulating community variability may be similar in the two types of ecosystems. Suspension feeders were not represented in the macrofauna of seep or vent mussel beds. Primary consumers (deposit feeders and grazers) contributed more to the total abundance of macrofauna of seep mussel beds than vent mussel beds; secondary consumers (polychaetes and shrimp) were more abundant in the vent mussel beds.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-004-1304-z.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

The postmitochondrial fraction of the digestive gland from the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis possesses FAD-containing monooxygenase (EC 1.14.38) but lacks cytochrome P-450 dependent benzo(a)pyrene monooxygenase (EC This is also evidenced by the ability of the mussel preparation to activate carcinogenic aromatic amines, but not carcinogenic benzo(a)pyrene, to Salmonella typhimurium TA 98 mutagens. This metabolic activity is NADPH dependent. Mussel digestive gland postmitochondrial fraction also possesses the enzymes needed for the detoxicating part of the aromatic amine metabolism: UDP-glucuronyl transferase (EC and -glucuronidase (EC Under the experimental conditions used here, this aromatic amine metabolic pathway converts up to 8% of 2-acetylamino(9-14C)fluorene, but not (G-3H)benzo(a)pyrene, to water soluble glucuronides. Glucuronic acid stimulates the formation of these glucuronides. The metabolites liberated from these glucuronides by the -glucuronidase treatment could be converted to TA 98 strain mutagens by the carp liver postmitochondrial fraction, but not by the mussel's digestive gland preparation. The presence of such a selective potential for the bioactivation and detoxication of aromatic amines, and not polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, in the marine invertebrate(s) may bring new insight to our understanding of the effects and the fate of carcinogens in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Certain hydrothermal vent invertebrates, e.g. Riftia pachyptila and Calyptogena magnifica, are clearly established as harboring dense populations of chemoautotrophic sulfur bacteria in specialized tissues. By contrast, the physiological characteristics of the abundant intracellular gill symbiont of the vent mussel Bathymodiolus thermophilus have been questioned. The low activities of enzymes diagnostic for CO2 fixation (Calvin cycle) and for sulfur-driven energy generation, as measured by other investigators, have been attributed to bacterial contamination of the gill surface. Based on research at the Galápagos Rift hydrothermal vents in 1988 and subsequent laboratory experiments, the current study confirms that the B. thermophilus symbiont is a psychrophile for which thiosulfate and sulfide stimulate CO2 fixation. It strongly indicates that the symbiont is a chemoautotroph by establishing the following: (1) Sulfide and thiosulfate can stimulate CO2 fixation by partially purified symbionts by up to 43-fold and 120-fold, respectively; (2) the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity of the symbiont is sufficient to account for its sulfide- or thiosulfate-stimulated CO2 incorporation; (3) the symbiont's molar growth yield on thiosulfate, as judged by CO2 incorporation, is indistinguishable from that of free-living chemoautotrophs. Due to the high protein-degrading activity of B. thermophilus gill lysate, it is also suggested that host lysis of symbionts plays a more important role in the nutrition of the vent mussel than in R. pachyptila or C. magnifica, for which no comparable protein-degrading activity was found.  相似文献   


In the context of global warming and the energy crisis, emissions to the atmosphere of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) should be reduced, and biomethane from landfill biogas should be recycled. For this, there is a need for affordable technologies to capture carbon dioxide, such as adsorption of biogas on activated carbon produced from industrial wastes. Here we converted glycerol, a largely available by-product from biodiesel production, into activated carbon with the first use of potassium acetate as an activating agent. We studied adsorption of CO2 and CH4 on activated carbon. The results show that activated carbon adsorb CO2 up to 20% activated carbon weight at 250 kPa, and 9% at atmospheric pressure. This is explained by high specific surface areas up to 1115 m2g−1. Moreover, selectivity values up to 10.6 are observed for the separation of CO2/CH4. We also found that the equivalent CO2 emissions from activated carbon synthesis are easily neutralized by their use, even in a small biogas production unit.


Environmental Chemistry Letters - Dihydrogen (H2), commonly named “hydrogen”, is attracting research interest due to potential applications in fuel cells, vehicles, pharmaceuticals and...  相似文献   

Surface tissue of the reef coral Pocillopora capitata contained approximately 34% lipid on a dry weight basis. Of this, 75% was storage lipid (wax ester and triglyceride) and 25% structural (phospholipid, galactolipid, etc.). Based on chlorophyll a: lipid ratios of intact coral and isolated zooxanthellae, it was determined that over 90% of the storage lipid resided in the host tissue. One half of the structural lipids was found in the host and the other in the symbiotic algae. Gentle fractionation of coral tissue indicated that zooxanthellae possessed less than 14% of the total coral protein. Coral tips and isolated zooxanthellae were incubated with sodium acetate-1-14C in light and dark to obtain lipogenic rates and proportions of fatty acids and lipid classes synthesized. The rate of lipid synthesis from acetate-1-14C by intact coral was stimulated three-fold in the light (1200 lux), which indicated that the majority of coral lipogenesis occurred in the zooxanthellae. Intact coral triglycerides contained ca. 68% of the 14C-activity and wax esters ca. 21%. Zooxanthellae isolated by the Water Pik technique synthesized negligible amounts of wax ester, which implied that wax ester synthesis was a property of the animal tissue. Isolated zooxanthellae and intact coral synthesized identical triglyceride fatty acids from acetate-1-14C. This study provides evidence for a carbon cycle between host and symbiont whereby the zooxanthellae take up host-derived carbon (probably in the form of acetate), synthesize fatty acids using their photosynthetically derived energy, and return the lipid to the host where it appears as wax ester and triglyceride.  相似文献   

Lamellibrachia luymesi and Seepiophila jonesi are co-occurring species of vestimentiferan tubeworms found at hydrocarbon seepage sites on the upper Louisiana slope of the Gulf of Mexico. Like all vestimentiferans, they rely on internal sulfide-oxidizing symbiotic bacteria for nutrition. These symbionts produce hydrogen ions as a byproduct of sulfide oxidation, which the host tubeworm needs to eliminate to prevent acidosis. The hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila uses a high activity of P- and V-type H+-ATPases located in its plume epithelium to excrete protons. Unlike R. pachyptila, the seep species grow a posterior root, which they can use in addition to their plumes as a nutrient exchange surface. In this study we measured the ATPase activities of plume and root tissues collected from L. luymesi and S. jonesi, and used a combination of inhibitors to determine the relative activities of P- and V-type H+-ATPases. We found that the total H+-ATPase activity of their plumes was approximately 14 μmol h−1 g−1 wet weight, and that of their roots was between 5 and 7 μmol h−1 g−1 wet weight. These activities were more than ten times lower than those measured in R. pachyptila. We suggest that seep tubeworms might use passive channels to eliminate protons across their roots, in addition to ATP-dependant proton pumps located in their plumes and roots. In addition, we found strong differences between the types of ATPase activities in the plumes of L. luymesi and S. jonesi. While the H+-ATPase activity of L. luymesi plumes is dominated by P-type ATPases, S. jonesi has an unusually high activity of V-type H+-ATPases. We suggest that S. jonesi relies on its high V-type H+-ATPase activity to drive carbon dioxide uptake across its plume surface. L. luymesi, on the other hand, might rely partially on bicarbonate uptake across its root.  相似文献   

● Diurnal patterns of CH4 and CO2 are clearly extracted using EEMD. ● CH4 and CO2 show mid-morning high and evening low patterns during sea breezes. ● Wind direction significantly modulates the diurnal variations in CH4 and CO2. Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are the two most important greenhouse gases (GHGs). To examine the variation characteristics of CH4 and CO2 in the coastal South China Sea, atmospheric CH4 and CO2 measurements were performed in Bohe (BH), Guangdong, China, in summer 2021. By using an adaptive data analysis method, the diurnal patterns of CH4 and CO2 were clearly extracted and analysed in relation to the sea breeze (SB) and land breeze (LB), respectively. The average concentrations of CH4 and CO2 were 1876.91 ± 31.13 ppb and 407.99 ± 4.24 ppm during SB, and 1988.12 ± 109.92 ppb and 421.54 ± 14.89 ppm during LB, respectively. The values of CH4 and CO2 during SB basically coincided with the values and trends of marine background sites, showing that the BH station could serve as an ideal site for background GHG monitoring and dynamic analysis. The extracted diurnal variations in CH4 and CO2 showed sunrise high and sunset low patterns (with peaks at 5:00–7:00) during LB but mid-morning high and evening low patterns (with peaks at 9:00) during SB. The diurnal amplitude changes in both CH4 and CO2 during LB were almost two to three times those during SB. Wind direction significantly modulated the diurnal variations in CH4 and CO2. The results in this study provide a new way to examine the variations in GHGs on different timescales and can also help us gain a better understanding of GHG sources and distributions in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

The infaunal benthos of a natural oil seep in the Santa Barbara channel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We are studying a diverse infaunal benthic community that exists in the fine sand sediments of a shallow (16 m) natural oil seep near Santa Barbara, California, USA. The study area and sampling methods are described in this introductory paper. Data presented indicate the adequacy of sampling in revealing horizontal patchiness and vertical faunal distributions. The infauna of the seep and of a nearby comparison area, without seepage but of similar depth and sediment type, are compared. The data indicate a consistently larger but fluctuating density of organisms at the seep station. However, Shannon-Weaver diversity (H=1.6 to 1.7), Peilou's evenness (J=0.80 to 0.81), and measures of dominance-diversity with estimates of graphical skewness (0.66 to 0.68) and kurtosis (1.2 to 1.4) are all similar for the two stations. The rank correlation of common species at the stations is significant according to Spearman's rho. Species common to both stations account for 85 to 95% of the individuals, further indicating the high degree of similarity between stations. Denser populations of oligochaetes and the maldanid polychaete Praxillella affinis pacifica suggest some advantages for deposit feeders at the seep station. Mats of the bacterium Beggiatoa sp. are associated with localized intense oil seepage. Hypotheses suggesting trophic enrichment and biochemical adaptation at the seep are presented.  相似文献   

Many South African populations of the brown mussel Perna perna have been depleted through over-exploitation by subsistence harvesters. This is problematic because recovery after disturbance is very slow, partly because recruits are largely associated with adult mussels. However, unlike large recruits of 3.5–10 mm that exhibit spatial structure related to that of adults, a very high proportion of settlers and small recruits (0–3.5 mm) occur on foliose algae. We tested the hypothesis that recruits on algae move to adult mussel beds after a period of growth, with the null hypothesis that they die at a certain size. We conducted an indirect field study comparing the ratios of large to small recruits in 100% cover mussel patches at locations with high and low algal cover. A second laboratory experiment analysed whether the size of recruits on algae affects their active movement behaviour in response to nearby mussel patches. Large/small recruit ratios were slightly, but not significantly greater in high than low algal cover locations. Both small (2–2.5 mm) and medium (4.5–5.5 mm) recruits remained on algae and moved very short distances throughout the laboratory experiment, while larger recruits (9–10 mm) moved significantly further distances and more often into mussel patches. The results suggest that very large recruits are able to migrate actively to nearby mussel patches, indicating ontogenetic shifts in this behaviour. However, the absence of a significant difference in ratios between field locations with high and low algal cover suggests many large recruits are accidentally dislodged from the algae and presumably die. Thus settlement of P. perna onto algae is likely to be wasted, with consequences for sustainable management of the mussel resource.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon emissions from a diesel invert mud residue (DIMR) were monitored while the hydrocarbons were being biodegraded in a solid‐phase bioreactor. Five to twenty percent of the reduction in diesel hydrocarbons was attributed to evaporation depending on the treatment, i.e. homogenization, cultivation, and aeration. Most of these volatile hydrocarbons were linear C8 — C12 alkanes and one‐ring aromatics. Of the treatments aeration had the largest effect on emissions; forced air through the bottom of the bioreactor cells increased emissions by three times over that of the non‐aerated cells. Cultivation increased hydrocarbon emission concentration as much as twofold over the pre‐cultivation value, however, emissions returned to the original levels within 12 hours. Homogenization had the least effect of all treatments. Diurnally, the emission rate was 40% higher in late afternoon than at midnight; the cause of which was probably atmospheric fluctuations such as temperature and solar radiation. The effects of daily atmospheric fluctuations were empirically modeled and taken into account for determining the total volume of emissions.  相似文献   

The Belizean reef coral Agaricia tenuifolia Dana forms aggregations in which rows of thin, upright blades line up behind each other. On average, the spacing between blades increases with depth and hence with decreasing ambient irradiance. We designed and built a small, inexpensive light meter and used it to quantify the effect of branch spacing on light levels within colonies at varying distances from branch tips. Concurrently, we measured photosynthetic pigment concentrations and population densities of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) extracted from coral branches of colonies with tight (≤3 cm) vs wide (≥6 cm) branch spacing, collected at 15 to 17 m and from colonies with tight branch spacing collected at 1 to 2 m. Light levels decreased significantly with tighter branch spacing and with distance from the branch tips. Total cellular pigment concentrations (chlorophylls a, c 2 and peridinin) as well as chlorophyll a:c 2 and chlorophyll a: peridinin ratios all increased significantly with distance from the branch tip, indicating very localized differences in photoacclimation within individual branches. Zooxanthellae from colonies with widely-spaced branches displayed significantly lower chlorophyll a:c 2 and chlorophyll a:peridinin ratios, and were present at significantly higher population densities than those from colonies with tightly-spaced branches collected at the same depth (15 m). Tightly-spaced colonies collected from shallow environments (1 to 2 m) displayed pigment ratios similar to those from widely-spaced colonies from deeper water (15 m), but maintained zooxanthellae populations at levels similar to those in tightly-branched colonies from deeper water. Thus, variation in colony morphology (branch spacing and distance from branch tip) can affect symbiont physiology in a manner comparable to an increase of over 15 m of water depth. These results show that a host's morphology can strongly determine the microhabitat of its symbionts over very small spatial scales, and that zooxanthellae can in turn display steep gradients in concordance with these altered physical conditions. Received: 12 June 1997 / Accepted: 24 June 1997  相似文献   

Unsustainable hunting outside protected areas is threatening tropical biodiversity worldwide and requires conservationists to engage increasingly in antipoaching activities. Following the example of ecocertified logging companies, we argue that other extractive industries managing large concessions should engage in antipoaching activities as part of their environmental management plans. Onshore hydrocarbon concessions should also adopt antipoaching protocols as a standard because they represent a biodiversity threat comparable to logging. We examined the spatiotemporal patterns of small‐ and large‐mammal poaching in an onshore oil concession in Gabon, Central Africa, with a Bayesian occupancy model based on signs of poaching collected from 2010 to 2015 on antipoaching patrols. Patrol locations were initially determined based on local intelligence and past patrol successes (adaptive management) and subsequently with a systematic sampling of the concession. We generated maps of poaching probability in the concession and determined the temporal trends of this threat over 5 years. The spatiotemporal patterns of large‐ and small‐mammal poaching differed throughout the concession, and likely these groups will need different management strategies. By elucidating the relationship between site‐specific sampling effort and detection probability, the Bayesian method allowed us to set goals for future antipoaching patrols. Our results indicate that a combination of systematic sampling and adaptive management data is necessary to infer spatiotemporal patterns with the statistical method we used. On the basis of our case study, we recommend hydrocarbon companies interested in implementing efficient antipoaching activities in their onshore concessions to lay the foundation of long‐needed industry standards by: adequately measuring antipoaching effort; mixing adaptive management and balanced sampling; setting goals for antipoaching effort; pairing patrols with large‐mammal monitoring; supporting antipoaching patrols across the landscape; restricting access to their concessions; performing random searches for bushmeat and mammal products at points of entry; controlling urban and agricultural expansion; supporting bushmeat alternatives; and supporting land‐use planning.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of mercury compounds in marine sediments and mussel tissues collected in the lagoon of Bizerte, Tunisia, during two seasons (summer and winter). Inorganic mercury (Hg2+) concentrations in sediments were found to be highly variable, ranging from 0.04 nmol.g1 to 3.22 nmol.g−1 (dry weight) with a mean value of 0.52 nmol.g−1. Anthropogenic sources of Hg2+, most probably metallurgy or tire production industries, have been evidenced. The mean concentration of monomethylmercury (MeHg+) in the surface sediments is 2.32 pmol g−1 ranging from below the detection limit (0.45 pmol.g−1) to 14.6 pmol.g−1. No significant variation was observed between winter and summer seasons for both mercury species concentration in the sediments. The Hg2+ concentrations in mussel tissues are also variable, ranging from 0.007 to 1.347 nmol.g−1 (dry weight). The mean concentration is 0.70 nmol.g−1. In these tisssues, Hg2+ is generally the major compound, making up ca. 88% of total mercury concentrations. However, methylmercury concentrations are significant and homogeneous, ranging from 62 to 121 pmol.g−1 (mean 96 pmol.g−1). The results suggest that a fraction of the inorganic mercury load in the sediments of the lagoon undergoes methylation pathways. MeHg+ produced is assimilated in the mussels more readily than Hg2+.  相似文献   

M. C. Lyes 《Marine Biology》1979,55(2):121-127
The uptake, accumulation and depuration of a labelled hydrocarbon (14C-1-naphthalene) by the marine annelid Arenicola marina were studied. Naphthalene was chosen because it is an important component of oil and is known to be toxic to marine organisms. The bioavailability of the hydrocarbon to the worm from contaminated sediment is examined and the results discussed with reference to the rehabilitation of oiled environments, as A. marina is thought to be capable, in high numbers, of greatly reworking sediments.  相似文献   

The infaunal bivalve Ruditapes decussatus L. was collected from Ria Formosa, Faro, southern Portugal, and subjected to a range of hypoxic conditions and anoxia. Physiological measurements, clearance rates, respiration rates and absorption efficiency were undertaken at slightly different oxygen partial pressures (11, 6, 3 and 1.2 kPa for clearance rates and absorption efficiency and 12, 7, 5, 1.9 and 0.9 kPa for respiration rates). Metabolic rates under hypoxia were measured as oxygen consumption and anoxic metabolism was measured using direct calorimetry. Increasing hypoxia resulted in lower clearance rates, leading to lower ingestion rates and reduced faeces production. Clearance and ingestion rates declined below ˜6 kPa, reflecting decreasing ventilation and feeding activity, although complete cessation was not observed even at 1.2 kPa. Under extreme hypoxia (< 2 kPa) clams showed an irregular behaviour, with valves either closed or only slightly open, and siphons compressed or retracted. Clearance rate was 12% and respiration rate was 35% of normoxic rates. R. decussatus responded to increasing hypoxia by lowering its metabolic rate. Regulation of respiration was absent through moderate hypoxia (˜␣7␣kPa), but was observed in the lower hypoxia range (7 to 0.9 kPa). Under anoxia, rates of heat dissipation were 3.6% of normoxic rates. The low anoxic metabolic rate is indicative of a reduced energy expenditure, and this energy-saving mechanism is common in bivalves. Scope for growth was always pos itive, and even at low oxygen levels clams did not have to utilize their energy reserves. The ability to reduce metabolic costs but still meet the maintenance costs by aerobic catabolism enables R. decussatus to tolerate hypoxia. Such conditions can occur, particularly in the summer, in southern Portugal. Received: 19 July 1996 / Accepted: 17 September 1996  相似文献   

The herbicide propanil, a synthetic anilide, was discovered in 1957 to control grasses and broad-leaf weeds in rice fields. It has been found to disrupt the electron transport chain by inhibiting the photosystem II, thus impacting plant growth. In the environment, photolysis represents a major degradation pathway, whereas volatilization is not a major route of dissipation from either water or moist soils. Propanil is rapidly degraded by microbes into the major degradation product 3,4-dichloroaniline. This degradation product has been highly detected in both groundwater and surface waters throughout the world. Propanil has been found to adversely impact many non-target organisms. It is toxic to some early life-stage aquatic organisms, in addition to being moderately toxic to the water flea (Ceriodaphnia dubia) and rainbow trout. In addition, it has been reported to pose a high acute and long-term risk to birds. In plants, growth rates are highly impacted; however, some plant species are becoming resistant to propanil.  相似文献   

Stable oxygen and carbon isotope profiles ('18Oskeletal and '13Cskeletal), taken along the direction of growth from the umbo to the shell margin in shells of the pinnid Pinna nobilis, were used to reconstruct sea surface temperatures (SST) in the south-east Mediterranean and ontogenetic records of metabolic CO2 incorporation. Comparison of the seasonal cycle of SST, predicted from the '18Oskeletal record of a small (young) rapidly growing pinnid and temperature measured with a continuous in situ recorder showed that P. nobilis calcifies under isotopic equilibrium with surrounding seawater, thus indicating that P. nobilis shells can be used as a reliable predictor of SST. A 10-year SST record for the south-east Mediterranean was reconstructed from the shell profiles of four pinnid shells of different sizes and ages collected in 1995 and 1996. Reliable resolution of the seasonal SST could only be achieved during the first 4 years of shell growth. As the pinnids grew older, the temperature record was poorly resolved because the shell growth had diminished with age, resulting in time-averaging of the record. The amplitude of the generated seasonal temperature cycle compared favourably (DŽ°C) with a long-term temperature record from northern Mediterranean waters. Clear seasonal cycles in '13Cskeletal were observed with an amplitude of ~1.0‰, similar to the calculated seasonal changes in '13C of seawater (0.6‰) overlying seagrass meadows. An ontogenetic trend towards less positive '13Cskeletal values was too large to be attributed to any decrease in '13C in seawater resulting from the invasion of anthropogenic CO2. It is suggested that the temporal changes of '13Cskeletal are due to incorporation of respiratory CO2 into the extrapallial fluid and reflect changes in the metabolic activity of the pinnid rather than changes in the isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon within the surrounding seawater.  相似文献   

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