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SBR系统中pH与MLSS对同步硝化反硝化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了SBR系统中pH值、MISS的变化对同步硝化反硝化的影响。结果表明:在进水水质和反应条件相同时,将pH值控制在8.5,出水水质最好,COD去除率达到90.0%,总氮去除率达到99.4%;在进水水质和反应条件相同,反应器中MLSS为520mg/L时,出水水质最好,COD去除率达到85馏%,总氮去除率达到99.1%。  相似文献   

周利  刘凯  兰星  董洋 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(12):1061-1063,1092
实验探索了高MLSS(溶液悬浮固体浓度)下多孔颗粒载体—膜生物反应器发生短程硝化、反硝化的可能性。研究了溶解氧(DO)、C/N、氨浓度及氨负荷、pH等因素对短程硝化、反硝化和TN去除的影响。实验发现,当控制pH=7.5、DO=1.0mg/L、C/N为6时,该反应器能同时达到较高的NH4 —N和TN出除率。  相似文献   

IABR-IBAF工艺处理猪场稳定塘废水的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
难降解有机物含量高且碳氮比失调是造成养猪场稳定塘废水难于处理的主要原因。本文采用基于固定化微生物技术的厌氧折流板(IABR)与曝气生物滤池(IBAF)组合工艺处理稳定塘废水,对比了IABR-IABF组合工艺与单一IBAF工艺的处理效果,研究了碱度和碳源对硝化反硝化过程的影响。组合工艺平均进水COD1532.6mg/L,平均出水为332.7mg/L,去除率为78%,NH3-N平均进水538.6mg/L,平均出水为12.3mg/L,去除率97.7%。以新鲜废水做反硝化阶段的碳源时TN去除率93%,可有效解决脱氮过程中的碳源成本问题。  相似文献   

在征润洲污水处理厂CAST工艺处理城市污水运行实践的基础上,开展了两个阶段的对比生产性试验;对城市污水处理过程中,低负荷运行状态下CAST工艺脱氮特性进行研究。研究结果表明:通过对F/M、DO、MLSS、SRT等工艺参数的优化控制,可实现同步硝化反硝化、短程硝化反硝化和传统硝化反硝化有机结合的耦合脱氮模式。该耦合脱氮模式下各出水水质指标稳定达标的情况下,出水NH3-N的去除率达到90%以上,出水TN去除率在55%以上,取得了良好的脱氮效果。  相似文献   

影响高浓度NH3-N废水吹脱-硝化过程的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
废水中含氨氮过多,对人和动物的健康产生极大威胁,此外,水体中NH3-N浓度过高,也增加了废水生化的处理难度,为此,废水脱氮成为水处理领域的热点和难点。文章采取先用空气将高浓度NH3-N废水的中的一部分NH3-N吹脱,然后在适宜的氨氮剩余浓度下,采用活性污泥法对剩余NH3-N进行硝化处理。用空气吹脱NH3-N,碱度直接影响吹脱效果和最终的剩余氨氮浓度。在硝化反应时,pH值、温度、溶解氧对硝化反应影响十分大。文章通过大量实验,获得了NH3-N废水起始浓度为1000mg/L左右时的最佳吹脱碱度,获得了适宜的氨氮剩余浓度。同时得出了pH值、温度、溶解氧对硝化反应的影响规律。这些数据和规律对生产有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

水解酸化-两级接触氧化工艺在啤酒废水处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
啤酒废水具有有机物含量高、悬浮物浓度高、温度高、 pH 值变化大及可生化性较好等特点,生化处理成为国内外啤酒废水处理的主要工艺。公司采用“水解酸化-两级生物接触氧化”工艺对啤酒废水进行处理,运行结果表明,废水pH在8~9, SS、 CODCr、 NH3-N平均浓度分别为710 mg/L、1910 mg/L、49 mg/L时,处理后出水pH在6.5~8.5, SS、 CODCr、NH3-N平均浓度分别为52 mg/L、70 mg/L、11 mg/L, SS、 CODCr、 NH3-N平均去除率分别为93%、96%、77%,满足啤酒废水排放标准的要求。该工艺对废水具有较好的适应性。  相似文献   

研究了二段式接触氧化工艺处理城市生活垃圾填埋渗滤液的强化预处理单元溶解氧变化对单元运行效果的影响。监测了0.2mg/L,0.4mg/L,0.6mg/L,0.8mg/L,1.0mg/L五个DO水平下,COD、NH3-N在0~30h内降解状况,降解曲线在较低的DO条件下,高效段较短,而DO越高,高效段越长。同时,对不同DO水平下C/N随时间的变化也进行了检测,为达到不同的C/N水平提供了工况选择上的参考。分析了降解曲线的特征及其工程应用的价值,提出了常规条件下该单元较优的溶解氧工况水平。  相似文献   

污水生物脱氮过程在非稳定条件下易产生氧化亚氮(N_2O)和一氧化氮(NO)中间产物,从而导致温室效应、臭氧层破坏、酸雨等环境问题。溶解氧(DO)是污水处理厂关键运行参数,也是影响硝化过程N_2O和NO产生的关键影响因素。以实际污水厂A2/O工艺的污泥混合液为研究对象,采用NO和N_2O在线监测方式,考察了两种DO水平下(2~5mg/L和5~8mg/L)硝化进程NO和N_2O释放特性及其释放关系。研究表明,在两种DO水平下(2~5mg/L和5~8mg/L),均可产生N_2O和NO气体,且N_2O释放浓度较NO释放浓度高两个数量级。N_2O气体在低DO水平(2~5mg/L)的释放量较高DO水平(5~8mg/L)高,释放因子(N_2O-Ngaseous/NH3-N进水)为高DO水平的1.5倍。相反,NO则是在高DO水平(5~8mg/L)比低水平DO(2~5mg/L)释放多,NO释放因子(NO-Ngaseous/NH3-N进水)是低DO水平的3.4倍。两种DO水平下,NO和N_2O产生的主要途径为硝化菌反硝化。  相似文献   

唐奕  黄健盛  杨皓洁  李翔  杨平 《四川环境》2009,28(6):41-44,49
开发一种改进型生物转盘处理生活污水,将盘片改为转笼状,并向其中加入颗粒活性发作为载体,研究该系统对生活污水的处理效果。结果表明:在转盘转速为15rpm和HRT分别为10h、8h、6h、4.5h情况下,进水COD平均浓度约为223mg/L,出水COD平均浓度分别为15.6、17.9、23.4、28.2mg/L,平均去除率为93.0%、91.9%、89.5%、86.6%;进水NH3-N平均浓度约为22mg/L,出水NH3-N平均浓度分别为0.32、1.13、2.30、5.71mg/L,平均去除率为98.5%、94.8%、89.7%、74.6%。  相似文献   

利用生态池净化玉泉景点富营养化水的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工湿地的基础上建立生态池,来净化杭州植物园玉泉观鱼景点观鱼池富营养化水质。结果表明该生态池在每年的不同季度内对总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH3-N)、总磷(TP)、化学需氧量(CODMn)、五日生化需氧量(BOD5)、溶解氧(DO)、浊度(TURB)、电导率(COND)均有较好的改善和净化效果,对硝态氮(NO3-N)的净化能力稍弱;总氮和氨氮的去除率在夏季最高,分别达到26.6%和87.7%,总磷在春季的去除率最高,为56.3%,硝态氮、CODMn和BOD5在秋季去除率最高,分别为8.05%、65.9%和73.9%。生态池的净化出水水质略低于地下水,但可以替代地下水来给养鱼池换水,为解决景区富营养化水质提供了一个好的途径。  相似文献   

采用沉淀-SBR-活性炭过滤复合工艺对城市垃圾渗滤液进行处理,确定混凝、SBR和活性炭过滤的最佳参数。结果表明,当进水CODcr 2500mg/L、氨氮在900mg/L的条件下,经该系统处理后,出水CODcr均在300mg/L以下,氨氮在20mg/L以下。CODcr去除率达90%以上,氨氮去除率达98%以上,达到去除有机物和氨氮的较好效果。  相似文献   

利用膜生物反应器研究垃圾填埋场垃圾渗滤运行环境,在常温环境下,运行结果表明:膜能够截留大量并使世代时间长的硝化菌在最短的时间富集成为优势菌种,对垃圾渗滤液中氨氮具有高效的去除效率;氨氮负荷0.082~0.109gN/gMLSS.d,CODC r负荷0.136~0.192g CODC r/gMLSS.d,DO 2.0~3.5mg/L,脱除氨氮的效果较好,去除率在95%~98%,CODC r去除率60%~70%。  相似文献   

采用活性污泥法和接触氧化两段工艺对高含盐的环氧丙烷生产废水进行处理,同时研究了不同水力停留时间的处理效果和不同的盐度对处理效果的影响。试验结果表明CODcr的去除率可以达84.38%,出水CODcr<160mg/L,pH<8。  相似文献   

PAC和PAM复合絮凝剂在洗涤剂废水处理中的应用研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
絮凝性能的实验研究表明,PAC和PAM复合絮凝剂是处理洗涤剂废水的理想絮凝剂,采用该复合絮凝剂处理洗涤剂废水时的最佳操作条件如下:PAC用量为1.5g/L,PAM用量为10mg/L,pH值约为7.0,絮凝搅拌速度60r/min,絮凝搅拌时间30min,沉淀池沉淀时间为30min。该实验结果在中试规模的应用中得到了较好地验证,中试试验研究表明采用PAC和PAM复合絮凝剂处理洗涤剂废水,CODCr和LAS(直链烷基苯璜酸钠)去除率分别可达85%和72%以上,有效地解决了LAS难以生物降解等问题。  相似文献   

We determined the water quality effect of a restored forested riparian wetland adjacent to a manure application area and a heavily fertilized pasture in the Georgia Coastal Plain. The buffer system was managed based on USDA recommendations and averaged 38 m in width. Water quality and hydrology data were collected from 1991-1999. A nitrate plume in shallow ground water with concentrations exceeding 10 mg NO3-N L(-1) moved into the restored forested riparian wetland. Along most of the plume front, concentrations were less than 4 mg NO3-N L(-1) within 25 m. Two preferential flow paths associated with past hydrologic modifications to the site allowed the nitrate plume to progress further into the restored forested riparian wetland. Surface runoff total N, dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), and total P concentrations averaged 8.63 mg N L(-1), 1.37 mg P L(-1), and 1.48 mg P L(-1), respectively, at the field edge and were reduced to 4.18 mg N L(-1), 0.31 mg P L(-1), and 0.36 mg P L(-1), respectively, at the restored forested riparian wetland outlet. Water and nutrient mass balance showed that retention and removal rates for nitrogen species ranged from a high of 78% for nitrate to a low of 52% for ammonium. Retention rates for both DRP and total P were 66%. Most of the N retention and removal was accounted for by denitrification. Mean annual concentrations of total N and total P leaving the restored forested riparian wetland were 1.98 mg N L(-1) and 0.24 mg P L(-1), respectively.  相似文献   

文章应用MBBR(流动床生物膜反应器)工艺对某石化公司生活污水处理装置进行改造,并研究影响该工艺高效脱氮的主要因素,即pH值、DO含量和污泥回流比。结果表明:实际运行中,pH值控制在7.5、DO在1~4mg/L、污泥回流比R≤3,能取得较好的脱氮效果,将氨氮降至3mg/L以下,同时,将污泥浓度维持在5~8g/L,还可在短时间内实现CODCr高去除率。实践证明,MBBR工艺在生活污水完善项目中的应用,能够有效降低污水中污染物含量,为后续深度处理系统的稳定运行提供可靠保障。  相似文献   

A sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was inoculated with mixed nitrifying bacteria from an anoxic tank at the conventional activated sludge wastewater treatment plant in Nongkhaem, Bangkok, Thailand. This enriched nitrifying culture was maintained under anaerobic conditions using ammonium (NH(4)(+)) as an electron donor and nitrite (NO(2)(-)) as an electron acceptor. Autotrophic ammonium oxidizing bacteria survived under these conditions. The enrichment period for anammox culture was over 100 days. Both ammonium and nitrite conversion rates were proportional to the biomass of ammonium oxidizing bacteria; rates were 0.08 g N/gV SS/d and 0.05 g N/g VSS/d for ammonium and nitrite, respectively, in a culture maintained for 3 months at 42 mg N/L ammonium. The nitrogen transformation rate at a ratio of NH(4)(+)-N to NO(2)(-)-N of 1:1.38 was faster, and effluent nitrogen levels were lower, than at ratios of 1:0.671, 1:2.18, and 1:3.05. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to identify specific autotrophic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (Nitrosomonas spp., Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans, and Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis). The ammonium oxidizing culture maintained at 42 mg N/L ammonium was enriched for Nitrosomonas spp. (30%) over Candidati B. anammoxidans and K. stuttgartiensis (2.1%) while the culture maintained at 210 mg N/L ammonium was dominated by Candidati B. anammoxidans and K. stuttgartiensis (85.6%). The specific nitrogen removal rate of anammox bacteria (0.6 g N/g anammox VSS/d) was significantly higher than that of ammonium oxidizing bacteria (0.4 g N/g Nitrosomonas VSS/d). Anammox bacteria removed up to 979 mg N/L/d of total nitrogen (ammonium:nitrite concentrations, 397:582 mg N/L). These results suggest significant promise of this approach for application to wastewater with high nitrogen but low carbon content, such as that found in Bangkok.  相似文献   

A significant improvement in river water quality cannot be expected unless nonpoint-source contaminants are treated in addition to the further treatment of point-source contaminants. If river water is sprayed over a floodplain, the consequent water filtration through the sediment profile can simultaneously remove organic matter and nitrogen in the water through aerobic and denitrifying reactions. This hypothesis was tested using lysimeters constructed from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe (150 cm long, 15 cm in diameter) packed with loamy sand floodplain sediment. Water was applied to the top of the lysimeters at three different flow rates (48, 54, and 68 mm d(-1)). Concentrations of NO3 and dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and redox potential (Eh) in the water were measured as functions of depth after the system reached steady states for both water flow and reactions. At the rate of 68.0 mm d(-1), a reducing condition for denitrification developed below the 5-cm depth due to the depletion of O2 by organic matter degradation in the surface oxidizing layer; Eh and DO were below 205 mV and 0.4 mg L(-1), respectively. At a depth of 70 cm, COD and NO3-N concentration decreased to 5.2 and 3.8 mg L(-1) from the respective influent concentrations of 17.1 and 6.2 mg L(-1). Most biodegradable organic matter was removed during flow and further removal of NO3 was limited by the lack of an electron donor (i.e., organic matter). These results indicate that the floodplain filtration technique has great promise for treatment of contaminated river water.  相似文献   

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