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溶解性有机质在红壤水稻土碳氮转化中的作用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
韩成卫  李忠佩  刘丽  车玉萍 《生态环境》2006,15(6):1300-1304
溶解性有机质(DOM)是土壤中活跃的C、N库,在土壤有机质分解转化等过程中有着重要的作用。但其在水田土壤C、N转化过程中究竟起多大作用仍不明确。本研究采用室内恒温培养法观测了DOM和红壤水稻土C、N矿化的关系。结果表明,去除DOM显著降低了培养期间土壤有机质的累计矿化量。其中土壤有机碳的累计矿化量下降了11.4%~20.8%(平均15.4%),且其影响主要体现在培养前期;土壤有机氮的累计矿化量下降了16.4~22.9%(平均19.2%)。研究结果初步表明,虽然DOM只占土壤有机质的很少一部分,但在红壤水稻土C、N矿化中起重要作用。  相似文献   

苏欣颖  王宇  程欣  周剑霜 《环境化学》2021,40(1):312-320
研究雨雪中的溶解性有机物(DOM)将有利于把握其理化性质及其在生态系统中的行为和功能.本研究运用三维荧光光谱(EEMs)技术结合平行因子分析(PARAFAC)、紫外-可见光谱技术(UV-vis),对哈尔滨市2018年3月1日降雪样品中DOM的光谱特性及来源进行解析.结果表明,降雪样品中DOM的相对分子质量较大,芳香构造...  相似文献   

溶解有机质作为水生生态系统中一种重要的活跃的有机组分,对生态系统中的碳循环起到重要的作用.利用模拟太阳光对Saguenay河溶解有机质的光氧化过程模拟,研究了溶解氧浓度、模拟太阳光波长范围和铁浓度对溶解无机碳产量的影响.研究表明,基于空气饱和样品前72 h的溶解无机碳产量1.39 μmol·L-1·h-1,氧气饱和条件下照射的溶解无机碳产量增加了52.5%,而氮气饱和条件下的照射则只有空气饱和样品的10%.实验以Mylar-D、有机玻璃UF-3和有机玻璃UF-4为滤光片研究了波长范围对溶解无机碳产量的影响,近似计算的结果表明UV-B、UV-A和可见光部分分别占无机碳产量的16.5%,55.4%和28.0%,表明溶解无机碳的生成可发生在紫外光无法到达的水体较深区域.铁在光化学催化氧化过程中起重要作用,当总铁浓度达到10 μmol·L-1时,有效的增加了溶解无机碳的生成速率,其生成速率约为初始样品的1.68倍(初始样品中总铁含量为3.2 μmol·L-1).  相似文献   

焦化废水生物出水溶解性有机物特性光谱表征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用非离子型DAX-8树脂和离子型交换树脂对某焦化废水二级生物出水溶解性有机物(DOM)进行组分分离,从溶解性有机碳(DOC)、紫外-可见光谱、三维荧光光谱、傅立叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)等4个方面对组分进行光谱学分析与特征识别.结果显示,疏水性酸性物质(Ho A)、亲水性酸性物质(Hi A)和亲水性中性物质(Hi N)为DOM的主要组分,其DOC含量占总DOC的39.88%、20.85%、25.38%;DOM主要含有单环芳香族化合物或共轭双键类化合物成分,类腐殖质物质和类富里酸物质是DOM的特征有机物;低分子量有机物在亲水性物质组分(HIS)中含量最高,E2 54/E3 65=3.89,E445/E665=1.91,SR=0.926均证明了这一点;亲水性碱性组分(Hi B)组分UV254占比为32%,SUVA值为49.94 L·mg-1·cm-1,不饱和物质和芳香性物质含量最高,芳香化程度最高;Ho A的E300/E400值为2.58,腐化程度最高,组分中含有类富里酸物质.DOM光谱分析能够提供组分中亲疏水性物质的比例、芳香性高低、分子量、发色团及有机基团等信息,可以作为判断废水特征的参考依据.  相似文献   

土壤溶解性有机质的生态环境效应   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
李睿  屈明 《生态环境》2004,13(2):271-275
土壤生态环境是一个复杂的多介质多界面体系。现有的研究表明,DOM作为环境中重要的天然配位体和吸着载体,是一种非常活跃的化学物质,它将土壤中的矿物质、有机质与生物成分联系在一起,通过物理或化学作用改变金属与外源性化合物的环境行为,促进温室气体的排放,调节土壤养分流失,指示土壤质量,并对成土过程、微生物的生长代谢过程、土壤有机质分解和转化过程有着重要作用,已经成为土壤科学、生态科学和环境科学交叉领域的研究热点。文章系统地评述了DOM的组成特点及其环境效应,同时介绍了未来的研究方向及一些有待于进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

高太忠  张昊  周建伟 《生态环境》2011,20(4):652-658
为揭示在溶解性有机物(DOM)作用下土壤中重金属的吸附和迁移规律并确定迁移数学模型,通过不同条件下的等温吸附实验和土柱淋滤实验,研究了溶解性有机物对重金属Cu,Cd,Pb,Zn在褐土中吸附和迁移行为的影响。结果表明DOM对Cu和Cd在土壤中的吸附促进作用较明显,对Pb有微弱的促进作用,对Zn的吸附影响不明显;随着pH的改变,25℃下Cu在土壤中的吸附高于15℃和35℃条件下。DOM质量浓度越高,Cd、Zn溶出的促进效果越明显,Cu、Pb则恰好相反。DOM对土壤中Cd、Zn的垂直迁移起着促进作用,而对Cu、Pb迁移起着一定的抑制作用;DOM对土壤重金属的平均迁移量随时间的延长而减少。此迁移模型能够定量计算并预测重金属质量浓度的时空分布。  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) transformation in sequence batch reactor (SBR) fed with carbon sources of different biodegradability was investigated. During the biologic degradation process, the low molecular weight (MW) fraction (< 1 kDa) gradually decreased, while the refractory compounds with higher aromaticity were aggregated. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and fluorescence of excitation emission matrices (EEM) demonstrated that more biopolymers (polysaccharides or proteins) and humic-like substances were presented in the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) extracted from the SBR fed with sodium acetate or glucose, while the EPS from SBR fed with slowly biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (DOC) substratestarch had relatively less biopolymers. Comparing the EfOM in sewage effluent of three SBRs, the effluent from SBR fed with starch is more aromatic. Organic carbon with MW>1 kDa as well as the hydrophobic fraction in DOM gradually increased with the carbon sources changing from sodium acetate to glucose and starch. The DOC fractionation and the EEM all demonstrated that EfOM from the effluent of the SBR fed with starch contained more fulvic acid-like substances comparing with the SBR fed with sodium acetate and glucose.  相似文献   

The results obtained in the four seasonal cruises planned in the PRISMA II project are reported. These concern dissolved and colloidal organic carbon, free amino acids and total dissolved carbohydrates and heterotrophic activity. Main factors controlling organic matter degradation, resulting from laboratory tests not planned in the above project, are also discussed. Dissolved organic matter shows seasonal accumulation, which may be markedly different from year to year, and large contributions by colloidal and saccharide components. Heterotrophic activities play an important role in the carbon cycle, although laboratory runs highlight limitations caused by aging of organic matter and phosphorus deficiency.  相似文献   

作为重要的地质吸附剂,土壤/沉积物中的有机质是环境中疏水性有机污染物主要的汇.由于有机质的结构异质性,疏水性有机污染物一旦进入其中,会被吸附在不同的位点上,反应活性和生态风险进而会发生变化.对疏水性有机污染物在有机质上的吸附进行研究有助于了解其在环境中的分布,传输及生物有效性.本文就疏水性有机污染物在土壤/沉积物中的有机质上吸附的国内外研究进展进行了综述,讨论了重要有机质组分(腐殖质和碳黑)的结构和吸附作用差异性,重点分析了有机质的微孔特性和官能团对吸附的影响机制.  相似文献   

The interaction of Zn and Cu with dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a significant physicochemical process affecting their sorption as well as mobility in soil. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of DOM from corn straw on the sorption of Zn and Cu by loess through batch adsorption technique. The sorption isotherms of Zn and Cu could be well described by the Freundlich equation, and the partition distribution coefficient (k) in the presence of DOM was reduced by 86% for Zn and 58% for Cu, as compared to the control receiving no DOM, suggesting that DOM had a stronger inhibitory effect on Zn sorption than that of Cu. In addition, the sorption of metal increased with an increase in pH for loess, with maximum inhibition on metal sorption observed at pH > 7.6 for Zn and pH > 5.5 for Cu in the absence ofDOM but Cu sorption of DOM was suddenly decreased with an increase of pH at pH > 7.9 in the presence of DOM. At a DOM concentration of <200 mg L?1, sorption of Zn and Cu was reduced by 46% for Zn and 32% for Cu with an increase in DOM concentration.  相似文献   

长江重庆段溶解性有机物的荧光特性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蔡文良  许晓毅  罗固源  杜娴 《环境化学》2012,31(7):1003-1008
利用三维荧光光谱(EEMs),并结合平行因子分析(PARAFAC)及主成分分析(PCA),研究了长江重庆段溶解有机物(DOM)的荧光组分特征及其污染来源,并探讨了荧光强度同溶解性有机碳(DOC)及溶解氧(DO)的相关性.结果表明,PARAFAC模型识别出长江重庆段DOM由2类6个荧光组分组成,即类腐殖质荧光组分C1(350/422 nm)、C4(245,305/395 nm)、C5(260,340/420 nm)、C6(260/480 nm)及类蛋白荧光组分C2(275/300 nm)、C3(227,278/329 nm).在DOM来源组成中,陆源的类腐殖质含量占62.56%,类蛋白物质含量占31.31%.类腐殖质组分的荧光强度同DOC的含量存在明显的线性正相关(r=0.73),类蛋白组分的荧光强度同DO的含量呈明显的线性负相关(r=0.80).EEMs-PARAFAC不仅可以表征长江重庆段DOM的光谱特征,示踪长江重庆段的有机污染程度,还可以为三峡库区水体保护提供依据.  相似文献   

吴鑫  杨红 《生态环境》2003,12(1):81-85
概括了环境中可溶性有机物的特点,并系统总结了当前国内外关于可溶性有机物对土壤中主要污染物环境行为的影响的研究进展。阐述了可溶性有机物对农药、多环芳烃在土壤中的吸附、解吸及分配等环境行为所起的作用。最后指出了该方面研究存在的问题及今后应加强的方向。  相似文献   

红树植物凋落叶分解对土壤可溶性有机质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究红树林湿地土壤可溶性有机质(DOM)的来源、性质及其归宿对于揭示 DOM 在红树林湿地生物地球化学循环中的作用具有重要意义。采集了木榄(Bruguiera gymnoihiza)、秋茄(Kandelia candel)和桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)3种红树植物的新近落叶进行室内48 d分解实验,探讨了凋落叶分解过程对土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)和可溶性总氮(TDN)含量、C/N比(DOC/TDN)及紫外-可见(UV-Vis)光谱特征(A280、A240/A420和A250/A365比值)的影响。在48 d分解期间,3种红树植物凋落叶的输入均明显增加了土壤DOC的含量,其变化在分解第6 d最为显著,各凋落叶添加组比对照组平均增加了149%(秋茄)~196%(桐花树),随后各凋落叶添加组土壤DOC含量呈下降趋势。与土壤DOC的变化不同,凋落叶输入后土壤TDN的变化与对照组的差异不明显,但木榄和桐花树添加组的C/N比在分解初期(第6天)显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。凋落叶的输入亦在不同程度上增大了土壤DOM的A280值,降低了DOM的A240/A420和A250/A365比值。与土壤DOC的变化相似,凋落叶输入使DOM的UV-Vis光谱特征在分解初期(第6天)的变化最明显,其中桐花树凋落叶的影响最大,秋茄凋落叶的影响最小。结果表明:凋落叶输入使培养初期土壤DOM的含量和性质发生明显改变,DOM中大分子及芳香类组分增多、团聚化程度增加,DOM 的生物可降解性变小。然而,随着分解的进行,不同凋落叶处理组之间土壤DOM的变化差异性逐渐缩小,并在分解后期与对照组趋近。  相似文献   

焦化废水中溶解性有机物组分的特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
焦化废水是典型的具有复杂有机质的工业废水,其复杂的有机构成制约了水处理的水质达标,且可能对排入水体构成危害.为了探明其溶解性有机物的组成,采用XAD-8大孔树脂将焦化废水中的溶解性有机物分为亲水性组分(HIS)、疏水酸性组分(HOA)、疏水碱性组分(HOB)和疏水中性组分(HON),分析了各组分的溶解性有机物(DOC)、紫外-可见光谱、色度,并采用GC/MS对各组分中有机物进行定性分析.结果表明,焦化废水中的有机物主要为HIS和HOA组分,其DOC含量分别占总DOC的44.3%和32.4%;焦化废水在200—250 nm和300—400 nm范围内有特征吸收峰,且吸收光强度顺序为HIS>HOA>HON>HOB;焦化废水的色度主要由HOA和HON构成,其在525 nm和436 nm处的吸光度分别占焦化废水吸光度的42.9%(HON)、42.1%(HON)和21.4%(HOA)、15.8%(HOA);焦化废水中亲水性物质主要是苯胺、苯酚、喹啉、异喹啉,疏水酸性物质中主要是各种甲基取代的酚类物质,疏水碱性物质主要是各种胺类和含氮杂环化合物,疏水中性物质主要是吲哚及其衍生物.  相似文献   

表面活性剂及水溶性有机物对菲生态毒性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室内培养试验及化学试验研究了表面活性剂及水溶性有机物(DOM)对土壤中菲对小麦的生态毒性的影响.结果表明,绿肥和猪粪堆肥DOM具有具有类似表面活性剂的表面活性性质,且猪粪堆肥的表面活性较大;在本试验条件下,DOM对菲对小麦的生态毒性有减轻作用,而表面活性剂对菲生态毒性有增加的趋势;当DOM和表面活性剂共存时,菲的生态毒性则比DOM单独作用时的结果强,而弱于表面活性剂单独作用的结果.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) contamination in groundwater has received significant attention recently. Natural and anthropogenic sources contribute to the worldwide occurrence of As contamination. As speciation is an important factor related to its toxic and mobile behavior. The release of As from soils and sediments into groundwater is governed by several geophysicochemical processes, of which, As sorption behavior is of principle significance. This review paper summarizes existing information regarding the effects of natural organic matter (NOM) on the fate and mobility of As species in the environment. NOM may enhance the release of As from soils and sediments into the soil solution, thereby facilitating As leaching into the groundwater. The main influencing mechanisms include competition for available adsorption sites, formation of aqueous complexes, and/or changes in the redox potential of site surfaces and As redox speciation. NOM may also serve as binding agents, thereby reducing As mobility. However, comparably little research has been performed on this aspect. Since most investigations have been done on purified minerals under laboratory conditions, further research involving various geological materials under natural environmental conditions is required. Development of proper geochemical conceptual models may provide means of predicting the role of NOM in arsenic leaching and/or immobilization.  相似文献   

● Effect of composting approaches on dissolved organic matter (DOM). ● Effect of composting conditions on the properties of DOM. ● Character indexes of DOM varied in composting. ● The size, hydrophobicity, humification, and electron transfer capacity increased. ● The hydrophilicity, protein-like materials, and aliphatic components reduced. As the most motive organic fraction in composting, dissolved organic matter (DOM) can contribute to the transfer and dispersal of pollutants and facilitate the global carbon cycle in aquatic ecosystems. However, it is still unclear how composting approaches and conditions influence the properties of compost-derived DOM. Further details on the shift of DOM character indexes are required. In this study, the change in properties of compost-derived DOM at different composting approaches and the effect of composting conditions on the DOM characteristics are summarized. Thereafter, the change in DOM character indexes’ in composting was comprehensively reviewed. Along with composting, the elements and spectral properties (chromophoric DOM (CDOM) and fluorescent DOM (FDOM)) were altered, size and hydrophobicity increased, and aromatic-C and electron transfer capacity were promoted. Finally, some prospects to improve this study were put forward. This paper should facilitate the people who have an interest in tracing the fate of DOM in composting.  相似文献   

High concentrations of Cu of up to 200 mg/kg, and Cd of up to 4.0 mg/kg, were found in sediments from the aquatic environment around Sisimiut, Greenland. These concentrations are four times higher than the limiting concentration where toxicological effects are expected. The pollution could be linked to human activities in Sisimiut, a link that have not been investigated previously in Greenland. Except from the most polluted samples there was good correlation between heavy metal concentration and organic matter. Also some relationship between fine fraction and heavy metal concentration was observed.  相似文献   

In the present work we study the effect of pH on the complexation of copper with organic matter dissolved in fresh surface waters. Samples collected in rivers of Galicia (NW of Spain) were titrated with copper solution at pH values in the range 5.5–7.5. Copper concentration was measured by DPASV technique. The complexation parameters were obtained from the simple model of 1 : 1 complex formation. The obtained values show a linear increase of the logarithm of the conditional stability constant as the pH increases.  相似文献   

• Principles and methods for fluorescence EEM are systematically outlined. • Fluorophore peak/region/component and energy information can be extracted from EEM. • EEM can fingerprint the physical/chemical/biological properties of DOM in MBRs. • EEM is useful for tracking pollutant transformation and membrane retention/fouling. • Improvements are still needed to overcome limitations for further studies. The membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology is a rising star for wastewater treatment. The pollutant elimination and membrane fouling performances of MBRs are essentially related to the dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the system. Three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix (3D-EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy, a powerful tool for the rapid and sensitive characterization of DOM, has been extensively applied in MBR studies; however, only a limited portion of the EEM fingerprinting information was utilized. This paper revisits the principles and methods of fluorescence EEM, and reviews the recent progress in applying EEM to characterize DOM in MBR studies. We systematically introduced the information extracted from EEM by considering the fluorescence peak location/intensity, wavelength regional distribution, and spectral deconvolution (giving fluorescent component loadings/scores), and discussed how to use the information to interpret the chemical compositions, physiochemical properties, biological activities, membrane retention/fouling behaviors, and migration/transformation fates of DOM in MBR systems. In addition to conventional EEM indicators, novel fluorescent parameters are summarized for potential use, including quantum yield, Stokes shift, excited energy state, and fluorescence lifetime. The current limitations of EEM-based DOM characterization are also discussed, with possible measures proposed to improve applications in MBR monitoring.  相似文献   

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