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铬渣水泥固化及固化体浸出毒性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铬渣水泥固化时要加入硫酸亚铁和添加剂矿渣、粉煤灰 ,硫酸亚铁可以部分地把六价铬还原为三价铬 ,能把得到的固化体六价铬浸出毒性降到低于国家标准 ,抗压强度可达 30MPa以上 ,可综合利用。与此同时 ,本文考虑日晒、振荡时间和固化体粒度对浸出毒性的影响以及固化体表面浸出率、模拟酸雨淋溶对固化体性能的影响。  相似文献   

铬渣水泥固化及固化体浸出毒性的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
铬渣水泥固化时要加入硫酸亚铁和添加剂矿渣、粉煤灰,硫酸亚铁可以部分地把六价铬还原为三价铬,能把得到的固化体六价铬浸出毒性降到低于国家标准,抗压强度可达30MPa以上,可综合利用。与此同时,本文考虑日晒、振荡时间和固化体粒度对浸出毒性的影响以及固化体表现浸出率、模拟酸雨淋溶对固化体性能的影响。  相似文献   

研究了硫酸锰废渣的主要金属元素组成及浸出毒性,并采用锰渣加石灰混合的方法进行无害化处理,研究结果表明,硫酸锰废渣浸出液中Mn、Cd超标,锰渣加石灰混合处理的方法能有效降低废渣的浸出毒性,锰渣与石灰的重量比为25:2最佳.  相似文献   

为探索水泥窑协同处置铬污染土壤(CCS)的可行性,用CCS部分替代硅质原料配制生料,于1 400℃煅烧成熟料,通过化学分析、强度测试、浸提实验及XRD/SEM分析,研究了CCS对生料易烧性、熟料强度及六价铬/总铬(Cr(VI)/∑Cr)浸出浓度的影响。结果表明,CCS能改善熟料烧成,掺量从0到15%,熟料中f-CaO含量略有下降,硬化试体的3 d、28 d、90 d强度略有提高。Cr(VI)/∑Cr浸出浓度随CCS掺量增加而增大,但随养护龄期延长而减小;当CCS掺量小于8%时,熟料3 d至90 d水化物的浸出液中,Cr(VI)浓度均低于0.05 mg/L,符合Ⅱ类地表水环境质量标准限值。铬离子浸出毒性减小是由于铬在熟料矿物和水化产物中的固溶以及水化产物对它的包裹封固作用。研究表明,水泥窑协同处置CCS是一种可行的无害化处理和资源化利用途径。  相似文献   

蔡武 《污染防治技术》1996,9(3):150-151
依据《工业固体废物有害特性试验与监测分析方法(试行)》一书,选用南京市几种有代表性的工业废渣,对其腐蚀性及浸出毒性进行了分析测定,填补了南京市目前对固体废物试验研究的不足,为固体废物的污染监测,废物处置的安全性评价提供一定依据。  相似文献   

硫酸锰废渣的浸出毒性及处理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了硫酸锰废渣的主要金属元素组成及浸出毒性,并采用锰渣加石灰混合的方法进行无害化处理,研究结果表明,硫酸锰废渣浸出液中Mn、Cd超标,锰渣加石灰混合处理的方法能有效降低废渣的浸出毒性,锰渣与石灰的重量比为25:2最佳.  相似文献   

硫酸锰废渣浸出毒性及淋溶特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长沙市兴镇13家硫酸锰厂的生产废渣使当地的生态环境造受到了严重破坏。本文在废渣浸出毒性实验、渣柱淋滤实验以及废渣的全分析基础上,全面地研究了废渣的组成、浸出毒性大小以及在当地酸沉降条件下的淋滤特征,为其安全处置提供了理论基础。研究证明,废渣中重金属种类多、含量高,尤其是锰,高达138800mg/kg。渣的浸出毒性虽未达到国家规定的危险废物鉴别标准,但远超过了《污水综合排放标准》,其衰减可用负指数方程来描述。在酸雨淋溶下,渣中的锰离子会在短时期内大量释放后,维持在一相对较低水平长期释放,对环境威胁巨大。  相似文献   

固体废物中重金属浸出毒性评价方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浸出毒性是固体废物的重要特性之一,亦是判别固体废物是否属于危险废物的重要评价指标.根据与溶液接触方式的不同,固体废物浸出毒性评价方法可以划分为批处理实验、柱淋滤实验和恒pH滴定(pH-stat)实验等.对这3种方法的应用方向、特点和缺陷等进行了系统总结.最后还指出,在评价固体废物中重金属的浸出毒性时,可采用几种方法进行对比,还可以根据实验目的和需求对各个实验参数进行改进,从而得出更全面、客观的评价结果.  相似文献   

染料废水混凝污泥处理处置及资源化利用对环境保护和染料生产企业的可持续发展有重要意义。依据《固体废物浸出毒性浸出方法水平振荡法》(HJ 557—2009)和《固体废物浸出毒性浸出方法硫酸硝酸法》(HJ/T 299—2007)对污泥和污泥免烧砖制备浸出液,用分光光度法和化学滴定法测定了浸出液中主要有机污染物(对硝基苯胺、苯胺、间苯二胺和丙烯腈)的含量。结果表明:(1)硅酸盐水泥(样品标记为42.5R、水泥1、水泥2)和铝酸盐水泥(样品标记为CA)对苯胺和间苯二胺的固化效果差别不大;水泥2对对硝基苯胺的固化效果最好;42.5R对丙烯腈的固化效果不如其他3种水泥。(2)对硝基苯胺、苯胺、间苯二胺、丙烯腈经水泥固化后,其浸出毒性均降低。  相似文献   

自然堆存下的飞灰污染物浸出毒性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
测定了飞灰的主要组成成分和重金属元素含量。生活垃圾焚烧飞灰在2年期的自然堆存下,通过分析不同时期污染物浸出特性,以研究飞灰污染物自然老化特征。结果表明:飞灰的主要组成元素有Ca、Si、Al、S、K、Na、Fe、Mg和Cl等,其重金属元素含量大约占1%。飞灰自然老化后,Pb 、Zn 、Cr6+、Hg和氰化物的迁移性大大降低;Cu 、As和Cd变化不明显,Cr的浸出略有增加;飞灰中的重金属元素在低pH下仍不具有长期稳定性,因而具有较大的环境风险。  相似文献   

The supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) of industrial tannery sludge was investigated to understand the simultaneous destruction of organic pollutants and recovery of high content chromium. Experiments were performed in a batch reactor at temperatures of 350–500 °C, reaction time of 150–300 s and different oxygen ratios, to exhibit the effect of operation conditions. Results showed that removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) increased with higher temperature, larger oxidant amount and reaction time; a maximum value of 96% was obtained. Meanwhile, destruction yield was much higher under supercritical conditions than that in subcritical water. In addition, removal efficiency of Cr from sludge reached more than 98% under all conditions; higher temperature played a positive role. Further, leaching toxicity tests of heavy metals in solid products were conducted based on toxicity characteristic leaching procedure. All heavy metals except nickel showed a greatly reduced leaching toxicity through their stabilization. The chromium oxide recovered in ash was amorphous below 550 °C, so that the structure of Cr could not be identified by X-ray diffraction pattern. Special attention should be paid on nickel as its leaching toxicity increased due to the corrosion of reactor surface under severe reaction conditions.  相似文献   

Slag arising in ferrochromium and stainless steel production is known to contain residual levels of trivalent chromium. As the chromium is normally bound in the slag matrix in various silicate or spinel phases, and hence not easily mobilised, utilisation or controlled disposal of such slag is generally considered unproblematic. Experimental test work with a number of slag materials indicates, however, that very gradual oxidation of trivalent to hexavalent chromium does occur when the slag is exposed to atmospheric oxygen, rendering a quantifiable but small portion of chromium in this much more mobile and toxic form. Mechanisms and rates of the oxidation reaction were investigated in a number of long-term studies using both original slag materials and artificial mixes of chromium and calcium oxides. Powders of these materials, some of them rolled into balls, were left to age under different conditions for periods of up to 12 months. In the slag samples, which contained between 1 and 3 wt.% chromium, 1000–10 000 μg Cr(VI) were found per gram of chromium within 6–9 months of exposure to an ambient atmosphere. The rate of the oxidation reaction decreased exponentially, and the reaction could generally be said to have ceased within 12 months. In mixtures of calcium and chromium oxides the oxidation reaction is presumed to occur at the boundaries between chromium oxide and calcium oxide phases through diffusion of oxygen along the grain boundaries and of Cr3+ across the boundaries, resulting in the formation of calcium chromate. In the slags, where calcium and chromium oxide can form a solid solution, the oxidation is likely to occur at the exposed surface of grains containing this solution.  相似文献   

发光细菌法在水质综合毒性在线检测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以海洋发光细菌费氏弧菌(Vibriofischeri)作为检测生物,采用冻干菌粉快速复苏技术,研究费氏弧菌在水质检测中的最佳测试温度和有效性测试条件,并对硫酸锌等多种毒物和几种实际水样进行发光抑制作用分析。研究表明,费氏弧菌冻干粉复苏菌液保存在2~5℃条件下能有效测试7d,最佳测试温度为15℃,最佳测试时间为15min。氯化汞、硫酸锌、硫酸镉等重金属和苯胺、多菌灵、甲醛等有机毒物对费氏弧菌均具有较强的光抑制作用,也即费氏弧菌对以上毒物较为敏感,并能够连续7d保持对同一浓度硫酸锌的敏感性较为一致。对几种实际水样的测试和分析表明,以费氏弧菌为指示生物的发光细菌法能够应用于水质环境安全的综合毒性在线监测预警中。  相似文献   

)]发光细菌法在水质综合毒性在线检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以海洋发光细菌费氏弧菌(Vibrio fischeri)作为检测生物,采用冻干菌粉快速复苏技术,研究费氏弧菌在水质检测中的最佳测试温度和有效性测试条件,并对硫酸锌等多种毒物和几种实际水样进行发光抑制作用分析。研究表明,费氏弧菌冻干粉复苏菌液保存在2~5℃条件下能有效测试7 d,最佳测试温度为15℃,最佳测试时间为15 min。氯化汞、硫酸锌、硫酸镉等重金属和苯胺、多菌灵、甲醛等有机毒物对费氏弧菌均具有较强的光抑制作用,也即费氏弧菌对以上毒物较为敏感,并能够连续7 d保持对同一浓度硫酸锌的敏感性较为一致。对几种实际水样的测试和分析表明,以费氏弧菌为指示生物的发光细菌法能够应用于水质环境安全的综合毒性在线监测预警中。  相似文献   

Chromium (Cr) is one of the most serious pollutants in aquatic systems. This study examined the relationship between the toxic effects of Cr on the freshwater alga Chlorella vulgaris and phosphorus (P) availability on the algal physiology and ultrastructure. Cr inhibited C. vulgaris growth in a concentration- and time-dependent manner, and its inhibitory effect was related to the P concentration. In a low-P medium, Cr showed approximately 2.2–3.7-fold stronger toxicity than in a high-P medium. Cr was absorbed into the algal body where it disrupted the chloroplast structure and decreased the chlorophyll content. However, Cr had a weaker chlorophyll inhibitory ability and destructive power against the chloroplasts in the high-P medium than in the low-P medium due to the partial blockage of Cr absorption in high P-medium. Cr exposure also changed the metal ion and anion absorption profiles, which was also closely related to the concentration of P. Cr treatment increased the volume of the vacuole, and the larger vacuole reduced the space available for chloroplasts, as based on optical and electron microscopy results, but a higher P availability could alleviate this damage. These results suggest that high P alleviated the toxicity of Cr by decreasing Cr absorption and increasing the absorption of beneficial ions. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the phosphorus availability when the toxicity of metal compounds is evaluated.  相似文献   

含铬钻井泥浆固化及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
固化技术是含铬钻井泥浆无害化处理最有效的方法。以四川西部某钻井泥浆为研究对象,选取水泥、石灰、聚铝和水玻璃作为固化处理剂,运用正交试验研究了含铬钻井泥浆实验条件。最佳试验配方是:先将泥浆含水率调整为46%,水泥、聚铝、石灰和水玻璃的添加量分别为10%、1%、3%和0.5%。固化72 h,该试验配方对六价铬和总铬的固化率分别达到93%和95%,浸出六价铬浓度符合地下水三类水标准(GB/T14848-9),浸出总铬浓度符合国家污水综合排放标准(GB5085.3-1996)。  相似文献   

大型蚤毒理试验应用与研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大型蚤作为国际公认的标准试验生物 ,其毒理试验被许多国家定为毒性必测项目 ,各国纷纷建立了自己的标准方法 ,因此有着广阔的应用前景。在分析中 ,主要介绍了大型蚤的试验培养技术和国内外对其毒理试验方面的研究概况。  相似文献   

Compound contamination and toxicity interaction necessitate the development of models that have an insight into the combined toxicity of chemicals. In this paper, a novel and simple model dependent only on the mixture information (MIM), was developed. Firstly, the concentration-response data of seven groups of binary and multi-component (pseudo-binary) mixtures with different mixture ratios to Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67 were determined using the microplate toxicity analysis. Then, a desirable non-linear function was selected to fit the data. It was found that there are good linear correlations between the location parameter (α) and mixture ratio (p) of a component and between the steepness (β) and p. Based on the correlations, a mixture toxicity model independent of pure component toxicity profiles was built. The model can be used to accurately estimate the toxicities of the seven groups of mixtures, which greatly simplified the predictive procedure of the combined toxicity.  相似文献   

铬盐废渣解毒研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过试验测定了长沙铬盐厂铬盐废渣的性质。正交试验研究得出了以硫酸铵[(NH4)2SO4]为解毒剂的铬渣干法解毒最佳工艺。即以粒径为75μm铬渣与加入量为13.3%(质量百分比)、粒径为427μm的硫酸铵混合均匀,于500℃急速加热30min、闭炉门冷却,解毒处理效率达96.41%。  相似文献   

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