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Characterization of food waste and bulking agents for composting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characterization of food waste (FW) and locally available bulking agents (BA) are a prerequisite to optimizing compost recipes. This study measured the variation in FW characteristics (pH, dry matter (DM), carbon (C), wet bulk density and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)) produced by a restaurant and a community kitchen in downtown Montreal, Canada from May to August 2004. The project also measured the mass of FW produced by another restaurant and a group of 20-48 households, from June to August 2004. Locally available BA (hay, straw, pine wood shavings, cardboard, left over cattle feed and wheat residue pellets) were also characterized to formulate composting recipes based on the FW characteristics observed during a period representative of winter and summer conditions. Residential and restaurant FW characteristics varied significantly over the summer months, although the mass produced remained constant at 0.61 and 0.56 kg capita(-1)day(-1), respectively. In addition, the number of customers served by the restaurant increased by nearly 50% from June to August. The BA with the highest moisture adsorption capacity was found to be the wheat residue pellets, followed by chopped straw. Wheat residue pellets, chopped hay and left over cattle feed all presented a balanced C/N ratio. Wheat residue pellets and wheat straw, chopped hay and cardboard demonstrated neutral pH values. Based on the variable FW characteristics and monthly production rates, the formulation of recipes indicates that compost facilities must be flexible enough to handle seasonal variations of as much as 50% by volume.  相似文献   

The mass and element balance in municipal solid waste composting facilities that handle food waste was studied. Material samples from the facilities were analyzed for moisture, ash, carbon, nitrogen, and the oxygen consumption of compost and bulking material was determined.Three different processes were used in the food waste composting facilities: standard in-vessel composting, drying, and stand-alone composting machine. Satisfactory results were obtained for the input/output ash balance despite several assumptions made concerning the quantities involved. The carbon/nitrogen ratio and oxygen consumption values for compost derived only from food waste were estimated by excluding the contribution of the bulking material remaining in the compost product. These estimates seemed to be suitable indices for the biological stability of compost because there was a good correlation between them, and because the values seemed logical given the operating conditions at the facilities.  相似文献   

Effects of pH and microbial composition on odour in food waste composting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A major problem for composting plants is odour emission. Slow decomposition during prolonged low-pH conditions is a frequent process problem in food waste composting. The aim was to investigate correlations between low pH, odour and microbial composition during food waste composting. Samples from laboratory composting experiments and two large scale composting plants were analysed for odour by olfactometry, as well as physico-chemical and microbial composition. There was large variation in odour, and samples clustered in two groups, one with low odour and high pH (above 6.5), the other with high odour and low pH (below 6.0). The low-odour samples were significantly drier, had lower nitrate and TVOC concentrations and no detectable organic acids. Samples of both groups were dominated by Bacillales or Actinobacteria, organisms which are often indicative of well-functioning composting processes, but the high-odour group DNA sequences were similar to those of anaerobic or facultatively anaerobic species, not to typical thermophilic composting species. High-odour samples also contained Lactobacteria and Clostridia, known to produce odorous substances. A proposed odour reduction strategy is to rapidly overcome the low pH phase, through high initial aeration rates and the use of additives such as recycled compost.  相似文献   

The objective of the work was to provide a method to predict CO2 and NH3 yields during composting of the biodegradable fraction of municipal solid wastes (MSW). The compostable portion of MSW was simulated using three principal biodegradable components, namely mixed paper wastes, yard wastes and food wastes. Twelve laboratory runs were carried out at thermophilic temperatures based on the principles of mixture experimental and full factorial designs. Seeded mixed paper (MXP), seeded yard waste (YW) and seeded food waste (FW), each composted individually, produced 150, 220 and 370 g CO2-C, and 2.0, 4.4 and 34 g NH3-N per dry kg of initial substrate, respectively. Several experimental runs were also carried out with different mixtures of these three substrates. The effect of seeding was insignificant during composting of food wastes and yard wastes, while seeding was necessary for composting of mixed paper. Polynomial equations were developed to predict CO2 and NH3 (in amounts of mass per dry kg of MSW) from mixtures of MSW. No interactions among components were found to be significant when predicting CO2 yields, while the interaction of food wastes and mixed paper was found to be significant when predicting NH3 yields.  相似文献   

Song  Xiao  Ma  Jiao  Gao  Jiandong  Liu  Yanbo  Hao  Yongce  Li  Wei  Hu  Ruhai  Li  Aimin  Zhang  Lei 《Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management》2017,19(1):496-504
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Bio-drying has been proved to be a promising method for treatment of MSW (municipal solid waste) and sewage sludge due to its high energy...  相似文献   

The effects of rice straw addition level on odorous compounds emissions in a pilot-scale organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) composting plant were investigated. The cumulative odorous compounds emissions occurred in a descending order of 40.22, 28.71 and 27.83 mg/dry kg of OFMSW for piles with rice straw addition level at ratio of 1:10, 2:10 and 3:10 (mixing ratio of rice straw to OFMSW on a wet basis), respectively. The mixing ratio of rice straw to OFMSW had a statistically significant effect on the reduction of malodorous sulfur compounds emissions, which had no statistically significant effect on the reduction of VFAs, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, aromatics and ammonia emissions during composting, respectively. The cumulative emissions of malodorous sulfur compounds from piles with the increasing rice straw addition level were 1.17, 1.08 and 0.88 mg/dry kg of OFMSW, respectively. The optimal mixing ratio of rice straw to OFMSW was 1:5. Using this addition level, the cumulative malodorous sulfur compounds emissions based on the organic matter degradation were the lowest during composting of OFMSW.  相似文献   

To reduce the proportion of food waste in municipal solid waste, a food waste biodegradation experiment with two biodegradation agents was conducted for seven weeks with 500 g of food waste added every day into each disposer. The agent containing four biodegradation bacterial strains showed higher degradation rates and matrix temperatures than that containing two. Furthermore, significant differences in the microbiological community structures of the matrixes were found not only between the two biodegradation systems but also among different stages in the same degradation system based on DGGE profiles. The F2 strain exhibited the highest DGGE optical density (OD) value among biodegradation systems and at all experimental stages, suggesting it was a dominant strain during food waste degradation.  相似文献   

The presence of paper in municipal solid waste (MSW) interferes with the efficiency of composting plants. The compost feedstock to these plants is between 12% and 27% paper on a dry weight basis, with an initial C:N ratio ranging from 32:1 to 57:1. Tests of the last aerobic biodegradability (LAB) of the type of paper present in paper and cardboard packaging were carried out, following UNE-EN 14046 standards. The results obtained, measured through the quantity of CO2 generated over 45 days, compared with the maximum that could be produced (ThCO2), showed that the presence of paper retards, to a great degree, the biodegradation of organic material in general. Specifically, the presence of papers with a degradation D (%) >60% at 45 days (white (W) and recycled paper (R)) could be allowed, but always in proportions that did not exceed 27% in dry weight. These results can be achieved with an industrial level process, pre-treated by trituration.  相似文献   

Composting of two types of sludge produced in wastewater treatment plants, raw sludge (RS) and anaerobically digested sludge (ADS), has been systematically studied by means of the experimental design technique. The results have been analyzed using a full factorial experimental design in order to determine the optimal conditions for composting such sludges in terms of bulking agent particle size and bulking agent:sludge volumetric ratio, two of the key parameters to ensure an optimal performance of the composting process. The objective function selected was a simulated death kinetics of Salmonella, which was chosen as a model pathogen microorganism to represent the disinfection of the material. For both types of sludge, optimal values were found at 5mm bulking agent particle size and 1:1 bulking agent:sludge volumetric ratio when a Gaussian function was fitted to the experimental data. Pilot scale experiments using optimal values obtained were successfully undertaken and confirmed a full disinfection of the sludge by means of the composting process. A mathematical model to simulate the disinfection performance of a composting material is presented. The model can be applied to simulate the disinfection performance of a given pathogen.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per person from urban waste management activities are greater in sub-Saharan African countries than in other developing countries, and are increasing as the population becomes more urbanised. Waste from urban areas across Africa is essentially dumped on the ground and there is little control over the resulting gas emissions. The clean development mechanism (CDM), from the 1997 Kyoto Protocol has been the vehicle to initiate projects to control GHG emissions in Africa. However, very few of these projects have been implemented and properly registered. A much more efficient and cost effective way to control GHG emissions from waste is to stabilise the waste via composting and to use the composted material as a soil improver/organic fertiliser or as a component of growing media. Compost can be produced by open windrow or in-vessel composting plants. This paper shows that passively aerated open windrows constitute an appropriate low-cost option for African countries. However, to provide an usable compost material it is recommended that waste is processed through a materials recovery facility (MRF) before being composted. The paper demonstrates that material and biological treatment (MBT) are viable in Africa where they are funded, e.g. CDM. However, they are unlikely to be instigated unless there is a replacement to the Kyoto Protocol, which ceases for Registration in December 2012.  相似文献   

An integrated composting-vermicomposting system has been developed for stabilization of waste activated sludge (WAS) using matured vermicompost as bulking material and Eisenia fetida as earthworm species. Composting was considered as the main processing unit and vermicomposting as polishing unit. The integrated system was optimized by successive recycling and mixing of bulking material with WAS during composting and examining the effects of environmental condition (i.e. temperature: 10-30 °C and relative humidity: 50 and 90%) and stocking density (0-5 kg/m2) on vermicomposting. The composting stage resulted in sufficient enrichment of bulking material with organic matter after 20 cycles of recycling and mixing with WAS and produced materials acceptable for vermicomposting. Vermicomposting of composted material caused significant reduction in pH, volatile solids (VS), specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR), total carbon (TC), total organic carbon (TOC), C/N ratio and pathogens and a substantial increase in electrical conductivity (EC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP). The environmental conditions (i.e. temperature: 10-30 °C and relative humidity: 50 and 90%) and stocking density (0-5 kg/m2) have profound effects on vermicomposting. Temperature of 20 °C with high humidity is the best suited environmental condition for vermicomposting employing E. fetida. The favorable stocking density range for vermiculture is 0.5-2.0 kg/m2 (optimum: 0.5 kg/m2) and for vermicomposting is 2.0-4.0 kg/m2 (optimum: 3.0 kg/m2), respectively. The integrated composting-vermicomposting system potentially stabilizes and converts the hazardous WAS into quality organic manure for agronomic applications without any adverse effects.  相似文献   

The degradation of fats during thermophilic composting was investigated by adding lard of four different mixing ratios (0, 33.3, 42.9 and 50% on a dry weight basis) to dog food used as a model substrate for organic waste. The lard added at the mixing ratio of 33.3% did not inhibit the decomposition of organic matter in the dog food, with lard itself beginning decomposition after decay of more easily decomposable organic compounds of the dog food, 84 h from the start of composting. The percentage of lard decomposition reached as high as 29.3% by the end of 8 days of composting. By contrast, the decomposition of organic matter in the processed dog food was apparently inhibited when the portion of lard was greater than 33.3%, especially at the earliest stage of composting. It is possible, however, that lard would decompose vigorously once decomposition has begun, even when the ratio of lard is as high as 50%. The percentages of lard decomposition in composting mixtures with 42.9 and 50% lard were 15.7 and 9.50%, respectively, thus the higher the mixing ratio of lard, the lower the percentage of lard decomposition. However, it was found that the maximum decomposition rate of the lard was similar for all of the ratios tested; that is, approximately 5.0 x 10(-3) g carbon h(-1).  相似文献   

This discussion explores the possibility of having a measure of the biodegradable organic carbon content in solid wastes. Currently, indirect measures for determining the concentration of biodegradable organic matter are being used and most of them are based on respiration indices (oxygen consumption or carbon dioxide production) or chemical parameters (volatile solids or total organic carbon). The results obtained for the cumulative carbon dioxide production in composting experiments can be expressed as "aerobic biodegradable carbon" for the wastes that were studied. The calculation of a useful biodegradable C/N can also be obtained from the aerobic biodegradable carbon content. A comparison with some results obtained in measuring the concentration of "anaerobic biodegradable carbon" also is presented.  相似文献   

Six municipal solid waste (MSW) and yard waste components (food waste, mixed paper, yard waste, leaves, branches, grass clippings) were aerobically decomposed to measure the extent of decomposition under near optimal conditions. Decomposition was characterized by at least two principal stages, for most components, as was indicated by the carbon dioxide production rates. An aerobic biodegradation conceptual model is presented here based on the principle that solids hydrolysis is the rate-limiting step during solid waste composting. The mineralizable solid carbon of each solid waste component was assumed to comprise the readily, the moderately and the slowly (or refractory) hydrolysable carbons, each hydrolyzing at different rates to aqueous (water soluble) carbon. Aqueous carbon mineralizes to CO2 at rapid rates that are not rate-limiting to the process. Solids hydrolysis rate constants were calculated after fitting the experimentally determined carbon dioxide production rate data to model results. Hydrolysis rates for the readily hydrolysable carbon in all components ranged from approximately 0.06 to 0.1 d(-1); hydrolysis rates for the moderately hydrolysable carbon ranged from 0.005 to 0.06 d(-1). Leaves, branches and grass clippings did not have a readily hydrolysable carbon fraction, whilst the leaves and branches had the largest slowly hydrolysable carbon fractions (70%, 82%, respectively, of the total solid organic carbon). Grass and yard waste did not contain slowly hydrolysable carbon fractions. Food waste had the largest readily hydrolysable carbon fraction and produced the highest amount of CO2 among all substrates. Moderately hydrolysable solid carbon fractions ranged from 16% to 90% of the total solid organic carbon for all substrates used.  相似文献   

The emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) is a potential environmental disadvantage of home composting. Because of a lack of reliable GHG emission data, a comprehensive experimental home composting system was set up. The system consisted of six composting units, and a static flux chamber method was used to measure and quantify the GHG emissions for one year composting of organic household waste (OHW). The average OHW input in the six composting units was 2.6–3.5 kg week?1 and the temperature inside the composting units was in all cases only a few degrees (2–10 °C) higher than the ambient temperature. The emissions of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) were quantified as 0.4–4.2 kg CH4 Mg?1 input wet waste (ww) and 0.30–0.55 kg N2O Mg?1 ww, depending on the mixing frequency. This corresponds to emission factors (EFs) (including only CH4 and N2O emissions) of 100–239 kg CO2-eq. Mg?1 ww. Composting units exposed to weekly mixing had the highest EFs, whereas the units with no mixing during the entire year had the lowest emissions. In addition to the higher emission from the frequently mixed units, there was also an instant release of CH4 during mixing which was estimated to 8–12% of the total CH4 emissions. Experiments with higher loads of OHW (up to 20 kg every fortnight) entailed a higher emission and significantly increased overall EFs (in kg substance per Mg?1 ww). However, the temperature development did not change significantly. The GHG emissions (in kg CO2-eq. Mg?1 ww) from home composting of OHW were found to be in the same order of magnitude as for centralised composting plants.  相似文献   

This paper shows the concept and preliminary test of the composting process control with fuzzy logic. The temperature in the compost heap during the process is greater than 80 °C. Because wastes of agricultural origin do not require hygienization, part of the heat can by retrieved, which lowers the temperature in the heap to 55 °C (this is also the optimum temperature for the composting process). The heat retrieved from a compost heap can be used in another place. Therefore, a composting system was developed in which the aeration rate and heat removal rate can be adjusted. There are two goals of this system: maximising the amount of the heat retrieved from the heap and minimising the duration of the composting process. In the preliminary experiments freshly mown grass with 50 % cabbage was used as the compost material. The results show that the fuzzy logic control system functions correctly with respect to calculations. During the study, a median 90 MJ of heat was produced by the bioreactor; the thermophilic phase was shortened to 12 days. There was also a reduction in the emission of ammonia.  相似文献   

We successfully co-composted catering waste with green waste and shredded paper to yield two high-nitrogen composts for use in horticulture. Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) were grown in various mixtures of the compost and a commercially available peat-based compost to assess the efficacy of catering waste-based composts for peat replacement. Height, head diameter, seed mass and above-ground biomass were measured, with all mixtures giving a significant increase in yield or size over the commercially available peat-free control compost. We conclude that differences in physical structure governed sunflower growth over substrate chemistry, and none of the compost mixtures were nutrient deficient. We recommend that catering waste co-compost can be substituted to at least 75% within Sphagnum-based traditional growing media, providing a viable replacement for a large proportion of peat used as a growth medium in the horticulture industry. Our catering waste compost yielded similar seed head, seed mass and above-ground biomass values to 100% peat-based compost in all food waste compost blends tested in this study.  相似文献   

The impacts of the aeration and the agitation on the composting process of synthetic food wastes made of dog food were studied in a laboratory-scale reactor. Two major peaks of CO(2) evolution rate were observed. Each peak represented an independent stage of composting associated with the activities of thermophilic bacteria. CO(2) evolutions known to correlate well with microbial activities and reactor temperatures were fitted successfully to a modified Gompertz equation, which incorporated three biokinetic parameters, namely, CO(2) evolution potential, specific CO(2) evolution rate, and lag phase time. No parameters that describe the impact of operating variables are involved. The model is only valid for the specified experimental conditions and may look different with others. The effects of operating parameters such as aeration and agitation were studied statistically with multivariate regression technique. Contour plots were constructed using regression equations for the examination of the dependence of CO(2) evolution potentials on aeration and agitation. In the first stage, a maximum CO(2) evolution potential was found when the aeration rate and the agitation parameter were set at 1.75 l/kg solids-min and 0.35, respectively. In the second stage, a maximum existed when the aeration rate and the agitation parameter were set at 1.8 l/kg solids-min and 0.5, respectively. The methods presented here can also be applied for the optimization of large-scale composting facilities that are operated differently and take longer time.  相似文献   

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