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The status of mangroves within and adjacent to Kiunga Marine Protected Area (MPA) were assessed by means of aerial photographs and intensive ground truthing. Vegetation maps (1 : 25,000) were produced on GIS environment making it possible to store, retrieve and analyze various types of information very quickly. The maps together with the digitized information provide important tools to the management of mangroves of Kiunga MPA since various proposed treatments can now be entered and summarized thus providing useful overviews for planning, implementation and monitoring.The present inventory revealed that the existing mangrove forests within and adjacent to Kiunga MPA have a net standing volume of 2,354,004.85 m3 in 16,035.94 ha. There are eight species of mangrove trees, of which Rhizophora mucronata and Ceriops tagal are dominant. The standing volume ranges between 6.85 to 710.0 m3 ha–1 for stem with diameter above 5.0 cm. The average volume of the entire study area was 145.88 m3 ha–1, which corresponds to a stocking rate of 1736 stems per ha. Given its high potential productivity and regeneration, mangroves within and adjacent to Kiunga MPA have excellent prospects for sustainable exploitation.  相似文献   

IKONOS panchromatic images from a single year were used to characterise the effects of an extreme rainstorm event on six mountain catchment areas in Venezuela. Image registrations were accomplished using topographic base maps at 1 : 5000 scale giving a mapping accuracy between 37 and 40 m. It was used an 8-bit channel for correction, rectification, filteration and tone enhancements.Landsliding was discerned in the affected watersheds using morphometric criteria, including the shape of the slope failure and its position, exposure bedrock in the scar and deposition of debris down-slope. This study is restricted to the impact analysis of the distribution of landslide erosion scars and the depositional processes on the valley floor. Remote sensing data were combined into a geographic information system (GIS) with planimetric data, contour lines, hydrology and vegetation types to evaluate the distribution of the scars and their effects on the highly populated areas located on the alluvial fans. Hillslope mass wasting induced mass movements, logging and increased the mud and silt in floodwaters affecting settlement down-slope.  相似文献   

Organisms sensitive to ambient environment are used as bioindicators in monitoring pollution. The present investigation is designed to measure the extent of mercury and organomercury levels in selective biota of different trophic levels inhabiting in the coastal environment of Sunderban Biosphere Reserve, eastern part of India. The primary objective of this work is to provide baseline data for future environmental quality programme and to ascertain the suitability of these organisms to be used as bioindicator species of pollution. The seagrass (Porterasia coarctata), macrobenthos (polychaetes, gastropods and bivalve molluscs) and pelagic finfishes were collected from sites of different physiochemical characteristics. Concentration of total mercury was determined by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrophotometry technique (CVAAS) using a Perkin-Elmer 2380 AAS equipped with MHS 10.Both mercury and organomercury levels showed considerable interspecific and regional variations which reflected the feeding strategy of these animals and also the location of stations. The bivalve molluscs showed a high degree of organ-specificity in accumulation which might be attributed to the ion exchange activity of mucous membrane covering gill and mantle. Mercury levels in various compartments did not reveal any regular temporal variations but showed a slight increase in the late monsoon months indicating the apparent influence of river run-off and reduction in salinity in the ambient medium. A continuous monitoring programme is recommended in order to clarify the present trend and to establish the studied organisms as indicator species.  相似文献   

目前包括GDP在内的社会经济数据大多以行政区划为统计单元,普遍存在统计单元内的数据均一化以及与其他环境数据空间不匹配等问题。以中国海岸带地区为例,利用DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据和植被指数构建的人居指数与非农业GDP之间的线性关系建模,对非农业GDP进行了空间化模拟,基于土地利用数据建立了农业GDP空间化模型,最终得到2010年中国海岸带地区250 m×250 m空间分辨率的GDP密度图。结果显示:相比仅利用夜间灯光数据模拟非农业GDP,人居指数模型较好地改善了夜间灯光数据的像元溢出效应以及过饱和问题,提高了对非农业GDP的模拟精度。栅格尺度上的中国海岸带GDP密度图可以为沿海地区灾害风险评估、社会经济决策、区域规划和可持续发展研究提供基础数据支持。  相似文献   

The integrated use of remotely sensed data and GIS to monitor a rapid recent delta formation was undertaken in the Tacarigua Lagoon, a mangrove coastal protected wetland in the north-central coast of Venezuela. Recently, the resource value of coastal wetlands such as coastal lagoons and deltas, has brought about a need to protect and conserve these ecosystems. To that end, valuable resources such as these should be continuously monitored so that temporal changes in their environment can be analysed. The importance of determining the cause, extent, and spatial distribution of these changes can then be used in different aspects of environmental studies, land suitability analyses and for wise resource management. Aerospace data interpretation and a field survey were utilised to study the formation of the Guapo River delta within the Tacarigua Lagoon and to map the expansion that this depositional environment has undergone. A historical set of aerial photographs and a radar image, together with a GIS, were used to assess the growth of the delta from the beginning of its formation up to the present time.  相似文献   

Decisions about iconic species such as the wolf provide a key index of human–nature relations. The gray wolf's reintroduction in the USA has been controversial, particularly at the interface of state versus federal management. This essay analyzes discourse surrounding this controversy, focusing on how wolves are characterized as ecological and social actors in official correspondence and management plans. I interpret this textual evidence by drawing from social theory regarding sovereignty, discipline, and population, including studies on bordering practices imposed on humans. As with humans, bordering practices in the case of the wolf may illuminate how political forces impose physical and discursive limits upon mobile bodies motivated to move across political borders by powerful exigencies of need. The essay seeks to amplify understanding about how regimes of power enact difference from “others” whose presence strongly influences the health of ecosystems and economies.  相似文献   

On-going population growth and resulting domestic demand for water require rapid and effective decision-making as regards groundwater management and control of the various sources of salinization and pollution in Coastal aquifers. Sustainability of water resources for utilization by future generations must therefore be a high priority, not only for the purpose of fulfilling needs for water usage but also for bringing people into harmony with their ambient natural environment.The objective of this paper is to propose an empirical approach for prioritization of the needs involved for sustainable aquifer management. The approach involves a schematic format to:(1) develop a global understanding of an aquifer's hydrological and environmental properties in order to delineate appropriate eco-hydrological scenarios and recommend corresponding operational management activities; and(2) emphasize the importance of educating and increasing the awareness of the population involved as to the need for and viability of socially acceptable measures for sustainable management of groundwater and other resources.The psychologist Abraham Maslow utilized a pyramid to illustrate that until people's most basic needs were fulfilled, higher levels of needs would remain irrelevant. This paper postulates a comparable pyramid prioritizing hydrological needs required for progressing towards sustainable groundwater resources. Two sub-regions of Israel's Coastal aquifer in the Sharon region have been presented as representative areas, each characterized by different stress of exploitation. In assessing these sub-regions situation, specific measures have been recommended for achieving and/or maintaining sustainable groundwater resources in light of the ambient environment, and the level of the population on the pyramidal hierarchy of groundwater needs.  相似文献   


Regional vegetation pattern dynamics has a great impact on ecosystem and climate change. Remote sensing data and geographical information system (GIS) analysis were widely used in the detection of vegetation pattern dynamics. In this study, the Yellow River Delta was selected as the study area. By using 1986, 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2005 remote sensing data as basic information resource, with the support of GIS, a wetland vegetation spatial information dataset was built up. Through selecting the land-scape metrics such as class area (CA), class percent of landscape (PL), number of patch (NP), largest patch index (LPI) and mean patch size (MPS) etc., the dynamics of vegetation pattern was analyzed. The result showed that the change of vegetation pattern is significant from 1986 to 2005. From 1986–1999, the area of the vegetation, the percent of vegetation, LPI and MPS decreased, the NP increased, the vegetation pattern tends to be fragmental. The decrease in vegetation area may well be explained by the fact of the nature environment evolution (Climate change and decrease in Yellow River runoff) and the increase in the population in the Yellow River Delta. However, from 1999–2005, the area of the vegetation, the percent of vegetation, LPI and MPS increased, while the NP decreased. This trend of restoration may be due to the implementation of water resources regulation for the Yellow River Delta since 1999.  相似文献   

Regional vegetation pattem dynamics has a great im- pact on ecosystem and climate change.Remote sensing data and geographical information system (GIS) analysis were widely used in the detection of vegetation pattern dynamics.In this study,the Yellow River Delta was selected as the study area.By using 1986, 1993,1996,1999 and 2005 remote sensing data as basic informa- tion resource,with the support of GIS,a wetland vegetation spa- tial information dataset was built up.Through selecting the land- scape met...  相似文献   

Regional vegetation pattern dynamics has a great impact on ecosystem and climate change. Remote sensing data and geographical information system (GIS) analysis were widely used in the detection of vegetation pattern dynamics. In this study, the Yellow River Delta was selected as the study area. By using 1986, 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2005 remote sensing data as basic information resource, with the support of GIS, a wetland vegetation spatial information dataset was built up. Through selecting the landscape metrics such as class area (CA), class percent of landscape (PL), number of patch (NP), largest patch index (LPI) and mean patch size (MPS) etc., the dynamics of vcgetation pattern was analyzed. The result showed that the change of vegetation pattern is significant from 1986 to 2005. From 1986-1999, the area of the vegetation, the percent of vegetation, LPI and MPS decreased, the NP increased, the vegetation pattern tends to be fragmental. The decrease in vegetation area may well be explained by the fact of the nature environment evolution (Climate change and decrease in Yellow River runoff) and the increase in the population in the Yellow River Delta. However, from 1999 2005, the area of the vegetation, the percent of vegetation, LPI and MPS increased, while the NP decreased. This trend of restoration may be due to the implementation of water resources regulation for the Yellow River Delta since 1999.  相似文献   


Monitoring data from ozone(O3 automatic stations in three typical cities with different climatic areas in the southern and northern parts of eastern China are used to analyze temporal and spatial characteristics of ozone pollution at ground level. The results show that ozone pollution level has distinct regional differences and the concentration in the suburbs is higher than that in the urban areas. The seasonal variation of ozone concentration in different climatic areas is greatly affected by the variation of precipitation. Ozone concentration in Shenyang and Beijing, in the temperate zone, has one perennial peak concentration, occurring in early summer, May or June. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou, in sub-tropical zone, has two peak values year round. The highest values occur in October and the secondary high value in June. The ozone season in the south is longer than that in the north. The annual average daily peak value of ozone concentrations in different climates usually occur around 3 pm. The diurnal variation range of ozone concentration declines with the increase of latitude. Ozone concentration does not elevate with the increase of traffic flow. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou has a distinct reverse relation to CO and NOx. This complicated non-linearity indicates that the equilibrium of ozone photochemical reaction has regional differences. Exceeding the rate of Beijing's 1h ozone concentration is higher than that of Guangzhou, whereas the average 8h ozone level is lower than that of Guangzhou, indicating that areas in low latitude are more easily affected by moderate ozone concentrations and longer exposure. Thus, China should work out standards for 8h ozone concentration.  相似文献   

Monitoring data from ozone(O3) automatic stations in three typical cities with different climatic areas in the southern and northern parts of eastern China are used to analyze temporal and spatial characteristics of ozone pollution at ground level. The results show that ozone pollution level has distinct regional differences and the concentration in the suburbs is higher than that in the urban areas. The seasonal variation of ozone concentration in different climatic areas is greatly affected by the variation of precipitation. Ozone concentration in Shenyang and Beijing , in the temperate zone, has one perennial peak concentration, occurring in early summer, May or June. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou, in sub-tropical zone, has two peak values year round. The highest values occur in October and the secondary high value in June. The ozone season in the south is longer than that in the north. The annual average daily peak value of ozone concentrations in different climates usually occur around 3 pm. The diurnal variation range of ozone concentration declines with the increase of latitude. Ozone concentration does not elevate with the increase of traffic flow. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou has a distinct reverse relation to CO and NOx. This complicated non-linearity indicates that the equilibrium of ozone photochemical reaction has regional differences. Exceeding the rate of Beijing's lh ozone concentration is higher than that of Guangzhou, whereas the average 8h ozone level is lower than that of Guangzhou, indicating that areas in low latitude are more easily affected by moderate ozone concentrations and longer exposure. Thus, China should work out standards for 8h ozone concentration.  相似文献   

山东省耕地资源态势分析及可持续利用研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用山东省建国以来的耕地序列数据以及近10多年来的相关社会经济资料,宏观分析了山东省耕地资源的时空动态变化规律。用相关分析和主成分分析相结合,定量地研究耕地变化的驱动因子,揭示耕地变化的驱动机制;研究表明,社会经济发展、农业科技进步和人口压力是造成山东省耕地资源持续藏少的三类主要动因。在此基础上,运用多元线性回归分析构建耕地变化回归模型,同时通过人均粮食需求量预测法,分别预测出2020年的山东省的耕地数量和耕地最低需求量.结果表明山东省未来的耕地资源态势不容乐观,人地矛盾十分尖锐。最后提出了实现耕地资源可持续利用的几点建议。  相似文献   

为了研究九龙江流域河流中溶解碳变化规律,分别于2017年7月与2018年1月对九龙江河水溶解无机碳(DIC)与溶解有机碳(DOC)进行了分析。丰水季河水DIC浓度为7.50~49.04 mg/L,平均值为22.12 mg/L,枯水季DIC浓度为8.84~84.91 mg/L,平均浓度41.17 mg/L,丰水季河水中的DOC浓度为0.54~2.89 mg/L,平均值为1.04 mg/L,枯水季河水中DOC浓度变化在1.34~3.56 mg/L之间,平均值为2.34 mg/L,据此计算了九龙江河水DOC、DIC的入海通量。研究结果表明九龙江河水中溶解碳具有显著的时空变化特征,通过与中国其他河流溶解碳数据对比,解释了碳酸盐岩的风化、气候变化、河流中浮游植物以及人类活动对九龙江河流溶解碳浓度的影响。  相似文献   

The paper argues health risk management in Developing Countries cannot be sustainable unless it is conceived, planned, implemented and maintained by community-led multi-stakeholder groups using an integrated capacity building process with five components: (1) education and awareness raising; (2) strengthening information resources and decision making; (3) strengthening regulations and compliance; (4) improving basic sanitation infrastructure; and (5) stimulating the market for support products and services for health and environment sectors. Occupational and environmental health professionals with cross-disciplinary understanding are uniquely qualified to build much-needed bridges between stakeholders, risk science and policy. They should adopt a cost-effective mentality, adapting models/methods used in developed countries to developing country contexts, negotiating political obstacles and understanding cultural differences in risk sources, exposures and perceptions. Stakeholders – health professionals, community representatives, officials, NGOs/advocacy groups, industries, and providers of products/services – collaborate to detect needs, mobilize resources, design, develop, implement, consolidate and maintain interventions to priority problems. Field experience in Mexico supports the argument. This sustainability process is adaptable to other keystone development sectors like soil and water resources stewardship, biodiversity conservation, agriculture and energy.  相似文献   

The invasion of natural ecosystems by alien plants is a serious environmental problem that threatens the sustainable use of benefits derived from such ecosytems. Most past studies in this field have focussed on the history, ecology and management of invasive alien species, and little work has been done on the economic aspects and consequences of invasions. This paper reviews what is known of the economic consequences of alien plant invasions in South Africa. These economic arguments have been used to successfully launch the largest environmental management programme in Africa.Ten million hectares of South Africa has been invaded by 180 alien species, but their impacts are not fully understood, although they are undoubtedly significant. The indications are that the total costs of these impacts are substantial. Selected studies show that invasions have reduced the value of fynbos ecosystems by over US$ 11.75 billion; that the total cost of invasion would be about US$ 3.2 billion on the Agulhas Plain alone; that the net present cost of invasion by black wattles amounts to US$ 1.4 billion; that invasions by red water fern have cost US$ 58 million; and that the cost to clear the alien plant invasions in South Africa is around US$ 1.2 billion. These few examples indicate that the economic consequences of invasions are huge.One of the unique aspects of invasive plant control programmes in South Africa has been the ability to leverage further benefits (mainly through employment) for the expensive control programmes from the government's poverty relief budget. This has made it possible to allocate substantial funding to a programme that would otherwise have struggled to obtain significant support. Biological control of invasive species also offers considerable benefits, but is often the subject of debate. We believe that, at least in the case of many invasive alien plant species in South Africa, biological control offers one of the best, and most cost-effective, interventions for addressing the problem.  相似文献   

The flora of liverworts has been studied in the vicinity of the Bil’chenok glacier (the Ushkovskii volcano, Kamchatka), which is in a zone of volcanic ash fallout. Specific complexes of liverworts growing on young moraine and ash deposits have been identified. These complexes are dominated by thallose marchantioid species. Under the effect of periodic ash fallout (in the absence of glacial activity), communities are formed that contain increased proportions of xerophytes and species preferring sites with a disturbed ground vegetation cover.  相似文献   

The main goals of this paper are to (1) highlight the need for sustainable development as a means to conserve natural resources and the environment, which often represent the basis for tourism development, (2) illustrate the importance of assessing tourists' preferences when designing programs and policies central to the sustainable development of a tourism area, and (3) study tourists' interests in sustainable development. With these goals in mind, 180 tourists from Europe, Latin America, and North America were interviewed as they were leaving the resort region of Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. The main factors that they considered when deciding where to go on a beach vacation were evaluated, as well as their preferences regarding four programs designed to improve recreational and environmental management of the area. Preferences by tourists were elicited both in monetary and non-monetary terms. This paper reports the non-monetary analysis of the data. The results indicate that clean ocean water and beaches, quality of services, and price are the most important factors considered by the respondents before deciding to come to Punta Cana. It was not possible to obtain reliable responses on how tourists perceived the four programs contributing to the sustainable development of Punta Cana. Nevertheless, they expressed high interest and willingness to pay for two of these programs: the outdoor aquarium and the Water Management Program. The results reported in this paper show how important it is to elicit tourists' preferences of programs central to the sustainable development of tourism areas since these preferences can drive managers' development decisions in more sustainable directions.  相似文献   

浙江省人口分布的空间格局及其时空演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
改革开放以来,随着经济社会的快速发展,浙江省各地区人口分布发生了明显的变化。文章运用空间自相关、不均衡系数、人口重心和偏移增长法,对浙江省69个县级行政单元人口分布的空间格局及其在1985-2007年间的时空演变特征进行了深入分析,并得出以下几点结论:①浙江省人口密度分布具有"点—带—区"结构特征,即以经济发展水平高的地区为高值点,通过杭甬高速和甬台温高速将各高值点连接成带,其他地区则形成人口密度低值区;②浙江省人口分布存在一定的空间关联性,在浙东北环杭州湾地区和浙东南沿海地区呈现高高集聚,在浙中和西南内陆地区呈现低低集聚;③浙江省人口呈不均衡分布状态,并且人口不均衡系数不断增大;④浙江省人口偏移增长在三大区域之间具有明显差异,浙东南沿海地区人口总偏移量为正,浙东北环杭州湾地区基本稳定、浙中和西南内陆地区为负,人口重心逐渐向东南沿海偏移。  相似文献   

An analysis of the spatial distribution of large soil invertebrates at the “study point” level in three forest soils of the European part of the Russian Federation has demonstrated that the number of 76-cm2 soil cores necessary for obtaining representative data varies from 25 to 35. To estimate taxonomic diversity in peaty, soddy podzolic, and brown forest soils, 100–110, 70–80, and 90–100 soil cores, respectively, are required. Differences in the necessary number of cores of different forest soils are accounted for by differences in the distribution pattern of soil animals.  相似文献   

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