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相较于黄河上游的水源涵养和下游的湿地生态,黄河中游地区存在着严峻的生态环境问题,局部地区环境污染严重。以黄河中游流经的23个地级市为研究对象,建立了空间关联网络分析该地区环境污染的空间关联性,然后对其驱动因素进行探究,并得出黄河中游协调发展的最佳方案。结果表明,黄河中游地级市间的环境污染相互影响呈现出典型的复杂网络特点,山西省是需要重点治理的地区。全社会固定资产投资总额是影响黄河中游环境污染的最主要因素,第二产业增加值占国内生产总值比重也是关键因素。可持续发展型方案是黄河中游社会、经济、环境协调发展的最优方案。  相似文献   

黄河兰州段、白银段重金属污染的磁学指标初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对黄河兰州段、白银段的水样及沉积物样进行了环境磁学研究,并对部分样品进行了重金属含量分析.结果表明,污水的输入对河水的磁化率产生影响,且磁化率变化因污染源而异;亚铁磁性矿物主导了沉积物的磁性特征.重金属含量与磁参数的相关性均不显著,但在黄河白银段东大沟以下河段,重金属含量与非磁滞剩磁(ARM)、ARM/SIRM(SIRM为饱和等温剩磁)、频率磁化率(Xfd%)等磁参数有同步增强趋势,可能与细磁性晶粒对重金属的吸附作用有关.综合分析磁参数与重金属含量变化发现,河水Xfd%和ARM/SIRM可作为衡量部分重金属污染程度的参数.  相似文献   

黄河兰州段悬移质泥沙对氨氮的吸附特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究了黄河兰州段不同粒径的悬浮泥沙对氨氮的吸附行为,拟阐释黄河兰州段水质自净的机制。通过分析探讨了含沙量、氨氮初始浓度、泥沙粒径和化学成分对氨氮吸附过程的影响。结果表明,准二级动力学方程和Langmuir模型能够较好地描述黄河兰州段不同粒径泥沙的吸附动力学和等温吸附过程(R20.9);含沙量对泥沙吸附氨氮作用具有显著影响,且氨氮吸附量和平衡时间与含沙量呈明显负相关性;氨氮初始浓度与氨氮吸附量及平衡时间呈正相关性;同时,泥沙颗粒越细,吸附氨氮的能力越强,吸附容量越大,反应的自发程度越高。此外,泥沙有机质、Fe2O3、Al2O3和MgO的含量随粒径减小而增大,它们对单位质量泥沙最大吸附量(Sm)具有正效应。泥沙的吸附在黄河兰州段水质自净过程中起着一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

面对生态文明,加强环境法制建设是一个十分紧迫和重要的研究课题.根据生态文明的具体内容和实现要求,面向生态文明的环境法制建设基本途径是:(1)以生态文明为终极目标和理想图景确定环境法的法律目的;(2)根据生态文明建设的具体内容和实践需要构建环境法律体系;(3)把生态文明的精神理念转化为环境法律原则,以此指导具体制度建设.  相似文献   

本文要讨论要很好贯彻经济与环境协调发展的方针,使经济、城乡和环境建设同步进行,必须在环境影响评价报告中列有环境投资。环境投资可按拟建工程对环境影响主要对象、主要影响地区及其可能影响和关键环境问题进行估算。环境措施得以实现,须贯彻“三同时”制度。“三同时”制度能顺利贯彻,须将环境投资列入工程投资总预算中。长江三峡利枢纽工程生态和环境影响评价工作,在环境投资上创造了先例,并列入总预算中。有些措施正超前  相似文献   

刍议长三角地区的生态建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长三角地区城市化和工业化带来区域经济迅猛发展的同时,也导致了长三角生态系统组分比例失调、结构缺损、功能丧失、环境容量萎缩等生态问题.湿地兼有自然"肾"、"肺"双功能.利用长三角地区湿地生态系统的独特性和内在优势,加强湿地生态建设、生态保护、生态恢复与生态重建,拓展环境容量,可保障该区域可持续发展的实现.从地质地貌、自然史发展、自然经济学和区域发展等角度探讨了长三角地区湿地的生态服务价值的现存价值和理论价值,分析讨论了长三角自然湿地、城市区湿地和农业区湿地的生态建设思路.  相似文献   

淮河流域水生态环境现状评价与分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了全面评价淮河闸坝与污染对淮河水生态的影响,必须首先对水生态现状有一个全局的认识。从淮河流域全局出发,通过对淮河典型河段的水生态和水环境进行现场调查与室内分析,对流域内水生态环境现状进行了综合评价。采用生物学指数与水生物指示环境结合的方法评价水体污染程度、生态系统稳定性与河流/水库的健康程度。评价结果表明:(1)颍河中下游地区与沭河中下游地区水生态系统脆弱,河流多处于病态;(2)涡河付桥闸、东孙营闸到蒙城闸段水生态系统不稳定,河流不健康,但下游河段水生态有自恢复迹象;(3)洪汝河河流多处于亚健康状态,水生态环境自修复能力较强;(4)淮干水生态环境质量的突变点在临淮岗,上游较好;(5)西部、南部山区水库水生态环境质量最好;(6)整个流域水生态质量西高东低,南高北低;优劣顺序为:西部、南部山区>洪汝河水系>涡河中下游地区>颍河、沭河中下游地区。建议枯水期加大淮干以南及上游山区水库的下泻流量,保持河道畅通和一定流速,提高水体自净能力,同时控制颍河、涡河上游污染物的排放,联合调度水量与水质,淮河水生态得以修复。  相似文献   

我国寒旱地区具有农牧交错、村落相对分散、农民贫困、地方政府财力不足等特点,农民增收和环境治理压力较大,需要提高厕所、垃圾、污水等设施水平并推进村庄和庭院整治。以典型寒旱地区库伦旗为例,针对当地寒冷、半干旱等气候特点以及目前农村院落的基本要素构成现状,设计并示范应用了基于脱贫和人居环境改善双目标的农村庭院生态工程模式,以“种植-养殖-厕所-清洗-水窖”为主线,包括温室大棚种植及设施中心、改水改厕、庭院有机废弃物微生态循环、微型水处理与循环利用等单元技术,在农村庭院尺度上实现系统整合。结果表明,本生态工程每年可以实现6.6 t的畜禽粪便(含0.14 t氮)、23.4 t中水、38.5 t雨水重新回到大棚种植系统,可突破寒旱地区气温较低、土壤水肥资源缺乏等瓶颈;构建生态环境良好、资源能源集约利用、农民增收的生产生活一体化复合生态庭院。本研究结果可为我国寒旱地区人居环境治理和乡村振兴战略实施提供参考。  相似文献   

环境法益的有效保护最终必须借助与环境犯罪相适应的、具有针对性的刑事责任方式实现。补植作为一种生态修复的刑事责任方式,诞生于森林资源犯罪司法实践中,并不断拓展适用于其他环境犯罪。修复性司法、生态人形象以及刑事责任根据是生态修复的刑事责任方式的存在理据。通过确立修复原则、设置复合责任以及细化修复方式等,可完善生态修复的刑事责任方式。  相似文献   

以浦阳江流域(浦江县段)为研究区,从流域面源污染空间特征入手,提出浦阳江流域岸边带建设的重点区域。采用DPeRS面源污染负荷估算模型,具体分析了2018年浦阳江流域面源污染负荷空间分布特征,并采用面向对象方法提取了岸线和河流生态缓冲带土地覆盖类型,以汇水区为单元,结合面源污染估算结果识别了浦阳江流域河流生态缓冲带重点区。结果表明:浦阳江流域中部和中北部地区面源污染排放负荷较高,面源污染入河负荷高值区主要集中于中下游地区;该流域31个汇水区中,TN和NH4+-N重点汇水区有17个,主要分布在流域的中部和东北部;TP和COD重点汇水区有12个,集中分布于流域中部;浦阳江流域河流生态缓冲带范围内,植被类型和非植被类型面积占比分别为65.49%和34.51%,其中耕地面积占比29.36%,建筑用地占比11.89%;综合浦阳江流域面源污染重点汇水区和河流生态缓冲带现状遥感提取结果,筛选出的重点区包括下游地区的7号汇水区和中游地区的18~25号汇水区所在的河流生态缓冲带。今后,可针对其重点区域设计生态防护工程,也应结合源头减量、过程拦截、末端消纳与资源循...  相似文献   

水环境管理在国家的环境保护中具有极为重要的地位,国外在水环境管理方面有成熟的经验和新的发展趋势。通过分析国外在水环境管理方面的先进经验和发展趋势及我国水环境管理现状,提出以流域管理为中心、加强立法保证等建议。并强调,借鉴国外水环境管理的先进经验,以流域管理为基础,以水资源管理和水污染控制—体化为目标的管理模式是解决我国水环境管理存在问题的必然途径。  相似文献   

北京城市水系水环境模拟及情景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市水系是流域水环境管理中最为脆弱的控制点.针对城市水系水动力条件差、有机污染和富营养化严重的问题,应用QUAL2K模型模拟、预测城市水系水环境的时空变化,并在此基础上探讨北环水系水环境管理和污染防治的合理有效方案.结果显示,经过多次调整后的模型模拟的匹配度达到了0.9135,水温、溶解氧、COD、TN、TP和Chl-...  相似文献   

Chen HC  Wang PL  Ding WH 《Chemosphere》2008,72(6):863-869
To establish their environmental concentrations and to support surface water protection programs, we have undertaken a preliminary study of the concentrations of selected acidic and neutral pharmaceutical residues (clofibric acid, ketoprofen, ibuprofen, diclofenac and carbamazepine) in Taiwanese river and wastewater samples. These pharmaceutical residues were extracted from the water samples through the Oasis HLB solid-phase extraction (SPE). The analytes were then identified and quantified using liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry with dual-polarity electrospray ionization in the product ion scan mode. The limits of quantification (LOQs) ranged between 0.5 and 20 ngl(-1) for 250 ml samples of water. We investigated the intra- and interbatch precision and accuracy at two levels of concentration. The selected analytes were detected at concentrations ranging from <0.5 to 960 ngl(-1) in wastewater treatment plant effluents and river water samples.  相似文献   

WebGIS与一维水质模型的集成研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结合江苏省环保信息系统的建设,讨论WebGIS与一维水质模型集成的关键技术问题,阐明模型计算中评价河段截取、空间离散及空间数据重采样的方法和过程,对实现水环境模型的跨平台操作和数据信息共享作出了尝试,设计了基于浏览器方式的集成系统。  相似文献   

This study suggested the first Korean site-specific ecological surface water quality criteria for the protection of ecosystems near an artillery range at a Korean military training facility. Surface water quality (SWQ) criteria in Korea address human health protection but do not encompass ecological criteria such as limits for metals and explosives. The first objective of this study was to derive site-specific SWQ criteria for the protection of aquatic ecosystems in Hantan River, Korea. The second objective was to establish discharge criteria for the artillery range to protect the aquatic ecosystems of Hantan River. In this study, we first identified aquatic organisms living in the Hantan River, including fishes, reptiles, invertebrates, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and amphibians. Second, we collected ecotoxicity data for these aquatic organisms and constructed an ecotoxicity database for Cd, Cu, Zn, TNT, and RDX. This study determined the ecological maximum permissible concentrations for metals and explosives based on the ecotoxicity database and suggested ecological surface water quality criteria for the Hantan River by considering analytical detection limits. Discharge limit criteria for the shooting range were determined based on the ecological surface water quality criteria suggested for Hantan River with further consideration of the dilution of the contaminants discharged into the river.  相似文献   

水质采样在水环境保护工作中发挥着非常重要的作用,对水质监测结果有着非常直接的影响。文中将探讨水质监测当中经常存在的问题,并提出一些有效的质量控制措施,进一步保证水质采样的结果。为此,笔者在文中对水质采样中的质量控制措施进行探讨,希望对促进中国水环境保护事业的发展,可以起到有利的作用。  相似文献   

In many densely populated areas, riverine floodplains have been strongly impacted and degraded by river channelization and flood protection dikes. Floodplains act as buffers for flood water and as filters for nutrients and pollutants carried with river water and sediment from upstream source areas. Based on results of the EU-funded “AquaTerra” project (2004-2009), we analyze changes in the dynamics of European river-floodplain systems over different temporal scales and assess their effects on contaminant behaviour and ecosystem functioning. We find that human-induced changes in the hydrologic regime of rivers have direct and severe consequences on nutrient cycling and contaminant retention in adjacent floodplains. We point out the complex interactions of contaminants with nutrient availability and other physico-chemical characteristics (pH, organic matter) in determining ecotoxicity and habitat quality, and draw conclusions for improved floodplain management.  相似文献   

The establishment of an efficient surface water quality monitoring (WQM) network is a critical component in the assessment, restoration and protection of river water quality. A periodic evaluation of monitoring network is mandatory to ensure effective data collection and possible redesigning of existing network in a river catchment. In this study, the efficacy and appropriateness of existing water quality monitoring network in the Kabbini River basin of Kerala, India is presented. Significant multivariate statistical techniques like principal component analysis (PCA) and principal factor analysis (PFA) have been employed to evaluate the efficiency of the surface water quality monitoring network with monitoring stations as the evaluated variables for the interpretation of complex data matrix of the river basin. The main objective is to identify significant monitoring stations that must essentially be included in assessing annual and seasonal variations of river water quality. Moreover, the significance of seasonal redesign of the monitoring network was also investigated to capture valuable information on water quality from the network. Results identified few monitoring stations as insignificant in explaining the annual variance of the dataset. Moreover, the seasonal redesign of the monitoring network through a multivariate statistical framework was found to capture valuable information from the system, thus making the network more efficient. Cluster analysis (CA) classified the sampling sites into different groups based on similarity in water quality characteristics. The PCA/PFA identified significant latent factors standing for different pollution sources such as organic pollution, industrial pollution, diffuse pollution and faecal contamination. Thus, the present study illustrates that various multivariate statistical techniques can be effectively employed in sustainable management of water resources. Highlights ? The effectiveness of existing river water quality monitoring network is assessed ? Significance of seasonal redesign of the monitoring network is demonstrated ? Rationalization of water quality parameters is performed in a statistical framework  相似文献   

Tetracyclines are antibiotics commonly used in swine farms to treat disease and promote growth. However, there are growing concerns regarding the discharge of animal feces into the environment owing to the potential for development and dissemination of tetracycline resistance genes (TRGs). In this study, farming wastewater from one Chinese swine farm as well as river water from seven locations downstream of the farm was sampled. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed that 12 TRGs, including six efflux pump genes (tet(B), tet(C), tet(D), tet(E), tet(G) and tet(L)), five ribosomal protection proteins (RPPs) genes (tet(O), tet(M), tet(Q), tet(W) and tet(S)), and one enzymatic modification gene (tet(X)), were present in all wastewater and river water samples. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) showed that the abundance of tet(C), tet(X), tet(O), tet(M), tet(Q) and tet(W) decreased with downstream flow. Among the detected TRGs, tet(C) had the highest abundance, ranging from 459.5 copies/16S rRNA gene copies in wastewater to 33.8 copies/16S rRNA gene copies in river water samples collected from the last location. Furthermore, pig-specific Bacteroidales 16S rRNA genetic marker was quantified by qPCR to determine the level of fecal pollution in the river water. Bivariate correlation analysis confirmed that the total relative abundance of the six TRGs was significantly correlated with the level of swine feces in the aquatic environment (R2 = 0.63, P < 0.05), suggesting that swine feces mainly contributed to the spread of TRGs in the river water.

Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A to view the free supplemental file.  相似文献   

Background. Aims and Scope Lakes developing in volcano craters can become highly acidic through the influx of volcanic gases, yielding one of the chemically most extreme natural environments on earth. The Kawah Ijen crater lake in East Java (Indonesia) has a pH 〈 0.3. It is the source of the extremely acid and metal-polluted river Banyupahit (45 km). The lake has a significant impact on the river ecosystem as well as on a densely populated area downstream, where agricultural fields are irrigated with water with a pH between 2.5 and 3.5. The chemistry of the river water seemed to have changed over the past decade and the negative effect in the irrigation area increased. A multidisciplinary approach was used to investigate the altered situation and to get insight in the water chemistry and the hydrological processes influencing these alterations. Moreover, a first investigation of the effects of the low pH on ecosystem health and human health was performed. Methods Water samples were taken at different sites along the river and in the irrigation area. Sampling for macroinvertebrates was performed at the same sites. Samples of soil and crop were taken in the irrigation area. All samples were analysed for metals (using ICP-AES) and other elements, and concentrations were compared to local and international standards. Results and Discussion The river carries a very high load of SO4, NH4, PO4, Cl, F, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Al and other potentially toxic elements. Precipitation and discharge data over the period of 1980 – 2000 clearly show that the precipitation on the Ijen plateau influences water chemistry of the downstream river. Metal concentrations in the river water exceed the concentrations mentioned in Indonesian and international quality guidelines, even in the downstream river and the irrigation area. Some metal concentrations are extremely high, especially iron (up to 1600 mg/l) and aluminium (up to 3000 mg/l). The food-webs in the acidic parts of the river are highly underdeveloped. No invertebrates were present in the extremely acid water and, at pH 2.3, only chironomids were found. This also holds true for the river water with pH 3.3 in the downstream area. Agricultural soils in the irrigation area have a pH of 3.9 compared to a pH of 7.0 for soils irrigated with neutral water. Decreased yields of cultivated crops are probably caused by the use of Al containing acid irrigation water. Increased levels of metals (especially Cd, Co, Ni and Mn) are found in different foodstuffs, but still remain within acceptable ranges. Considering local residents” diets, Cd levels may lead to an increased risk for the human health. Fluoride exposure is of highest concern, with levels in drinking water exceeding guideline values and a lot of local residents suffering from dental fluorosis. Conclusions, Recommendations and Outlook In short, our data indicate that the Ijen crater lake presents a serious threat to the environment as well as human health and agricultural production.  相似文献   

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