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废弃电器电子产品具有较高的回收利用价值,同时处理不当会导致二次污染。介绍了江苏废弃电器电子产品回收、处理现状,并作预测分析,提出了管理对策和措施。  相似文献   

随着电器电子产品的快速消费和流转,我国正面临电子废弃物国内产生量和国外非法进口量迅速增长的现实问题。废弃电器电子产品处理基金政策(简称"基金"政策)推动了我国电子废弃物资源化产业的发展,带来显著的环境效益。通过解析电子废弃物生命周期过程及其关键的碳减排和碳排放环节,提出了电子废弃物资源化全生命周期碳减排效益评估方法,并以废弃电冰箱为例开展了案例研究。结果表明,制冷剂回收所致碳减排量占废弃电冰箱资源化过程全部碳减排量的92.5%;相对于制冷剂的回收,再生材料产出带来的碳减排效益并不显著;拆解处理所消耗电力的生产是资源化过程碳排放的主要来源,所占比例达89.7%;综合来看,单台废弃电冰箱资源化全生命周期的碳减排效益为1 573.17 kg CO2-eq,2013年我国废弃电冰箱在正规处理体系内资源化带来的碳减排总效益为94.86×104t CO2-eq,"基金"政策驱动效应已初步显现。  相似文献   

自2012年以来,中国建立了废弃电器电子产品处理基金制度,通过补贴支持废弃电器电子产品的规范处理。相关政策明确要求加强废弃电器电子产品拆解处理的环保核查和数量审核,防止补贴资金骗补行为的发生。介绍了中国目前废弃电器电子产品基金审核的方式及存在的问题,并提出了构建物联网、应用射频识别(RFID)技术的解决方案,可以实现废弃电器电子产品的实际拆解过程与虚拟数据信息管理系统的无缝对接,从而有效改进基金审核的效果。  相似文献   

自2009年2月<废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例>(以下简称"条例")公布以来,环境保护部开展了集中调研活动,积极推动"条例"的贯彻实施.  相似文献   

中国电子产品废弃量预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用彩电、冰箱、空调、洗衣机和电脑等5种电子产品的销售量及其在废弃阶段不同处理处置方式的比例等信息,以Carnegie Mellon模型为基础,对2008-2012年的这5种电子产品的废弃量、再使用量、储存量、循环量和填埋量分别进行了预测.结果显示,2008-2012年,5种电子产品废弃量呈增长趋势,其中废弃电脑的增长速度最快,废弃彩电的填埋量大,废弃冰箱和洗衣机的废弃量增长速度较为和缓;废弃彩电、冰箱、洗衣机、空调和电脑累积填埋量分别为10 950.73万、3 634.08万、4 322.15万、4 398.59万,1 263.82万台.  相似文献   

正日前,2014电器电子产品回收处理技术及生产者责任延伸制度国际会议——暨中国废弃电器电子产品回收处理行业白皮书发布会在京召开,会议上,各行业专家与企业代表以"非CO_2温室气体减排的激励机制建设"为主题进行了一场对话论坛。技术替代在当前保护臭氧层及遏制全球变暖趋势的大背景下,R290被行业公认为最具发展潜力的新冷媒,具有无氟、低碳、天然、高效等诸多优势。不但符合《蒙特利尔议定书》对于淘汰臭氧层消耗物质的要求,也符合《京都议定书》关于减排温室气体的要求。目前我国空调使用最多的冷媒为R22和R410A,其中R22俗称氟利昂,属HCFC类物质,对大气臭氧层破坏严重。根据《蒙特利尔议定书》的要求,我国需要在2013年将HCFC冻结到2009年和2010年的平均水平,2030年之前完全淘汰HCFC的生产和消费。对于目前大量使用的R410A制冷剂,产业在线分析师索晓芳表示,R410A并非环保制冷剂的终结品。这是因为R410A尽管不会对臭氧层产生破坏,但温室效应仍然明显,因此属于过渡性的替代品。环境保护部对外合作中心副主任肖学智表示:"中国房间空调器行业的HCFC替代对中国履约影响重大,如果全行业使用该技术  相似文献   

废弃电子设备的资源化研究发展现状   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
分析了废弃电子设备的主要特点、资源化回收与利用的不同方法及其优缺点,并详细介绍了废弃电子设备机械处理的研究及工业应用现状。  相似文献   

废弃荧光灯的回收处理方法及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
废弃荧光灯不加处理或处置不当,会对人类健康产生极大危害.同时其中的有价资源可回收再利用.综述了国内外对废弃荧光灯的回收处理现状,总结了国内外废弃荧光灯的资源回收与处理方法,重点介绍了废弃荧光灯中汞和稀土元素的回收处理研究进展,提出了废弃荧光灯回收处理的相应对策.  相似文献   

构建废弃电器再制造/再利用库存模型对优化回收网络、控制回收成本、提升绿色化水平具有重要意义。通过分析二手市场需求量与再制造/再利用处理后获得的成品速率的关系,综合考虑回收品与成品的库存成本、再利用和再制造处理费用以及缺货成本等,以平均总成本最小为控制目标,建立了基于PULL(拉式)策略的逆向物流库存模型。通过算例,获得最优处理周期与最低费用,探讨模型中的不同参数对平均总成本的影响,同时进行显著性分析,找出了关键参数。  相似文献   

加强对拆解废旧电器的污染管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国内经济的高速发展,市场上对金属材料的需求量猛增,价格剧升,其中有色金属和废钢资源显得特别缺乏。因此浙江省的台州、宁波及舟山等地的一些企业从国内外收进废旧电器,将它们分送到各拆解点进行拆解分离,从中获取再生原料。这样虽然缓解了金属资源与经济建设的矛盾,产生了一定的经济效益及社会效益,但旧电器拆解带来的环境污染问题却令人担忧。目前废旧电器的主要来源为美国、日本、韩国、欧共体及国内大中型企业和物资回收公司。废旧电器主要以旧电机、废电缆电线为主,还有部分废弃的电视机、电脑及家用电器生产线。其中废电…  相似文献   

当今世界电子、电器工业快速发展,层出不穷的技术创新与持续膨胀的市场需求加速了电子与电器设备的更新换代,产生了大量的电子与电器废弃物(WEEE).鉴于WEEE所带来的严重的环境问题及其所含有的金属、贵金属、塑料及玻璃等高利用价值的材料,对WEEE进行资源化再循环处理已成为人们关注的热点.WEEE组成材料在密度、铁磁性、导电性等物理性质方面的较大差异使采用环境友好的机械物理方法对其进行资源化再循环处理成为可能.就WEEE拆解及其所含物质机械物理分离研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest in the end-of-life management of polymers present in waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). This is mainly due to high recycling and recovery quotas set by the European WEEE directive, which can only be fulfilled by including the plastic fraction in recycling and recovery approaches. Previous studies identified a high material diversity and various contaminants in WEEE plastics, including heavy metals, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), diphenyl ethers (PBDE), as well as polybrominated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans (PBDD/F). These substances are regulated by European directives that limit their levels in marketable products. Consequently, both material diversity and contaminants are strong arguments against material recycling and point to hazardous waste treatment. However, recent developments in the production of flame retardants and electrical and electronic goods aimed to reduce contaminants and material diversity. Thus, the present study summarises updated contaminant levels of plastic fractions of European WEEE, as well as data on materials in waste housing polymers. Material characterisation revealed housing fractions to be interesting sources for polymer recycling, which however has to implement potent material separation and/or bromine elimination techniques. With respect to contaminants, our data indicate an effective phase-out of PBB, but still high levels of PBDE and PBDD/F are found. Sources and implications for the material recycling and thermal recovery approaches are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Issues surrounding the impact and management of discarded or waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) have received increasing attention in recent years. This attention stems from the growing quantity and diversity of electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) used by modern society, the increasingly rapid turnover of EEE with the accompanying burden on the waste stream, and the occurrence of toxic chemicals in many EEE components that can pose a risk to human and environmental health if improperly managed. In addition, public awareness of the WEEE or "e-waste" dilemma has grown in light of popular press features on events such as the transition to digital television and the exportation of WEEE from the United States and other developed countries to Africa, China, and India, where WEEE has often not been managed in a safe manner (e.g., processed with proper safety precautions, disposed of in a sanitary landfill, combusted with proper air quality procedures). This paper critically reviews current published information on the subject of WEEE. The definition, magnitude, and characteristics of this waste stream are summarized, including a detailed review of the chemicals of concern associated with different components and how this has changed and continues to evolve over time. Current and evolving management practices are described (e.g., reuse, recycling, incineration, landfilling). This review discusses the role of regulation and policies developed by governments, institutions, and product manufacturers and how these initiatives are shaping current and future management practices.  相似文献   


African countries are among the prime destinations of electronic waste (e-waste) also called Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), and have been challenged with the management of its environmental and health impacts. This paper was carried out to understand the e-waste sector and policy responses in selected African countries. Data for the study were generated from sources; such as policy documents, legislations and literature. Findings show that the import of WEEE is on rising in Africa while landfill and incineration continued to be widely used handling approaches. Countries studied lack WEEE specific national policies and stringent policy instruments to enforce proper collection and recycling systems. Despite the start-ups in emerging recycling operations, a major gap is that informal e-waste actors dominate the e-waste chain from collection to material extraction and refurbish activities through rudimentary tools that cannot detect toxic elements. Tackling the problem demands integrated multi-actor interventions with multiple stakeholders to reduce WEEE inflow on one hand, and ramping up safe recycling capacity on the other hand.  相似文献   

GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Changes in German and European legislation shifted processing of polymer-rich shredding residues (SR) from landfill to thermal treatment. However, when waste of electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) is the source of SR, thermal treatment is complicated by halogens as well as the presence of polybrominated dioxins and furans (PBDD/F) and brominated flame retardants (BFR). Hence, WEEE requires high temperature incineration with sufficient residence times. Post-combustion synthesis of polyhalogenated dioxins and furans (PXDD/F) is dominant in the temperature range between 250-450 degrees C. Thus, a very rapid gas cooling from 450 degrees to 250 degrees C is important for proper raw gas treatment. The pebble heater technology developed by ATZ Entwicklungszentrum (Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany) might serve as an alternative to the state-of-the-art quench cooling. It is based on the application of a pebble bed of natural bulk material, which the exhaust gases flows through radially. It provides an excellent heat transfer and a temperature gradient in the range of 1,500-2,000 K/m. The paper presents data of a pilot application of the pebble heater technology for the treatment of raw gas derived from the incineration of polymeric materials from WEEE. METHODS: A liquid fuel was chosen in order to minimise technical modifications of the plant. It was analysed for halogens by x-ray fluorescence, for brominated flame retardants by HPLC-UV/MS and for PXDD/F by GC-HRMS. Combustion gases were rapidly cooled down to temperatures below 200 degrees C and emissions of PBDD/F and PCDD/ F were estimated without further off-gas treatment. PBDD/F emissions were computed as PCDD/F toxicity equivalents applying two different calculation approaches. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: PCDD/F emissions accounted for 0.04 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 and are in compliance with European emission limits. Calculated PBDD/F toxicity equivalents exceeded the emission limit of 0.1 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 by factors of 75 and 208 depending on the calculation approach. A mass balance of PBDD/F and PCDD/F congeners revealed an efficient elimination of more than 95% in most cases. Lower reduction rates (76% for 2,3,7,8-TeBDF and 82% for 1,2,3,7,8-PeBDF) were attributed to incomplete combustion. An intended recovery of halogens by one-stage scrubbing downstream of the pebble heater was ineffective, recovering 28% of the applied chlorine and 9% of the bromine, only. CONCLUSIONS: Our pilot incineration test indicates that the pebble heater technology can effectively suppress a post-combustion synthesis of PCDD/F and PBDD/F, resulting in low PCDD/F emission levels without further off-gas treatment. The presented data state that WEEE is sensible to incomplete combustion, which will lead to increased PBDD/F emissions without increasing PCDD/F emission limits. This finding is especially relevant for small and low-technical incineration appliances, which have been reported to treat WEEE in developing countries and are considered to serve as a significant source of PXDD/F these days. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: Monitoring of PCDD/F emissions only might considerably underestimate the total emission of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds. It is therefore an ineffective means for assessing resulting health risks, at least for those waste treatment plants which are considered to handle the increasing amounts of PBDD/ F-containing polymers from WEEE in future. Consequently, it is recommended to initiate a screening programme for PXDD/F emissions in large scale incineration facilities which are capable of treating WEEE shredder residues.  相似文献   

Zhong Y  Peng P  Huang W 《Chemosphere》2012,87(10):1141-1148
Solvent-based separation method is presumably an efficient and environmentally beneficial approach for elimination of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The overall goal of this study was to evaluate possible effects of organic solvent on the behavior of BFRs during solvent-based processing of WEEE. We initiated a set of batch experiments for examining the rates and possible pathways of transformation of a representative BFR (tetrabromobisphenol A, TBBPA) using acetone, toluene, and methanol as the solvents. Our results showed that toluene and methanol had no effect on the transformation of TBBPA, but approximately 20% of TBBPA (100 mg L−1) was transformed by acetone within 2 h at 50 °C. Analysis of the products with GC-MS showed that two high-molecular-weight products (MW = 586) were major products of the transformation reactions. The role of acetone as a reactant in the transformation of TBBPA was further validated with dueterated acetone. In addition, the effects of co-existing metals in WEEE (i.e., Zn, Cu, and Ni) on the transformation of TBBPA in the solvent systems were investigated. These metals tested were found to greatly enhance the rates of TBBPA transformation. The metal facilitated solvent reactions with TBBPA may lower the extractability of TBBPA by formation of larger and less soluble products, hence potentially increasing the cost for separating the chemical from WEEE.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) contains both toxic and valuable materials. Due to rapid development of information and communication...  相似文献   

Sue Yai Utit is an old community located in Bangkok, Thailand which dismantles waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The surface soil samples at the dismantling site were contaminated with copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and nickel (Ni) higher than Dutch Standards, especially around the WEEE dumps. Residual fractions of Cu, Pb, Zn, and Ni in coarse soil particles were greater than in finer soil. However, those metals bonded to Fe-Mn oxides were considerably greater in fine soil particles. The distribution of Zn in the mobile fraction and a higher concentration in finer soil particles indicated its readily leachable character. The concentration of Cu, Pb, and Ni in both fine and coarse soil particles was mostly not significantly different. The fractionation of heavy metals at this dismantling site was comparable to the background. The contamination characteristics differed from pollution by other sources, which generally demonstrated the magnification of the non-residual fraction. A distribution pathway was proposed whereby contamination began by the deposition of WEEE scrap directly onto the soil surface as a source of heavy metal. This then accumulated, corroded, and was released via natural processes, becoming redistributed among the soil material. Therefore, the concentrations of both the residual and non-residual fractions of heavy metals in WEEE-contaminated soil increased.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The amount of plastics from waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) has enormously increased nowadays, due to the rapid expansion and...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Due to economic, social, and environmental concerns, managing waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has become an important research area....  相似文献   

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