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为了弄清蒙古气旋外围出现的霾和沙尘复合污染特征及其形成的关键气象条件,本研究利用多种遥感设备(增强型云高仪、风廓线雷达和微波辐射计等)垂直加密观测数据,结合大气主要污染物(PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NO2)监测数据、加密自动气象站观测数据,以及常规地面和高空气象观测数据、NCEP再分析数据等,分析发生在北京春季的2次霾和沙尘重污染过程.结果表明,2017年5月4—5日为一次PM10和PM2.5混合污染过程,与上游地区强烈发展的蒙古气旋后部风沙区的输送有关.上游地区因受中-低空西来槽影响上升气流加强,使沙尘细颗粒物(粒径≤10 μm)悬浮于空中,由中-低空偏西风输送至下游地区,被北京及附近的弱下沉气流带至地面造成严重的PM10、PM2.5混合污染.其中,地面偏西风对上游地区的PM10、PM2.5的水平输送作用明显;2018年3月27—28日凌晨是受蒙古气旋底部低压区辐合作用和偏南气流输送作用形成的积累型霾(PM2.5)污染.28日凌晨2:00开始蒙古气旋后部沙尘区随东-西向冷高压南压而向南扩散.随后冷高压不断东移形成回流偏东风,偏东风使北京及西北部地区的低层大气产生辐合上升运动,导致本地尘土扬起,造成PM2.5重污染和PM10极严重污染;浮尘天气引发的大气污染具有突发性特征,且持续时间较长.边界层高度低、低层大气存在逆温层(或等温层)并长时间维持是霾和沙尘复合污染形成和持续的重要条件.霾和沙尘复合重污染的形成是人为污染物、沙尘细颗粒物水平和垂直输送,以及大气层结稳定共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

Neuronal oscillations in the human brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

水库移民环境容量是水库移民工作中的重要理论问题。其基本理论是:人类生存条件受环境制约,移民环境容量具有可变性,影响移民环境容量的因素的质和量决定移民环境容量大小。移民环境容量分析采用宏观定性分析与微观定量分析相结合,以及动态分析,主次分析,可靠性分析等基本原则。水库移民环境容量的理论与方法,已在水库移民安置规划中得到了应用,取得了满意的效果。  相似文献   

Measurements of velocity and tracer plume concentrations during stable atmospheric conditions were obtained in the Boise River Valley as part of the EPA Integrated Air Cancer Project during December, 1986. Wind speed, temperature, and wind direction were measured at two levels on a 30 m tower. Spectral and autocorrelation analyses of the velocity component data clearly indicate the occurrence of wave-like oscillations in the flow and the almost complete lack of turbulent energy. The predominate wave-like motion had an oscillation period of about 1000 s. Halogenated atmospheric tracers were released from as many as four houses during the night-time drainage conditions. Hourly averaged horizontal dispersion coefficients were very large compared to the Pasquill-Gifford curves and the urban McElroy-Pooler dispersion curves. The time-averaged dispersion coefficients formed an upper bound on very short-term dispersion coefficients obtained from mobile traverses of the tracer plume with a continuous SF6 analyzer. These results agree with the concept of a narrow instantaneous plume with a broad meander driven by the observed 1000 s oscillation. Vertical dispersion rates were slightly smaller than the Pasquill-Gifford class F curve. Results from a single tracer release from a side canyon near the neighborhood showed that drainage flow from the tributary impacted the main residential sampling site at Elm Grove Park and represented a significant fraction of the upstream air flow at Elm Grove Park. For sources with equal emission rates, a source in the tributary adds about 10% to the mean of the concentration caused by a neighborhood source.  相似文献   

爆炸危险区域附加2区的划分是国标强制性要求,介绍了泄漏计算的模型和关键参数的选取,利用泄漏扩散计算模型对爆炸危险区域附加2区的划分作出判断,通过计算示例解释模型的应用。  相似文献   

The formation of nitric acid hydrates has been observed in a chamber during the dark reaction of NO2 with O3 in the presence of air. The size of condensed phase nitric acid was measured to be 40–100 nm and 20–65 nm at relative humidity (RH) 6 5% and RH = 67% under our experimental conditions, respectively. The nitric acid particles were collected on the glass fiber membrane and their chemical compositions were analyzed by infrared spectrum. The main components of nitric acid hydrates in particles are HNO3 3H2O and NO3?? xH2O (x> 4) at low RH, whereas at high RH HNO3 H2O, HNO3 2H2O, HNO3 3H2O and NO3?? xH2O (x> 4) all exist in the condensed phase. At high RH HNO3 xH2O (x 6 3) collected on the glass fiber membrane is greatly increased, while NO3?? xH2O (x > 4) decreased, compared with low RH. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time to report that condensed phase nitric acid can be generated in the gas phase at room temperature.  相似文献   

RADARSAT data have a potential role for coastal pollution monitoring. This study presents a new approach to detect and forecast oil slick trajectory movements. The oil slick trajectory movements is based on the tidal current effects and Fay‘s algorithm for oil slick spreading mechanisms. The oil spill trajectory model contains the integration between Doppler frequency shift model and Lagrangian model. Doppler frequency shift model implemented to simulate tidal current pattem from RADARSAT data while the Lagrangian model used to predict oil spill spreading pattern. The classical Fay‘s algorithm was implemented with the two models to simulate the oil spill trajectory movements. The study shows that the slick lengths are effected by tidal current V component with maximum velocity of 1.4 m/s. This indicates that oil slick trajectory path is moved towards the north direction. The oil slick parcels are accumulated along the coastline after 48 h. The analysis indicated that tidal current V components were the dominant forcing for oil slick spreading.  相似文献   

To understand the long-term performance of bioretention systems under sulfamethoxazole (SMX) stress, an unplanted bioretention system (BRS) and two modified BRSs with coconut-shell activated carbon (CAC) and CAC/zero-valent-iron (Fe0) granules (CAC-BRS and Fe/CAC-BRS) were established. Both CAC-BRS and Fe/CAC-BRS significantly outperformed BRS in removing total nitrogen (TN)(CAC-BRS:82.48%; Fe/CAC-BRS:78.08%; BRS:47.51%), total phosphorous (TP)(CAC-BRS:79.36%; Fe/CAC-BRS:98.26%; BRS:41.99%),and...  相似文献   

In December 2009, ambient air was sampled with active high-volume air samplers at two sites: on the roof of the No. l building of Dalian Jiaotong University and on the roof of the building of Dalian Meteorological Observatory. The concentrations and the congeners between vapor phase and particulate phase of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in the air were measured. Sample analysis results showed that the concentrations of PCDD/Fs in particulate phase was higher than that in gaseous phase. The ratio of PCDD to PCDF in gaseous phase and particulate phase was lower than 0.4 in all samples. The total I-TEQ value in gaseous phase and particulate phase was 5.5 and 453.8 fg/m3 at Dalian Jiaotong University, 16.6 and 462.1 fg/m3 at Dalian Meteorological Observatory, respectively. The I-TEQ value of Dalian atmosphere was 5.5-462.1 fg/m3 which was lower than international standard, the atmospheric quality in Dalian is better.  相似文献   

基于综合观测的中国中东部地区一次严重污染过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用寿县国家气候观象台GRIMM80颗粒物监测仪、Aurora3000浊度计等探测的气溶胶浓度、大气散射系数分析了2018年1月中国中东部地区发生的一次严重污染过程.利用Airda微波辐射计探测的近地层温湿廓线数据,结合地面常规气象观测资料及EC再分析资料,探讨了此次污染过程形成、短时消散及清除的气象原因.结果表明:与历史同期相比,500 hPa极涡较浅、经向环流减弱;850 hPa西南气流强盛,中低层水汽充足加剧污染.污染发生于冷空气间歇期.在此污染过程中,地面平均风速为1.5 m·s-1,日均日照时数为0.1 h,相对湿度为91.2%,高湿、小风、多云寡照不利于污染水平扩散.1月18-22日边界层持续存在多层逆温,第一逆温层基本多为贴地逆温,逆温高度低于200 m,近地层大气比湿超过5 g·kg-1,最大值高于7 g·kg-1.在此期间出现两次空气质量短时段好转,这主要源于对流层中低层转为西北风,900 hPa以下聚集相当位温(Qe)低于288 K的浅薄冷空气堆,导致贴地逆温层消失地面污染被稀释.但两次弱冷空气没有打破边界层内有利于污染聚集的逆温、高湿结构,地面气团温度露点差无明显变化.23日较强冷空气使高空干洁大气入侵近地层,850 hPa以下Qe<284 K,表明地面污染气团被置换,污染过程结束.  相似文献   

基于卫星观测的青海高原对流层臭氧时空分布特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于OMI-MLS对流层臭氧总量数据集对2005—2019年青海高原对流层大气臭氧总量进行提取分析,探讨其时空分布格局及气象因子的影响.结果表明:①OMI-MLS对流层臭氧总量数据在青海高原的适用性良好.③海高原的多年平均对流层臭氧总量分布整体呈东北高西南低的态势,受地形和大气环流形势影响较大.海东市的对流层臭氧总量最高,其次是西宁市、格尔木市、德令哈市,玉树市的对流层臭氧总量最低.对流层臭氧总量月变化在一定程度上表现为"倒V"型特点:峰值位于6—7月,谷值位于1月,与气温变化密切相关.对流层臭氧总量季节变化明显,空间异质性强,夏季最高,春季、秋季次之,冬季最低.③近15年青海高原对流层臭氧总量呈显著增加趋势,年平均增加速率为0.22 DU,4个季节的对流层臭氧总量均呈波动上升趋势,冬季的对流层臭氧总量增加速率最快,其次是春季、夏季,秋季增加速率较慢.④影响青海高原对流层大气臭氧总量的主要气象因子是气温和降水,而次要因子表现略有不同.  相似文献   

介绍了畜禽养殖业对环境的污染现状及存在的问题,提出了强化环境管理的对策和措施.  相似文献   

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