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Lee  R 李滨 《产业与环境》1992,14(1):25-27
由于执行水污染控制法令(WPCO)和公众对环境问题日益关注,为了产生质量令人满意的废水排放,香港工厂中安装的废水处理系统必须正常运行。为确保装置的平稳运行和保证排水质量,一个好的监测程序是操作者和工厂管理的基本工具。监测必然涉及采样,良好的和有代表性的样品采集是工厂有效监测的关键步骤。本文叙述了监测和采样的原理及技术,并通过涉及连续的和间歇式的生物处理系统的使用的实例研究加以说明。  相似文献   

优势菌处理高浓度苯胺工业废水的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文叙述了从自然界分离选育出能降解苯胺的优势菌种,经人工驯化,构建出具有高效降解性能的微生物体系的试验过程,研究确立了优势菌———活性污泥组合技术工艺,并成功地将其用于含苯胺类工业废水的处理。  相似文献   

固定化生物活性炭处理低浓度甲醇废水   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
将分离筛选得到的甲醇降解菌固定在颗粒活性炭上,组成固定化生物活性炭反应系统,研究该反应系统处理轻度污染含甲醇废水的最佳运行条件和运行效果,结果表明,固定化生物活性炭处理轻度污染含甲醇放心水的方法明显好于3种树脂和单纯活性炭吸附处理,反应系统的最佳运行条件是水力负荷0.84-0.77m^3(m^2.h),停留时间57-62min,pH7-8,温度20℃-30℃,溶解氧是去除甲醇的主要限制因子,甲醇含量为11.3-23.1mg/L时,去除率大90%,出水CODcr小于12mg/L。此外还研究了生物活性炭生物膜的一些特点,并分析了运行中活性炭吸附性能的变化。  相似文献   

乳状液膜法处理含柠蒙酸工业废水的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘碌亭  肖锦 《环境化学》1999,18(4):354-358
本文研究了以LMA-1为表面活性剂,正三辛胺为流动载体,Na2CO3溶液为内相试剂,煤油为膜溶剂所组成的液膜体系处理柠檬酸废水。  相似文献   

优势菌处理高浓度苯胺工业废水的人   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文叙述了从自然界分离选育出能降解苯胺的优势菌种,经人工驯化,构建出具有高效降解性能的微生物体系的试验过程,研究了确立优势菌-活性污泥组合技术工艺,并成功地将其用于含苯胺类工业废水的处理。  相似文献   

本文对天津市的水环境质量现状和存在的主要环境问题进行了系统分析,根据天津市污染防治长期规划,从建设工业水污染防治体系的目标出发,提出了解决城市工业废水污染控制问题的对策,方法和相应措施。并针对水资源严重匮乏地区的经济与环境协调发展问题,进行了研究和探讨。  相似文献   

粉煤灰复合吸附剂的研制及其在工业废水除氟中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
粉煤灰复合吸附剂是一种新型得除氟剂,具有良好的吸附性能,在一定条件下,可用于处理高含氟量的工业废水,粉煤灰复合吸附剂处理50mg/L左右的含F^-废水时,当投加量为0.6%-0.8%时,去除率可达90%以上,从而达到排放标准,粉煤灰复合吸附剂所需原料易得,除氟后可将原料固化制成建筑用砖,合理利用。  相似文献   

韭菜根尖微核技术检测工业废水的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了韭菜(Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Spreng)根尖微核技术检测工业废水的方法.利用韭菜根尖微核技术检测了哈尔滨市10余种工业废水,获得较好效果.经统计分析,各采样点微核率(MCN‰)均明显高于对照组(F>F_(0.01),P<0.01).韭菜对各种工业废水的诱变反应较蚕豆敏感,韭菜MCN‰高达94‰,蚕豆为49‰.韭菜根尖微核技术具有微核效应良好 取材方便,方法简易,尤其适用于北方地区.  相似文献   

辽河流域工业废水污染物排放的时空变化规律研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
苏丹  王彤  刘兰岚  白琳 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2953-2959
采用等标污染负荷法,针对改革开放和产业结构大调整前后的5个典型年份,从工业污染源空间特征出发分析了辽宁省辽河流域工业废水污染物排放的变化趋势,并讨论了重点污染物排放的时空变化规律。结果表明:辽河流域工业污染源主要分布在辽宁中部城市群及沿海地区,且有不断集中的趋势;工业废水排放总量以及污染物排放总量都呈不断减少的趋势;辽河流域主要污染物为COD、氨氮、挥发酚和石油类,有机污染物排放量高于无机污染物;重金属类污染物变化较大,1985—1999年重金属类以汞为主,2002—2005年期间重金属类以镉、铅和六价铬为主,2008年重金属类以铅、砷和六价铬为主;氨氮、COD的主要排放区域变化不大,挥发酚、石油类、铅、砷的主要排放区域变化很大,污染物排放区域转移趋势明显。  相似文献   

研究了酢浆草提取液(OX)、猪粪提取液(PM)以及味精厂废水(MGW)对土壤中Ni、Co的作用。结果表明,OX提取液原液对土壤中的Ni、Co有较好的活化作用,其活化比例分别达到4.8%和14.6%,但稀释后效果大幅度下降;MGW原液可活化土壤中的1.6%的Ni,但对Co的活化效果较差;PM提取液则对土壤中的重金属起到一定的固定作用。OX提取液的pH值与Ni、Co总活化比例之间呈显著幂相关,可能是由于受到多种酸性活性成分的影响所致。  相似文献   

The effluent of a wastewater treatment plant was treated in a pilot plant for reclaimed water production through the denitrification biofilter (DNBF) process, ozonation (O3), and biologic aerated filtration (BAF). The combined process demonstrated good removal performance of conventional pollutants, including concentrations of chemical oxygen demand (27.8 mg·L−1) and total nitrogen (9.9 mg·L−1) in the final effluent, which met the local discharge standards and water reuse purposes. Micropollutants (e.g., antibiotics and endocrine-disrupting chemicals) were also significantly removed during the proposed process. Ozonation exhibited high antibiotic removal efficiencies, especially for tetracycline (94%). However, micropollutant removal efficiency was negatively affected by the nitrite produced by DNBF. Acute toxicity variations of the combined process were estimated by utilizing luminescent bacteria. Inhibition rate increased from 9% to 15% during ozonation. Carbonyl compound concentrations (e.g., aldehydes and ketones) also increased by 58% as by-products, which consequently increased toxicity. However, toxicity eventually became as low as that of the influent because the by-products were effectively removed by BAF. The combined DNBF/O3/BAF process is suitable for the advanced treatment of reclaimed water because it can thoroughly remove pollutants and toxicity.  相似文献   

人工湿地处理生活污水研究--以深圳石岩河人工湿地为例   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
对深圳石岩河人工湿地运行以来的污水净化效果、植物生长状况和处理系统存在的问题等进行了分析和研究.结果表明,湿地运行7个月,污水处理量达1.8×106 m3,对污水中CODCr、BOD5、SS、TP、TN和NH3-N的去除率分别为87.1%、94.1%、57.5%、91.4%、47.8%和74.8%.对植物氮磷的分析表明,植物氮质量分数在1.31%~2.25%之间,磷质量分数在0.40% ~ 1.15%之间,植物氮积累量为116.2 ~ 417.1 kg·hm-2,磷积累量为70.7~178.3 kg·hm-2.与工程总处理量相比,植物吸收的氮磷量仍占很小部分,平均分别为4.90%和3.78%.此外,对工程运行状况的观测发现,人工湿地存在工程表面板结、内部堵塞及植物管理等问题,板结程度与植物覆盖度成反比.  相似文献   

滤速对慢滤池深度处理生活污水的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹相生  刘杰  孟雪征  王玥 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1947-1950
为进一步提高再生水水质,将慢滤池用于污水二级处理出水的进一步处理。选取浊度、COD、色度和细菌总数4个指标,利用实验室小试装置,研究了0.1、0.3、0.5m/h这3种滤速下慢滤池的性能。结果表明,滤速由0.1m/h升高至0.3m/h时,慢滤池出水水质略有下降。而滤速由0.3m/h升高至0.5m/h时,慢滤池出水水质下降显著。滤速小于等于0.3m/h时,慢滤出水浊度、COD、色度和细菌总数平均为0.4NTU、25.9mg/L、14.9°、5×10^3CFU/mL。慢滤对这4个指标的平均去除率分别为78.6%、36.0%、34.0%、62.3%。为获得优良的水质,建议慢滤池用于污水深度处理时,滤速宜小于0.3m/h。但实际工程中,用户对再生水水质要求不高时,则可适当增大慢滤池滤速。  相似文献   

火山岩型膨润土原矿的脱色性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考察了火山岩型膨润土原矿对亚甲基蓝溶液的脱色处理效果,发现12min后4种矿物的脱色率均达到了85%以上,其中信阳、黑山和凌源膨润土矿样脱色率高达98%以上。各膨润土矿地质背景差异导致矿样间物理化学性质的差异较大。讨论膨润土的物理化学性质和染料脱色效果,发现影响膨润土样品吸附的主要因素为膨润土d001值、CEC以及内表面积。  相似文献   

滤层厚度对慢滤池深度处理污水的性能影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将慢滤池用于污水二级出水的深度处理,并利用小试装置研究了滤层厚度对慢滤池性能的影响。选取浊度、COD和色度三个指标,在滤层不同深度处多次取样,分析各指标沿滤层厚度的变化。结果表明,采用粒径为0.4~0.6mm,滤层厚度为800mm的石英砂做滤床时,慢滤池对二级出水具有较好的净化效果:当进水浊度、COD和色度分别为1.3~6.9NTU、30.4~70.0mg·L^-1和20.6°~57.6°时,平均去除率分别达到86.5%、45.0%和46.3%。从试验结果可以看出,慢滤池类似一个微缩的污水二级处理系统,滤层表面的粘性滤膜起到类似初沉池的作用,可以对各指标实现较好的去除,58.6%的浊度、52.7%的COD和45.7%的色度是在滤层上部去除的;慢滤池中部起到类似曝气池的作用,下部起到类似二沉池的作用,对水质指标也能实现一定的去除。  相似文献   

The kinetic parameters and the purification rates of the hybrid cell Foaz in soybean processing wastewater (SPW) were measured through a shaking reaction and in two automatic regulated control stable fermentation systems (ARCSFS). The maximum specific growth rate of Foaz was 0.576 h‐1, higher than that of one of its parental strains Rhodobacter sphaeroides P9479 and lower than that of another parental strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y9407. The BOD5 removal rate of Foaz in the No. 1 system was 61.3%, higher than those of both its parental strains when the influent BOD5 concentration was 4600 mg/L. The results of this study suggest that the hybrid Foaz has a better capacity of the degradation of organic pollutants in SPW than its parental strains and it may be applicable to the treatment of high concentration organic wastewater.  相似文献   

● Reduce the quantifying MPs time by using Nile red staining. ● The removal rate of MPs and PAEs in wastewater and sludge were investigated. ● MPs and PAEs were firstly analyzed during thermal hydrolysis treatment. ● The removal of PAEs from wastewater and sludge was mainly biodegradation. Microplastics (MPs) and plasticizers, such as phthalate esters (PAEs), were frequently detected in municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWTP). Previous research mainly studied the removal of MPs and PAEs in wastewater. However, the occurrence of MPs and PAEs in the sludge was generally ignored. To comprehensively investigate the occurrence and the migration behaviors of MPs and PAEs in MWTP, a series of representative parameters including the number, size, color, shape of MPs, and the concentrations of PAEs in wastewater and sludge were systematically investigated. In this study, the concentrations of MPs in the influent and effluent were 15.46±0.37 and 0.30±0.14 particles/L. The MP removal efficiency of 98.1% was achieved and about 73.8% of MPs were accumulated in the sludge in the MWTP. The numbers of MPs in the sludge before and after digestion were 4.40±0.14 and 0.31±0.01 particles/g (dry sludge), respectively. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR FT-IR) analysis showed that the main types of MPs were polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), and polystyrene (PS). Six PAEs, including phthalate (DMP), diethyl phthalate (DEP), diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP), ortho dibutyl phthalate (DBP), butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), and bis(2-ethyl) hexyl phthalate (DEHP), were detected in the MWTP. The concentrations of total PAEs (ΣPAEs) in the influent and effluent were 76.66 and 6.28 µg/L, respectively. The concentrations of ΣPAEs in the sludge before and after digestion were 152.64 and 31.70 µg/g, respectively. In the process of thermal hydrolysis, the number and size of MPs decreased accompanied by the increase of the plasticizer concentration.  相似文献   

采用Fenton试剂-硫酸镁对广东某酵母厂经厌氧、好氧、缺氧处理后的酵母废水进行深度处理。实验结果表明:采用Fenton试剂,在初始pH值为9、H2O2用量为5.55g/L、Fe2 加入量为1.41g/L、反应时间为20min的条件下,废水COD去除率达90%;继续采用硫酸镁对上清液进行处理,在调节pH为11~11.5、加入硫酸镁0.25~1.0g/L时,出水COD可降至138.0mg/L,颜色清澈。出水水质可达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978—1996)的二级标准。  相似文献   

采用液-液萃取辅以硅胶、氧化铝净化的方法,并结合GC/MS分析技术,系统分析了焦化废水中有机物的组成.在焦化废水中检测到15类558种有机物.根据有机物的分子结构、废水中的含量、毒性及环境效应,筛选出焦化废水中的特征性有机污染物,以区别于其它工业废水,可作为追溯环境中污染物来源的依据.经物理、生物和化学处理后,焦化废水中大部分有机物被去除,其中,对去除率的主要贡献是生物处理阶段.为了更好地考察生物处理阶段对有机污染物的去除特征,选定酚类、多环芳烃和喹啉类物质作为研究对象,分析了3类特征性污染物在A/O2工艺各单元中的去除状况及组成变化特征.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale airlift oxidation ditch using bubble diffuser and baffle as aerator was operated in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to investigate its flow characteristic and wastewater treatment performance. Compared with the conventional oxidation ditch process, effective depth and oxygen utilization efficiency of this new process was improved by underwater aeration. Furthermore, it had a reversed velocity distribution, which decreased from the bottom to the top on vertical section. Velocity measurement showed that a velocity over 0.2m/s at the bottom was sufficient to prevent sludge settlement during long term operation. Application of these concepts would save land area and energy consumption by about 25%―50% and 55%, respectively. In this new system, organic biodegradation and nitrification could be well achieved. Denitrification could occur steadily in the straight part by adjusting the airflow rate. An average TN removal rate of 63% was achieved with dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations between 0.6mg/L and 1.5mg/L. The main pollutants in the effluent could meet the strictest discharge standard (COD<50mg/L, NH4+―N<5mg/L, and TN<15mg/L) in China now.  相似文献   

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