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Vergés A  Paul NA  Steinberg PD 《Ecology》2008,89(5):1334-1343
Intraspecific variation in resistance to herbivory among genders and life-history phases of primary producers can significantly alter the ecological and evolutionary consequences of plant-herbivore interactions. Seaweeds (macroalgae) with complex life histories have multiple distinct phases with associated variation in traits that can potentially lead to differences in resistance to consumers and provide a unique system in which to simultaneously test the effects of sex and life-history stage on herbivory. We tested the susceptibility to grazing of the three life-history stages and separate sexes of the chemically defended red alga Asparagopsis armata against the sea hare Aplysia parvula, and we related this to the plant quality traits of different stages and genders. Differences in nutrient content and halogenated secondary metabolites between life-history phases were highly sex dependent. Male gametophytes had a low concentration of secondary metabolites and the highest nutrient content. The highest secondary metabolite content was found within the female gametophyte, in the wall of the reproductive structures (cystocarps) that contain the microscopic carposporophyte phase. Feeding choices by A. parvula were consistent with differences in algal quality and defense and resulted in the haploid male gametophytes being the most preferred food type. The diploid carposporophyte found inside the chemically rich cystocarps was the least consumed life-history stage. Selective herbivory of male gametophytes by A. parvula is consistent with an observed shift in gametophyte sex ratio in the field from unity at the beginning of the reproductive season to female bias at the end. The variation in susceptibility to herbivory found between sex and life-history stages of A. armata represents the first example of sex-biased consumption in seaweeds and may contribute to the maintenance of complex life histories such as those found in red algae.  相似文献   

E. C. Bell 《Marine Biology》1993,117(2):337-346
When exposed to air during low tide, intertidal macroalgae experience a terrestrial environment and often encounter extreme levels of heating and desiccation. Two aspects of photosynthesis may be influenced by this increase in temperature and decrease in water content during exposure to air: (1) the rate of aerial photosynthesis itself, and (2) the rate at which aquatic photosynthesis recovers upon immersion in water at high tide. This laboratory study examines the effect of air temperature and desiccation on photosynthesis of the intertidal macroalga Mastocarpus papillatus Kützing. Plants were collected at Hopkins Marine Station, California, USA (36°37N; 121°54W) between July and December 1990. When apical tips were exposed to 15 to 25°C air for 2 h, photosynthesis was rapidly recovered upon reimmersion in seawater. Recovery was delayed, but complete, when tissue was exposed to 30°C air, but did not occur after exposure to 35°C air. Desiccation did not influence either the rate or the ultimate level of recovery upon reimmersion. Photosynthesis in air generally decreased with increasing desication, with no net photosynthesis occurring below 25% relative water content. Net photosynthesis of hydrated thalli increased with air temperature from 15 to 30°C, then decreased at 35°C. Dark respiration of hydrated thalli increased over the entire temperature range. This study indicates that thallus heating and desiccation during periods of exposure to air can potentially influence the total carbon budget of M. papillatus.  相似文献   

太湖藻类抗逆性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴生才  陈伟民  高光 《生态环境》2004,13(4):500-502
分析太湖鲜底泥和干底泥中活体藻类的种类和数量,以及几种太湖水华优势藻类经过低温、低光处理后的变化,探讨了太湖水华中的优势藻类对湖泊不良环境的适应。研究结果表明,在鲜底泥中检测到11种活体藻类。经低温(5~6℃)处理的底泥中检测到8种活体藻类,总细胞密度为2100个·mL-1,比常温(10~28℃)下保存的底泥中的活体藻类种类(4种)更多,总细胞密度(1090个·mL-1)更高。长期干旱处理也不能使底泥中的藻类完全失去生命力;经过低温、无光处理7个月的微囊藻(Microcystisaeruginosa)和斜生栅列藻(Scenedesmusobliquus)依然保持良好的生长能力,只是微囊藻的对数生长期比对照出现的晚一些。它们在湖泊中广泛存在,在水华中的爆发的特性是与它们对不良环境的适应性和抗性密切相关的。  相似文献   

We report findings from the first laboratory experiments to assess toxicities of metals found in drilling muds to embryos and prezoeae of a brachyuran crab. Embryos of Cancer anthonyi are brooded externally on the abdomen of female crabs; thus, embryos may be continuously exposed to pollutants contained in sediments of contaminated benthic habitats. Lethal concentrations of metals to embryos after 7 d exposures were: iron and barium (sulfate), 1 000 mg l–1; barium (chloride), 100 mg l–1; aluminum and nickel, 10 mg l–1; copper and lead, l mg l–1; cadmium, chromium VI and manganese, 0.01 mg l–1; mercury, 0.001 mg l–1. All metals effectively retarded embryos from hatching at concentrations equal or lower to those causing mortality, except for cadmium. Particularly impressive was iron, which suppressed hatching at l to 10 mg l–1, concentrations previously found non-deleterious to marine organisms and 100 times more dilute than concentrations causing significant embryo mortality. The effects of metals on embryos increased as a function of exposure duration. Embryo mortality was delayed for at least 120 h at concentrations 1.0 mg l–1, with the exception of mercury. Lethal concentrations established at 96 h were meaningless for crab embryos, because acute toxic thresholds were not attained by that time. Larval survivorship to chromium VI, copper, and zinc increased following exposure of embryos to these metals at low concentrations (1.0 mg l–1), suggesting induction of biochemical pathways for products which bind or metabolize metals. Identical exposures of embryos to lead failed to enhance subsequent larval survivorship, showing that inductions may be metal-specific. We suggest that exposures of brachyuran embryos at field sites and the success of their subsequent hatching in the laboratory may be a means of assessing environmental contamination otherwise difficult to monitor.  相似文献   

A simple tide-simulation apparatus was used to investigate the influence of emersion and temperature on the intertidal growth of Padina japonica Yamada in both the juvenile and adult growth phases. The upper zonation limits are not determined by the sensitivity of any particular growth phase, since all phases show the same emersion tolerance limits. The species grows best when continuously submerged, and growth rates decrease with increasing emersion up to a clear upper zonation boundary. High temperature reduces the emersion tolerance and is therefore an important factor in tropical intertidal zonation.  相似文献   

The coralline alga Phymatolithon calcareum was dredged from 13 m in the Kattegatt, Baltic Sea, in December, 1980, and its rate of calcification was measured by 45Ca++-uptake methods. Light-saturated calcification rates at 5°C ranged from 15.8 g CaCO3 g-1 dry wt h-1 for the basal parts of the plants to 38.7 g CaCO3 g-1 dry wt h-1 for the tips. These age gradients were not apparent when calcification rates were expressed on the basis of surface area. Experiments with salinity (10, 20, 30) and temperature (0°, 5°, 10°, 20°C) indicated that optimum conditions for calcification were at 30 S and at temperatures above 10°C. Salinity had a greater influence on calcification rate than did temperature, and there was a positive relationship between salinity and calcification rate at all temperatures. In 6 mo old cultures, salinity was again the important factor, with all plants remaining healthy at 30 except those at the highest temperature (20°C). These trends, and the low calcification rates at 10S (4.6 g CaCO3 g-1 dry wt h-1 at 5°C to 8.6 g CaCO3g-1 dry wt h-1 at 20°C) suggest that low salinity may be the explanation for the general absence of P. calcareum from the brackish waters of the Baltic Sea. Short-term experiments in which salinity was kept constant while Ca++ concentration was altered, and experiments in which salinity was varied and Ca++ concentration kept constant, suggest that it is the calcium ion concentration and not salinity per se which affects calcification rates.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,186(3):326-344
We present a model framework for the simulation of growth and reproduction of Daphnia at varying conditions of food concentration and temperature. The core of our framework consists of an individual level model that simulates allocation of assimilated carbon into somatic growth, maintenance costs, and reproduction on the basis of a closed carbon budget. A fixed percentage of assimilated carbon is allocated into somatic growth and maintenance costs. Special physiological adaptations in energy acquisition and usage allow realistic model performance even at very low food concentrations close to minimal food requirements. All model parameters are based on physiological measures taken from the literature. Model outputs were thoroughly validated on data from a life-table experiment with Daphnia galeata. For the first time, a successful model validation was performed at such low food concentrations. The escalator boxcar train (EBT) was used to integrate this individual level model into a stage-structured population model. In advance to previous applications of the EBT to Daphnia we included an additional clutch compartment into the model structure that accounts for the characteristic time delay between egg deposition and hatching in cladocerans. By linking two levels of biological organisation, this model approach represents a comprehensive framework for studying Daphnia both at laboratory conditions and in the field. We compared outputs of our stage-structured model with predictions by two other models having analogous parameterisation: (i) another individual level Daphnia model (Kooijman–Metz model) and (ii) a classical unstructured population model. In contrast to our Daphnia model, the Kooijman–Metz model lacks the structure to account for the optimisation of energy acquisition and maintenance requirements by individual daphnids. The unstructured population model showed different patterns of population dynamics that were not in concordance with typical patterns observed in the field. Thus, we conclude our model provides a comprehensive tool for the simulation of growth and reproduction of Daphnia and corresponding population dynamics.  相似文献   

Pruitt JN  Ferrari MC 《Ecology》2011,92(10):1902-1908
Although the study of ecological interactions often takes into account functional variation between species, intraspecific variation is commonly ignored. Here, we investigate the importance of an intraspecific polymorphism in shaping interspecific interactions in a habitat-building species. Colonies of the social spider Anelosimus studiosus provide habitat for dozens of arthropod species, and colony members exhibit markedly polymorphic behavioral temperaments (BT): "aggressive" or "docile." We manipulated the phenotypic compositions of colonies (100% aggressive, 50% aggressive and 50% docile, 100% docile) and measured the nature and magnitude of interactions between A. studiosus and two heterospecific web associates, Larinioides cornutus and Agelenopsis emertoni. We found that BT composition significantly affected the outcome of interspecific interactions, changing the relationship between A. studiosus and its web associates from an ammensalism (where A. studiosus experiences reduced fecundity and survival) to a commensalism or mutualism. Our study successfully illustrates the potential of BTs to impact whole community dynamics, and conversely, for community structure to influence the maintenance of BTs.  相似文献   

Ostreobium sp. (Chlorophyta: Siphonales) can be found as green bands within the skeletal material of a number of stony corals in the Indo-Pacific and Caribbean regions. Many of these corals also contain symbiotic dinoflagellates in the overlaying coral polyps that effectively screen out all the typical photosynthetically active radiation from the algae in the green bands below. Ostreobium sp., nevertheless, grows photosynthetically. Its action spectrum and absorption spectrum have been shown to extend much further into the near infra-red compared to other green algae. In the present study, carried out in 1987, fluorescence excitation and emission spectra were measured in Ostreobium sp. and compared to spectra obtained from the green alga Ulva sp. and the brown alga Endarachne sp. Xanthophylls, probably siphonein and an unidentified xanthophyll probably related to siphonaxanthin, are photosynthetically active in Ostreobium sp., and can sensitize Photosystem II fluorescence at 688 nm and Photosystem I (PS I) fluorescence at 718 nm. The fluorescence emission spectra of Ostreobium sp. measured at 25° C and 77 K were not remarkably different from those of the green alga Ulva sp. Absorbance changes induced by light were measured in Ostreobium sp. from 670 to 750 nm and were like those normally seen in green plants except that, in addition to the minimum expected for the reaction-center chlorophyll of PS I (P700) at 703 nm, another minimum was seen at 730 nm. It is possible that this spectrumreflects the functioning of a reaction center of Photosystem I that has adapted to function in light highly enriched in far-red wavelengths.CIW-DPB Publication No. 1021  相似文献   

Sewage effluent has a deleterious effect on the early life-history stages of Hormosira banksii (Turner) Decaisne and Durvillaea potatorum (Labillardière) Areschoug. High concentrations of sewage effluent (28 and 40% in seawater) inhibit zygote germination by 55 to 95%, retard embryo growth (80 to 100%) and cause severe embryo mortality, with less than 60 and 5% surviving after 14 d, respectively. It is probable that such adverse effects would significantly reduce levels of recruitment of these species in sewage-affected localities, and that sewage effluent has played an important role in the decline of these species from several rock platforms in south-east Victoria, Australia. Zygote germination, embryo growth and embryo mortality were inhibited 40% more strongly in sewage effluent than diluted seawater, showing that the effect of sewage effluent is not simply one of seawater dilution. However, this effect was only observed at high concentrations (28 and 40%). The absence of any difference between the low concentrations of sewage effluent (4 and 12% in seawater) and diluted seawater suggests that the dilution of waste water is important in mitigating its more harmful effects. The sensitivity of H. banksii and D. potatorum embryos to the composition of the medium in which they grow and the ease with which they can be manipulated in culture suggest that they may be utilised as biological indicators of water quality.  相似文献   

The formation of winter ice, and its movement with the tides, has had a major influence on the life-history parameters of shallow-water populations of the rhizomatous marine angiosperm eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Nova Scotia, Canada. In this region, and annual form of eelgrass inhabits intertidal and shallow subtidal mudflats and a perennial form is common in subtidal areas. Where lowtide water depth was greater than winter ice thickness (25 cm), ice movement removed much of the aboveground biomass from perennial ramets, but did not influence the density of ramets. Measurements of primary production showed that perennial plants allocated a greater proportion of their total production to below-ground structures than measured in all previous studies on eelgrass. Thus perennials are well anchored in the sediment, are more able to withstand removal by ice, and have reserves available for production of new leaves when ice melts. In the spring, seed germination was greatest in areas where ice had removed whole plants (or their aboveground parts) than among mature ramets which had survived winter intact. Survival of seedlings (new genets) was not affected by shading from the adult canopy, but a shading experiment showed that competition for light with mature ramets had a significant negative effect on morphology, growth and the allocation of seedling biomass to below-ground parts, thus reducing the ability of new genets to survive ice disturbance in the next winter. The annual form ofZ. marina was restricted to areas where low tide water depth was much less than winter ice thickness. Annual plants did not survive winter, had small investment in below-ground parts and high reproductive effort, and overwintered as seeds. The genetic status of the two forms and the restriction of the annual to very shallow water are discussed in the light of previous work on eelgrass  相似文献   

Rapid mass sinking of cells following diatom blooms, observed in lakes and the sea, is argued here to represent the transition from a growing to a resting stage in the life histories of these algae. Mass sinking is of survival value in those bloom diatoms that retain viability over long periods in cold, dark water but not in warm, nutrient-depleted surface water. Mechanisms for accelerating sinking speed of populations entering a resting or seeding mode are proposed. Previously unexplained features of diatom form and behaviour take on a new meaning in this context of diatom seeding strategies. Diatoms have physiological control over buoyancy as declining growth is accompanied by increasing sinking rates, where the frustule acts as ballast. Increased mucous secretion in conjunction with the cell protuberances characteristic of bloom diatoms leads to entanglement and aggregate formation during sinking; the sticky aggregates scavenge mineral and other particles during descent which further accelerates the sinking rate. Such diatom flocs will have sinking rates of 100 m d-1 or more. This is corroborated by recent observations of mass phytoplankton sedimentation to the deep sea. This mechanism would explain the origin of marine snow flocs containing diatoms in high productivity areas and also the well-known presence of a viable deep sea flora. That mortality is high in such a seeding strategy is not surprising. A number of species-specific variables pertaining to size, morphology, physiology, spore formation and frustule dissolution rate will determine the sinking behaviour and thus control positioning of resting stages in the water column or on the bottom. It is argued that sinking behaviour patterns will be environmentally selected and that some baffling aspects of diatom form and distribution can be explained in this light. Rapid diatom sedimentation is currently believed to be mediated by zooplankton faecal pellets, particularly those of copepods. This view is not supported by recently published observations. I speculate that copepod grazing actually retards rather than accelerates vertical flux, because faecal pellets tend to be recycled within the surface layer by the common herbivorous copepods. Egestion of undigested food by copepods during blooms acts as a storage mechanism, as ungrazed cells are likely to initiate mass precipitation and depletion of the surface layer in essential elements. Unique features of diatoms are discussed in the light of their possible evolution from resting spores of other algae. An evolutionary ecology of pelagic bloom diatoms is deduced from behavioural and morphological characteristics of meroplanktonic and tychopelagic forms. Other shell-bearing protistan plankters share common features with diatoms. Similar life-history patterns are likely to be present in species from all these groups. The geological significance of mass diatom sinking in rapidly affecting transfer of biogenic and mineral particles to the sea floor is pointed out.  相似文献   

The seasonal selection by temperature of bacteria in an intertidal sediment was investigated, and a simplified method of demonstrating the temperature adaption of a mixed heterotrophic bacterial population was suggested. The method relied upon counting the bacteria which grew at only two separate incubation-temperatures, and compared favourably with more tedions methods which utilise replicated cultures grown at a large number of incubation temperatures. Using this technique, a temperature adaptation index was calculated for the heterotrophic bacterial population and changes in the value of this index were shown to be correlated with seasonal changes of environmental temperature.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problems involved in obtaining grab samples for direct comparison of the respective benthic fauna, using information from a survey conducted across the South African Continental Shelf below the Benguela Current. Many factors influence the depth of grab penetration into the sediment and, hence, the grab sample volume. One of the most important of these factors is sediment texture. While this fact has been long recognised, most workers have attached little significance to it. It is shown here that an exponential relationship exists between the grab sample volume and sediment texture, until the minimum percentage of silt plus clay that will give a maximum grab sample volume is reached. This relationship only extends to a certain depth, in this case to 280 m. There are more species per unit number of specimens (“species richness”) in association with sand or muddy-sand than with mud. A linear relationship is given between the grab sample volume and species richness between the depths of 280 and 440 m, inclusive.  相似文献   

Two grapsid crabs, Sesarma cinereum (Bosc) and S. reticulatum (Say), were studied in the region of Beaufort, North Carolina, USA, during the summers of 1977, 1983, and 1984. The two grapsid species showed differences in social organization, habitat preferences, and number and size of first-stage larvae. We analyzed several other characters (growth rates, size at sexual maturity, reproductive effort per clutch) to determine if these differences could be related to a coherent pattern of life-history trends. While some relationships between characters were consistent with those found among other crab species, few seemed peculiarly matched to the ecological contrasts represented by our species. Our results suggest that other factors (phyletic predisposition; decoupling of selection between larval and adult stages; equally adaptive alternatives) may obscure the rules governing relationships between life-history characters and evolutionary trends.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic function of phycoerythrin was investigated in the alga Trichodesmium thiebautii from the waters of Kuroshio, Japan. The spectroscopic characteristics of the in vivo and isolated T. thiebautii phycoerythrin pigments are identical, and have 3 absorption bands at 495, 547 and 562 nm. Light at the wavelengths corresponding to each absorption band of phycoerythrin is equally efficient in T. thiebautii photosynthesis, indicating that phycoerythrin is active in trapping light energy for photosynthesis. In the natural habitat, phycoerythrin is considered to be the main photosynthetic pigment in T. thiebautii photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The demography of Pelvetia fastigiata was studied from 1973 through 1977 in the intertidal zone near La Jolla, California, USA. Populations were usually small and relatively stable as new recruits replaced older individuals that were lost; however, in 1977 high recruitment substantially increased total abundances. The survivorship of recruits was similar regardless of the season or year of recruitment. Mortality rates decreased with age, and the mean life expectancy continued to increase for at least 1 yr. Losses of juveniles were high; 50% lived 80 d and only 9% survived to the age of first reproduction (about 1.5 yr). Plants present at the start of the study had higher survivorship rates than new recruits, 19 and 7%, respectively, living more than 3 yr. Individuals within aggregations of large plants lived longer than most dispersed individuals, and aggregations remained intact throughout the study in spite of low recruitment. Established individuals had low mortality rates and populations probably relied on these persistent individuals for reproduction.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate water quality, sediment and plant vegetation in eight tributaries of the Mankyeong River for enhancement of natural purification. Among the tributaries, the Iksancheon water had the highest concentration of BOD, T-N and NH4-N due to inflow of swine wastes from the livestock district. The Yucheon water had the highest level of electrical conductivity and SO4(2-) due to inflow of mis-treated wastewater from industrial districts. The Tabcheon had generally similar concentrations of nitrogen and phosphate to that of the upstream of the Mankyeong River: agricultural activity along the Tabcheon appeared to have little negative influence to the water quality. Among various sediments, concentration of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphate were high in the Iksancheon and the Yucheon due to the livestock wastes and industrial wastes. There were 282 species of plants during summer with 43 aquatic plants, 57 hydrophytes, 178 waterside plants and 4 terrestrial plants. Some plant resources were recommended due to much absorption of nitrogen and phosphate for enhancement of natural purification. C. demersum and H. verticillata were recommended in the submerged aquatic plants, H. dubia, N. indica and N. subinteperrimum in the floating leaf aquatic plants, P. communis, Z. latifolia and T. orientalis in the emerged aquatic plants, C. scutata and P. distichum in the waterside plants.  相似文献   

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