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Natural Die-Offs of Large Mammals: Implications for Conservation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The viability of populations is a central concern of biological conservation. The occurrence of catastrophic die-offs may greatly reduce the long-term viability of populations. Theoretical extinction models and viability analyses require information on the frequency of die-offs and on the distribution of die-off severities. A review of literature identified 96 natural die-offs in large mammal populations, with a die-off being defined as a peak-to-trough decline in estimated population numbers of at least 25%. If such die-offs are common, population viability analyses that ignore them may be overly optimistic. The severities of the natural die-offs of large mammals presented here are not uniformly distributed. There is a relative overabundance of die-offs in the 70–90% range, and an underabundance of die-offs greater than 90%. This may indicate the presence of buffers against population extinction. The reported causes of large mammal die-offs were significantly related to trophic level: herbivore die-offs were more often attributed to starvation, while carnivore die-offs were more often attributed to disease. Populations subject to large-scale phenomena such as drought and severe winters may not be protected from die-offs by population subdivision. On the other hand, populations subject to catastrophic disease epidemics may be protected by subdivision, and threatened by corridors between conservation areas and by translocation efforts.  相似文献   

Although concern for biodiversity and its conservation originated in the biological sciences, with growing international interest an increasing number of interest groups are claiming standing in discussions of the best ways to conserve biodiversity. One of these groups, formed by various indigenous peoples and their advocates, has repeatedly defended its claim to standing by stating that indigenous peoples are well equipped to conserve biodiversity. These claims have had far-reaching consequences, as millions of hectares of Amazonian forest have been deeded to indigenous groups, at least partially on the reasoning that such actions would conserve biodiversity. In this paper, we bring to the attention of the community of conservation biologists a group representing 229 native Amazonian groups comprising 1.2 million people in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Colombia. In a document entitled "To the Community of Concerned Environmentalists," this group of indigenous peoples proposes a broad template for cooperation between conservation biologists and the indigenous peoples of the Amazon Basin. Following reiteration of the statement, we discuss the fact that these two groups define biodiversity and its conservation in different ways, with indigenous peoples focusing more on preservation of general habitat characteristics and exclusion of extensive habitat alteration. We conclude that the interests of conservation biologists may not be completely compatible with the agenda of indigenous peoples and their advocates but that by cooperating valuable time is being bought by both sides.  相似文献   

Abstract:  It has been suggested that transgenics and vertebrate cloning have a role to play in conservation. Now is the time to evaluate their risks and benefits, before these technologies are widely implemented in our field. Direct risks of transgenics include escape and introgression of transgenes into wild populations; weedy invasion by transgenic organisms; toxicity or pathogenicity of engineered organisms and their products; and human error in the field testing and tracking of transgenic organisms. Indirect risks include environmental effects of increased herbicide use; the danger that engineered organisms may aid the development of bioweapons; the likelihood that gene patenting will lead to the privatization of natural resources; and the diversion of support from less glamorous forms of conservation. Formal risk assessments are commonly used to evaluate transgenic procedures, but our incomplete understanding of both ecosystem processes and the action of transgenes renders most of these assessments scientifically and socially unjustified. Nevertheless, a few, low-risk applications of transgenics may be possible: for example, "super-sterile" ornamental cultivars. Vertebrate cloning poses little risk to the environment, but it can consume scarce conservation resources, and its chances of success in preserving species seem poor. To date, the conservation benefits of transgenics and vertebrate cloning remain entirely theoretical, but many of the risks are known and documented. Conservation biologists should devote their research and energies to the established methods of conservation, none of which require transgenics or vertebrate cloning.  相似文献   

The demand for rhino horn has led to drastic declines in numbers of rhinos in Asia and Africa. Although all trade in rhino products has been illegal since the mid-1970s, a lucrative illegal market flourishes and poaching continues. Horn removal from African rhinos has been conducted in Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Swaziland to deter poaching. Regeneration of horns following dehorning has created the potential for a sustainable harvest of rhino horn through dehorning programs. Establishment of a regulated legal market for rhino horn has been suggested to help fund rhino conservation programs in African countries. However, evaluation of an economic harvest of rhino horn from dehorning programs has been limited because few data on rates and form of horn regeneration exist. Because rate of horn regeneration will determine the interval at which rhino horns could be harvested profitably, we measured horn regrowth for two white rhino (Ceratotherium simum) populations studied in Zimbabwe between 1991–1995. Measurements of horn sizes were collected before and after dehorning, and mass to volume relationships were calculated. Von Bertalanffy growth curves were used to model horn size and rates of horn regrowth relative to age. Adult males had larger horn bases (p < 0.001) and faster rates of horn regrowth than adult females. Regenerated horn mass for adult males (>1.3 kg/yr) was almost twice the mass of adult females. Based on an economic model for profit maximization, intervals for dehorning range from 1.16 to 1.51 years and vary with both sex and age. We suggest managers use these values as minimum dehorning intervals to balance profits with longer-term management goals. Rates of horn regeneration are likely to be less important than law enforcement in determining the efficacy of dehorning as a deterrent to rhino poaching.  相似文献   

Abstract: We present evidence of the first successful natural spawning of Atlantic salmon (   Salmo salar ) documented on the Pacific coast of North America. Twelve juvenile Atlantic salmon composed of two year classes were captured in the Tsitika River, British Columbia. We analyzed restriction-length polymorphisms of PCR-amplified 5S rDNA and mtDNA to confirm that these individuals were Atlantic salmon. Scale analysis strongly suggested they were the products of natural spawning by feral adults. The gut contents, size, and condition of these individuals suggest that Atlantic salmon are successfully maturing in the Tsitika River, British Columbia. This event has raised concerns that the presence and possible establishment of feral Atlantic salmon may further jeopardize the continued persistence of already fragile native Pacific salmonids through competition for resources and occupation of niches that are currently underutilized.  相似文献   

Because populations in zoological parks and nature reserves often are derived from only a few individuals, conservationists have attempted to minimize founder effects by equalizing family group sizes and increasing the reproductive contributions of all individuals. Although such programs reduce potential losses of genetic diversity, information is rarely available about the actual persistence of family groups or genetic lineages in natural populations. In the absence of such data, it can be difficult to weigh the importance of human intervention in the conservation of small populations. Separate long-term studies of two mammals, the North American bison (Bison bison) and the white-nosed coati (Nasua narica), and a bird, the Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus), demonstrate differential extinction of genetic lineages. Irrespective of the mechanisms affecting population structure, which may range from stochastic environmental events to such behavioral phenomena as poor intrasexual competitive abilities, our results show that lineages can be lost at rapid rates from natural populations. A survey of comparable studies from the literature indicates that the loss of matrilines over the course of the study varies from 3% to 87% in wild mammals and from 30% to 80% in birds, with several small mammals losing approximately 20% of matrilines per year of study. These lineage extinctions were not an artifact of the length of the study or the generation time of the species. Such rapid losses of lineages in less than 20-year periods in natural populations suggest that efforts to maintain maximal genetic diversity within populations may not always reflect processes that occur in the wild. Conservation biologists need to give further thought to the extent to which parity among genetic lines should be a primary goal of management of captive and small wild populations.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Species conservation status is commonly used as a broad-scale indicator of the state of biological diversity. To learn about its value for tracking trends, we examined provincial lists of terrestrial vertebrate species and subspecies at risk in British Columbia, Canada, for 1992 and 2002 to see whether changes in these lists reflected changes in the status of the taxa they represent. Examination of the case histories of individual species and subspecies showed that 65% of additions and deletions to the British Columbia Red List were the result of improvement in knowledge of species status, changes in assessment procedures, and refinements in taxonomy rather than actual changes in a species' status. Comparison to an alternate set of rank scores provided by NatureServe for taxa that appeared on both 1992 and 2002 British Columbia Red Lists revealed changes in status that were not reflected by movement from the list. Estimates of historical conservation status for species on the 1992 British Columbia Red List demonstrated ambiguity around the natural baseline with regard to tracking changes in list composition over time. We discourage the continued use of indicators based solely on conservation status as a means of tracking biodiversity. Instead we recommend advancing strategic indicators around species at risk based on long-term monitoring data, deliberate and explicitly stated baselines, and consistent methods of conservation ranking.  相似文献   

Household Location Choices: Implications for Biodiversity Conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Successful conservation efforts require understanding human behaviors that directly affect biodiversity. Choice of household location represents an observable behavior that has direct effects on biodiversity conservation, but no one has examined the sociocultural predictors of this choice relative to its environmental impacts. We conducted a case study of the Teton Valley of Idaho and Wyoming (U.S.A.) that (1) explored relationships between sociodemographic variables, environmental attitudes, and the environmental impact of household location choices, (2) assessed the potential for small household sizes in natural areas to multiply the environmental impacts of household location decisions, and (3) evaluated how length of residency predicted the environmental attitudes of people living in natural areas. We collected sociodemographic data, spatial coordinates, and land‐cover information in a survey of 416 households drawn from a random sample of Teton Valley residents (95% compliance rate). Immigrants (respondents not born in the study area) with the lowest education levels and least environmentally oriented attitudes lived in previously established residential areas in disproportionately high numbers, and older and more educated immigrants with the most environmentally oriented attitudes lived in natural areas in disproportionately high numbers. Income was not a significant predictor of household location decisions. Those living in natural areas had more environmental impact per person because of the location and because small households (<3 people/household) were 4 times as likely in natural areas as large households. Longer residency in natural areas predicted less environmentally oriented attitudes, suggesting that living in natural areas does not foster more concern for nature. Because populaces are rapidly aging, growing more educated, and potentially growing more environmentally oriented, these patterns are troubling for biodiversity conservation. Our results demonstrate a need for environmentalists to make household location decisions that reflect their environmental attitudes and future research to address how interactions between education level, environmental attitudes, population aging, and household location choices influence biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Habitat fragmentation and the division of populations into spatially separated units have led to the increasing use of metapopulation models to characterize these populations. One prominent model that has served as a heuristic tool was introduced by Levins and is based on a collection of simplifying assumptions that exclude information on the dynamics and spatial distribution of local populations. Levins's and similar models predict the proportion of occupied habitat patches at equilibrium and the conditions needed to avoid total extinction. There are many obvious concerns about using such models, including how realistic alterations might change the predictions and whether occupancy has any relationship to population-level processes. Although many of the assumptions of these simple models are known to be unrealistic, we do not know how the assumptions affect model predictions. We simulated a metapopulation, and our results show that assumptions such as homogeneity of habitat patches, random migration among patches, equivalent extinction probabilities in all patches, and a large number of patches can lead to large overestimations of habitat occupancy. But when we explicitly modeled the underlying population dynamics within each patch, we found (1) that there was a strong correlation between proportion of occupied patches and total metapopulation size and (2) that the distribution of individuals among patches was relatively insensitive to model assumptions. Thus, our results show that although realistic modifications will change model predictions for occupancy, occupancy and population trends will be correlated. These correlations between occupancy and population size suggest that occupancy models may have some utility in conservation applications.  相似文献   

Disturbance, Diversity, and Invasion: Implications for Conservation   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
Disturbance is an important component of many ecosystems, and variations in disturbance regime can affect ecosystem and community structure and functioning. The "intermediate disturbance hypothesis" suggests that species diversity should be highest at moderate levels of disturbance. However, disturbance is also known to increase the invasibility of communities. Disturbance therefore poses an important problem for conservation management, Here, we review the effects of disturbances such as fire grazing, soil disturbance and nutrient addition on plant species diversity and invasion with particular emphasis on grassland vegetation. Individual components of the disturbance regime can have marked effects on species diversity, but it is often modifications of the existing regime that have the largest influence. Similarly, disturbance can enhance invasion of natural communities, but frequently it is the interaction between different disturbances that has the largest effect. The natural disturbance regime is now unlikely to persist within conservation areas since fragmentation and human intervention have usually modified physical and biotic conditions. Active management decisions must now be made on what disturbance regime is required and this requires decisions on what species are to be encouraged or discouraged.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted to identify high-risk industries for histological subtypes of lung cancer based on a large population-based case-control study in British Columbia, Canada. Occupational histories and information on smoking and relevant covariates were collected from 14,755 male incident cancer cases. Industrial risk factors for 2998 lung cancer cases, including histological subtypes were assessed by logistic regression using other cancer cases, excluding smoking-related cancers, as controls. An excess risk of lung cancer was found among workers in mining, metal manufacturing, and electric power systems for all histological-subtypes, and construction, water transport, health services for specific histological subtypes. Industrial associations that are unique to histological subtypes of lung cancer were identified. Future research needs to focus on confirming these histological associations, and identifying the risk from key exposures found within these industries (e.g. medical radiation, electromagnetic fields, and cooking fumes).  相似文献   

At least fifteen marine and coastal animal species have become extinct since the end of the Pleistocene. Analyses of the number of marine biogeographical provinces occupied by these species show that, contrary to the prevailing view that extinction is usually associated with a small range, at least five species (33%) had large ranges encompassing parts of two or more provinces. At least eight species occurred in areas that served as geographical refuges for taxa during the Pliocene and early Pleistocene. These refuges, in which primary planktonic productivity is generally very high, include the northwestern Atlantic and North Pacific. Extinctions in the northwestern Atlantic (four species) may be partly responsible for the subsequent success of human-introduced species in subtidal and open-coast intertidal habitats. Regions of high productivity deserve priority among marine areas to be protected from overexploitation and habitat destruction.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is environmentally dependent, such that a population may suffer from inbreeding depression in one environment but not another. We examined the phenotypic responses of 35 inbred ( F = 0.672) lineages of the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum in two different climatic environments. We found a significant environmental effect on males but not females. More important, we found that the rank fitness order of lineages differs between environments; lineages of high fitness in one environment may have low fitness in another environment. This change in rank is evident in a significant genotype-by-environment interaction for inbreeding depression for both females and males. These results suggest that even if we know the average environmental effect of inbreeding depression in a population, for any particular lineage measurements of inbreeding depression in one environment may not predict the level of inbreeding depression in another environment. Conservation biologists need to be aware of the environmental dependency of inbreeding depression when planning wildlife refuges or captive propagation programs for small populations. Ideally, captive propagation programs should maintain separate lineages for release efforts. Refuge design programs should consider maintaining a range of habitat types.  相似文献   

The consumptive use of wildlife, in particular trophy hunting and game ranching of ungulates, has been advocated as a tool for conservation in Africa. We show that these methods of harvesting differ significantly from natural predation, with trophy hunting showing extreme selection for adult males and game ranching leading to disproportionate harvests of young males. Little information, either theoretical or empirical, exists concerning the effect of these harvesting regimes on the long-term population dynamics of ungulate populations. Despite that, the potential effects of sex-skewed harvests are numerous. In this paper, we investigate one potentially deleterious effect of sex-skewed harvests. Both theory and experimental data suggest that male ungulates are limited in their absolute ability to inseminate females. Using a Leslie-Matrix model and published data on impala, we show that the interaction between sperm limitation and harvests with highly male-biased sex ratios can lead to greatly reduced female fecundity (defined as the number of young born) and population collapse. These results are robust and suggest that present methods of harvesting may not be optimal, or viable, in the long term.  相似文献   

《Conservation biology》2006,20(5):1457-1465
Abstract:  Despite the continuing loss of wetland habitats and associated declines in amphibian populations, attempts to translate wetland losses into measurable losses to ecosystems have been lacking. We estimated the potential productivity from the amphibian community that would be compromised by the loss of a single isolated wetland that has been protected from most industrial, agricultural, and urban impacts for the past 54 years. We used a continuous drift fence at Ellenton Bay, a 10-ha freshwater wetland on the Savannah River Site, near Aiken, South Carolina (U.S.A.), to sample all amphibians for 1 year following a prolonged drought. Despite intensive agricultural use of the land surrounding Ellenton Bay prior to 1951, we documented 24 species and remarkably high numbers and biomass of juvenile amphibians (>360,000 individuals; >1,400 kg) produced during one breeding season. Anurans (17 species) were more abundant than salamanders (7 species), comprising 96.4% of individual captures. Most (95.9%) of the amphibian biomass came from 232095 individuals of a single species of anuran (southern leopard frog [Rana sphenocephala ]). Our results revealed the resilience of an amphibian community to natural stressors and historical habitat alteration and the potential magnitude of biomass and energy transfer from isolated wetlands to surrounding terrestrial habitat. We attributed the postdrought success of amphibians to a combination of adult longevity (often >5 years), a reduction in predator abundance, and an abundance of larval food resources. Likewise, the increase of forest cover around Ellenton Bay from <20% in 1951 to >60% in 2001 probably contributed to the long-term persistence of amphibians at this site. Our findings provide an optimistic counterpoint to the issue of the global decline of biological diversity by demonstrating that conservation efforts can mitigate historical habitat degradation.  相似文献   

The seasonal growth rates and nitrogen and carbon fluxes were estimated for two subtidalMacrocystis integrifolia Bory kelp forests in British Columbia, Canada from changes in population structure through time. Mean relative growth rates of the forests varied from a high of 4.3% d-1 to a low of-3.6% d-1. Mean net assimilatioon rates of carbon (a photosynthesis analog) varied from a high of 0.66 g C m-2 of foliage d-1 to a low of-0.87 g C m-2 d-1. The leaf area index ranged from 0.3 to 11.9. Annual carbon input on a foliage area basis was calculated at 250 g C m-2 yr-1. Annual carbon input to the forest was estimated at 1 300 g C m-2 of ocean bottom yr-1. The yearly nitrate nitrogen input to the forest was estimated at 60 g N m-2 of ocean bottom yr-1. The net ecosystem production varied from-520 to +31 g C m-2 of ocean bottom yr-1. The intra-forest, inter-forest and seasonal variabilities of these productivity parameters are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Registration details of seven rare British breeds of pig w e studied over the period 1978–1986 inclusive. For four breeds, numbers of pigs registered have shown a slight upward trend. About 70% of males and 40% of females that breed, do so in herds other than the natal herd In the breed for which most pedigree data were analysed (the British Lop), 95–100% of recent pig crops were inbred In the rare breeds generally, mean inbreeding at around 6% signifies an inbreeding rate of about 1 % per generation, higher than has been found in commercial breeds. Breeds did not differ greatly in the ways they were structured.
About a third of herds supplied boars to other herds, a relatively high proportion, indicating that the breeds have a structure that is not completely hierarchical, and this is favorable for genetic conservation. Pigs whose parents were from different herds were significantly less inbred than those with both parents from the same herd In some breeds it was clear that pigs sharing the same bloodline name were more closely related than pigs within the same herd but with different bloodline names.
Conservation procedures applied to these pigs have been designed to conform with the customs and procedures of the British pedigree livestock industry. The most important single such procedure is the registration, with a central authority, of breeding stock.  相似文献   

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