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Nitrogenous excretion by meiofauna from coral reef sediments: Mecor 5   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrogenous excretion rates of meiofauna from coral sediments of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia were studied at winter temperatures. Data on single taxa fitted a geometric regression: Log N excretion=-0.206+0.865 log x where log x=dry weight in g. Abundance and biomass data on meiofaunal taxa were obtained from Lizard Island, Orpheus Island and Davies Reef. Using excretion rates and biomass data, meiofauna were calculated as contributing 10.18, 12.32, and 1.60 mg N m-2 h-1 at the above areas respectively.Contribution No. 5 from the workshop Microbial Ecology of coral Reefs (MECOR), sponsored by the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences and the US National Science Foundation, July–August 1984  相似文献   

Coral reef lagoons are generally regarded as zones of net heterotrophy reliant on organic detritus generated in more productive parts of the reef system, such as the seaward reef flat. The abundance and biomass of sediment infauna were measured seasonally for one year (1986) within the lagoon of Davies Reef, central Great Barrier Reef, to test the hypothesis that macrofaunal biomass and production of coral reef lagoons would decrease with distance from the reef flat and would change seasonally. In general, there were no simple relationships between infaunal standing stock or production and distance from the reef flat or season. Bioturbation by callianassid shrimps negatively affected the abundance of smaller infauna, suggesting a community limited by biogenic disturbance rather than by supply of organic material. Polychaetes and crustaceans were dominant amongst the smaller infauna (0.5 to 2mm) while larger animals (> 2 mm) were mostly polychaetes and molluscs. Mean biomass of infauna at both sites and all seasons was 3 181 mg C m?2. The smaller animals (0.5 to 2 mm) contributed about 40% of total macrofaunal respiration and production although they represented only 15% of the total macrofaunal biomass. The biomass of macrofauna was about equal to that of the bacteria and meiofauna, while respiration represented 10 to 20% of total community respiration. Consumption by macrofauna accounts for only 3 to 11% of total organic inputs to sediment, with a further 14 to 17% being lost by macrofaunal respiration.  相似文献   

Ecological surveys involving over 500 man-days between 1966 and 1969 indicate that the coral-eating sea star, Acanthaster planci, is a normal component of the coral reef community throughout the tropical Pacific, and that its abundance in the past has probably been underestimated. The sea star is not uncommon in certain environments, particularly back-reef and lagoon slopes. Sheltered, inner reefs are generally preferred over less protected reefs. Recently reported population explosions of A. planci at Guam and on the Great Barrier Reef of Australia appear to be isolated, widely-separated, local infestations of unknown cause. The infestation on the Great Barrier Reef has not spread beyond the area off Cairns and Innisfail. Approximately 40 of the more than 1000 reefs comprising the Great Barrier Reef complex have been infested heavily.  相似文献   

Coral reef lagoons have generally been regarded as sinks for organic matter exported from more productive reef front and reef flat zones. The object of this study was to examine the importance of detritus as a carbon source for benthic communities in the lagoon at Davies Reef, central Great Barrier Reef. We report the results of seasonal measurements, taken in 1986, of bacterial numbers and production, protozoan numbers, community primary production and respiration in the sediments of Davies Reef lagoon. Deposition rates of organic matter in the lagoon were also measured. Deposition rates (±1 SE) of carbon ranged from 9.2 (±1.5) to 140.7 (±10.3) mg Cm-2d-1. Deposition rates were highest in winter and spring, lowest in summer. Rates of bacterial production ranged from 4.7 (±0.2) pmol thymidine incorporated g-1 dry wt (DW) h-1 in winter to 23.5 (±1.0) pmol thymidine incorporated g-1 DW h-1 in spring. The number of ciliates ranged from 65 (±10) to 356 (±50) cm-3 through the year and the number of large (20 m) flagellates from 38 (±7) to 108 (±16) cm-3. There were no clear relationships between the sediment organic content, detrital input or temperature and the rates of bacterial processes, community metabolism or the standing stocks of microbes in the lagoon. The relative significance of detritus and in situ primary production as sources of carbon in the lagoon varied with season. In summer and autumn, detritus was less important than primary production as a source of carbon (4 to 27% of total carbon input). In winter and spring, detritus input became more significant in supply of carbon to the sediments (32 to 67% of the total carbon input). The lagoon does not simply act as a sink for carbon exported from the reef flat. We calculate that only 5% of the net reef flat primary production reached lagoon sediments in summer, but nearly 40% in winter.  相似文献   

A total of 34 zooplanktonic taxa were common in emergence trap, reentry trap, and net-tow samples taken in the lagoon of Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef, between 27 February and 22 March and between 11 June and 4 July 1985. Twenty-nine of these taxa were classified as demersal (17 taxa), meroplanktonic and larval (10 taxa), or incidental (2 taxa). The remaining five multispecific groups yielded variable results. Differences were observed between two locations separated by 200 m, with emergence 2 to 62 times greater for 22 taxa at a deeper site with larger coral formations. Most zooplankters were more common (2 to 122 times) in samples from 1 m2 areas around 0.25 to 0.5 m2 patches of branching coral. However, two species of copepods, Pseudodiaptomus colefaxi and Metis holothuriae, were taken in greater numbers (3 to 12 times) from open sand. Seasonal increases (2 to 322 times) were observed for 13 adult taxa and 8 classes of larvae or juveniles in the summer and for 10 adult taxa and one larval group in the winter. Fourteen of the 17 demersal taxa and 4 groups of large larvae or juveniles emerged in numbers 2 to 323 times greater during lunar quarters or new moons. In contrast, 6 larval taxa and 4 groups of small or transparent adults displayed significant emergence during full moons. Five diurnal emergence patterns were shown by 27 taxa, with patterns varying primarily among lunar periods. The variety of taxon-specific patterns observed in this study highlight a need for caution when generalizing about demersal zooplankton.  相似文献   

Benthic community respiration and the cycling of N and P were seasonally investigated in the unprotected, sandy sediments (Z5m) of the nearshore zone of the Georgia Bight, USA in 1981 and 1982. Nutrient exchange across the sediment-water interface was calculated from a diffusive model, measured by in-situ enclosure experiments and estimated from whole core incubations. Seasonally changing pore water profiles indicated that the sediments were not in steady-state with respect to N and P and showed the characteristics of enhanced interstitial water movement by benthic animals. Over an annual period the total flux of nitrogen measured in situ averaged 1812 mol m-2 d-1 from the sediments. NH 4 + flux accounted for the vast majority of the total directly measured N flux (77%), followed by nitrate + nitrite (14%), and dissolved organic nitrogen (9%). Phosphorus flux averaged 537 mol m-2 d-1. A large ratio of in-situ fluxes to calculated diffusive fluxes (5.2:1) indicated flux enhancement due to benthic animal activity. ammonium fluxes measured in situ did not agree well with the rate of NH 4 + produced in incubated whole cores (11.7 mmol m-2 d-1). Relative rates of C, N and P release throughout the year fluctuated considerably. Generally, nutrient fluxes were not simply related to respiration or temperature. As respiration was highly correlated with temperature, however, this suggested that respiration-regeneration was temporarily decoupled from exchange across the sediment-water interface. The annual C-N-P flux stoichiometry was 130:3.1:1. Using the rate at which NH 4 + was produced in incubated cores the stoichiometry was 120:21:1. The anomalously low N flux measured in situ was attributed to a combination of denitrification and wave-and current-induced sediment nutrient flushing. The potential for sediment flushing is high as experiments showed that sediments were fluidized or resuspended down to 25 cm during large storms. Benthic nutrient flux contributed 40% to the annual P but only 11% to the annual N requirements of the pelagic primary producers.This is Contribution No. 558 from the University of Georgia Marine Institute. This work was supported by the Georgia Sea Grant College Program maintained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce, under Grant No. NA80AA-D-00091  相似文献   

This study was undertaken in 1981 to determine whether there were major variations in potential rates of nitrogen fixation on apparently bare coralline substrate from reefs across the continental shelf of the central Great Barrier Reef. Nitrogen fixation, measured as rates of ethylene production (nmol cm-2h-1), was significantly lower on substrata from two inner-shelf reefs, (0.46 and 1.07) than on two middle-shelf reefs (2.10 and 2.97) and on two outer-shelf reefs (3.20 and 3.81). By contrast, algal biomass (mg cm-2) on experimental substrate was significantly higher on inner-shelf reefs (80.8 and 59.4) than on middleshelf (27.1 and 23.8) and outer-shelf reefs (26.4 and 22.4). The rate of nitrogen fixation was positively correlated with the proportion of bare substratum and significantly higher concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen were found in waters over the reefs than in water flowing onto those reefs. The abundance of algal-grazing fishes was reported previously to be significantly lower on inner-shelf reefs. It is suggested that this cross-shelf variation in the activity of algal-grazing fishes may be a determinant of the observed cross-shelf variations in potential nitrogen fixation.Contribution No. 233 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

Samples of an intertidal zoanthid, Zoanthus coppingeri, Haddon and Shackelton, 1891, were collected from three localities in the Great Barrier Reef region during 1992–1993, and subjected to allozyme electrophoretic analysis at seven polymorphic loci. The reduced ratio of observed to expected genotypic diversity indicated that populations were partly clonal, but they were not dominated by a few clones as occurs in some other cnidarians. Regular disturbance by wave action is postulated to prevent the formation of large stands of particular clones by clearing space and mixing genotypes over small scales. The sexual origin of clonal genotypes was confirmed by conformance to Hardy-Weinberg predictions of genotype frequencies at all but one locus. Values of the standardised genetic variance among populations, F ST , were highly significant between localities and between replicate sites within localities separated by only 50 m. Strong genetic structure has not previously been described in a Great Barrier Reef invertebrate species, and is considered to be the consequence of stochastic changes in gene frequencies as a result of low levels of gene flow. High clonal longevity and low recruitment rates may maintain genetic differences over long periods. Similar effects may be seen in other Great Barrier Reef invertebrate species with comparable reproductive patterns.  相似文献   

Demersal zooplankton, those plankton which hide within reef sediments during the day but emerge to swim freely over the reef at night, were sampled quantitatively using emergence traps planced over the substrate at Lizard Island Lagoon, Great Barrier Reef. Densities of zooplankton emerging at night from 6 substrate types (fine, medium, and coarse sand, rubble, living coral and reef rock) and from 5 reef zones (seaward face, reef flat, lagoon, back reef, and sand flat) were determined. A large population of nocturnal plankton including cumaceans, mysids, ostracods, shrimp, isopods, amphipods, crustacean larvae, polychaetes, foraminiferans and copepods are resident members of the reef community at Lizard Island. The mean density of plankton emerging throughout the reef was 2510±388 (standard error) zooplankton/m2 of substrate. Biomass averaged 66.2±5.4 mg ash-free dry weight/m2 of substrate. Demersal zooplankton exhibited significant preferences for substrate types and reef zones. The highest mean density of zooplankton emerged from coral (11,264±1952 zooplankton/m2) while the lowest emerged from reef rock (840±106 zooplankton/m2). The density of demersal plankton was six times greater on the face than in any other zone, averaging 7900±1501 zooplankton/m2. Copepods dominated samples collected over living coral and rubble while foraminiferans, ostracods and decapod larvae were most abundant from sand. Plankton collected with nets at night correlated only qualitatively with plankton collected in emergence traps from the same location. Although abundant, demersal plankton were not numerous enough to meet the metabolic needs of all corals at Lizard Island Lagoon. Demersal plankton appear especially adapted to avoid fish predation. The predator-avoidance strategies of demersal plankton and maintenance of position on the reef are discussed. Our results indicate that much of the zooplankton over coral reefs actually lives on the reef itself and that previous studies using standard net sampling techniques have greatly underestimated plankton abundance over coral reefs.  相似文献   

Following observations of mass spawning of hermatypic corals on the Great Barrier Reef in 1981 and 1982, spawning dates were successfully predicted and documented at five reefs on the Central and Northern Great Barrier Reef in 1983. During the predicted times, 105 species from 36 genera and 11 families were observed to spawn. Of these, 15 species were shown to have an annual gametogenic cycle. All but two of the species observed during mass spawnings shed gametes which underwent external fertilization and development. Synchronous spawning was observed both within and between the five reefs studied, which were separated by as much as 5° of latitude (500 km) or almost a quarter of the length of the Great Barrier Reef. The mass spawning of corals took place on only a few nights of the year, between the full and lastquarter moon in late spring. Maturation of gametes coincided with rapidly rising spring sea temperatures. Lunar and diel cycles may provide cues for the synchronization of gamete release in these species. The hour and night on which the greatest number of species and individuals spawned coincided with low-amplitude tides. Multispecific synchronous spawning, or mass spawning, of scleractinian and some alcyonacean corals represents a phenomenon which is, so far, unique in both marine and terrestrial communities.  相似文献   

D. M. Alongi 《Marine Biology》1995,122(3):497-502
Rates of sulfate reduction were measured during the spring dry and summer wet seasons of 1992 in shallow coastal sediments of the central Great Barrier Reef lagoon. In the dry season, sulfate reduction rates, integrated to 18–20 cm depth, ranged from 23.8 to 30.8 mmol S m-2 d-1. In the wet season, heavy monsoonal rains and wind-induced waves caused severe disturbance of sediments leading to less anoxic conditions, and to a 2- to 3-fold decline in rates of sulfate reduction (10.2 to 12.8 mmol S m-2 d-1). The percentage of reduced 35S recovered as acid-volatile sulfide (% AVSred) ranged from 15.8 to 44.9% in spring, and was significantly reduced at each station in summer (range 14.5 to 31.4%). An analysis of variance indicated that seasonality accounted for 31.5% of the total variance in total rates of sulfate reduction, with only 7.5% of the variance accounted for by depth into the sediment; there were no station differences. In both seasons, there were no clear patterns in the proportion of radiolabel incorporated into the AVS and chromium-reducible sulfur (CRS) pools with depth into the sediment. These results are contrary to the seasonal patterns and pathways of sulfate reduction in temperate coastal sediments.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) measurements are used to determine vertical and seasonal distributions of microorganisms and meiofauna in sediments from a 14 m-deep mud bottom in central Long Island Sound on 12 sampling dates from April 1975 to October 1976. Below the topmost 1 cm of sediment, ATP measurements can be useful in estimating and comparing standing stocks of microorganisms and meiofauna. In the top 1 cm, however, large quantities of newly settled bivalves (Yoldia limatula, Nucula annulata, and Mulinia lateralis) and juvenile polychaetes (Owenia fusiformis) in summer and fall months account for total ATP concentrations. The ATP content of individual meiofauna ranges from 1.97 ng individual copepod nauplius-1 to 190.7±60 ng individual M. lateralis -1. In general, the total ATP content of individual polychaetes and bivalves is much higher than that of individuals of other groups. However, on a mg ATP per g wet or dry tissue basis, the ATP content of micro- and meiofaunal taxa are not significantly different. In addition to providing a means for comparing micro- and meiofaunal standing stocks, ATP measurements permit examination of the relative contribution of different meiofauna to the total living biomass of meiofauna in sediments. Total sediment ATP concentrations are greatest in the top 1 cm at all seasons, and decrease with increasing depth in the sediment. Annual concentrations in the topmost centimeter average 4.22 g g dry sediment-1 and range seasonally from 1.09 to 7.64 g g dry sediment-1. At a depth of 10 cm, values average 0.16 and range from 0.019 to 0.35 g g dry sediment-1. High ATP concentrations in surface sediment reflect high concentrations of microorganisms and meiofauna at the sediment-water interface. The top 2 cm of sediment contain 71% of all meiofauna, with 41% occurring in the topmost cm. In general, densities are lowest in the winter and highest during the spring and summer, averaging 490 individuals 10 cm-2, and varying from 87 to 1366 individuals 10 cm-2. Because of wide variation in recruitment patterns of the benthos in Long Island Sound, the extremes of the range in meiofaunal densities can be observed in the same month in two different years. In order to monitor and compare standing stocks of organisms less than 1 mm in size in sediments, the ATP assay can save hours of processing time compared with alternate methods such as direct counts.  相似文献   

Seasonal and diel variations in community structure and abundance of coral-reef lagoon mysids were examined at Davies Reef in the central region of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) between June 1980 and May 1981. Twenty-five mysid species belonging to three subfamilies of the family Mysidae were captured during the study, with six new records for the GBR. The epibenthic mysid community differed from that in the overlying water, was faunistically uniform, but formed characteristic seasonal and diel groupings. The dominant epibenthic species were Erythrops sp., Anisomysis pelewensis, Doxomysis littoralis, A. laticauda, Prionomysis stenolepis, A. lamellicauda, and A. australis, five of which formed schools. Total mysid abundances ranged between 110 and 790 m-3 with peak abundance in October. Schooling species occurred at local densities of up to 500 000 m-3. Mysids were absent from shallow and midwater depths during the day, but were distributed throughout all depths at night with peak abundances in mid-water and deep layers. The dominant species in the water column at night were Pseudanchialina inermis, A. laticauda and Gastrosaccus indicus, in descending order of abundance. Lagoonal mysids contribute little to the food of sessile reef planktivores, as all but three species remain concentrated near or on the lagoon floor both day and night. The contribution of resident lagoon mysids to reef trophodynamics is probably through remineralization of lagoon detritus. Given the vast reef areas comprised of sandy lagoons, the large populations and relatively large size of lagoon mysids, this trophodynamic role may be of considerable importance.A.I.M.S. Contribution No. 477  相似文献   

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park was established to provide for conservation and ecologically sustainable multiple use of 344,400 km2 of a large marine ecosystem. Management is based on multiple use, with zoning as a fundamental component of marine spatial planning. The legislative framework, including a specific Act and Regulations, address the objectives of ecosystem-based, integrated management of human uses and impacts consistent with best contemporary understanding of biological diversity. Zoning is one of a suite of management tools that include other spatial and temporal management tools and non-spatial measures including public education, community engagement, codes of environmental best practice, industry partnerships and economic instruments. The first section of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park came into operation in 1981 and the most recent zoning came into operation in mid 2004. The paper discusses some common misunderstandings about zoning and identifies lessons that appear relevant for others addressing management and use of marine ecosystems and natural resources.  相似文献   

P. J. Doherty 《Marine Biology》1983,75(2-3):215-224
It has been hypothesized that site-attached coral reef fishes breed during periods when their offspring will be rapidly flushed from the reef environment, but within the season when these propagules are least likely to be forever lost from the local populations. Daily, monthly and annual rhythms were observed in the reproduction between November 1978 and February 1980 of two tropical damselfishes, Pomacentrus flavicauda and P. wardi, from the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. These data support the first part of the hypothesis, but not the explanation for seasonality. When breeding, females of both species spawned demersal eggs into the care of males during a brief period at first light. After several days, larvae hatched from these eggs during another brief period after sunset. An experiment confirmed that the change from light to dark triggered the hatchings and that the emerging larvae were photopositive. Eggs of P. flavicauda usually hatched on the evening of their fourth day in the nest; eggs of P. wardi hatched on their fifth day. A small proportion of eggs required longer incubation. Hatching success was 90%. When breeding, both species spawned in bi-weekly cycles synchronised with the phases of the moon. The largest clutches, as well as the most clutches, were laid at the peaks of these cycles. In the case of P. flavicauda, maximum hatchings occurred on days during which spring high tides fell near sunset (the cue for hatching to begin). It is likely that these hatchlings were rapidly flushed off the reef by the ebbing tides. The hatching cycles of P. wardi consistently peaked 4 d earlier in the lunar month. Consequently, hatchlings of this species remained in shallow water at least one tidal cycle longer than those of P. flavicauda. This difference may be a consequence of the different habitat specialisations of the two species. Both species bred seasonally during the warmest, calmest months of the year. This is not the period of least current flow on the Great Barrier Reef. The observed seasonality may reflect the best times for larval survival in the open sea rather than an adaptation that limits the loss of offspring from the parent populations.  相似文献   

Production and doubling times of the bacterial populations in the water around and over the reefs at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef were measured during summer and winter, 1982 and 1983. Bacterial productivity, determined from the rate of tritiated thymidine incorporation into DNA, was high over the reef flats and a Thalassia hemprichii sand flat (28 to 58 g Cl-1 d-1). Bacterial growth rates increased during the day and fell at night over the reef flats and seagrass bed. Growth rates were slower over the reef front and in open water. Doubling times ranged from about 2 d in the open water to about 3 h over the reef flat in summer. As numbers did not increase, grazing was probably intense on the reef flats. Growth rates were much slower in winter. The main source of organic nutrient used by the bacteria was probably mucus released following photosynthesis in the corals. The cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. was sometimes very numerous, especially in summer when 2×108 cells l-1 were recorded in one water mass. The number of bacteria was also very high in summer, with values ranging from 1×109 to 2.5×109l-1.  相似文献   

Nitrification rates, measured in different sediment types from Danish waters, are in the range of 0.3 to 1.4 mmol NO 3 - m-2 d-1. There is no signification between sandy and muddy sediments, nor between shallow and deeper stations. The extent of nitrification is probably limited to the zone of oxygen penetration, 1.5 to 5.5 mm. There are, however, nitrifying bacteria located in the anoxic sediment layers. There relative numbers were found by measuring the nitrification potential of the sediment. These potential rates (22°C) can also be used to calculate actual rates of nitrification, by adjusting to in situ temperature and oxygen penetration. These calculated rates agree with the actual measured rates of nitrification for a wide range of sediment types and may be used for the estimation of actual nitrification rates. Nitrate flux out from the sediment/water interface is in the range of 0 to 0.7 mmol NO 3 - m-2 d-1. There is no correlation between concentration gradients of nitrate across the sediment/water interface and the measured flux of nitrate. Approximately 50% of nitrate production is released to the water column. The remainder (0 to 0.35 mmol N m-2 d-1) may have been denitrified.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the epilithic algal matrix (EAM) cryptofauna was investigated at three locations on the Great Barrier Reef: two inner shelf—Orpheus Island and the Turtle Island group—and a mid-shelf location, Lizard Island. Although the EAM appears to be a relatively simple and consistent habitat, significant differences in cryptofaunal assemblages were found between locations. EAM assemblages from Orpheus Island were markedly different. This appears to be a function of the sediment profile characteristics (grain size >60 µm) at Orpheus Island, as many cryptofaunal taxa displayed positive relationships with sediment volume. However, sediment volumes did not differ significantly between the three locations, highlighting the possibility of cyclonic activity affecting the sediment profile at Orpheus Island in the months preceding the study, in addition to the nutrient input from major terrigenous sources. The results of this study show that EAM cryptofaunal assemblages are not uniform across the Great Barrier Reef and suggest that dissolved nutrients, sediment loads and distance from river systems may be significant drivers of cryptobenthic faunal compositions.  相似文献   

Glassom  D.  Zakai  D.  Chadwick-Furman  N. E. 《Marine Biology》2004,144(4):641-651
Recruitment rates of stony corals to artificial substrates were monitored for 2 years at 20 sites along the coast of Eilat, northern Red Sea, to compare with those recorded at other coral reef locations and to assess variation in recruitment at several spatial scales. Coral recruitment was low compared to that observed on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, but was similar to levels reported from other high-latitude reef locations. Pocilloporids were the most abundant coral recruits in all seasons. Recruitment was twofold higher during the first year than during the second year of study. There was considerable spatial variability, with the largest proportion of variance, apart from the error term, attributable to differences between sites, at a scale of 102 m. Spearmans ranked correlation showed consistency in spatial patterns of recruitment of pocilloporid corals between years, but not of acroporid corals. During spring, when only the brooding pocilloporid coral Stylophora pistillata reproduces at this locality, most coral recruitment occurred at central and southern sites adjacent to well-developed coral reefs. During summer, recruitment patterns varied significantly between years, with wide variation in the recruitment of broadcasting acroporid corals at northern sites located distant from coral reefs. Settlement was low at all sites during autumn and winter. This work is the first detailed analysis of coral recruitment patterns in the Red Sea, and contributes to the understanding of the spatial and temporal scales of variation in this important reef process.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

At One Tree Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, between 1983 and 1985, corals killed by the crown of thorns seastar Acanthaster planci L. gave rise to skeletons which were colonised rapidly by blue-green and other algae. For the next 3 to 9 mo these coral skeletons showed over three times more nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) than control substratum rates (9 to 32 nmol vs 3 to 10 nmol C2H2 cm-2 h-1, over all seasons). These values convert to relatively high annual fixation rates of 37 to 127 kg N ha-1 yr-1 but, at the low densities of A. planci on One Tree Reef (ca. 0.65 ha-1), this has little impact on the total nitrogen fixation rate and, as a result, on the level of organic nitrogen in the system. However, it is suggested that on reefs subjected to high aggregations of a. planci such an effect would enhance the level of organic nitrogen and lead to greater primary and secondary production throughout the reef system.  相似文献   

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