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Remote sensing and geographical information systems are used to analyze landscapes important to species of conservation concern. The accuracy of the methods depends on how closely habitat mapping classes are linked to population demography. Habitat use by Florida Scrub Jays ( Aphelocoma c. coemlescens ) was quantified using circular plots. Habitat variation was mapped using high-resolution aerial photography on a site where all Florida Scrub Jays were color-banded. Nest site selection, nest success, yearling production, and breeder survival were measured within Florida Scrub Jay territories. Habitat use was lowest in areas without scrub oaks or areas within 136 m from forests. Open oak, dominated by scrub oaks and open sandy areas, had the highest use and nest success among habitats. Open oak occurred as narrow patches ( <20 m wide) in landscapes dominated by matrix habitat (palmetto-lyonia and swale marshes). Most wide patches (>50 m) of open oak were potential population sources, where reproduction exceeded mortality. Areas with patches of open oak of less than 1 ha were usually population sinks. Open oak occurred as less flammable patches in a landscape subject to frequent fires. Population sources varied temporally and spatially with fires and site potential to support scrub oaks (soils). Analyses of landscape patterns and dynamics indicated that habitat mapping should not only include patches of currently optimal habitat but should also include landscapes associated with open oak. The influences of landscape patterns on habitat use, reproductive success, survival, and territory size can be quantified at different scales starting with attributes associated with habitat patches, nest sites, and territories. Potential mapping errors occur, however, when habitats are used to quantify the areal extent of sources and sinks and similar population attributes important for species persistence.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Everglades in southern Florida, U.S.A., is a major focus of conservation activities. The freshwater wetlands of the Everglades do not have high species richness, and no species of threatened aquatic animals or plants live there. We have, however, identified a distinctive ecological feature of the Everglades that is threatened by canal construction, draining, and nutrient enrichment from agricultural runoff. Compared to values reported from other freshwater systems, standing stocks of periphyton in relatively undisturbed areas of the Everglades were unusually high, and standing stocks of invertebrates and fish were unusually low. Averaging data gathered from nine sites and five sampling periods spanning 1 year, we found that periphyton standing crop was 88.2 g/m2 (ash-free dry mass), invertebrate standing stock was 0.64 g/m2 (dry mass), and fish standing stock was 1.2 g/m2 (dry mass of large and small species combined). We found that fish standing stocks were much higher in phosphorus-enriched sites than in nearby reference sites but that invertebrate standing stocks were similar in enriched and reference sites. Our results support the notion that oligotrophy is at least partially responsible for the low standing stocks of fish, but they also suggest that species interactions and a paucity of deep-water refugia are important. Anthropogenic eutrophication in Everglades marshes will lead to the loss of distinctive ecosystem features. A focus on species richness and "hot spots" of threatened species provides no basis for conservation of ecosystems like the Everglades. If oligotrophic ecosystems often have low species richness, they will be underrepresented in preservation networks based on some common criteria for establishing conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Abstract: We completed an analysis of potential ecological connectivity to identify areas with priority conservation significance and landscape linkages as part of a state of Florida program called Greenways. This is the latest step in the state's design and protection of a reserve system based on an aggressive land acquisition program. We used geographic information systems software (Arc-Info) to develop a decision support model that uses land-use data and information on significant ecological areas—including important habitats for target species, priority ecological communities, wetlands, roadless areas, floodplains, and important aquatic systems—to identify larger areas of ecological priority and potential ecological linkages. The result of this process, the Florida Ecological Network, includes approximately half the state's area, with over half of this network already in conservation lands or public-domain water. This network could provide a linked statewide reserve system containing most of each major ecological community and most known occurrences of rare species. Although the ecological network represents significant progress toward a more integrated approach to biodiversity conservation in Florida, further analysis is needed to (1) ensure that the needs of wide-ranging species, such as the Florida panther (   Puma concolor coryi ) and Florida black bear (   Ursus americanus floridanus ), are addressed; (2) identify other biodiversity elements not well represented; and (3) designate a system of cores and buffers that will address management issues. Reserve design is an iterative process, and future plans need to address new information, including the results of the Florida GAP analysis project and ongoing habitat loss.  相似文献   

Abstract: Understanding the spatial dimensions of hunting and prey population dynamics is important in order to estimate the sustainability of hunting in tropical forests. We investigated how hunting offtake of vertebrates differed in mixed forest and monodominant forest (composed of Gilbertiodendron dewevrei) and over different spatial extents within the hunting catchment around the logging town of Kabo, Congo. In 9 months of recall surveys with hunters, we gathered information on over 1500 hunting trips in which ungulates were 65% of the species killed and 82% of harvested biomass. Hunters supplied information on animals killed and the hunting trip, including the area visited (i.e., hunting zone; 11 separate zones within a 506 km2 catchment or commonly hunted area). Over 65% of all animals were killed in monodominant forest, which made up 28% of the hunting catchment, and zones with small amounts of monodominant forest were used most frequently by hunters. Given the large offtakes from monodominant forests, we suggest that animal dispersal may be maintaining high, localized harvests in these areas. We believe hunters preferred to hunt in monodominant forest because the understory was accessible and that areas with small amounts of monodominant forest and large amounts of mixed forest were more productive. The variation in hunting pressure we found between and within hunting zones differs from past examinations of spatial variation in hunting offtake, where entire hunting catchments were considered population sinks and areas with low to no hunting (no‐take zones) were outside hunting catchments. Future use of no‐take zones to manage hunting should incorporate variability in offtake within hunting catchments.  相似文献   

Es esencial desarrollar esfuaos intensives para proteger el habitat de la pantera de Florida (Felis concolor coryi) en terrenos privados para asegurar la supervivencia de esta especie en peligro. Apmimadamente la mitad del área de distribucion de esta panteras, en el sur de Florida, se encuentra en propiedades privadas, donde el desarrollo urbano y agnícola avanzan rápidamente. La estrategiu de conseruación para la pantera debe ir más allá de la adquisición tradicional de tierras por parte del gobierno, e incluir programas económicos para conservar terrenos críticos en propiedades privadas.  相似文献   

景观生态学在农业景观生态规划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从景观生态学的基本原理入手 ,阐述景观生态学在农业景观生态规划中的应用。认为农业景观规划设计不仅关注景观的“土地利用”、“土地肥力”以及人类的短期需求 ,更强调景观的生态价值和美学价值及其带给人类的长期效益。农业景观生态规划设计的中心任务就是创建一个可持续发展的整体区域生态系统。以江苏省宝应县为例进行分析  相似文献   

Abstract: Privately owned lands support a large portion of the biodiversity in some areas, but procedures for identifying those private lands critical to the maintenance of biodiversity vary tremendously. We used habitat-based distribution maps in combination with population conservation goals to help identify strategic habitats on private lands in Florida. We used a vegetation map, occurrence data, and published life-history information to create habitat-based distribution maps for 179 rare taxa. We estimated the security of 130 of the taxa by overlaying public land boundaries on habitat maps and then estimating whether conservation lands satisfied a population goal of supporting at least 10 populations of approximately 200 breeding adults. The remaining taxa were evaluated in terms of number of occurrence records on conservation lands. Of the 179 taxa evaluated, existing conservation lands did not adequately protect 56. We then identified habitats on private lands that could best satisfy the minimum conservation goal or else significantly enhance the survival potential of inadequately protected taxa. Strategic habitats included a mix of large and small sites, incorporated some corridor or stepping-stone connections among habitat patches, and protected multiple species. Additional strategic habitats were identified for shorebirds, four natural plant communities, and 105 globally rare plants. The strategic habitats identified in Florida cover 1.65 million ha (12% of the land area) and would cost $8.2 billion (about 15% of Florida's annual state budget) to purchase and $122 million per year to manage. Existing conservation lands account for 3.07 million ha (22% of the land area).  相似文献   

景观生态学在公路景观环境评价中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
公路景观环境评价研究是我国公路建设中的新课题,景观生态学的发展为公路景观环境评价研究提供了新理论、方法和技术手段。分析了景观生态学研究内容、方法特点,提出了从景观生态价值、美学质量、视觉容量和景观安全格局4个方面对公路景观环境进行评价,并探讨了具体评价过程,该思想对公路战略环境评价和环境影响后评价也具有启示意义。  相似文献   

Summary The patterns of shell exchange in three species of hermit crabs which overlap in distribution and shell use were observed in the laboratory. Crabs showed no tendency to initiate more exchanges with conspecifics as compared with nonconspecific individuals and there were no specific size dominance effects. Lack of common communicatory patterns betweenClibararius vittatus andPagurus pollicaris was correlated with minimal actual exchange, whilePagurus impressus exchanged with both species and executed patterns in common with both. The pattern of shell exchanges and preferences indicated that, in some cases, both individuals may gain in interspecific exchanges.  相似文献   

We document the distribution and abundance of seagrasses, as well as the intra-annual temporal patterns in the abundance of seagrasses and the productivity of the nearshore dominant seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) in the south Florida region. At least one species of seagrass was present at 80.8% of 874 randomly chosen mapping sites, delimiting 12,800 km2 of seagrass beds in the 17,000-km2 survey area. Halophila decipiens had the greatest range in the study area; it was found to occur over 7,500 km2. The range of T. testudinum was almost as extensive (6,400 km2), followed by Syringodium filiforme (4,400 km2), Halodule wrightii (3,000 km2) and Halophila engelmanni (50 km2 ). The seasonal maxima of standing crop was about 32% higher than the yearly mean. The productivity of T. testudinum was both temporally and spatially variable. Yearly mean areal productivity averaged 0.70 g m−2day−1, with a range of 0.05–3.29 g m−2 day−1. Specific productivity ranged between 3.2 and 34.2 mg g−1 day−1, with a mean of 18.3 mg g−1 day−1. Annual peaks in specific productivity occurred in August, and minima in February. Integrating the standing crop for the study area gives an estimate of 1.4 × 1011 g T. testudinum and 3.6 × 1010 g S. filiforme, which translate to a yearly production of 9.4 × 1011 g T. testudinum leaves and 2.4 × 1011 g S. filiforme leaves. We assessed the efficacy of rapid visual surveys for estimating abundance of seagrasses in south Florida by comparing these results to measures of leaf biomass for T. testudinum and S. filiforme. Our rapid visual surveys proved useful for quantifying seagrass abundance, and the data presented in this paper serve as a benchmark against which future change in the system can be quantified. Received: 30 January 2000 / Accepted: 24 July 2000  相似文献   

Animal-sediment relations and community analysis of a Florida estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Five species assemblages of the intertidal infauna of Old Tampa Bay, Florida, USA are identified. Two assemblages are judged to constitute distinct communities, while a third is shown to be an interdigitation of the two communities. Dominance by on species is the prevalent pattern within the assemblages. Numbers of deposit feeders are found to be inversely correlated to that of filter feeders, and both trophic types are found to be correlated to the sediment parameters of median grain size, sorting and skewness. Three transects with three stations each were established along the south side of Courtney Campbell Causeway in Tampa Bay, Florida. A faunal sample (0.4 m2), a sediment sample, and a water sample were taken at each station in September, December, and March of 1968/1969. Sediment samples were wet-seived. Animal samples were reduced to numbers of organisms and biomass per species. Trellis diagrams and correlation tests were generated. Support is shown for the trophic group-amensalims hypothesis, however, the silt-clay fraction is apparently of lesser importance to deposit feeders in Florida sediments than in Buzzards Bay sediments. An attempt is made to relate an analysis of the optimal grain size for filter feeders to the trophic group-amensalism hypothesis. A view of communities as abstractions from continua is more realistic than communities as discrete units.  相似文献   

Extensive behavioural and pedigree data on a colour-marked population of Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) suggested that this cooperatively breeding species is monogamous, with extremely rare exceptions in which males have two mates. We used multi-locus DNA fingerprinting to test these observations by determining genetic parentage. Despite restricted dispersal and high relatedness between behavioural parents and non-breeding members of the group, DNA fingerprints provided sufficient variability to determine parentage unambiguously in almost all cases. We found no evidence of extra-pair fertilisation of females or egg dumping, and confirmed a suspected case of polygyny in which a mother and daughter laid and incubated in the same nest. Our results confirm that detailed behavioural data allow accurate assignment of genetic parentage in this species. In Florida scrub-jays, large territory size may limit opportunities for cuckoldry, and persistent intense competition for limited breeding space may lead to low variance in the quality of established male breeders. These factors would reduce both the opportunity for, and benefits of engaging in extra-pair fertilisations. Delayed dispersal and cooperative breeding in this species have not evolved as avenues for direct reproduction by unpaired individuals. Received: 25 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 26 June 1998  相似文献   

Abstract:  We studied the potential for native birds to control insect pests on farms. We assessed habitat factors correlated with diversity, distribution, and insect-foraging activity of native birds on farms in north-central Florida and then characterized common bird species that consumed insect biomass in crops as "functional insectivores" (birds most likely to contribute to pest control). Analyses of point-count survey data and foraging observations collected over 2 years on paired organic and conventional farm sites indicated that (1) farms supported most (82–96%) land birds known to breed in the region; (2) bird species richness and abundance varied significantly with matrix habitat and field border type (but not with year or farm management type); (3) the highest bird abundances were associated with mixed crop plantings, field borders, and adjacent matrix composed of forest and hedge; and (4) abundances of 10 species identified as functional insectivores were primarily influenced by crop type (mixed crops attracted significantly more insect foragers into fields than monocrops). We documented birds eating pest insects in crops and did not observe substantive crop damage by birds during growing-season observations. We advocate use of the term functional insectivore to emphasize the potential positive role of avian insectivory on farms during the growing season.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The lack of management experience at the landscape scale and the limited feasibility of experiments at this scale have increased the use of scenario modeling to analyze the effects of different management actions on focal species. However, current modeling approaches are poorly suited for the analysis of viability in dynamic landscapes. Demographic (e.g., metapopulation) models of species living in these landscapes do not incorporate the variability in spatial patterns of early successional habitats, and landscape models have not been linked to population viability models. We link a landscape model to a metapopulation model and demonstrate the use of this model by analyzing the effect of forest management options on the viability of the Sharp-tailed Grouse (  Tympanuchus phasianellus ) in the Pine Barrens region of northwestern Wisconsin (U.S.A.). This approach allows viability analysis based on landscape dynamics brought about by processes such as succession, disturbances, and silviculture. The landscape component of the model (LANDIS) predicts forest landscape dynamics in the form of a time series of raster maps. We combined these maps into a time series of patch structures, which formed the dynamic spatial structure of the metapopulation component (RAMAS). Our results showed that the viability of Sharp-tailed Grouse was sensitive to landscape dynamics and demographic variables such as fecundity and mortality. Ignoring the landscape dynamics gave overly optimistic results, and results based only on landscape dynamics (ignoring demography) lead to a different ranking of the management options than the ranking based on the more realistic model incorporating both landscape and demographic dynamics. Thus, models of species in dynamic landscapes must consider habitat and population dynamics simultaneously.  相似文献   

A. Manica  R. W. Carter 《Marine Biology》2000,137(5-6):899-906
The taxonomic status of the Montastraea annularis species complex is unclear. Much evidence has been accumulated to support the separation into 3 species, but the presence of intermediate morphotypes and the apparent lack of effective reproductive barriers in some areas are yet unexplained. Several authors have made a call for the introduction of new traits that can be used to resolve differences among closely related coral species. We collected skeletal and tissue samples from corals within the M.annularis species complex (15 each of M.annularis, M.faveolata, and M.franksi) and 10 morphological intermediates from several reefs in the Florida Keys. Multivariate analysis of corallite skeletal measurements supported the separation of the species complex into three taxa. We detected two main fluorescence emission peaks at 480 nm (turquoise) and 515 nm (green) that were not distributed equally among the three species. Every M.annularis colony had a major turquoise fluorescence peak. Some had a weak green secondary fluorescence peak. Colonies of M.faveolata and M.franksi had either the green or turquoise fluorescence peak, but at significantly different frequencies. The intermediate morphotypes proved to be highly heterogeneous with respect to both micromorphology and fluorescence, and their nature could not be fully explained. We were not able to separate the three species using fluorescence characters alone, however this new trait does increase our understanding of the taxonomic structure within the M.annularis species complex. Received: 21 January 2000 / Accepted: 1 September 2000  相似文献   

Birds in the Human Landscape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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