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近些年发生的一些危险化学品重大事故和石化项目的群体性事件暴露出我国重大危险源监管体系还存在很多问题。对我国和欧美在重大危险源安全监管进行对比分析,总结出我国重大危险源安全监管存在几方面问题。重大危险源的土地利用规划未纳入城市规划控制程序;重大危险源建设项目公众参与不足;部分法规对一般危险化学品企业安全监管要求过高,重点不突出;某些安全监管提法相互重复、混乱;政府监管和企业管理界限不清晰;缺乏安全监察程序、指南,安全监察落实不到位;对化工园区安全发展认识不足。在吸收、借鉴美国和欧洲发达国家在重大危险源管理方面的经验和良好做法基础上,提出相对应的措施建议。政府部门应加快重大危险源的立法工作,在制定重大危险源的相关法规和政策时应科学、合理。  相似文献   

王吉武  郭建华  姚江 《安全》2019,40(2):50-53,57
美国是世界上最早探索如何有效保障校园安全的国家之一。本文以美国校园安全为研究对象,分别从校园安全治理组织框架、法律法规体系、安全管理模式、巩固提升与持续改进4个方面进行分析,较为系统、深入地对美国校园安全管理现状进行了剖析。依据美国校园安全管理经验,结合我国校园安全管理实际情况,提出对我国校园安全管理的一些启示。  相似文献   

我国煤矿安全生产事故呈现逐年大幅度下降的趋势,对比中美煤炭百万吨死亡率,显示,我国与美国相比还存在比较大的差距。继而,通过分析中美煤矿安全监察执法的特点,发现,中美在安全监察执法、职业培训、执法人员权责、煤矿监管监察技术方面存在不同,并针对这几方面提出了进一步完善我国煤矿安全监察工作的建议,可为完善我国安全监察执法体系提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

为了研究化工过程定量风险评价进展以及对风险准则进行比较分析,通过梳理定量风险评价的发展历程,从方法来源、法律法规进展以及软件技术发展3个方面,逐一分析各国的发展情况,并结合英国、荷兰、美国与中国个人和社会可接受风险准则的比较结果,分析各国风险准则的异同。此外,阐述了德国和日本化工过程安全控制的准则内容。结果表明:我国定量风险评价技术起步相对较晚,但实施导则、风险准则的制定以及评价软件的开发,标志着我国定量风险评价方法理论体系的发展较为完备。  相似文献   

The chemical, pharmaceutical and other related process industries are characterized by inherently hazardous processes and activities. To ensure that considered risk management decisions are made it is essential that organizations have the ability to rank the risk profiles of their assets and operations. Current industry risk ranking techniques are biased toward the assessment of the risk potential of the asset or operation. Methodologies used to assess these risks tend to be engineering-based and include, for example, hazard identification and event rate estimation techniques. Recent research has associated lagging safety performance indicators with metrics of organizational safety climate. Despite the evidence suggesting their potential usefulness, organizational climate metrics have not yet been exploited as a proactive safety, health and environmental performance indicator or as an aid to relative risk ranking. This paper summarizes research that successfully produced a statistical model of organizational climate and its relationship to site significant injury frequency rates, allowing the relative risk ranking of sites based upon organizational climate metrics. The responses to an industrial organizational survey are examined for a pharmaceutical company's sites in the United Kingdom, Sweden and the United States. Projection to Latent Structures Analysis is performed on the survey responses. The resultant models are shown to be able to accurately model the site significant injury frequency rates. The organizational climate metrics that discriminate between the safety performance levels of different sites are identified.  相似文献   

为了研究国际工程安全管理在国家(地区)、研究人员的合作现状,基于研究热点与研究前沿的分析结果,对工程安全管理科研合作研究未来的发展趋势进行预测,利用CiteSpace的可视化与统计功能对工程安全管理领域展开研究,得到可视化知识图谱。研究结果表明:国际上关于工程安全管理的研究主要集中在欧美等发达国家,许多国家均与美国建立了合作,而其他国家间的合作较为分散,呈现明显的“无标度”现象; 2003—2017年国际工程安全管理研究的热点领域集中在文化和技术层面; 2003—2017年工程安全管理的研究热点可以分为5个阶段分析,当前的研究热点为施工现场的安全管理及施工前的风险管控。  相似文献   

Motor vehicle crashes killed almost 5,000 pedestrians in 2005 in the United States. Pedestrian risk may be higher in areas characterized by urban sprawl. From 2000 to 2004, pedestrian fatality rates declined in the United States, but the Atlanta metropolitan statistical area did not experience the same decline. Pedestrian fatality rates for males, Hispanics, and the 15–34 and 35–54 year age groups were higher in Atlanta than in the United States overall. Pedestrian safety interventions should be targeted to high-risk populations and localized pedestrian settings.  相似文献   

在聚乙烯工业生产中,聚合过程本身存在着一些固有危险因素,如反应过程中热量的移出、聚合原料以及聚合助剂的燃爆危险等,一直都是从事安全工作人员关注的重点。很多相关的技术研发公司均采取的不同的手段,加以应对。其中,美国UCC公司的un ipol气相法聚乙烯工艺,针对这些危险因素采取了一定的控制措施,较好的解决了这些问题。例如,为了解决反应聚合反应热量的问题,采用循环气大量循环,在流化床反应器外消除反应热,同时,在循环气内加诱导冷凝剂的方法吸收聚合反应放出的热量。就此,本文从化工过程安全的角度,对un ipol气相法聚乙烯工艺中,聚合过程存在的固有危险因素产生的原因及其可能导致的结果和在工艺中针对这些问题采取的控制措施及其工作原理加以分析。  相似文献   

国外油气管道安全管理经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国油气管道发展迅猛,管道数量激增;上世纪70!80年代修建的管道逐渐进入老龄化,管道事故呈上升趋势。文章对美国、加拿大和欧盟国家油气管道的发展现状和事故情况进行了介绍,重点对以美国为代表的国外油气管道安全管理先进经验进行了分析,并针对当前我国油气管道安全管理的形势和问题,提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

通过对欧盟、美国等国家和我国的相关法律法规的调查,针对受限物质的管理制度,分析了化学品管控上的要求;对比国内、外法规和标准对受限物质的限制要求,总结我国个体防护装备鞋靴标准的差异,探讨了我国个体防护装备鞋靴的化学安全性,阐述了对我国个体防护装备鞋靴标准体系及标准的看法,提出了建议。为保护作业人员的健康和安全,提高和完善我国个体防护装备标准体系,制定个体防护装备鞋靴的有害物质限制标准提供依据。  相似文献   

中日合作项目国内外危险化学品安全管理初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照中日合作项目《加强中国安全生产科学技术能力计划》,分析了日本、美国、加拿大、德国、欧盟和联合国等国际危险化学品安全管理现状,总结提出了实施风险评价、申报登记、风险控制、信息警示和员工培训等国际危险化学品安全管理方式及其特点。同时,结合中国危险化学品安全管理现状,提出了系统化建设危险化学品安全生产法规标准体系、制定作业场所危险化学品卫生要求、修订《危险化学品安全管理条例》等进一步建立健全中国危险化学品安全管理的对策和建议。这对完善中国危险化学品安全管理具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Hospital nurses have one of the highest work-related injury rates in the United States. Yet, approaches to improving employee safety have generally focused on attempts to modify individual behavior through enforced compliance with safety rules and mandatory participation in safety training. We examined a theoretical model that investigated the impact on nurse injuries (back injuries and needlesticks) of critical structural variables (staffing adequacy, work engagement, and work conditions) and further tested whether safety climate moderated these effects. METHOD: A longitudinal, non-experimental, organizational study, conducted in 281 medical-surgical units in 143 general acute care hospitals in the United States. RESULTS: Work engagement and work conditions were positively related to safety climate, but not directly to nurse back injuries or needlesticks. Safety climate moderated the relationship between work engagement and needlesticks, while safety climate moderated the effect of work conditions on both needlesticks and back injuries, although in unexpected ways. DISCUSSION AND IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Our findings suggest that positive work engagement and work conditions contribute to enhanced safety climate and can reduce nurse injuries.  相似文献   

Available tire traction is a significant highway safety issue, particularly on wet roads. Tire-roadway friction on dry, clean roads is essentially independent of tread depth, and depends primarily on roadway surface texture. However, tire-wet-roadway friction, both for longitudinal braking and lateral cornering forces, depends on several variables, most importantly on water depth, speed and tire tread depth, and the roadway surface texture. The car owner-operator has control over speed and tire condition, but not on water depth or road surface texture. Minimum tire tread depth is legislated throughout most of the United States and Europe. Speed reduction for wet road conditions is not.A survey of state requirements for legal minimum tread depth for passenger vehicle tires in the United States is presented. Most states require a minimum of 2/32 of an inch (approximately 1.6 mm) of tread, but two require less, some have no requirements, and some defer to the federal criterion for commercial vehicle safety inspections. The requirement of 2/32 of an inch is consistent with the height of the tread-wear bars built in to passenger car tires sold in the United States, but the rationale for that requirement, or other existing requirements, is not clear. Recent research indicates that a minimum tread depth of 2/32 of an inch does not prevent significant loss of friction at highway speeds, even for minimally wet roadways. The research suggests that tires with less than 4/32 of an inch tread depth may lose approximately 50 percent of available friction in those circumstances, even before hydroplaning occurs. It is concluded that the present requirements for minimum passenger car tire tread depth are not based upon rational safety considerations, and that an increase in the minimum tread depth requirements would have a beneficial effect on highway safety.  相似文献   

Biodiesel production in the United States is anticipated to double by 2010. Biodiesel's characteristics and performance as a fuel vary depending on its composition, and the fuel composition has to be stringently monitored to avoid adverse impacts on the environment and engines. The final biodiesel composition depends on the initial feedstock, as well as on the reaction conversions and process separation efficiencies. The thermo-physical properties depend upon factors such as chain length, branching, and degree of saturation. Impurities in biodiesel, either due to side-reactions, unreacted feedstock, or non-fatty acid constituents, may increase pollutants. This paper focuses on chemical composition of commonly used feedstocks for biodiesel manufacturing and provides an overview of the process chemistry.  相似文献   

桥梁工程规划设计阶段施工安全风险评估的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究表明,有相当大比例的工程事故原因可以追溯到规划设计的不当。将工程的规划设计纳入施工安全管理全过程,就是将事故防控的"关口前移"和"源头管理"的创新思路。本研究以桥梁工程领域为例,探讨了我国在规划设计阶段进行施工安全风险评估的发展思路,包括:完善基础理论、将工程实践和立法推动相结合、从在建工程的施工安全现状反推其规划设计等,为提升我国工程建设施工安全提供借鉴。崇启大桥及泰州大桥工程实践表明,安全是可"构建"的,通过施工风险评估,能够改善规划设计,降低施工安全的风险,从而减少施工过程人员的伤亡或健康危害。  相似文献   

美国航空运输安全监管体系发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高我国航空运输安全水平,政府安全监管体系需要进一步完善,研究美国航空运输安全监管体系的发展规律及经验可为我国提供有益借鉴.着重对美国监管机构变化、监管方法变化、监管手段变化与事故率变化之间的关系加以研究,分析得出发生在美国历史上的特定的监管机构变化、监管方法变化及监管手段变化都对安全水平提高起到了明显积极作用.结果表明,以行业发展变化为驱动而发生的以实施风险管理为目的的监管机构变革、系统安全方法的应用及不断推广、更加深入广泛地利用信息技术改进监管手段,可以对安全水平的提高起到积极作用.此外,监管体系的设计还应从更高的层面考虑,将其应用于对监管当局自身安全管理能力的持续提高.  相似文献   

美、英、澳职业安全健康业绩指标及对我国借鉴的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于我国安全生产统计及业绩指标体系发展现状,研究美国、英国及澳大利亚的职业安全健康统计指标体系,为我国完善职业安全健康体系提供借鉴。研究得出,美、英、澳3国的职业伤亡统计以工作单位为统计范围,国家统计部门定期汇总、公布因工作原因造成的死亡、伤害或职业病数据。统计指标使用死亡人数、可记录伤害人次数、损失工作日数及相应的比率等。认为我国应明确职业安全健康统计范围、统计边界、统计对象,以利于准确评估安全生产业绩;建立可记录伤害和损失工作日天数统计标准,改革安全生产统计指标,以满足行业通用、国际对比。  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Eye injury is currently a leading cause of visual impairment and monocular blindness in the United States. Information regarding consumer products associated with eye injuries can have important implications for the prevention of these injuries. METHODS: The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) was used to describe the types of consumer products associated with emergency department treated eye injuries in the United States from 1998 through 2002. RESULTS: The leading product type associated with eye injuries was welding equipment followed by household cleaners, basketball equipment, workshop equipment, and adhesives. Eye injuries attributed to hardware, tools, construction, sports, toys, and lawn equipment were more common among males. In females, eye injuries attributable to chemicals, housewares, storage and organization, and bed and bath items were more common. Differences were also apparent across the age spectrum. CONCLUSION: This study identified specific products and categories of products frequently associated with eye injury and prevention initiatives should focus on these items. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: This study has identified consumer products associated with eye injuries requiring medical treatment in the United States. Manufacturers of these products could be encouraged to add or strengthen safety messages regarding the potential for eye injury.  相似文献   

This article provides a public-health perspective on the motor-vehicle safety situation in Europe and in the United States. It will be argued that a prerequisite for such a perspective is the use of fatality rate per capita, instead of the usually employed rate per distance traveled. To illustrate the public-health perspective, two sets of analyses were performed. The first set of analyses compared motor-vehicle fatality rates to fatality rates from other causes of death. The second set contrasted the motor-vehicle fatality rates per population in different countries, providing information about traffic safety relative to other countries.  相似文献   

Lessons after Bhopal: CSB a catalyst for change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Bhopal tragedy was a defining moment in the history of the chemical industry. On December 3, 1984, a runaway reaction within a methyl isocyanate storage tank at the Union Carbide India Limited pesticide plant released a toxic gas cloud that killed thousands and injured hundreds of thousands. After Bhopal, industrial chemical plants became a major public concern. Both the public and the chemical industry realized the necessity of improving chemical process safety.

Bhopal served as a wake-up call. To prevent the same event from occurring in the United States, many legislative and industrial changes were invoked—one of which was formation of the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB). The ultimate goal of CSB is to use the lessons learned and recommendations from its investigations to achieve positive change within the chemical industry—preventing incidents and saving lives.

Although it seems clear that the lessons learned at Bhopal have improved chemical plant safety, CSB investigations indicate that the systemic problems identified at Bhopal remain the underlying causes of many incidents. These include:

• Lack of awareness of reactive hazards.

• Lack of management of change.

• Inadequate plant design and maintenance.

• Ineffective employee training.

• Ineffective emergency preparedness and community notification.

• Lack of root cause incident investigations and communication of lessons learned.

The aim of this paper is to present common themes from recent cases investigated by CSB and to discuss how these issues might be best addressed in the future.

This paper has not been independently approved by the Board and is published for general informational purposes only. Any material in the paper that did not originate in a Board-approved report is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not represent an official finding, conclusion, or position of the Board.  相似文献   

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