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<正>编者按:每年的6月5日是世界环境日。2022年世界环境日的国际主题是“只有一个地球”,联合国环境规划署希望借此机会,全面展示当下全球正在开展的旨在保护和恢复我们唯一仅有的地球家园的变革性行动浪潮。在联合国第一次人类环境会议召开50周年之际,中国将“共建清洁美丽世界”作为世界环境日的主题,旨在促进全社会增强生态环境保护意识,投身生态文明建设,在共建美丽中国的同时,进一步体现中国在全球生态文明建设中的重要参与者、贡献者、引领者作用。  相似文献   

自1950年开始,联合国将每年的4月7 日定为“世界卫生日”,并为每年的卫生日选择一个相关的主题,旨在提高全世界对某一个卫生领域的认识,推广和普及有关健康知识,提高人们的健康水平。今年“世界卫生日”的主题是:通力合作,增进健康。旨在宣传目前世界范围内医务人员短缺问题并寻求解决之道。据世界卫生组织估计,目前全世界共有5900万医务工作人员,尚存在400万  相似文献   

世人皆知大西洋中的百慕大三角海域是一个令世界上众多探险家们视为畏途的“魔鬼”海域。这片令人惊恐万状的凶险海域不知吞噬了多少经过那里的舰艇船舶,甚至从其上空飞过的飞机也常遭不测。那里有什么样的自然力量在作怪呢?科学家们众说纷纭,至今还  相似文献   

<正>编者按:2023年3月22日是第三十一届“世界水日”,也是第三十六届“中国水周”的第一天。联合国确定2023年“世界水日”主题是“Accelerating Change”(加速变革),水利部确定我国纪念2023年“世界水日”“中国水周”活动的主题为“强化依法治水携手共护母亲河”。水是生命之源,是人类赖以生存和发展的、不可缺少、不可代替的特殊资源。让我们共同关注水资源,节约用水,珍爱生命!  相似文献   

2014年10月14日是第45届世界标准日。今年世界标准日主题是“标准营造公平竞争环境”;中国主题为“标准营造公平竞争环境,标准构建统一市场规则”。地震标准化宣传主题为“地震标准提高城乡地震安全水平和能力”。  相似文献   

对人类安全最大的威胁是什么?不是战争;不是飓风;不是水灾;不是地震;不是火灾;……世界卫生组织的调查报告指出,人类疾病80%与水污染有关。据统计,每年世界上有2500万名以上儿童因饮用被污染的水而死亡。“瞩目”的停水事件前段时间,哈尔滨成为国人乃至世界关注的“焦点”,温家  相似文献   

文化,是人类最常用的词语之一,在一定意义上说,恐怕也是被使用得“最滥”的词语之一。据统计,“文化”的定义多达160个以上,也算是人类文化的一个“奇迹”吧。许多事物后面都可以挂上个“文化”,不分大小,不分虚实,都有文化:大到国家民族,小到吃喝拉撒;从中华文化、传统文化,到工业文化、农业文化,再到茶文化、酒文化,几乎整个世界都是文化。  相似文献   

“昔日三九、四九冰上走,今年三九绿杨柳,又是一个暖冬年啊!”这是人们面对今冬暖和天气发出的惊叹。人们不禁在问:“地球气候增暖还将持续吗?” “世界气象组织”近日发布新闻公报说,2001年是“世界气象组织”自1860年有气象记录以来居第二位高温年,气温略低于1998年。以1961—1990年世界平均气温为标准计算,2001年气温超过平均值0.42摄氏度。141年来,世界曾出现过23个高温年,仅20世纪90年代就有9个高温年。20世纪的100年中,全球变暖是一种普遍现象,气温比19世纪上升0.6摄氏度以上,20世纪最后25年,地表温度升高的速度较前75年加快3倍,其中有22年高温年。  相似文献   

绿色组织1971年,加拿大戴维、麦格塔格特发起成立国际性环境保护组织“绿色和平组织”,以非暴力抗议形式,在世界范围内维护自然生态环境,促进人类与自然环境和谐相处。1981年,世界上最早的“绿党”在瑞典诞生,它宣称“不依附于任何集团”,其任务是对现存的环境破坏全面出击。此外,匈牙利、德国  相似文献   

栽树种花,绿化城市是人类用以“调节气候、防暑降温、净化空气、防风吸尘、减少噪音、减少污染、保护环境”的重要举措。世界各国都特别重视这一直接有益于人类生存的伟大“绿色工程”,并根据本国的地理环境、气候条件和综合国情合理绿化城市。目前世界上各具特色的花园式的绿化名城有莫斯科、华沙、新加坡、布达佩斯、华盛顿和维也纳。空气最好的花园城市——莫斯科  相似文献   

赵烨 《防灾博览》2006,(4):34-35
垃圾,这个一向为人们所不屑一顾的东西,如今却愈来愈迫使人类认真地正视它,对待它。不堪负荷的天文数字垃圾无处不在,无时不有,时刻混迹于人们的生活之中,那破布、碎瓶、  相似文献   

Terrorist attacks can occur in remote areas causing mass-casualty incidents MCIs far away from level-1 trauma centres. This study draws lessons from an MCI pertaining to the management of primary and secondary evacuation and the operational mode practiced. Data was collected from formal debriefings during and after the event, and the medical response, interactions and main outcomes analysed using Disastrous Incidents Systematic Analysis through Components, Interactions and Results (DISAST-CIR) methodology. A total of 112 people were evacuated from the scene-66 to the nearby level 3 Laniado hospital, including the eight critically and severely injured patients. Laniado hospital was instructed to act as an evacuation hospital but the flow of patients ended rapidly and it was decided to admit moderately injured victims. We introduce a novel concept of a 'semi-evacuation hospital'. This mode of operation should be selected for small-scale events in which the evacuation hospital has hospitalization capacity and is not geographically isolated. We suggest that level-3 hospitals in remote areas should be prepared and drilled to work in semi-evacuation mode during MCIs.  相似文献   

Community cohesion after a natural disaster: insights from a Carlisle flood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kirk Chang 《Disasters》2010,34(2):289-302
This project analysed changes in community cohesion following a natural disaster. Data were collected from a flood‐affected community using a questionnaire survey. Analyses revealed that community cohesion was not predicted by the length of residence, or any other demographic characteristic of residents, but rather by a sense of community, community cognition and the degree of community participation. Cohesion alteration was not uniform, but varied along levels of hazard severity (degree of flood invasion). Cohesion increased in line with hazard severity at the initial flood stage, as residents recognised the importance of community unity and came together to cope with their losses. When the severity increased, residents transferred their focus to individual interests, which resulted in decreased cohesion. This project distinguishes itself in examining community cohesion in the wake of a natural disaster in the real world. Implications regarding community reconstruction and suggestions for hazard researchers are discussed accordingly.  相似文献   

通过对一起利用油中溶解气体分析、调整运行方式、电气试验等手段综合诊断分析换流变压器(以下简称“换流变”)潜伏性过热故障过程分析,并经解体检查确认了故障原因,验证了本次通过油中溶解气体分析和调整运行方式诊断换流变压器潜伏性过热性故障的有效性和可行性,为后续换流变压器的类似潜伏性故障运维检修提供可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

The Disaster Deficit Index (DDI) measures macroeconomic and financial risk in a country according to possible catastrophic scenario events. Extreme disasters can generate financial deficit due to sudden and elevated need of resources to restore affected inventories. The DDI captures the relationship between the economic loss that a country could experience when a catastrophic event occurs and the availability of funds to address the situation. The proposed model utilises the procedures of the insurance industry in establishing probable losses, based on critical impacts during a given period of exposure; for economic resilience, the model allows one to calculate the country's financial ability to cope with a critical impact. There are limitations and costs associated with access to resources that one must consider as feasible values according to the country's macroeconomic and financial conditions. This paper presents the DDI model and the results of its application to 19 countries of the Americas and aims to guide governmental decision‐making in disaster risk reduction.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of research on the subjective stress‐related experiences of humanitarian aid workers. Most evaluations of stress among these individuals focus on trauma and related conditions or adopt a quantitative approach. This interview‐based study explored how 58 humanitarian aid workers employed by a United Nations‐aligned organisation perceived the transactional stress process. The thematic analysis revealed eight main topics of interest: an emergency culture was found where most employees felt compelled to offer an immediate response to humanitarian needs; employees identified strongly with humanitarian goals and reported a high level of engagement; the rewards of humanitarian work were perceived as motivating and meaningful; constant change and urgent demands resulted in work overload; and managing work–life boundaries and receiving positive support from colleagues and managers helped to buffer perceived stress, work overload, and negative health outcomes. The practical implications of the results are discussed and suggestions made in the light of current research and stress theory.  相似文献   

一次超级单体风暴中龙卷的天气过程分析及龙卷强度判定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2008年5月23日发生在哈尔滨中南部的一次超级单体风暴中龙卷天气过程的天气形势、卫星云图、雷达回波进行了综合分析.研究结果表明:此次灾害性强风暴是一次龙卷过程;龙卷的出现与高空风场的分布及大气稳定度密不可分;龙卷母云的形状及性质与冰雹云相近,其发生发展与低空急流密切相关;龙卷出现在超级单体风暴的"V"型缺口附近,多普勒速度场上伴有强中气旋.文中还利用多普勒雷达产品中气旋的最大流人流出速度计算了中气旋强度,并结合现场勘查及灾情信息,对龙卷强度等级进行了判定.  相似文献   

Mosley LM  Sharp DS  Singh S 《Disasters》2004,28(4):405-417
The effect of a cyclone (Ami, January 2003) on drinking-water quality on the island of Vanua Levu, Fiji was investigated. Following the cyclone nearly three-quarters of the samples analysed did not conform to World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline values for safe drinking-water in terms of chlorine residual, total and faecal coliforms, and turbidity. Turbidity and total coliform levels significantly increased (up 56 and 62 per cent, respectively) from pre-cyclone levels, which was likely due to the large amounts of silt and debris entering water-supply sources during the cyclone. The utility found it difficult to maintain a reliable supply of treated water in the aftermath of the disaster. Communities were unaware they were drinking water that had not been adequately treated. Circumstances permitted this cyclone to be used as a case study to assess whether a simple paper-strip water-quality test (the hydrogen sulphide, H(2)S) kit could be distributed and used for community-based monitoring following such a disaster event to better protect public health. The H(2)S test results correlated well with faecal and total coliform results as found in previous studies. A small percentage of samples (about 10 per cent) tested positive for faecal and total coliforms but did not test positive in the H(2)S test. It was concluded that the H(2)S test would be well suited to wider use, especially in the absence of water-quality monitoring capabilities for outer island groups as it is inexpensive and easy to use, thus enabling communities and community health workers with minimal training to test their own water supplies without outside assistance. The importance of public education before and after natural disasters is also discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,各地纷纷兴建大型火车站房,这类建筑中的楼盖大多为大跨、轻质和低阻尼结构,本文基于人体舒适度考虑,对这些大跨楼盖进行振动舒适度的分析.首先,建立某大型火车站房的整体有限元模型,研究这类建筑中大跨楼盖的振动特性;随后,对楼盖在各种不利工况人群荷载作用下的振动舒适度进行分析;最后,在已有研究的基础上,提出了大跨楼盖多...  相似文献   

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