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各省、自治区、直辖市、中央和国家机关有关部委(集团公司)、计划单列市、新疆生产建设兵团关工委、教育厅(教委)、司法厅(局)、农业厅(局)、文化厅(局)、卫生厅(局)、质检局、广电局(厅)、体育局(委)、安全监管局、食品药品监管局、法制办:  相似文献   

北京市、天津市、辽宁省、黑龙江省、上海市、江苏省、浙江省、安徽省、江西省、山东省、湖北省、湖南省、广东省、重庆市、四川省、陕西省人力资源社会保障部(劳动保障)厅(局),商务厅(局):为积极承接国际服务外包业务,促进我国服务外包产业发展,  相似文献   

长度[m、cm、mm、nm]、质量[kg、t]、压力、压强、应力[poL]、力[N]、时间["、S、'、min、h、d]wk(星期、周)、mo[月a]、电阻率[Ωm]、频率[Hz]、功能量[eV、keV、J]、功率[瓦、W、kW]、平方米[米2、m2]、摄氏温度[℃]、电压、电动势、电位(电势)[V]  相似文献   

长度[m、cm、mm、nm]、质量[kg、t]、压力、压强、应力[pα]、力[N]、时间[″、S、′、min、h、d]wk(星期、周)、  相似文献   

“'98国际社会公共安全产品、警用装备博览会”将于本年11月在北京隆重举行。来自澳大利亚、德国、以色列、日本、韩国、瑞士、荷兰、英国、美国、中国及台湾省、香港特别政区等国家和地区的业内著名公司,将云集北京,展示最先进的中外安防产品。 展品包括出入口监控设备、报警系统、防盗门锁、闭路电视、探测器、警用及军用设备、防弹衣及物料、保险箱、防伪证件、运钞车、特种车辆、防爆及防暴设备、无线电通讯及大厦管理系统等等。应用范围广泛,包括  相似文献   

室内环境化学性污染物的种类及来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙燕 《安全》2010,31(10):49-51
室内环境中的化学性污染物主要有:甲醛、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、氨气、二氧化硫、二氧化氮、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、总挥发性有机物TVOC和可吸入颗粒物。  相似文献   

郑州,河南省省会,河南政治、经济、文化中心,辖巩义、登封、新密、荥阳、新郑、中牟、金水、二七、中原、管城、上街、惠济12个县(市)、区,全市总面积7446.2平方公里,总人口687.7万人。2001年10月,郑州市安全生产监督管理局成立。几年来,我们把安监机构建设作为头等工作来抓,截止2004年底,12个县(市)区全都  相似文献   

稿件要求:1、文稿应具有创造性、科学性、实用性。文责自负(严禁抄袭),每篇文章以2000~5000字为宜。2、论文格式应包括:题目、作者及单位、内容摘要、关键词、正文、注释及参考文献。  相似文献   

自2010年11月8日广州市公交一卡通"岭南通"(也称羊城通)首发至今,业务现已覆盖广东省内广州、佛山、肇庆、江门、汕尾、惠州、茂名、韶关、云浮、珠海、河源、揭阳、阳江、湛江、清远、中山16个城市的公交、地铁、轮渡等公共交通领域。时值首发2周年之际,"岭南通"在区域开通和行业合作等方面也有大进展:11月8日,潮州、汕头也式加入"岭南通"大家庭,今后广州市民去这18个城  相似文献   

长度[m、cm、mm、nm]、质量[kg、t]、压力、压强、应力[pα]、力[N]、时间[″、S、′、min、h、d]wk(星期、周)、mo[月a]、电阻率[Ωm]、频率[Hz]、功能量[eV、keV、  相似文献   

Based on the sociotechnical systems approach, an understanding of safety culture as deeply rooted assumptions about the interplay of people, technology, and organization in their relation to safety is presented. As a complement to audit methods aimed at assessing formal safety management, a questionnaire was developed which allows some indications of these assumptions to be captured by providing data on perceptions regarding operational safety, safety and design strategies, and personal job needs. Analyzing response patterns of different occupational, hierarchical, and organizational groups within a company in combination with formal audit results and the communicative validation of both in a feedback meeting can help the auditors as well as the members of the company to gain a deeper understanding of safety management and safety culture in that company. Results from seven audits in petrochemical plants are presented and discussed with respect to the validity and practicability of the chosen approach.  相似文献   

安全发展理念的提出,为安全生产工作提出了新课题。本文站在安全生产监督管理部门的角度,从经济社会发展大局出发,阐述了跳出安全抓安全,通过积极主动的献计献策,争取支持,在实施产业结构调整过程中,解决安全生产深层次问题,减轻压力,从而更好地落实安全发展观、抓好安全生产工作的实践和思考。  相似文献   

The articles presented in this Special Issue on Road Safety Management represent an illustration of the growing interest in policy-related research in the area of road safety. The complex nature of this type of research combined with the observation that scientific journals pay limited attention to this type of research was the background for SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research in the Netherlands to organise a workshop on Scientific Research on Road Safety Management. This workshop generated a lot of attention in the road safety research community as well in the policy making community, and it was decided – in addition to the nine articles based on the presentations at the workshop – to include another seven articles which are considered of relevance for the chosen topic of this special issue.  相似文献   

为增强安全标语在安全管理应用中的有效性,从安全管理学视角,提出安全标语的概念和功能,构建安全标语功能的伞状结构;从大安全角度,划分安全标语的类型;分析安全标语的传播过程,构建安全标语的传播模型和目视管理模型。结果表明:发挥安全管理功能是安全标语设置的最终目的,保证安全标语有效传播是其发挥安全管理功能的基本前提。指出安全标语创作及应用目前主要存在的问题,其应遵循内容健康,引导正确等基本要求,并应具有实用性等6种倾向。  相似文献   

文章探讨了安全文化投入到安全生产领域的过程,叙述了对安全文化的认识及其工作的发挥和开展的保证。  相似文献   

Exploratory analysis of the safety climate and safety behavior relationship   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Problem: Safety climate refers to the degree to which employees believe true priority is given to organizational safety performance, and its measurement is thought to provide an “early warning” of potential safety system failure(s). However, researchers have struggled over the last 25 years to find empirical evidence to demonstrate actual links between safety climate and safety performance.Method: A safety climate measure was distributed to manufacturing employees at the beginning of a behavioral safety initiative and redistributed one year later.Results: Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that perceptions of the importance of safety training were predictive of actual levels of safety behavior. The results also demonstrate that the magnitude of change in perceptual safety climate scores will not necessarily match actual changes (r=0.56, n.s.) in employee's safety behavior.Discussion: This study obtained empirical links between safety climate scores and actual safety behavior. Confirming and contradicting findings within the extant safety climate literature, the results strongly suggest that the hypothesized climate-behavior-accident path is not as clear cut as commonly assumed.Summary: A statistical link between safety climate perceptions and safety behavior will be obtained when sufficient behavioral data is collected.Impact on Industry: The study further supports the use of safety climate measures as useful diagnostic tools in ascertaining employee's perceptions of the way that safety is being operationalized.  相似文献   

Mobility is a matter of great importance in daily life: However, it also causes costs and involves accident risks. To make mobility safer and reduce accident risks, a scientifically based road safety management is needed. Within such a safety management system, a concert of adequate and efficient strategies, tools and measures is developed and implemented. To ensure that the chosen means are efficient they should be derived from research evidence. Secondly, research is also needed to regularly monitor the impact of road safety management tools, serving as a “controlling instrument” for the appropriateness of safety management efforts. This article explains the main strategic aspects of safety management in Germany and illustrates it exemplarily on the basis of two recently implemented road safety measures.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2006,44(5):451-478
In the summer of 2004, the Dutch cabinet decided on the privatisation of the largest airport in the Netherlands—Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AAS). Privatisation processes have generated policy questions which have focused on assuring that public values such as safety at airports remains at levels that are considered sufficient after privatisation takes place.In this article, an attempt is made to assess the effects of the proposed privatisation on the management of safety on and around the airport. As little empirical evidence exists about the potential effects of privatisation of airport operators on the safety of air transportation, the research used a ‘worst-case scenario analysis’ to assess potential effects of a (partial) privatisation of the airport operator. Based upon a detailed investigation of a number of activities performed by the airport operator and a comparative analysis of safety regulatory systems of two other European (partly) privatised airports, we conclude that the level of safety at the airport is not directly affected as a result of the (partial) privatisation of the airport operator, but that compared to the situation in which the airport operator remains a public entity, the safety regulatory system as a whole has become less robust.  相似文献   

根据生物节律的起源、定义及本质,将生物节律从人体三节律和频度两个角度分类,概述其参数变化规律,并阐明矿井生产环境中导致生物节律偏移的因素。简述生物节律的计算方法,提出运用现代计算机技术,即excel表格的编程功能建立节律预测表,对职工进行安全评价。通过对矿井伤亡事故实例的计算与分析,探求生物节律和矿井生产事故之间的关联度。在充分考虑生物节律的基础下,提出现实可行的安全策略,降低矿井安全事故的发生率  相似文献   

Supervisory Safety Training is one very important aspect of a complete safety effort. If done efficiently, it enables the supervisor to understand and fulfill his/her vital role as the company's front line safety representative to the workforce. However, in order to do this job effectively, a great deal of careful planning must precede the development of the training program used.  相似文献   

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