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环境管理自愿协议的法律思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了自愿式协议环境管理的产生、概念和发展现状,分析了自愿协议的法律特征.并就环境管理中订立自愿协议的法律问题进行了分析,着重讨论了协议双方的权利义务,协议的变更、解除以及违约责任和救济措施等.  相似文献   

自愿协议作为环境管理的必要补充日益受到重视,本文对荆州纺织印染行业践行自愿协议环境管理进行了总结,提出了自愿协议式环境管理荆州模式的实施框架和具体内容,调查分析了荆州市部分纺织印染企业履行自愿环境管理协议的具体做法和取得的初步效果。实践表明,企业采取自愿环境协议,有利提高生产效率和管理水平,减少能耗和排污量。为鼓励企业采取自愿环境管理,政府要在政策和资金上给企业予以支持,解决企业因超前环境管理行为面临的资金短缺和成本增加问题。  相似文献   

本文分析了当前我国环境管理存在的问题,结合国际上环境管理发展的趋势,提出了建立综合决策机制、强化经济手段、完善环境法体系、建立公众参与机制、开展自愿协议式环境管理等对策。  相似文献   

提高能效是减排的重要途径,荷兰长期能效协议和能效标杆合约在这方面取得了很大成效,其成功经验值得研究和学习。本文首先系统介绍了荷兰长期能效协议和能效标杆合约的构建、实施及监督过程,分析了其取得的成效和存在的不足。然后描述了自愿协议式方法在中国的应用情况和我国面临的节能减排压力。最后总结出长期能效协议和能效标杆合约对我国应用和推广自愿协议式方法的启示。  相似文献   

中国环境管理引进自愿手段的法律基础分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自愿手段已日益成为环境管理的一项重要手段,其在发达国家的运用取得了良好的效果,中国突出的环境污染问题迫切要求引入自愿手段以弥补传统环境管理手段的不足.通过总结中国现有法律体系中有关自愿手段的规定,分析了中国环境管理引进自愿手段的法律基础,并在此基础上提出了构建自愿手段法律框架的若干建议.  相似文献   

据悉,中国终端能效项目即将全面实施,目前正在招投标。其中涉及到自愿协议的项目主要有四个,它们是“自愿协议试点项目的总体组织协调”,“钢铁行业实施自愿协议的组织协调”,“水泥行业实施自愿协议的组织协调”,“化工行业实施自愿协议的组织协调”。项目的实施期均为3年。通过这些项目的实施,有望在我国重点耗能行业和企业深入试点自愿协议。以期尽快在全行业乃至全国推广自愿协议,用实际行动支持建立节约型社会  相似文献   

随着电子废弃物数量的激增和非正规电子废弃物处理企业生产对环境影响,中国电子废弃物问题日益凸现出来.在我国,电子废弃物正成为一类重要废弃物,据估计,电子废弃物产出量以每年13~15%的速度增长,其增速是普通生活垃圾的3倍.如何解决我国电子废弃物问题不仅是环境保护的要求,也是经济发展的要求.电子废弃物的循环利用是电子废弃物管理和治理的最佳途径.电子废弃物的自愿协议式管理作为一种新的环境管理方式,对于改善电子废弃物管理现状、提高废弃物循环利用率、减少电子废弃物产生、降低电子废弃物的危害等具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

全国能源基础与管理标准化技术委员会,近期在京召开了《合同能源管理技术规范》和《节能自愿协议技术规范》国家标准制定启动暨技术研讨会。本次会议主要讨论了《合同能源管理技术规范》和《节能自愿协议技术规范》标准制定的目的、内容结构与制定路线,明确了工作任务和方案,建立与相关机构和专家的联系和协调机制。就下一步工作计划进行部署。  相似文献   

徐海 《环境保护》2007,(22):31-32
能源是社会经济发展的动力.随着人口增加、工业化和城镇化进程的加快,特别是重化工业和交通运输业的快速发展,能源需求量大幅度上升,社会经济发展面临的能源约束矛盾和能源环境问题尤为突出.在严峻的节能减排形式下,采取有效的制度鼓励企业节约能源和提高能效是节能工作的重要内容.本文通过对制度创新在地方政府节约能源工作中的具体应用分析,提出了实行节能自愿协议的创新制度,并对节能自愿协议的定义、具体实施过程进行了分析.  相似文献   

西部企业环境行为现状及改善途径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以西部四城市和地区的调查资料为基础,对企业环境行为进行了分类界定,然后从企业自愿环境行为、企业环境组织行为、协议收费行为以及企业环境投资行为等四个方面分析了西部企业环境行为现状,并从企业自身与环境政策的角度分析西部企业环境行为现状产生的原因。最后就改善西部企业环境行为的途径提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

Dedicated to Marshall Noble who worked over 20 years as a volunteer in support of research at Simon Fraser University  相似文献   

本文通过分析造成城市地震灾害严重的多种因素,从搞好建设工程的抗震设防、加强地震科普知识的宣传教育、推动城市社区地震应急救援志愿队和避难场所的建设四个方面提出了城市防震减灾的对策。  相似文献   

本文介绍了海淀区地震办公室几年来在防震减灾工作中,更新观念,转换机制,开创防震减灾工作新局面所做的工作,在防灾减灾科普教育基地,举办"北京海淀首届城市防震减灾(国际)论坛",建设海淀公共安全馆,建设避难场所、志愿者队伍和社会力量动员等方面取得的显著成绩.对于各地区地震办公室的工作开展,有-定的学习和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

寻洁 《环境科技》2007,20(3):71-72
阐述了我国公众环境意识显著提高、公众主动参与和监督的愿望十分迫切的现状,分析了我国环境监测人力资源相当紧张的状况和让群众参与环境监测具有的群众基础.提出可参考引入外国的义工监测制度来解决在人力资源有限的条件下更好的做好环境监测工作的困难.作为借鉴,介绍了美国现有成熟的相关制度规范和管理办法.  相似文献   

近一两年来,海淀区地震办公室树立科学的发展观,勇于创新,敢为人先,以《海淀区破坏性地震应急预案》为中心,围绕落实《海淀区破坏性地震应急预案》的物质载体,开展了一系列地震应急工作.在建设《海淀区地震信息应急指挥中心》、开展应急避险场所建设、成立防灾减灾志愿者队伍、开展灾情速报网建设等方面进行了有益的探索,并取得了一定的成效.  相似文献   

The inability to propagate human norovirus (NoV) or to clearly differentiate infectious from noninfectious virus particles has led to the use of surrogate viruses, like feline calicivirus (FCV) and murine norovirus-1 (MNV), which are propagatable in cell culture. The use of surrogates is predicated on the assumption that they generally mimic the viruses they represent; however, studies are proving this concept invalid. In direct comparisons between FCV and MNV, their susceptibility to temperatures, environmental and food processing conditions, and disinfectants are dramatically different. Differences have also been noted between the inactivation of NoV and its surrogates, thus questioning the validity of surrogates. Considerable research funding is provided globally each year to conduct surrogate studies on NoVs; however, there is little demonstrated benefit derived from these studies in regard to the development of virus inactivation techniques or food processing strategies. Human challenge studies are needed to determine which processing techniques are effective in reducing NoVs in foods. A major obstacle to clinical trials on NoVs is the perception that such trials are too costly and risky, but in reality, there is far more cost and risk in allowing millions of unsuspecting consumers to contract NoV illness each year, when practical interventions are only a few volunteer studies away. A number of clinical trials have been conducted, providing important insights into NoV inactivation. A shift in research priorities from surrogate research to volunteer studies is essential if we are to identify realistic, practical, and scientifically valid processing approaches to improve food safety.  相似文献   

浙江省企业环境保护社会责任制度建设探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析国内外企业环境保护社会责任的发展现状、存在问题和浙江省开展企业社会责任试点工作的主要做法,主要从政府、企业、公众3个方面来构建了浙江省企业环境保护社会责任制度框架。构建制度框架的关键重点不在于制定新的政策与机制,而是将现有的企业自愿性政策与政府的强制性政策相配套与整合,并进行适当的补充。从而形成综合的制度框架。制度框架的最终目的在于,充分发挥政府的引导和推动作用、发挥企业的主体作用、发挥行业协会商会等组织的自律作用、发动社会各方广泛参与,着力构建政府引导、企业自愿、行业自律、社会监督“四位一体”的企业环境保护社会责任推进机制。  相似文献   

The Master Gardener (MG) program, found throughout the United States and Canada, originated in Washington State to provide high-quality, research-based, educational programming to the gardening public. Washington State MGs are trained by Washington State University (WSU) faculty and other specialists in applied plant and soil sciences. After completing this intensive program, MG trainees must pass subject matter exams and then begin their volunteer activities.Today, over 4000 active WSU MG volunteers provide horticultural assistance to their communities. While MGs increase their scientific knowledge, they also develop communication, management, and leadership skills. With sufficient support from local educational institutions and government, this program can easily be adapted to any community in any country where environmental sustainability is desired.  相似文献   

Educators recognize the ecological, economic, and social components of environmental sustainability. For community-based programs, there is another sustainability trio that, if neglected, will lead to a decline in program quality and function. To be sustainable over the long term, community-based programs must have superior educational quality, clear organizational structure, and continued financial stability. Many educational outreach programs that have neglected this sustainability trio have been weakened or eliminated as they are not seen as priority items during budget reductions. The Master Gardener Program exemplifies this premise, representing a cadre of tens of thousands of university-trained volunteer educators who deliver environmental education to their communities. Over the years, the vision for educational quality, use of clear organizational structures fitting an increased reliance on volunteers, and securing of outside funding for sustainability education have waned in many states, resulting in a lack of university leadership and programmatic devolution. We propose revising outreach education to align with the best practices in adult pedagogy and science by developing a centralized organizational structure and by looking outside traditional university resources for funding opportunities. These strategies can easily be adapted for other community-based outreach programs.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of a primarily qualitative (with certain quantitative elements) socio-ecological study on three Greek islands of the Aegean Archipelago to characterize fire science and policy at regional and local levels, and perceptions of fire risk. Among the most important factors influencing dynamics of fire regimes on the islands are changing land use patterns and practices, and changes in climate and fuel conditions. While use of scientific information is not widespread, there are individuals in all three islands who regularly consult scientific sources. Although fire policy is largely controlled at the national and European Union levels, local activity also occurs, most notably through the volunteer fire fighting organizations, interactions with local officials, and public education efforts. However, though seen as important, significant lack of financial support and resources exist to support prevention and pre-suppression programs. Prevention of fires on the islands, including the use of prescribed burning, is relatively inadequate, and while an intense interest in preventing the loss of communities and ecosystems is frequently encountered, public participation in fire prevention remains limited. The findings suggest that relying on local knowledge, in combination with fire managers’ decision-making abilities, could improve fire management options and reduce wildfire suppression costs and ecological disasters.  相似文献   

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