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张鑫 《世界环境》2012,(4):44-45
4.我们认识到,消除贫穷、改变不可持续的消费和生产方式、推广可持续的消费和生产方式、保护和管理经济和社会发展的自然资源基础,是可持续发展的总目标和基本需要。我们也重申必须通过以下途径实现可持续发展:促进持续、包容性、公平的经济增长,为所有人创造更多机会,减少不平等现象,提高基本生活水平;推动公平社会发展和包容;促进以可持续的方式统筹管理自然资源和生态系统,支持经济发展、社会发展、人的发展等等,同时面对新挑战和正在出现的挑战,促进生态系统的养护、再生、恢复和回弹。  相似文献   

基于投入-产出模型,研究了2007、2010、2012年甘肃省分行业能源的直接和完全能耗系数大小,以及省际贸易中虚拟能源的净输入和净输出特征.结果表明:2007~2012年,甘肃省人均虚拟能源消费量和能源生产总量均呈上升趋势,增幅分别为25.5%和28.2%,13.9%和13.6%,能源消费量增幅远高于能源生产总量.2007~2012年甘肃省虚拟能源在行业间的流动趋势变化明显,其中2007年虚拟能源主要流向工业和交通运输及仓储业,其值分别为2957.41和2336.35万t标准煤.2010年变化趋势与其一致,其值分别为2563.92和3094.53万t标准煤.2012年虚拟能源主要流向建筑业和批发零售及其他行业.其值分别为3690.54和3080.61万t标准煤.2007~2012年,甘肃省虚拟能源总量增加了28.9%,其中建筑业和批发零售及其他行业分别增加了94.7%和92.5%,农业,工业和交通运输及仓储业分别减小了24.4%,42.3%和91.6%.2007~2012年甘肃省虚拟能源呈净输入-净输出-净输入的贸易格局,主要输向河北、内蒙古、上海和陕西等能源总量较多且经济发达的地区,其中工业和交通运输及仓储业为主要输出行业,分别占总输出的36.6%和38.3%;输入主要来源于北京、辽宁、江苏、福建和宁夏等省区.因此,减少省内能源输出量,提高省外输入量对甘肃省经济和能源的可持续发展及利用至关重要.  相似文献   

大沽排污河污灌区土壤重金属富集特征和来源分析   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
测定了天津大沽排污河污灌区耕作层(0~25cm)和底层(25~50cm)土壤中重金属、As、Fe及TN、TP和有机质等的含量,采用污染指数、相对富集系数和聚类分析等方法研究了重金属的富集特征和可能来源.结果表明, Hg、Cd、Pb和zn达到土壤环境质量二级标准, As、Ni和Cr达到一级标准.耕作层Hg的含量为0.323mg/kg,污染指数(CF)和相对富集系数(REF)分别为10.8和7.2,属于严重污染和重度富集, Cd的含量为0.341mg/kg, CF和REF分别为3.8和4.5,属于重度污染和中度富集, Pb、Zn和As的含量分别为44.7,108.29和11.2mg/kg, CF和REF均小于3,呈现中度污染和低度富集, Ni和Cr的含量分别为29.86和66.6mg/kg,基本没有富集. Hg、Pb和Zn在耕作层土壤中富集较严重, As在底层土壤富集较严重, Cd、Ni和Cr在两层的含量接近.与1985年的调查结果相比, Cd和As的含量有所增加, Hg、Pb和Zn的含量有所下降, Cr和Ni的含量略低于土壤环境背景值.通过聚类分析并结合大沽排污河污染源调查,表明Hg除受污水灌溉的影响外,燃煤释放的Hg可能是重要来源之一,也是As含量增加的主要原因, Cd、Pb和Zn可能来自污水灌溉和大气沉降,以污水灌溉的贡献为主, Ni和Cr以自然来源为主.  相似文献   

汾河表层沉积物PCBs和OCPs含量、来源及生态风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用GC-ECD方法测定了汾河太原段30个表层沉积物样品中多氯联苯(PCBs)和有机氯农药(OCPs)的含量,同时对沉积物中PCBs和OCPs的来源和生态风险进行了研究.结果表明,研究区PCBs和OCPs的含量分别为n.d.~50.95μg/kg和2.19 ~25.24μg/kg.Aroclor检出率最高为Aroclor1260和Aroclor1254,这可能与我国主要生产和使用的PCB有关.OCPs中p,p¢-DDE含量占优势,研究区HCH和DDT来源于工业和农业输入.生态风险评价结果表明,γ-HCH、DDT(total),o,p¢+p,p¢-DDT,p,p¢-DDE,七氯环氧化物,PCBs总量可能会对研究区水生生态环境造成潜在影响,但整体风险水平不高.  相似文献   

外商投资与国际贸易对中国沿海地区资源环境的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
论文从定性描述和定量描述的角度,分别对外商投资和国际贸易对沿海地区的资源环境影响进行分析。通过研究发现,尽管在产值总量上,外商投资和国际贸易对沿海地区的资源压力和环境污染做出“贡献”,但是从弹性系数角度,外商投资和国际贸易对地区资源压力和环境污染的影响在逐渐减缓,表明外商投资和国际贸易并不是导致我国沿海地区资源环境压力加大的“罪魁祸首”,反而是减缓这种压力的主要贡献力量。但是,不可否认,在我国接受经济全球化影响的早期阶段,由于部分地区急于吸引外资,以及我国环境管理体系的不完善,的确在某些方面,外资和外贸对沿海地区的资源和环境造成了负面影响。  相似文献   

在技术进步和政策的推动下,煤粉工业锅炉的应用正在形成高潮,但存在技术上的不实宣传和推广政策偏向问题。为使该技术能健康和可持续地发展,本文针对该锅炉的效率、污染物排放、制粉配送、风险和经济效益以及推广政策等方面,做了较深入的研究。研究认为该锅炉有高效节煤、SO2和NOx排放总量下降、集中配送煤粉和锅炉房干净等优点,值得推广;但因粉尘排放总量和浓度上升,综合环保效果处于劣势,同时存在电耗较大、煤源要求苛刻、煤粉储运和使用有风险,及经济效益不确定等问题,因此必须根据全面的技术、环境和经济评价,因地制宜地推广。建议政府采取具体措施,如资助布局优质煤粉供应点,以节能减排实效为资助的依据,鼓励专业锅炉制造厂参与研发和竞争,制定地方和国家有关煤粉工业锅炉的制造、用煤和污染物排放等标准,使该技术不断完善,可持续地发展。  相似文献   

以水厂混合污泥为对象,采用流动电流为特征参数分析加药量和pH对污泥沉降性能和脱水性能的影响,探讨流动电流技术在污泥处理中的适用性.结果表明,在污泥沉降性能方面,等电点处的投药量和pH值分别为8.9mg/L和7.25,实际最佳投药量和最佳pH为9.0mg/L和6.90.在污泥脱水方面,等电点处的投药量和pH值分别为25.0mg/L和9.25,实际最佳投药量和最佳pH为26.0mg/L和9.0.表明污泥调节的最佳投药量和最佳pH均处于流动电流值稍正的位置,可以用流动电流值作为单因子来控制污泥处理中的加药量,实现污泥加药的连续反馈控制.  相似文献   

自然资源在国家发展中扮演着重要角色。十九大以来,党和国家对自然资源管理保持高度重视,我国自然资源管理的体制、制度以及理念方法不断变革创新,逐步形成了较为符合我国国情的管理体系和模式。然而,管理实践中仍然存在诸多不足和矛盾。从我国自然资源管理体制和制度建设的现状着手,从管理对象、管理主体和管理保障三个方面,阐明自然资源管理体制和制度建设的发展困因,总结凝练当前制约管理实践发展的突出现实问题,并从构建国家安全视角下的多维自然资源管理体系和建立健全自然资源管理制度体系两个方面,为我国自然资源管理体制改革和制度建设的未来发展提供思考和建议,这将有助于我国可持续发展和生态文明建设的更进一步推进。  相似文献   

利用全自动比表面积与孔隙分析仪和光学接触角测量仪,分别对炭黑和柴油机排气颗粒的比表面积与孔隙以及接触角等表面特征参数进行了测量,并对炭黑和柴油机排气颗粒的分形维数和表面张力进行了计算,对比分析了炭黑和柴油机排气颗粒的吸附能力,探讨了柴油机排气颗粒表面特征参数与吸附能力之间的关系.通过检测与分析,炭黑和柴油机排气颗粒的比表面积分别为78.003和65.408m2/g,平均孔径分别为13.845和14.483nm,分形维数分别为2.5885和2.5515,在0.985s时刻的表面张力分别为51.1和56.6mJ/m2,结果表明炭黑与柴油机排气颗粒的比表面积,孔径分布,分形维数和表面张力均相似.炭黑和柴油机排气颗粒均表现了极强的亲油性,轻微亲水性.柴油机排气颗粒亲水性略强,表面更为光滑,吸附能力略低于炭黑.  相似文献   

国务院出台成品油价和税费改革方案 2008年12月18日国务院下发了《关于实施成品油价格和税费改革的通知》。通知指出,近期国际市场油价持续回落,及时把握当前有利时机,推进成品油价格和税费改革,对规范政府收费行为,公平社会负担,促进节能减排和结构调整,依法筹措交通基础设施维护和建设资金,  相似文献   

论我国用汞总量的削减   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
分析比较了我国的用汞数量、世界汞的产量及用量的统计数据,从汞本身的污染危害性,我国用汞和污染现状及发展趋势,以及应对全球限汞、禁汞趋势等方面论述了我国用汞总量亟待削减和削减的可行性。并以体温计行业为例,提出了我国削减用汞总量的具体建议:控制生产规模,慎批新建涉汞加工利用的生产项目,并逐渐淘汰生产规模过小的企业;充分运用法律和行政管理手段,逐渐提升对涉汞企业的要求,将最低环保门槛与择优审批相结合;严格限制某些含汞产品的销售和使用;大力推广替代产品和技术;组织对废弃产品中的汞进行集中回收和处置;修订和制订相关涉汞标准;制订我国涉汞行业的用汞削减规划和相应的产业调整计划,逐步限汞,最终禁汞。   相似文献   

This paper builds on work on the dynamics of vulnerability and multiple stressors through a case study in the Afram Plains of the Eastern region in Ghana. A vulnerability framework is applied in the community of Mimkyemfre to identify and explain the multiple underlying political, socioeconomic and environmental forces that influence the ways in which people are exposed and sensitive to climate, and their capacities to adapt to changing conditions. The results of the study indicate that the community experiences a range of biophysical and socioeconomic conditions that contribute to its vulnerability. Vulnerability was found to change over time and in some cases was cyclical, in that certain actions taken for the purposes of adaptation were found to exacerbate existing vulnerabilities. Processes of vulnerability were also found to occur at several scales and were experienced unevenly at the community level. The findings of this assessment have important implications for the design and implementation of successful adaptation initiatives, both in Africa and elsewhere. In particular, they demonstrate the need to understand the social, economic and institutional challenges to development as a basis for any contemplation of adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   

How conservation messages are framed will impact the success of our efforts to engage people in conservation action. This is highly relevant in the private land conservation (PLC) sector given the low participation rates of landholders. Using a case study of PLC schemes targeted at Australian landholders, we present the first systematic analysis of communication strategies used by organisations and government departments delivering those schemes to engage the public. We develop a novel approach for analysing the framing of conservation messages that codes the stated benefits of schemes according to value orientation. We categorised the benefits as flowing to either the landholder, to society, or to the environment, corresponding to the egoistic, altruistic and biospheric value orientations that have been shown to influence human behaviour. We find that messages are biased towards environmental benefits. Surprisingly, this is the case even for market-based schemes that have the explicit objective of appealing to production-focussed landholders and those who are not already involved in conservation. The risk is that PLC schemes framed in this way will fail to engage more egoistically oriented landholders and are only likely to appeal to those likely to already be conservation-minded. By understanding the frame in which PLC benefits are communicated, we can begin to understand the types of people who may be engaged by these messages, and who may not be. Results suggest that the framing of the communications for many schemes could be broadened to appeal to a more diverse group (and thus ultimately to a larger group) of landholders.  相似文献   

The three basic principles of sustainable development, relating to ecology, economy and society, have long been embedded within national and international strategies. In recent years we have augmented these principles by a further seven considerations giving rise to the so-called 10-tenets of sustainable management. Whilst theoretically appealing, discussion of the tenets to date has been largely generic and qualitative and, until the present paper, there has been no formal and quantitative application of these tenets to an actual example. To promote the concept of successful and sustainable environmental management there is the need to develop a robust and practical framework to accommodate value judgements relating to each of the tenets. Although, as originally presented, the tenets relate specifically to management measures, they may also be applied directly to a specific development or activity. This paper examines the application of the tenets in both of these contexts, and considers their incorporation into an assessment tool to help visualise and quantify issues of sustainability.  相似文献   

Water quality in rivers is vital to humans and to maintenance of biotic and ecological integrity. During the Four Major Rivers restoration of South Korea, remarkable attempts have been made to decrease external nutrient loads and moveable weirs were designed to discharge silt that may deposit in pools. However, recently eutrophication of the Nakdong River, which was limited to the lower reaches, is seen to be spreading upstream. The reduction of external nutrient loads to rivers is a long-term goal that is unlikely to lead to reductions in algal blooms for many years because of the time required to implement effective land management strategies. It would therefore be desirable to implement complementary strategies. Regulating the amount of water released is effective at preventing algae blooms in weir pools; so, the relationship between discharge, stratification and bloom formation should be understood in this regard. However, pollutants are likely to accumulate in the riverbed upstream from release points. Thus, to control phosphorus levels, total phosphorus density should be lowered by applying in-river techniques as well. As many ecosystem properties are controlled by multiple processes, simultaneous river bottom improvement techniques, such as combined dissolved oxygen supply and nutrient inactivation, are likely to be effective. The purpose of this review is to present a series of technological approaches that can be used to improve the river bottom area and hence sediment nutrient release, and to illustrate the application of these techniques to the Nakdong River.  相似文献   

Community mitigation of hazard impact requires hazard knowledge and preparedness on the part of the members of diverse and complex communities. Longitudinal research in the tropical cyclone prone north of Australia has gathered extensive datasets on community awareness, preparedness and knowledge, in order to contribute to education campaigns and mitigation strategies. Data have been used to identify issues of vulnerability to cyclones and capacity to deal with the hazard. This has been developed as a community vulnerability and capacity model that may be applied to diverse communities in order to assess levels of capability to mitigate and deal with the cyclone hazard. The model is presented here in a simplified form as its development is evolving and ongoing.  相似文献   

加强食品安全建设的战略思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食品安全是关系国计民生的大事.该文分析了我国食品安全问题产生的原因,提出了推进食品安全建设的思路:加强环境整治;加强从业人员的社会责任和职业道德建设;加强市场的准入管制;加强检验检测体系建设;加强法制建设;加强宣传教育;加强监管体系建设.  相似文献   

Water quality in rivers is vital to humans and to maintenance of biotic and ecological integrity.During the Four Major Rivers restoration of South Korea, remarkable attempts have been made to decrease external nutrient loads and moveable weirs were designed to discharge silt that may deposit in pools. However, recently eutrophication of the Nakdong River, which was limited to the lower reaches, is seen to be spreading upstream. The reduction of external nutrient loads to rivers is a long-term goal that is unlikely to lead to reductions in algal blooms for many years because of the time required to implement effective land management strategies. It would therefore be desirable to implement complementary strategies. Regulating the amount of water released is effective at preventing algae blooms in weir pools; so, the relationship between discharge, stratification and bloom formation should be understood in this regard. However, pollutants are likely to accumulate in the riverbed upstream from release points. Thus, to control phosphorus levels, total phosphorus density should be lowered by applying in-river techniques as well. As many ecosystem properties are controlled by multiple processes, simultaneous river bottom improvement techniques, such as combined dissolved oxygen supply and nutrient inactivation, are likely to be effective. The purpose of this review is to present a series of technological approaches that can be used to improve the river bottom area and hence sediment nutrient release, and to illustrate the application of these techniques to the Nakdong River.  相似文献   

中国人不会使世界挨饿   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文通过对中国国土资源食物生产潜力的比较全面、系统的分析,认为中国只要举国上下支持、保护和发展农业,强化国家对农业的主导作用,建立食物安全保障体系,认真执行"米袋子"省长负责制,加大对农业特别是对科技的投入力度,面向国土,开发国土,充分、合理利用国土,并相应地建立起具有中国特色的包括耕地、草地、林地、海洋和野生生物资源的食物来源的五大生产体系、符合中国国情的、具有浓厚东方色彩的消费体系、节粮体系以及推行人口计划控制政策,虽农业发展具有艰巨性,但前景依然是光明的。跨越新世纪,中国人定能养活中国人,中国人不会使世界挨饿。  相似文献   

为了改善ABR反应器的设计和运行,在实验室条件下,通过CFD(computational fluid dynamics,计算流体力学)技术和RTD(停留时间分布)曲线测试技术,分析不同结构参数下ABR反应器的流动和混合特性. 在此基础上,结合理论分析,确定ABR的最佳隔室数量. 结果表明:在反应器有效容积不变的情况下,随着ABR反应器内隔室数量由3个增至6个,ABR反应器内死区容积所占比例由15.51%降至1.87%,Pez(Peclet准数)由8.47升至16.67,N(串联数)由4.80升至8.88;隔室数量由3个增至4个、4个增至5个、5个增至6个时,死区容积所占比例的降幅分别为44.00%、74.50%、15.40%,Pez的增幅分别为36.88%、42.17%、32.57%,而N的增幅则分别为36.07%、1.95%、1.67%. 与5个隔室的ABR反应器相比,6个隔室的ABR反应器在死区容积所占比例、Pez和N等指标上尽管有所改善,但改善幅度已显著降低. 通过理论分析与混合参数模拟结果相结合,共同确定ABR反应器的最佳隔室数量为4个或5个.   相似文献   

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