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英语词汇对整个英语学习起着至关重要的作用.对于英语词汇的学习,大学生已经认识到了其重要性,但仍然存在各种各样的误区.为了提高学生的单词学习效率,教师应该采取科学方法来呈现英语词汇;借助英文电影、动画片、歌曲等激发学生的学习兴趣,以生动、形象、直观的方式进行英语词汇教学,给学生讲述成语和典故加深学生对英语词汇的印象和理解,采取灵活多样的教学形式进行英语词汇教学.  相似文献   

关于大学生如何扩大英语词汇量的初步探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对于大学生来说扩大英语词汇量是至关重要的.如何使大学生快速地扩大词汇量是教师和学生共同关心的问题.本文在心理学和学习方法两方面对词汇的积累进行了探讨,发现记忆单词与学习的动机及兴趣密切相关,而且还要在众多扩充词汇量的方法中找出适合个人特点的几种加以综合应用,只要坚持不懈必会在词汇量上有所突破.  相似文献   

郭因 《绿色视野》2009,(9):56-56
我经常打开我的记忆之门。 在我的记忆之门的里面。深深储藏着使我感动的爱和我眷恋的美。而其中最使我感动的爱便是普爱人类与天地万物的大爱,最使我眷恋的美便是显示出了这种大爱的大美。  相似文献   

陈村逸 《环境教育》2014,(1):124-125
故乡,一个温暖又熟悉的名字。它总是能唤醒我们心中最美好的回忆,勾动起我们内心最柔软的地方。每个人的故乡各不相同,每个人对于故乡的记忆也不尽相同。在我的记忆里,故乡,是由一个个清澈美丽的塘组成的。  相似文献   

张鹏 《绿色视野》2009,(1):39-47
春节,凝聚着中国人内心深处对团圆平安和美好未来的祈愿.定格着中国人无数的集体记忆。春节的脚步悄然临近.“如何过年”随之提上了众多老百姓的议事日程,与此同时摆上案头的还有除旧迎新之际,对即将逝去这一年的回望盘点。  相似文献   

徐静 《绿色视野》2009,(8):55-56
喜欢喝茶,尤其是喜欢六安瓜片。倒不是会品茶,只因它形状漂亮,便没来由地喜欢。还有它承载着我关于青春的记忆,悬壶高冲,热流直下,状如葵花子的叶片在杯底翩跹,与心事一起绽放,品六安瓜片,有时更像是品味过去,咀嚼青春的味道。  相似文献   

崔玲 《绿色视野》2012,(6):59-61
紫苏 有特殊记忆的,当数紫苏了。打从记事起,家里的菜园子里总有几株红红的“菜”。每年就种那么几颗,红红的叶子在绿色中飘呀飘的,很是醒目。 母亲说,这叫紫苏,吃了它可以发汗治感冒。因为有了药的感觉在前,当母亲把放了紫苏的面汤端来时。那种特殊的香味让我惶恐。所以每年的紫苏都是母亲一个人自种自享,母亲说的好吃没让我们姐弟几人垂涎。我的记忆中,恐怕也唯有这个吃物是母亲喜欢而不需要留与孩儿的。  相似文献   

新安江是徽州人的"母亲河"。对于那些生活在新安江、成长在新安江的人们来说,他们对于新安江有着许多独特的记忆。这些记忆一直萦绕在脑海,像刻进骨子里一样,永远不能抹去。而这每一段的记忆,都会有一个特定的故事。  相似文献   

李晓 《绿色视野》2011,(5):58-59
当我躺在乡村的草丛中,长久地凝视一滴露珠的时候,我会在一瞬间变成一株植物,失去了对人类生活的记忆。在风中,我听见我的骨节都在响了,那应该是植物拔节生长的声音。而我真的对现实生活有过温存的记忆吗?我走在回家的路上,远望这一节一节像火车上车厢组成的楼房,我就感觉到自己的滑稽可怜。  相似文献   

采用WHO推荐的神经毒理学行为试验方法,分析了环境电磁辐射对中学生神经行为的影响。结果表明,现有环境电磁辐射对手眼协调能力、学习记忆等无不良影响,对心理运动稳定性可能有一定的负面作用。  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that aircraft noise and meaningful background speech are particularly detrimental to school adolescents' ability to remember what they read, but until now the effects from aircraft noise and speech have never been compared directly in an experiment. Furthermore, individual differences in susceptibility to these effects are not well understood. The present investigation addressed these two issues. Adolescents attending upper secondary school were recruited as participants and the data collection was made in their ordinary classrooms. The results from two experiments revealed that speech is more detrimental to prose memory than is aircraft noise, and individual differences in working memory capacity contributes more to individual differences in susceptibility to the effects of aircraft noise on prose memory than to the effects of speech. Some applied implications of those findings to noise abatement interventions are suggested.  相似文献   

This paper investigates collective memory in inhabitants of two twin cities, Lviv (Ukraine, previously Lwów, Poland) and Wroc?aw (Poland, previously Breslau, Germany). Due to territorial changes in Eastern and Central Europe after World War II, the two cities changed their state belonging and—consequently—their populations. This study focused on memory of residence place and on its relationship with place identity and place attachment.  相似文献   

E. Panas   《Resources Policy》2001,27(4):319
Many financial time series exhibit irregular behaviour. Economic theory suggests that this irregular behaviour might be due to the existence of nonlinear dependence in the markets. Thus, economic time series are governed by nonlinear dynamics.The purpose of this paper is to investigate price behaviour in the London Metal Exchange market. Thus, this study will test the two most attractive nonlinear models—long memory and chaos—on six metal commodities to ascertain which model is consistent with the observed metal price nonlinear dynamics.Application of long memory and chaos analysis provides new approaches for assessing the behaviour of metal prices. We identified, in tin, a case of chaos. Our empirical results in the case of aluminium support the long memory hypothesis. A short memory model explains the underlying processes of the nickel and lead returns series, while zinc returns reflect an anti-persistent process. To our knowledge, this is one of the first attempts to apply long memory and chaos analysis in the evaluation of the behaviour of metal prices.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate cognitive, emotional, and physiological effects of two open-plan office noise conditions (high noise: 51 LAeq and low noise: 39 LAeq) during work in a simulated open-plan office, followed by four restoration conditions (river movie with sound, only river sound, silence, and office noise) after the work period. Students (N = 47) went through one practice session and two experimental sessions, one each with the low and high noise conditions. In each experimental session they worked for 2 h with tasks involving basic working memory processes. We also took physiological measures of stress (cortisol and catecholamines) and self-reports of mood and fatigue. Analyses indicate that the participants remembered fewer words, rated themselves as more tired, and were less motivated with work in noise compared to low noise. In the restoration phase the participants who saw a nature movie (including river sounds) rated themselves as having more energy after the restoration period in comparison with both the participants who listened to noise and river sounds. Remaining in office noise during the restoration phase also affected motivation more negatively than listening to river sounds or watching the nature movie. The findings bear on the appropriateness of open-plan office designs and the possibilities for restoration available in office settings.  相似文献   

A virtual version of the reorientation task was employed to test new behavioral measures of navigation strategies and spatial confidence within a gender-fair assessment approach. The results demonstrated that, from a behavioral point of view, women had lower level of spatial confidence than men regardless of level of accuracy. Moreover, the way men and women selected spatial strategies depended on the arrangement of spatial cues within the environment. In other terms women relied on landmarks under specific conditions compatible with an adaptive combination/associative model of spatial orientation. Finally, the present study emphasized the importance to assess gender differences taking into account specific affective variables and information selection processing, beyond accuracy.  相似文献   

Becoming proficient at navigation in urban environments is something that we all aspire to. Here we asked whether being an expert at wayfinding in one environment has any effect on learning new spatial layouts. Licensed London taxi drivers are among the most proficient urban navigators, training for many years to find their way around a complex and irregularly-laid out city. We first tested how well they could learn the layout of an unfamiliar town compared with a group of non-taxi drivers. Second, we investigated how effectively taxi drivers could integrate a new district into their existing spatial representation of London. We found that taxi drivers were significantly better than control participants at executing routes through the new town, and representing it at a map-like survey level. However, the benefits of navigational expertise were not universal. Compared with their performance in the new town, taxi drivers were significantly poorer at learning the layout of a new area that had to be integrated with their existing knowledge of London. We consider reasons for this picture of facilitation and limitation, in particular drawing parallels with how knowledge acquisition occurs in the context of expertise in general.  相似文献   

The social and scientific debate overfunctional foods has two focal points: one isthe issue of the reliability andtrustworthiness of the claims connected withfunctional foods. You don't have to be asuspicious person to be skeptical vis-à-visthe rather exorbitant claims of most functionalfoods. They promise prevention against allkinds of illnesses and enhancement ofachievements like memory and vision, withouthaving been tested adequately. The second issueis the issue of the socio-cultural dimension offunctional foods and their so calleddetrimental effect on the social and normativemeanings of food, with possibly the effect thatfood in general will be treated like amedicine, with radical individualizing effects.Finally, individuals would only be allowed toeat what their gene-profile prescribes them. Inthis paper, it is argued that food is anon-neutral public good that contributesinherently to the identity of vulnerableindividuals. It should be treated in anon-neutral, but impartial way. Therefore,politics need to intervene in food markets froma justice and ethical point of view with twoaims in mind. The first aim (as an implicationof justice considerations) should be toestablish safety conditions, and to identifyand monitor food safety standards in anobjective and impartial way. Preventive medicalclaims of foods should be allowed on the basisof appropriate and objective testing methods.The second aim (as an implication of ethicalconsiderations) should be to shape conditionsfor a cohabitation of various food styles,including that of functional foods. Moreover,the cultural and symbolic meaning of food in apluralistic society requires that the differentfood styles find some modus of living andinteracting together. As long as functionalfoods comply with safety standards and respectother food styles, they should be allowed onthe market, just like any other food product.  相似文献   

The memory of a familiar, long-distance journey was compared to the memory of the previous day's events by rating the clearness or vividness of memories retrieved from four equal-sized segments on the distance or time dimension. Across five experiments, the results showed stable primacy and recency effects on the spatial distance task, and recency-only on the time-of-the-day task. The serial position effects of both tasks were robust and resistant to task manipulations. The results are interpreted in terms of different mental representation formats for everyday memories of familiar journeys and for chronological memories.  相似文献   

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