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<正>对放射工作人员个人剂量实施监测是放射卫生管理工作的重要内容之一,个人剂量监测数据可以直接反映出放射工作人员接受辐射的程度,也能衡量放射工作人员的工作场所的放射防护情况是否符合《电离辐射防护与辐射源安全基本标准》(GB18871-2002)中的有关规定,同时也能为评估放射工作人员的职业健康状况提供可靠依据。本文对吉林省肿瘤医院2012年1月~2013年12月放射工作人员外照射个人剂量监测结果进行了分析。主检单位:吉林大学卫生检测中心。样品说明:普通个人剂量计。收集方式:吉林省肿瘤医院送检。收样日期:2012年:一、二、三、四季度。2013年:  相似文献   

随着X射线技术的发展,X射线装置应用十分广泛。X射线的生物效应会损害人体的正常组织,如果不注意防护,使人体受照剂量达到一定限度时,就可能导致放射损伤。因此,在使用时必须注意防护。 x射线对人体的有害程度,取决于人体吸收剂量的大小。一般来说,剂量越大有害程度越大。由于人体各部分对放射线的敏感性不同,所以不同部位受照所引起的效应就有很大差别。在一定剂量下,全身受照射较局部的危害大得多。 有关放射损伤的卫生防护措施包括: 1.认真执行有关放射防护规定,对X射线工作人员进行必要的安全教育;保证工作场所通风良好,采用必要的防…  相似文献   

目的了解X射线行李包安全检查系统的卫生防护情况及对工作人员健康的实际影响,为制定防护措施提供科学依据。方法按照GBZ127—2002《X射线行李包检查系统卫生防护标准》中的监测要求和GB5294—2001《放射工作人员个人剂量监测方法》中的具体方法。结果监测的18台X射线行李包安全检查机各监测点的平均外照辐射空气比释动能率为0.97~1.40μGy·h-1。根据监控室监测的空气比释动能率值来估算,固定人员的三班倒工作制工作人员年剂量当量率约为3 mSv·a-1;而根据个人剂量计监测的实际剂量均值(1.50 mGy/月)来估算,固定人员的三班倒工作制工作人员年剂量当量率约为1.31 mSv·a-1。结论本次监测的X射线行李包安全检查机外照辐射吸收剂量率监测结果符合现行相关卫生标准,X射线行李包安全检查机的放射防护性能是良好的。  相似文献   

我厂备料车间X光射线探伤室正面无射线防护装置,使冷作厂的一些现场作业工人,受到非随机或随机效应照射,健康受到危害。1983年底,我们自行设计、制造、安装了门式X光射线防护车。经锦州市环保部门测定,其防护效果达到ICRP关于辐射剂量当量极限的规定和国家标准。 该装置由屏蔽防护板、滑轮车底座和滑行轨道三部分组成。屏蔽防护板在选材上要求既要保证安全可靠,又要做到经济合理、轻便耐用。我们选择铅板作为主体材料。根据射线束通过铅板的减弱曲线,从理论上推出板厚为6毫米,将板设在主射线方向。在通常工作条件下,X射线机的放射窗口射…  相似文献   

在日常生活和工作当中,我们会经常听到"放射"一词,比如2011年3月,日本发生9级地震和海啸后,引发核电站爆炸及放射性物质泄漏,导致食品、水源受辐射污染,并造成福岛电站工作人员的伤亡;又比如医用的X光,以及探伤作业用到的X探伤机等,所  相似文献   

任何放射工作单位中的新建、改建、扩建放射工作场所(以下简称建设项目)的放射防护设施都必须与主体工程同时设计审批、同时施工、同时验收使用,这在《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》、国务院令第44号《放射性同位素与射线装置放射防护条例》、卫生部令第17号《放射工作卫生防护管理办法》等法律、法规中均有明确的规定,可在现实工作中,有些单位并未认真遵照执行。  相似文献   

秦妍 《安全》2010,31(8):59-59
为进一步贯彻落实《北京市有限空间作业安全生产规范》、《关于在污水井等有限空间作业现场设置警示标志的通知》等规范文件,配合北京市安监局加强对有限空间作业人员安全作业的宣传教育,规范有限空间作业程序,切实提高作业人员安全防护意识,预防事故发生,北京市劳动保护科学研究所职业危害检测与控制技术中心自2009年底,与北京市科技情报所声像中心合作,着手进行《有限空间安全作业》宣教片的策划和拍摄工作。  相似文献   

便携式X射线机,是典型的用低压产生高压的检测设备,控制精度及稳定性两者与管电压、管电流测控电路的性能直接相关。文中提出一种基于晶闸管的管电压测控电路及一种基于IGBT管电流测控电路,结构简单,控制简便。为高精度高稳定性便携式X射线机的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

2020年3月,英国职业安全健康局(HSE)发布了名为《保护独自工作人员——如何管理独自工作人员的风险》的职业安全健康防护指南。一般来说,独自工作人员是指在生产经营过程中,工作人员的周围无直接或间接的职业安全健康监督管理人员,如便利店、仓库和休闲中心等作业场所的工作人员,以及独自开展工作的人员,如清洁工、安保人员、维修工等。  相似文献   

本文通过2014年"医用防护口罩"国家监督抽验的检测结果,分析了医用防护口罩的主要性能参数的形成原因和对实际使用过程的影响,着重分析了目前相关企业缺乏关注的密合性性能的影响因素。为相关企业改善防护口罩的性能提供了有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

周西华    李昂    宋东平    陈猛    孙宝铁 《中国安全生产科学技术》2016,12(10):125-129
目前煤矿发生火灾事故后,火区封闭时间过长极易引发瓦斯爆炸等次生灾害,且煤矿现有的阻隔爆技术存在许多 不足,针对这些问题,研发一种用于煤矿火区的快速封闭泄爆门。通过对泄爆门的结构设计、封闭与泄爆机制及有益效 果等方面进行阐述,并采用流体力学FLUENT软件计算得出不同数量泄爆窗的泄爆门与监控泄爆门前截面的压力、速度之 间的变化情况。结果表明:6个泄爆窗比2个泄爆窗的封闭时间快1 200 ms,快速封闭时间节省了68.57%。随着泄爆窗的 增多,瓦斯爆炸冲击波压力和传播速度都大幅度降低。当煤矿发生火灾事故封闭火区时,快速封闭泄爆门不仅具有快速 密闭功能,也同时具有泄爆功能,为煤矿安全提供新的隔爆技术。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study addressed the effects of vehicle height mismatch in side impact crashes. A light truck or SUV tends to strike the door of a passenger car higher causing the upper border to lead into the occupant space. Conversely, an impact centered lower on the door, from a passenger car, causes the lower border to lead. We proposed the hypothesis that the type of injury sustained by the occupant could be related to door orientation during its intrusion into the passenger compartment. METHOD: Data on door orientation and nearside occupant injuries were collected from 125 side impact crashes reported in the CIREN database. Experimental testing was performed using a pendulum carrying a frame and a vehicle door, impacting against a USDOT SID. The frame allowed the door orientation to be changed. A model was developed in MADYMO (v 6.2) using the more biofidelic dummies, BIOSID, and SIDIIs as well as USDOT SID. RESULTS: In side impact crashes with the lower border of the door leading, 81% of occupants sustained pelvic injury, 42% suffered rib fractures, and the rate of organ injury was 0.84. With the upper border leading, 46% of occupants sustained pelvic injury, 71% sustained rib fracture, and the rate of organ injuries per case increased to 1.13. The differences in the groups with respect to pelvic injury were significant at p = 0.01, rib fracture, p = 0.10, and organ injury, p = 0.001. Experimental testing showed that when the door angle changed from lower to upper border leading, peak T4 acceleration increased by 273% and pelvic acceleration decreased by 44%. The model demonstrated that when the door angle changed from lower to upper border leading, the USDOT SID showed a 29% increase in T4 acceleration and a 57% decrease in pelvic acceleration. The BIOSID dummy demonstrated a 36% increase in T1 acceleration, a 44% increase in abdominal rib 1 deflection, a 91% increase in thoracic rib 1 deflection, and a 33% decrease in pelvic acceleration. CONCLUSIONS: These data add more insight to the problem of mismatch during side impacts, where the bumper of the striking vehicle overrides the door beam, causing the upper part of the door to lead the intrusion into the passenger compartment. Even with the same delta V and intrusion, with the upper border of the door leading, more severe chest and organ injuries resulted. This data suggests that door orientation should be considered when testing subsystems for side impact protection.  相似文献   

为研究不同火灾工况对宿舍楼火灾过程的影响,应用Pyrosim对某大学东六宿舍进行火灾动态模拟,对比分析了宿舍大楼所有门窗全开状态和着火房间窗户闭合、门在20 s后打开的状态下,宿舍楼各部分温度、烟气层高度、门窗热流量及烟气蔓延特点。Pyrosim模拟结果表明,在火灾爆发的前20 s内,火势发展与门窗开合状态无关。在火灾中后期,门窗全开状态下,着火房间的温度及热流量较低、烟气层离地的高度较高,着火房间上方的宿舍受烟气影响较为严重;而在着火房间窗户闭合、门在20 s后打开状态下,横向走廊及各层楼梯处受烟气影响较严重。  相似文献   

个体防护装备是保障从业者人身安全的重要保护装备,研制性能优异的保护装备、装具和防护用品,可保障从业人员的作业安全。如何更好的感知危险因素,预防安全事故的发生,实现从业人员快速撤离的主动式个体防护技术及装备将成为研究重点。本文提出主动式个体防护装备的创新研制需立足危险因素及作业人员这两个关键环节,实现危险因素信息与作业人员信息的实时感知、高效互通、快速预警与处置,进而实现个体防护装备从被动防护到主动防护的深刻变革。  相似文献   

室内火灾升温速率的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在大量试验数据的基础上,通过分析室内火灾热烟气层温度的变化,研究了热烟气层的升温速率与内衬材料的热惯性、开口的通风因子、燃料面积及热烟气层温度本身等因素的关系,并对研究结果在实际消防工作中的应用进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to investigate the degree to which automobile doors (especially police cruiser doors) may be used as protection by police officers when under handgun attack. This is a vital question, since the cruiser door is often the only defense a police officer has when encountering gunfire. Data were collected on door penetration capabilities of 3 calibers of handguns (selected based on FBI data on police officer assaults) at 2 different angles of fire. Results indicated that caliber has a significant effect, with the likelihood of penetration increasing with caliber. The oblique angle of fire (45 degrees) was somewhat less likely to penetrate than an orthogonal angle, although the difference was not significant. Overall, 68% of the rounds penetrated the door regardless of angle of fire or caliber.  相似文献   

为了得到考虑旅客行李影响情况下的高速客车车厢火源热释放速率的合理取值范围,以CRH1型动车组二等座车厢为例,以锥型量热仪和大型量热仪测定的高速客车车体内材料和行李的燃烧性能为输入参数,运用FDS软件模拟9种火灾场景下车厢的火源热释放速率随时间的变化规律,分析行李重量对车厢火源热释放速率的影响。研究结果表明:旅客行李对高速客车车厢火源热释放速率的影响是与通风条件协同作用的结果;在车门与车窗关闭条件下,旅客行李对于火源热释放速率的贡献值基本可忽略;在车门开启与车窗关闭条件下,旅客人均携带10kg和20kg行李时,行李对车厢火源热释放速率的贡献值为0.24MW和0.6MW,贡献率为5%和11%;在车门与逃生车窗开启条件下,旅客人均携带10kg和20kg行李时,行李对车厢火源热释放速率的贡献值分别为1.3MW和3.8MW,贡献率分别为7%和21%。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential of high back booster seats to provide effective protection to children in side impacts. METHOD: This article presents a series of side impact sled tests at a velocity change of 30.5 km/h and a peak deceleration of 15.2 g, using the Hybrid III 6-year-old dummy in two styles of commonly used high-back booster seats: a conventional polystyrene booster seat and a convertible child restraint/booster seat. A series of tests were also performed using alternative anchorage systems in combination with the boosters. Simulated side impact tests were conducted at 90 degrees and 45 degrees. RESULTS: The booster seats tested were found to be too short for the 6-year-old dummy and head contact with the side door occurred in all 90 degree tests, resulting in high HIC values. The greatest potential for achieving effective protection in side impact in this test series was observed when the convertible child restraint/booster was used in combination with a rigid anchorage system. Using this system, the body of the dummy was kept farther away from the door which resulted in a softer head impact with the side door. CONCLUSIONS: Results from this work indicate that current booster seats offer poor torso containment and no head protection for children within the recommended age range. They also showed that the level of protection provided by belt positioning booster seats can be improved through the use of rigid anchorage systems. However, for this potential to be fully realized, belt positioning booster seats must offer better containment of the occupant during the impact.  相似文献   

多层多室建筑火灾烟气运动的网络模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着高层建筑的不断出现,高层建筑火灾安全已越来越受人们的关注。应用网络模型对多层多室建筑火灾烟气运动过程进行数值模拟,介绍了网络模型的基本方法,网络模型的关键技术处理。文中以火灾科学国家重点实验室的五层模型楼为实例,分别对有无风机,有无室外风流,门窗开启等条件下的建筑火灾进行模拟,给出了假设火灾情况下可能受烟气污染的房间和烟气的危险范围。  相似文献   



Occupational accidents suffered by workers in Spain when using ladders were analyzed over a six year period from 2003-2008, during which the total of notified ladder-related accidents amounted to 21,725. Method: Different accident-related factors were identified for the purpose of developing a pattern of those factors that had the greatest influence on the seriousness and the fatality of such accidents. Thus, a series of variables were examined such as age and length of service of the injured worker, firm size, the work sector, the injury suffered, and the part of the body that was injured. Since falls is the most frequent and most serious of ladder related occupational accidents, a special analysis of falls was performed. Results: The findings showed that the seriousness of ladder-related accidents increased with the age of the injured worker. Likewise, accidents at places other than the usual workplace were more serious and registered higher fatalities than those that occurred at the usual place of work. Conclusions: The analysis of falls from ladders established that accidents in smaller-sized firms were of greater seriousness and involved more fatalities than those in larger-sized firms. The investigation also underlined the need for stricter compliance with preliminary safety assessments when working with ladders.  相似文献   

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