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Thirty persistent organohalogen compounds including organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were determined in breast milk samples (n = 36) of primipara and multipara mothers from Bizerte in 2010. The analytical procedure involved the application of liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GC-ECD) or mass spectrometry detector (GC-MS) for identification and quantification. Organohalogen compounds were found in all the analyzed samples, with predominance of p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDD, HCB and PCBs. The mean concentration of ∑DDTs in breast milk was 1163.9 ng g−1 lipid wt. The ratio of p,p′-DDE/p,p′-DDT was low, suggesting that there is fresh intake of commercial DDT products in Bizerte. The mean levels of HCB and PCB were 286.8 and 331.2 ng g−1 lipid wt respectively. These results were compared with the levels obtained in a previous study carried out in the same area in 2003. A general decrease of ∑DDTs levels and an increase of PCB levels were observed. Among the 10 PBDE congeners evaluated, BDE-28, BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-66, BDE-138, BDE-100, BDE-154, BDE-153, and BDE-183 were detected in the analyzed samples at different frequency. The total PBDE concentrations ranged from 2.5 to 22.6 ng g−1 lipid wt in the samples, with a mean and median value of 10.7 and 9.8 ng g−1 lipid wt respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first data of PBDEs in Tunisian human milk. The present study shows that age and parity are factors influencing the levels of some organohalogen compounds in human milk.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess human exposure in the prenatal period to selected PBDEs (BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-153) and PCBs (CB-77, CB-101, CB-118, CB-126, CB-138, CB-153, CB-170, CB-180) basing on the analysis of these compounds in cord blood. The experimental material consisted of 89 cord blood samples taken from women resident in Warsaw and its vicinity. In over 90% of all tested samples the presence of congeners CB-153, CB-138, CB-180 and BDE-47 was identified. The least frequently found were CB-126 and BDE-153, which were present at relatively low concentration levels. Among all analysed PCBs, the highest average concentrations were found in the case of congeners CB-138 (11.8 ng/g of fat) and CB-153 (43.4 ng/g of fat), whereas the lowest was in the case of CB-170 (0.4 ng/g of fat) and CB-126 (0.1 ng/g of fat). In the case of PBDEs the greatest share in the total concentration was that of the congeners BDE-47 and BDE-99, whereas the smallest share was that of the higher brominated congener BDE-153. These results suggest that human exposure to the examined compounds begins already in the period of intrauterine life. The comparison of our own results with the findings of other authors indicates that the PCBs and PBDEs levels in cord blood of women living in Poland do not differ from the respective concentrations in cord blood of other female inhabitants of Europe.  相似文献   

In this study, for the first time, levels and accumulation profiles of eight currently available polybrominated/chlorinated biphenyl congeners (PXBs; XB-77, -105, -118, -126A, -126B, -126C, -156 and -169, named according to IUPAC nomenclature) in human breast milk collected form Spanish women in 2005 were reported. Concentrations and congener specific profiles of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), including co-planar PCBs, (co-PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were also reported.A concentration of 0.45 pg g−1 lipid weight was found for total PXBs, and arithmetic mean concentrations of 125, 25 and 5.5 ng g−1 lipid weight were determined for total PCBs, co-PCBs and total PBDEs respectively. Detectable levels of all congeners investigated, except CB-123 and XB-169 were found. Levels of PCBs were similar to those found in Spanish samples collected after 2000, and lower than those obtained before 2000. CB-138, -153 and -180 were the predominant PCB congeners. PBDE levels, dominated by BDE-47, -99, -100 and -209, were lower than PCB levels. PXB concentrations were the lowest, with XB-156 being the most abundant. The concentration levels of PCBs and PBDEs found in this study were in the same range as those from other European countries. Levels of PXBs were much lower than published values determined in Japan which were the only data found in the literature.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Wang P  Fu J  Jiang G 《Chemosphere》2012,86(3):217-222
The effluents and sludge from municipal sewage treatment plants (MSTPs) are considered as potential sources of many contaminants to the ambient environments. In the present work, the air-water exchange of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) was studied using passive air samplers at an urban lake, which receives the effluents from a MSTP in Beijing, China. The concentrations of PCBs and PBDEs in atmosphere were in the range 15.5-108 ng sample−1 and 2.37-27.8 ng sample−1, respectively, during the sampling period (August, 2007-July, 2008). The predominant PCBs and PBDEs were lowly halogenated congeners. The calculation for the exchange fluxes of PCBs and PBDEs using fugacity model showed that, the net exchange fluxes in different seasons were closely related to the halogen number of different congeners. Except for CBs-28 and 52, the net exchange fluxes was mainly directed from air to water for most of predominant congeners, which implied that the lower chlorinated CBs were dominated by volatilization process rather than the dry/wet depositions and diffusion between air-water interface, additionally, for heavy congeners, the dry/wet deposition process was an important source of PCBs and PBDEs in this lake.  相似文献   

Xia C  Lam JC  Wu X  Sun L  Xie Z  Lam PK 《Chemosphere》2011,82(1):18-24
Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in yellow croakers (Pseudosciaena crocea) and silver pomfrets (Pampus argenteus) collected from nine coastal cities along the eastern China coastline were investigated. PBDE congeners with mono- to hexa-brominated substitutions were detected in the samples, indicating their ubiquitous distribution in the marine environment of China. The total PBDE concentration averaged 3.04 ng g−1 lipid wt, a level that was relatively lower than in other regions of the world, especially North America where Penta-BDE was extensively used. Geographically, the highest concentration of PBDEs was found in Xiamen, and the PBDE levels in yellow croakers were significantly higher than those in pomfrets in most of the selected cities, a pattern which may be related to the different feeding habits of the two species. The congener profiles of PBDEs were found to be different from the commonly detected pattern in fishes from other regions of the world (i.e., BDE47 > BDE99, BDE100 > BDE153, BDE154). BDE47 and BDE154 were the predominant congeners in both species, accounting for more than 60% of the total PBDE concentrations. The reasons for the relatively high proportion of BDE154 may be due to the debromination of higher brominated congeners such as BDE183 and BDE209 by these two species.  相似文献   

The breast milk concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs; sum of eight congeners: BDE-28, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154, 183 and 209) were determined (by high resolution gas chromatographic high resolution mass spectrometry) in samples from primiparous women collected in 2006 in Tianjin, China. Dietary and lifestyle habits of the participants were obtained by questionnaires. The median total PBDE concentration (including BDE-28, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154, 183) was 2500 pg g−1 lipid weight, ranging from 1700 to 4500 pg g−1 lipid weight. These levels were in the same range as those from Europe and Japan but much lower than those from North America. The congener profile in China was also different from other countries. The contribution of BDE-28 was around 15%, much higher than any other country, implying that a different Penta-BDE formulation might be used in the Chinese market. The lower ratio of the sum of BDE-47, 99, and 100 to the sum of BDE-153 and 154 suggested that Octa-products were in more demand in China. A significant correlation was found between a woman’s PBDE concentration and the time she used electronic appliances (h/d). This implies that electronics are a potential source of PBDEs to people. Inhalation or ingestion of particulate matter (such as dust) may also be an important exposure pathway. There was no significant correlation between the PBDE concentration and the consumption of meat, fish, and milk. Further research is needed to determine the specific contribution of each exposure route and their health effects.  相似文献   

Liu YP  Li JG  Zhao YF  Wen S  Huang FF  Wu YN 《Chemosphere》2011,83(2):168-174
The levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined in marine fish from four areas of China (South China Sea, Bohai Sea, East China Sea, and Yellow Sea) using GC/NCI-MS and GC/ITMS, respectively. Total concentrations of eight PBDEs (BDE-28, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154, 183 and 209) in all samples ranged from 0.3 ng g−1 ww (wet weight) to 700 ng g−1 ww, with median and mean values of 85 ng g−1 ww and 200 ng g−1 ww, respectively. BDE-209 and BDE-47 were the major congeners in all samples, contributing 54% and 19% to the total concentration, respectively. The sum of seven indicator PCB levels (CB-28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, and 180) ranged from 0.3 ng g−1 ww to 3.1 μg g−1 ww, with median and mean values of 6.4 ng g−1 ww and 398 ng g−1 ww, respectively. High contributions of CB-138 (32%) and CB-153 (25%) were found in all samples. In general, pollutants measured in this study were at high levels when compared with previous studies from other regions in the world. The relative abundance of BDE-209 may suggest that deca-BDE sources existed in studied area. And principal component analysis (PCA) showed that there were other PBDE sources in Yellow Sea. The pattern and PCA showed that PCB pollutions came from similar sources in the studied areas. In addition, concentrations of ∑7PBDEs (u/209) were strongly correlated with those of ∑7PCBs in all fish (r = 0.907, n = 44).  相似文献   

Prior to this study, reports of occurrence of polycyclic musks and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) in human tissues from Italy were not available. In this study, concentrations of PCNs and polycyclic musks were determined in human adipose tissue from Italy collected during 2005-2006; for comparison, legacy organohalogen pollutants such as organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were determined. ΣPCN concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 14 ng/g lipid wt (lw). Polycyclic musks such as HHCB and AHTN were found in 92% and 83% of the human samples, respectively. Concentrations of PBDEs in Italian adipose tissue ranged between 3.2 and 35.6 ng/g lw.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were determined in muscle, liver and eggs of freshwater fishes and surface sediments from the Nongkang River in Jinhu, Jiangsu Province, China. The present study is the first to report PBDE concentrations in the freshwater environment surrounding a PBDE manufacturing plant in China. The concentrations of 13 PBDE congeners in muscle, liver and eggs of freshwater fishes ranged from <LOD to 130, <LOD to 252 and <LOD to 33.3 ng/g lipid wt, respectively, while the concentrations of 13 PBDE congeners in surface sediments from sewage outfall, upstream and downstream of the river were 52, 9.2, 7.1 ng/g organic carbon wt, respectively. Contamination by PBDEs in this area was not serious when compared with other regions of the world. A relatively high proportion of BDE-183 was found, consistent with the octa-BDE technical mixtures from the manufacturing plant by the side of the river.  相似文献   

In this study, the concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in milk from women living in the vicinity of a new hazardous waste incinerator (HWI) in Catalonia, Spain, were determined. The study was performed after 4 years of regular operations in the facility and the present PCB levels were compared with baseline concentrations obtained in a pre-operational program. PCBs and PBDEs levels were determined by HRGC/HRMS in 15 samples. In the present study planar PCBs ranged from 1.3 to 6.3 pg WHO-TEQ/g fat with a mean value of 3.8 pg WHO-TEQ/g fat. After adding dioxin-like mono-ortho-PCBs the total PCB-TEQ concentrations ranged from 3.8 to 13.3 pg WHO-TEQ/g fat (mean value: 8.7 pg WHO-TEQ/g fat). A comparison of the current data with those obtained in the baseline study showed significant decreases for both planar and total WHO-TEQ of PCBs: 47.9% and 44.6%, respectively. PCB concentrations in milk of women living in urban zones were higher than those living near industrial areas (10.1 and 7.4 pg WHO-TEQ/g fat, respectively). Mean PBDE concentrations were 2.2 and 2.5 ng/g fat for women living in urban and industrial zones, respectively. Dietary intake of PCBs and PBDEs for a standard adult woman samples were 898 and 843 ng/day for PCBs, and 72 and 63 ng/day for PBDEs, for residents in urban and industrials areas, respectively. This study suggests that dietary intake is more relevant for human exposure to PCBs and PBDEs than living near the HWI.  相似文献   

Gaylor MO  Harvey E  Hale RC 《Chemosphere》2012,86(5):500-505
Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants are added at percent levels to many polymers and textiles abundant in human spaces and vehicles, wherein they have been long assumed to be tightly sequestered. However, the mg kg−1 burdens recently detected in indoor dust testify to substantial releases. The bulk of released PBDEs remain in the terrestrial environment, yet comparatively little research focuses on this compartment. There, insects/arthropods, such as crickets, are the most abundant invertebrate organisms and facilitate the trophic transfer of contaminants by breaking down complex organic matter (including discarded polymers) and serving as food for other organisms. Our experiments revealed that house crickets (Acheta domesticus) provided uncontaminated food and free access to PUF containing Penta-BDE (8.7% dry wt) for 28 d accumulated substantial PBDE body burdens. Crickets allowed to depurate gut contents exhibited whole body burdens of up to 13.4 mg kg−1 lipid ΣPenta-BDE, 1000-fold higher than typically reported in humans. Non-depurated crickets and molted exoskeletons incurred even higher ΣPenta-BDE, up to 80.6 and 63.3 mg kg−1 lipid, respectively. Congener patterns of whole crickets and molts resembled those of PUF and the commercial Penta-BDE formulation, DE-71, indicative of minimal discrimination or biotransformation. Accumulation factor (AF) calculations were hampered by uncertainties in determining actual PUF ingestion. However, estimated AFs were low, in the range of 10−4-10−3, suggesting that polymer-PBDE interactions limited uptake. Nonetheless, results indicate that substantial PBDE burdens may be incurred by insects in contact with current-use and derelict treated polymers within human spaces and solid waste disposal sites (e.g. landfills, automotive dumps, etc.). Once ingested, even burdens not absorbed across the gut wall may be dispersed within proximate terrestrial food webs via the insect’s movements and/or predation.  相似文献   

State of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in China: an overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ma J  Qiu X  Zhang J  Duan X  Zhu T 《Chemosphere》2012,88(7):769-778
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), extensively used as flame retardants, are ubiquitous environmental contaminants that are found in both abiotic and biotic environmental samples. Sufficient evidence shows that PBDEs have been rapidly accumulating in the environment of China, especially in the Southeast regions. This paper summarizes and critically reviews the published scientific data on PBDEs in China, including the levels of PBDEs in the air, soil, water, sediment, the terrestrial and marine organisms, and human samples in China. The data preliminarily reveal the state of PBDEs in China.  相似文献   

Breast milk samples from 40 first-time mothers from the Pacific Northwest of the US and Canada were analyzed for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Total PBDEs (summation operator PBDEs), calculated by summing values for the 12 PBDEs congeners analyzed, ranged from 6 to 321 ppb (lipid weight) (mean=96 ppb; median=50 ppb). In approximately 40% of the women (15/40), summation operator PBDEs>100 ppb lw in their milk, and four samples had levels >250 ppb lw. PBDE 47 was the dominant congener in most samples, whereas PBDE 153 was predominant in a few (3/40). summation operator PCBs were calculated by summing values for the 82 PCB congeners analyzed, and ranged from 49 to 415 ppb (lipid weight) (mean=147 ppb; median=126 ppb). approximately 30% of the mothers (13/40) have summation operator PBDEs> summation operator PCBs in their milk samples, and approximately 65% (25/40) have BDE 47>PCB 153 in breast milk samples, with BDE 47 averaging 3-fold greater levels than PCB 153. Clearly, the lower brominated PBDEs are surpassing PCBs as a major environmental concern in North America, and are likely affecting significant portions of the populations in these regions. PBDEs have become a major persistent organic pollutant. However, there are no positive correlations between levels of summation operator PBDEs and summation operator PCBs, or between levels of PBDE 47 and PCB 153, suggesting there may be some differences in exposure pathways for PBDEs and PCBs in humans.  相似文献   

Liu PY  Du GD  Zhao YX  Mu YS  Zhang AQ  Qin ZF  Zhang XY  Yan SS  Li Y  Wei RG  Qin XF  Yang YJ 《Chemosphere》2011,84(7):972-978
To investigate bioaccumulation, maternal transfer and elimination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in amphibians, we collected adult frogs (Rana limnocharis) from a rice field in an e-waste recycling site in China. We found that ∑PBDEs in the whole frogs and various tissues (brain, liver, testis and egg) ranged from 17.10 to 141.11 ng g−1 wet weight. Various tissues exhibited a similar PBDE congener profile, which was characterized by intermediate brominated congeners (BDE-99 and BDE-153) as the largest contributors, with less lower brominated congeners (BDE-28 and BDE-47) and higher brominated congeners (BDE-209). The maternal transfer capacity of PBDEs declined with the increase in bromine numbers of PBDE congeners. We suggest that the bromine atom number (the molecular size, to some degree) might be a determining factor for the maternal transport of a PBDE congener rather than Kow (Octanol-Water partition coefficient), which expresses a compound’s lipophilicity. ∑PBDEs concentrations in frogs decreased over time during a depuration period of 54 days when these wild frogs were brought to the lab from the e-waste recycling site. The half-life of ∑PBDEs was 35 days, with about 14 days for BDE-47, and 36 and 81 days for BDE-99 and BDE-153, respectively. The data shows that the elimination of PBDEs has no essential difference from aquatic and terrestrial species.  相似文献   

Hu J  Jin J  Wang Y  Ma Z  Zheng W 《Chemosphere》2011,84(3):355-360
Air samples in four seasons at one site and tree bark samples from four districts were determined to investigate seasonal variation and regional distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in Beijing, China. The total concentrations of PBDEs (∑PBDE) and HBCD (∑HBCD) were in the range of 57-470 and 20-1800 pg m−3 in the atmosphere, respectively. The ∑PBDE and ∑HBCD concentrations were significantly influenced by the total suspended particulate matter in atmosphere. The total concentrations of PBDEs and HBCD in tree bark samples were in the range of 99-3700 and 26-3400 ng g−1 lipid weight. It was found that regional distribution of PBDEs and HBCD was related to the function of each district. In addition, the study found that weeping willow bark was an ideal atmospheric PBDEs and HBCD passive sampler. Finally, atmospheric levels of BDE-209 and HBCD at tree bark sampling districts were estimated via applying an established bark/air partitioning model, which had been verified by the measured concentrations in tree bark and atmosphere in Beijing.  相似文献   

Various statistical methods have been employed to analyse in details seasonal diversification of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)/polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congener profiles found in butter fat. The variability of the PCB/PBDE congener profiles indicates the presence of various sources of the milk fat contamination. The obtained results suggest that the environmental chemical background has the highest share in the contamination sources pattern. Ion trap mass spectrometry coupled to high-resolution gas chromatography with semi-permeable membrane dialysis sample cleanup was used for determination of PCBs and PBDEs in milk fat. Determined butter fat PCB profiles were similar to the profiles characteristic for Aroclor 1254 technical mixture. Our data indicate that dietary intake of PCB/PBDE with milk and milk products may be estimated to be about 717.5 pg kg b.w.?1 day?1 for six-indicator PCBs, 0.329 (equivalent toxicity, TEQ) pg kg b.w.?1 day?1 for 12 DL PCBs and 50 pg kg b.w.?1 day?1 for PBDEs (sum of 14 congeners).  相似文献   

The levels of selected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were measured in human milk samples from the areas of Venice and Rome, primarily in order to characterize the current levels of infant exposure to PCBs and PBDEs due to breast feeding in Italy. Sixteen non-dioxin-like PCBs, including the traditional indicator congeners, and 11 PBDEs, comprising the relevant PBDE-47, PBDE-99, and PBDE-153, were determined. Congeners were selected for analysis according to their relative abundance in human tissues, toxicological relevance, and diffusion in the environment. Dietary habits of the milk donors were recorded by questionnaires; mothers of the Venice area were classified into three groups according to their consumption of local fish, molluscs, and other fishery products. Sigma(16)(PCBs) and Sigma(11)(PBDEs) (ng g(-1) fat) for the areas of Venice and Rome were respectively, 250-390 and 240, and 1.6-2.8 and 4.1. An increase of fish and fishery product consumption could not be associated with an increase of PCB and PBDE levels in milk.  相似文献   

Remote mountain areas besides high latitude regions are beginning to receive increased attention in studying the transport and behavior of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). In the present work, surface soil samples were collected from the Tibetan Plateau, the highest plateau in the world which includes the northern slope of Mt. Qomolangma, to investigate the levels and trends of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) along the altitudinal gradient. The average PCB and PBDE concentrations were 185.6 ng kg−1 dry weight (dw) (range 47.1–422.6 ng kg−1 dw) and 11.1 ng kg−1 dw (range 4.3–34.9 ng kg−1 dw), respectively. Regression analysis between the log-transformed TOC-normalized concentrations and the altitudes of the sampling sites showed two opposite trends with regard to altitude dependence: negative relationship with altitude below about 4500 m followed by a positive altitude dependence above this point. Considering minimum anthropogenic activities and very sparse precipitation in the north of Himalayas, the trends above 4500 m imply that the significant altitude dependence of these two groups of POPs were irrespective of pollution sources, but could be predicted by the global distillation effect involving cold condensation in high altitude mountain areas. Increasing levels of heavier congeners were found in higher altitude sites, although the lighter congeners were the main contributors to the total amount, suggesting that less volatile congeners seem to become enriched easier than those more volatile at higher altitudes in this region.  相似文献   

This study examined polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in central air conditioner filter (CACF) dust from a new office building in Shenzhen, China. Human exposure to PBDE via dust inhalation and ingestion were also estimated. PBDEs level in CACF dust was lower than those in the other countries and regions. Approximately 0.671 pg/kg bw/day PM2.5 (Particulate Matter up to 2.5 μm in size) bounded Σ15PBDEs can be inhaled deep into the lungs and 4.123 pg/kg bw/day PM10 (Particulate Matter up to 10 μm in size) bounded Σ15PBDEs tend to be deposited in the upper parts of the respiratory system. The average total intake of Σ15PBDEs via dust inhalation and ingestion for adults reached ∼141 pg/kg bw/day in this building. This value was far below the reference dose (RfD) recommended by United States Environmental Protection Agency. Human exposure to PBDEs via dust inhalation and ingestion in the new building is less than the old ones.  相似文献   

Wang S  Zhang S  Huang H  Zhao M  Lv J 《Chemosphere》2011,85(3):379-385
A hydroponic experiment was conducted in the present study to investigate and compare plant uptake, translocation and metabolism of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) of BDE-15, BDE-28 and BDE-47 and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) of PCB-15, PCB-28 and PCB-47 in maize. Root concentrations of BDE-15, BDE-28 and BDE-47 were consistently higher than PCB-15, PCB-28 and PCB-47, respectively. A significantly positive correlation was found between logRCF (root concentration factor) and logKow of these PBDEs and PCBs, suggesting a control role of their partitioning in plant uptake. The translocation factors (TFs, Cstem/Croot) of PBDEs were generally lower than those of PCBs of the same halogen-substitutions, demonstrating easier transport of PCBs than PBDEs. Metabolites mono-, di- and tri-BDEs and PCBs were detected, suggesting the existence of in vivo metabolism of PBDEs and PCBs in maize. Dehalogenation and rearrangement of halogen atoms were identified, and some similarities but also significant differences existed between the PBDEs and PCBs. PBDEs in maize were, in general, more susceptible to metabolism compared with PCBs of the same halogen-substitutions. This is the first comparative report on the uptake, translocation and metabolism of PBDEs and PCBs in plants.  相似文献   

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