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Two types of polar organic chemical integrative samplers (pharmaceutical POCIS and pesticide POCIS) were examined for their sampling efficiency of selected endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs). Laboratory-based calibration of POCISs was conducted by exposing them at high and low concentrations of 14 EDCs (4-alkyl-phenols, their ethoxylate oligomers, bisphenol A, selected estrogens and synthetic steroids) for different time periods. The kinetic studies showed an integrative uptake up to 28 days. The sampling rates for the individual compounds were obtained. The use of POCISs could result in an integrative approach to the quality status of the aquatic systems especially in the case of high variation of water concentrations of EDCs. The sampling efficiency of POCISs under various field conditions was assessed after their deployment in different aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Harman C  Tollefsen KE  Bøyum O  Thomas K  Grung M 《Chemosphere》2008,72(10):1510-1516
Passive sampling devices provide a useful contribution to the monitoring of contaminants in the aquatic environment. However, calibration data needed for the calculation of water concentrations from sampler accumulations are restricted to a limited number of compound classes. Thus uptake of a range of alkylated phenols (AP), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and carbazoles was determined for semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) using a flow through exposure system. Sampling rates ranged from 0.02 to 0.26 l d(-1) for POCIS and 0.02 to 13.83 l d(-1) for SPMDs. Observed SPMD uptake was also compared to that predicted by an empirical model including the use of performance reference compounds (PRCs). Predicted sampling rates did not differ by more than a factor of 1.3 from experimental values for PAH, providing further evidence that the PRC approach can be successfully used to determine in situ sampling rates for these compounds. Experimental sampling rates for AP in SPMDs were, however, much lower than predicted. This discrepancy was too large to be explained by small uncertainties in the calibration system or in the calculations. Based on these data we conclude that while hydrophobic AP are accumulated by SPMDs their partitioning cannot be predicted from their logK(ow) using current methods. Due to this lower than expected uptake, sampling rates were only higher in SPMDs than POCIS in the range of logK(ow)>5.0. Simultaneous deployment of both sampler types allows the study of compounds with a broad range of physicochemical properties.  相似文献   

Polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) are valuable tools in passive sampling methods for monitoring polar organic pesticides in freshwaters. Pesticides extracted from the environment using such methods can be used to toxicity tests. This study evaluated the acute effects of POCIS extracts on natural phototrophic biofilm communities. Our results demonstrate an effect of POCIS pesticide mixtures on chlorophyll a fluorescence, photosynthetic efficiency and community structure. Nevertheless, the range of biofilm responses differs according to origin of the biofilms tested, revealing spatial variations in the sensitivity of natural communities in the studied stream. Combining passive sampler extracts with community-level toxicity tests offers promising perspectives for ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   

Polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) are useful for monitoring a wide range of chemicals, including polar pesticides, in water bodies. However, few calibration data are available, which limits the use of these samplers for time-weighted average concentration measurements in an aquatic medium. This work deals with the laboratory calibration of the pharmaceutical configuration of a polar organic chemical integrative sampler (pharm-POCIS) for calculating the sampling rates of 17 polar pesticides (1.15?≤?logK ow?≤?3.71) commonly found in water. The experiment, conducted for 21 days in a continuous water flow-through exposure system, showed an integrative accumulation of all studied pesticides for 15 days. Three compounds (metalaxyl, azoxystrobine, and terbuthylazine) remained integrative for the 21-day experiment. The sampling rates measured ranged from 67.9 to 279 mL?day?1 and increased with the hydrophobicity of the pesticides until reaching a plateau where no significant variation in sampling rate is observed when increasing the hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

Performance reference compound (PRC) derived sampling rates were determined for polyurethane foam (PUF) passive air samplers in both sub-tropical and temperate locations across Australia. These estimates were on average a factor of 2.7 times higher in summer than winter. The known effects of wind speed and temperature on mass transfer coefficients could not account for this observation. Sampling rates are often derived using ambient temperatures, not the actual temperatures within deployment chambers. If deployment chamber temperatures are in fact higher than ambient temperatures, estimated sampler-air partition coefficients would be greater than actual partition coefficients resulting in an overestimation of PRC derived sampling rates. Sampling rates determined under measured ambient temperatures and estimated deployment chamber temperatures in summer ranged from 7.1 to 10 m3 day−1 and 2.2-6.8 m3 day−1 respectively. These results suggest that potential differences between ambient and deployment chamber temperatures should be considered when deriving PRC-based sampling rates.  相似文献   

O'Brien D  Bartkow M  Mueller JF 《Chemosphere》2011,83(9):1290-1295
The use of the adsorbent styrenedivinylbenzene-reverse phase sulfonated (SDB-RPD) Empore disk in a chemcatcher type passive sampler is routinely applied in Australia when monitoring herbicides in aquatic environments. One key challenge in the use of passive samplers is mitigating the potentially confounding effects of varying flow conditions on chemical uptake by the passive sampler. Performance reference compounds (PRCs) may be applied to correct sampling rates (Rs) for site specific changed in flow and temperature however evidence suggests the use of PRCs is unreliable when applied to adsorbent passive samplers. The use of the passive flow monitor (PFM) has been introduced for the assessment of site-specific changes in water flow. In the presented study we have demonstrated that the Rs at which both atrazine and prometryn are accumulated within the SDB-RPD-Empore disk is dependent on the flow conditions. Further, the calibration of the measured Rs for chemical uptake by the SDB-RPD-Empore disk to the mass lost from the PFM has shown that the PFM provides an accurate measure of Rs for flow velocities from 0 to 16 cm s−1. Notably, for flow rates >16 cm s−1, a non linear increase in the Rs of both herbicides was observed which indicates that the key resistance to uptake into the SDB-RPD Empore disk is associated with the diffusion through the overlying diffusion limiting membrane. Overall the greatest uncertainty remains at very low flow conditions, which are unlikely to often occur in surface waters. Validation of the PFM use has also been undertaken in a limited field study.  相似文献   

Hur J  Lee BM  Shin HS 《Chemosphere》2011,85(8):1360-1367
Microbial degradation-induced changes in the characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM), and the subsequent effects on phenanthrene-DOM interactions were investigated based on the microbial incubation of DOM collected from four different sources for 28 d. Partially biodegraded DOM presented higher specific UV absorbance (SUVA), lower protein-like fluorescence, higher humic-like fluorescence, lower aliphatic carbon fraction, and higher hydrophobic neutral fractions compared to the original DOM. Microbial changes in DOM led to an increase in the isotherm nonlinearity as well as the extent of phenanthrene binding. A negative relationship between SUVA and the Freundlich n values was established for the original and the biodegraded DOM, suggesting that aromatic condensed structures may play important roles in providing nonlinear strong binding sites irrespective of microbial degradation. In contrast, there were two separate slopes of the correlations between the percentage of hydrophobic acid (HoA) fraction and the n values for the original and the biodegraded DOM with a higher slope exhibited for the latter, implying that the microbial utilization of oxygen-containing structures in the HoA fractions may contribute to enhancing the associated isotherm nonlinearity.  相似文献   

Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, commonly known as D5 (cyclopentasiloxane) has a wide application of use across a multitude of personal care product categories. The relative volatility of D5 is one of the key properties attributed to this substance that provide for the derived performance benefits from the use of this raw material in personal care formulations. On this basis, rapid evaporative loss following use of many products comprising D5 is expected following typical use application and corresponding wear time.  相似文献   

To identify and prioritize chemicals that may affect thyroid and adrenal/interregnal endocrine system and to reduce cost and animal use by conventional toxicity assay, an in vivo screening assay was developed using zebrafish embryos/larvae based on measurement of expression of genes that were suggested to play important roles in hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) and hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis. Model chemicals that could modulate HPT and HPI axis in adult fish were selected in assay validation, including anti-thyroid agent 6-Propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU) and cytochrome P450 11B (Cyp11b) enzyme inhibitor metyrapone (MET). Zebrafish embryos were exposed to different concentrations of model chemical from 4 h post-fertilization (hpf) to 5 d post-fertilization (dpf). Exposure to PTU increased mRNA expression of sodium iodide symporter (nis) and thyroglobulin (tg) involved in HPT axis, and MET treatment up-regulated all the mRNA expression tested involved in HPI axis by a compensatory mechanism. These results suggested that HPT and HPI axis were active upon chemical exposure at least at 5 dpf zebrafish. Furthermore, we studied the effects of PTU or MET on the cross-talk between HPT and HPI axis. The results demonstrated that PTU and MET could affect cross-talk responses in zebrafish embryos/larvae.  相似文献   

The conclusion in December 2000 of the negotiations for the 'Stockholm Convention' can clearly be labeled as a success. The Convention text was negotiated in merely five sessions of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) and accomplished after its fifth session despite the fact that numerous controversial issues, such as the inclusion of new substances under the ambit of the Convention, the acknowledgement of the precautionary principle or--clearly most controversial--the financing mechanisms, remained to be resolved. This paper attempts to provide a somewhat impressionistic account of the negotiations leading to the conclusion of the 'Stockholm Convention' as experienced by the members of the Swiss delegation participating in the negotiations of the INC. Besides a brief overview on the 'history' of the negotiations, it will focus on some issues of special interest--and controversy--to the negotiators, and finally attempt to provide an outlook on the future of the work performed by the INC and the implementation of the Convention. Issues of special interest are environmental policy issues, capacity building and financing, trade-related issues, precautionary principles, and technical and scientific issues.  相似文献   

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