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运河(杭州段)底质有机质与重金属元素相关性的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对京杭大运河 (杭州段 )底质的监测 ,探讨了底质有机质与 8种重金属元素的相关性 ,并对其成因作出了解释 ,得出了 8种重金属在运河 (杭州段 )底质中易积累的顺序。  相似文献   

Soils were sampled in three types of wetlands from the young (A) and old (B) reclaimed regions of the Pearl River Estuary. They were analyzed for total concentrations of heavy metals to investigate their distributions and pollution levels in both regions. Results showed that most heavy metals in ditch and riparian wetlands did not significantly differ from those in reclaimed wetlands in A region, while significantly lower for Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in reclaimed wetlands in B region, suggesting higher effects of long-term reclamation. Iron, Cr and Cu were identified as metal pollutants of primary concern and had higher contributions to the total toxic units compared to other metals. Almost all metals exceeded their lowest effect levels and Fe and Cr even exceeded the severe effect levels. Multivariate analysis shows that Fe and Mn are controlled by parent rocks and other metals mainly originate from anthropogenic source.  相似文献   

巢湖水质时空分布模式研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
依据2004~2006年12个采样点11个水质指标数据,应用主成分分析(PCA)、聚类分析(CA)、判别分析(DA)和基于G IS平台的克里格插值法,对巢湖水质时空分布模式进行研究。通过统计分析将巢湖11个水质指标概括为4个主成分:第一主成分COD、BOD5和Chl-a;第二主成分电导率、NH4+-N、TN和TP;第三主成分温度和DO;第四主成分pH和SD。在空间尺度上分为2组,分别对应于东西半湖。除了DO指标,空间上西半湖周边区域的水质指标浓度显著高于东半湖;东西半湖TP和COD空间分布相似;在时间尺度上,可分为1月~3月份、12月份一组和4月~11月份一组;TP、COD、DO和SD指标第一时期浓度高于第二时期,温度、电导率和Chl-a指标则相反;溶解氧和温度两者的时间差异性呈现明显的负相关。并对采样点和采样频次进行了适当优化。  相似文献   

Yu GB  Liu Y  Yu S  Wu SC  Leung AO  Luo XS  Xu B  Li HB  Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2011,85(6):1080-1087
Numerous indices have been developed to assess environmental risk of heavy metals in surface sediments, including the total content based geoaccumulation index (Igeo), exchangeable fraction based risk assessment code (RAC), and biological toxicity test based sediment quality guidelines (SQGs). In this study, the three indices were applied to freshwater surface sediments from 10 sections along an urbanization gradient of the Grand Canal, China to assess the environmental risks of heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cr) and to understand discrepancies of risk assessment indices and urbanization effects regarding heavy metal contamination. Results showed that Cd, Zn, and Pb were the most enriched metals in urban sections assessed by Igeo and over 95% of the samples exceeded the Zn and Pb thresholds of the effect range low (ERL) of SQGs. According to RAC, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Cr had high risks of adversely affecting the water quality of the Grand Canal due to their remarkable portions of exchangeable fraction in surface sediment. However, Pb showed a relative low risk, and was largely bounded to Fe/Mn oxides in the urban surface sediments. Obviously, the three assessment indices were not consistent with each other in terms of predicting environmental risks attributed to heavy metals in the freshwater surface sediments of this study. It is recommended that risk assessment by SQGs should be revised according to availability and site specificity. However, the combination of the three indices gave us a comprehensive understanding of heavy metal risks in the urban surface sediments of the Grand Canal.  相似文献   

Trace metal levels in freshwater fish, sediment and water   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The trace metal concentrations in water, sediment and aquatic organisms, such as fish, could indicate the level and tendency of the pollution. This is important not only for the protection of the environment, but for evaluation of the quality of fish meat either captured from natural waters or cultured in fishponds. The total trace metal concentrations in samples of fish from different regions of Hungary and from different species have been determined by using an X-ray fluorescence technique (EDXRF). Water, sediment and fish samples from fishpond systems with different feeding and stocking has also been analyzed. In the case of zinc contents, differences have been traced between the cultured and wild common carp. In the case of common carp reared under different feeding conditions, differences were also observed in the zinc concentration. The retention of the trace metals in the fish has been studied by measuring the levels in sediment, water and feed. The different retention can be explained by the different availability of zinc in the applied feeds, which can be related to the presence of different metal species in the feeds.  相似文献   

Lead isotopes and heavy metal concentrations were measured in two sediment cores sampled in estuaries of Xiangjiang and Lishui Rivers in Hunan province, China. The presence of anthropogenic contribution was observed in both sediments, especially in Xiangjiang sediment. In the Xiangjiang sediment, the lower 206Pb/207Pb and higher 208Pb/206Pb ratio, than natural Pb isotope signature (1.198 and 2.075 for 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/206Pb, respectively), indicated a significant input of non-indigenous Pb with low 206Pb/207Pb and high 208Pb/206Pb. The corresponding concentrations of heavy metals (As, Cd, Zn, Mn and Pb) were much higher than natural values, suggesting the contaminations of heavy metals from extensive ore-mining activities in the region.  相似文献   

In recent decades, mosses have been used successfully as biomonitors of atmospheric deposition of heavy metals. Since 1990, the European moss survey has been repeated at five-yearly intervals. Although spatial patterns were metal-specific, in 2005 the lowest concentrations of metals in mosses were generally found in Scandinavia, the Baltic States and northern parts of the UK; the highest concentrations were generally found in Belgium and south-eastern Europe. The recent decline in emission and subsequent deposition of heavy metals across Europe has resulted in a decrease in the heavy metal concentration in mosses for the majority of metals. Since 1990, the concentration in mosses has declined the most for arsenic, cadmium, iron, lead and vanadium (52-72%), followed by copper, nickel and zinc (20-30%), with no significant reduction being observed for mercury (12% since 1995) and chromium (2%). However, temporal trends were country-specific with sometimes increases being found.  相似文献   

以广州市最大补水人工景观湖白云湖水生态系统构建示范区为对象,利用综合污染指数评价了以沉水植被构建为主的修复措施对示范区水体水质改善的影响,并应用因子分析法对各水质指标和生态因子之间的相互关系进行了研究。综合污染分析结果表明,恢复沉水植物后,示范区水体各项污染物浓度大幅降低,水质从V -劣V类提高到Ⅲ-IV类,水体综合污染状态由严重污染改善为轻污染。因子分析显示,10项水质指标可划分为四类主因子来反映水质状况,其中,第一主因子主要反映水体营养盐指数,第二主因子反映水体有机污染指数,第三主因子反映温度变化对水质的影响,第四主因子反映水体的酸碱度;综合评分结果说明了生态系统构建后水质综合评分可大幅降低,且月评分结果呈现温度越高、水质越优的特点,水体特征呈现向草型水体发展的趋势。上述结果表明,水生态系统构建可有效改善示范区水质,是保障城市河道补水水源安全的有效方法。  相似文献   

Trace metal export by stormwater runoff from a major road and local street in urban Sydney, Australia, is compared using pollutant yield rating curves derived from intensive sampling data. The event loads of copper, lead and zinc are well approximated by logarithmic relationships with respect to total event discharge owing to the reliable appearance of a first flush in pollutant mass loading from urban roads. Comparisons of the yield rating curves for these three metals show that copper and zinc export rates from the local street are comparable with that of the major road, while lead export from the local street is much higher, despite a 45-fold difference in traffic volume. The yield rating curve approach allows problematic environmental data to be presented in a simple yet meaningful manner with less information loss.  相似文献   

水葫芦圈养对星云湖富营养化水体水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究水葫芦圈养对富营养化水域的影响,对星云湖14个实验区的采样点及8个对照区采样点的水质各理化性质指标、化学需氧量(COD)、生化需氧量(BOD5)、不同形态氮浓度进行测定,分析了紫根水葫芦圈养对星云湖水质的影响,结果表明:在紫根水葫芦生长发育期,星云湖中圈养的紫根水葫芦能够显著增加水体中的溶解氧含量,可以有效吸收星云湖湖水中的氨氮、总氮、总磷,降低了水体中BOD5和COD含量。总磷、总氮和氨氮三者之间显著正相关,总磷、氨氮、总氮以及BOD5都与水体的pH呈显著负相关,然而溶解氧与pH显著正相关,BOD5与水温、总磷、COD、氨氮和总氮显著正相关。科学的水葫芦圈养模式可以有效的降低富营养化水体中的营养物质,改善水质。  相似文献   

(汍)汊湖水体和表层沉积物中有机氯农药分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用GC/ECD内标法定量测定了(汍)汉湖水体和表层沉积物中的有机氯农药(OCPs).(汍)汊湖水样和表层沉积物中20种OCPs均有检出.表层沉积物上层中(0~2 cm)的OCPs明显高于下层(2~10 cm),这是(汍)汉湖具有稳定的水动力条件所致.氯丹在表层沉积物中浓度最高,与该化合物在环境中的强稳定性以及在该地区的大量使用有关.表层沉积物样品DCHsO2上层OCPs中o,p'-DDT主要成分,表明近期可能有新的DDTs,特别是含大量o,p'-DDT的三氯杀螨醇的使用.DDD/DDE则显示表层沉积物上层DDTs的降解主要处在厌氧条件下,而下层处在好氧条件下.  相似文献   

以天津临港生态湿地公园人工湖水质和水文的调查数据为依据,运用相关性分析和聚类分析将研究水体划分为3类水域。研究了不同聚类水域水温、DO、pH、氮磷营养元素以及Chla的时空分布特征。结果显示,DO、硝态氮、TN、TP与流速呈显著正相关,水温、SS与流速呈显著负相关。Chla与水深呈显著正相关,TN、硝态氮与水深呈显著负相关。断面宽度与所有理化指标均没有显著相关性。3种水域在监测期间N/P比(TN/TP)显示湖泊正在从氮营养元素限制型(N/P<7)向适宜藻类生长的营养类型过渡。富营养化评价显示,再生水为补水的临港人工湖在监测期间水质已处于中度富营养,主要贡献因子为COD和TP。  相似文献   

Polychlorinated-dibenzo-p-dioxins and -dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) were measured in soils and sediments from the Yellow Sea region. Korean soils and sediments mostly contained detectable PCDD/Fs and showed a widespread distribution among locations. Soil and sedimentary PCDD/Fs from China were comparable to or less than those in Korea. The patterns of relative concentrations of individual congeners in soils were different between the two countries, but similar in sediments. Sources of PCDD/Fs in China and Korea were found to be independent of each other and their distributions reflected matrix-dependent accumulation. Spatial distribution indicated some point sources in Korea while Chinese sources were more widespread and diffuse. PCDD/Fs measured in the coastal areas of the Yellow Sea were comparable to or less than those previously reported in for eastern Asia. However, ∑TEQs in soils and sediments were near to or, in some cases exceeded environmental quality guidelines.  相似文献   

The effect of sediment pollution on benthos was investigated in the vicinity of a large sewage treatment outflow at Incheon North Harbor, Korea. Animal size, vertical distribution and standard community parameters were analyzed along a 3 km transect line (n = 7). Univariate parameters showed a general trend of increasing species diversity with increasing distance from the pollution source. Multi-dimensional scaling analysis led to the clear separation of 3 locational groups, supporting gradient-dependent faunal composition. The innermost location was dominated by small sub-surface dwellers while the outer locations by large mid to deep burrowers. Looking for the size-frequency distribution, most abundance species (Heteromastus filiformis) showed the presence of larger size animals with increasing proximity to the pollution source. Meanwhile, species-specific vertical distributions, regardless of the pollution gradient, indicated that such shifts were due to species replacement resulting from a higher tolerance to pollutants over some species.  相似文献   

蟒蛇河是盐城市区主要的地表饮用水源地,其水质通常在Ⅳ~Ⅴ类标准。为改善原水水质,中国首个平原上开挖的饮用水源生态净化湖——盐龙湖于2012年6月建成启用。通过水质监测,分析了近年来蟒蛇河原水水质及其污染特征,并对盐龙湖工程水质的净化效果进行了评价。研究表明:(1)蟒蛇河原水在春、秋、冬季水质主要指标基本能满足《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)Ⅲ类标准,但夏季水质相对较差;(2)蟒蛇河原水呈现出典型的有机污染特征,营养盐类多是以有机形态存在,但TN与TP的主要污染来源并不一致,在不同季节原水污染特性存在波动规律;(3)近年来蟒蛇河原水中有机物及营养盐浓度有升高趋势;(4)盐龙湖工程水质净化效果在夏季最佳,春、秋季次之,冬季则一般;(5)近一年来,盐龙湖工程累计削减原水高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、TN、TP、SS的量分别达到56.6、35.6、59.8、8.9、1 000.0t(干质量)。  相似文献   

The accumulation of trace metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Hg, Ni and Pb) was measured in water, sediment, the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Samples were collected in three locations of the north-western Mediterranean (Canari, Livorno and Porto-Torres) which present different levels and sources of human impact. Analyses in the different compartments (water, sediment, M. galloprovincialis and P. oceanica) have allowed to identify Canari as the most Cd, Co, Cr and Ni contaminated site; Livorno as the most Hg contaminated and Porto-Torres as the most Pb contaminated. Furthermore, for the first time, metal concentrations found in P. oceanica have been compared with those found in the water column, in the sediment and in the recognized metal bio-indicator species M. galloprovincialis and the results obtained have led to the same conclusions. Thus, this study allows to validate the use of P. oceanica as metal biomonitor of coastal waters.  相似文献   

Yang L  Zhu L  Liu Z 《Chemosphere》2011,83(6):806-814
The concentrations of four perfluorinated sulfonate acids (PFSAs) and 10 perfluorinated carboxylate acids (PFCAs) were measured in water and sediment samples from Liao River and Taihu Lake, China. In the water samples from Taihu Lake, PFOA and PFOS were the most detected perfluorinated compounds (PFCs); in Liao River, PFHxS was the predominant PFC followed by PFOA, while PFOS was only detected in two of the samples. This suggests that different PFC products are used in the two regions. PFOS and PFOA in both watersheds are at similar level as in the rivers of Japan, but significantly lower than in Great Lakes. The contributions of PFOS and long chain PFCAs in sediments were much higher than in water samples of both watersheds, indicating preferential partition of these PFCs in sediment. The concentrations of PFOS and PFOA were three orders of magnitude of lower than that of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the same sediments. The average sediment-water partition coefficients (log Koc) of PFHxS, PFOS and PFOA were determined to be 2.16, 2.88 and 2.28 respectively.  相似文献   

雨后入湖溪流磷污染对西湖的影响及其对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
入湖径流是西湖磷的最主要污染源,尤其是暴雨后径流的磷污染最严重,梅雨(2001年)和台风雨后径流的磷净输入为1.77t,约占西湖全年磷总沉积量的42.5%。西湖流域内土壤表土的磷含量约是母土的两倍。西湖流域内土壤表土富磷和暴雨的冲刷和淋溶是导致雨后径流磷浓度提高的主要原因。提出了几种减小和消除径流磷污染的几种方案,通过分析比较,建渠排暴雨后径流水到钱塘江是比较彻底的消除径流磷污染的措施。  相似文献   

Heavy metal concentrations and pH of pore-water in contaminated substrates are important factors in controlling metal uptake by plants. We investigated the effects of phytoextraction on these properties in the solution phase of biosolids and diluted biosolids in a 12-month phytoextraction column experiment. Phytoextraction using Salix and Populus spp. temporarily decreased pore-water pH of the substrates over the experimental period followed by a return to initial pH conditions. Salix × reichardtii and Populus balsamifera effectively extracted Ni, Zn and Cd and actively mobilized these metals from the solid to the solution phase. S. × reichardtii had the stronger effect on mobilization of metals due to its larger root system. Phytoextraction did not affect Cu in the solution phase of the biosolids. Heavy metals were leached down to lower depths of the columns during the phytoextraction process.  相似文献   

向北京市沙河水库投放大型溞(Daphnia magna),利用其摄食藻类、促进悬浮颗粒态污染物沉降的特性,以提升水体的透明度,为后续沉水植物群落的恢复创造条件,并探索大型溞的投放密度,以及投放后对水质及底泥主要污染物的影响。结果表明:向沙河水库投加大型溞的最佳密度为5~15 ind·L−1;在该条件下,水体透明度可在3~5 d由40 cm提升至100 cm,浊度由19.7 NTU降至3 NTU,藻密度由2.4×106 cell·mL−1降至(4~6)×104 cell·mL−1;大型溞可在沙河水库长期存活,并可长期抑制藻类、维持水体的透明度;水体COD并未发生明显改变;大型溞的分泌物促进了悬浮颗粒态氮、磷的沉降,使TN和TP的去除率分别达到70.2%和54.9%;由于投溞后藻类浓度迅速下降,藻对NH3-N的吸收量降低,使水体NH3-N升高了32.2%;底泥中有机质、TN、TP均出现了一定程度的升高。针对于湖库水体透明度低的问题,应投放适宜密度的大型溞,调整水质状态,并结合水中藻类、底泥污染物等条件,综合考虑有效改善水质的方法。  相似文献   

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