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Pradhan A  Seena S  Pascoal C  Cássio F 《Chemosphere》2012,89(9):1142-1150
Increased commercialisation of nanometal-based products augments the possibility of their deposition into aquatic ecosystems; this, in turn, may pose risks to aquatic biota and associated ecological functions. Freshwater invertebrate shredders mostly use microbially-colonized plant litter as food resource and play an important role in aquatic detritus food webs. We assessed lethal effects of nanoCuO on the shredder Allogamus ligonifer (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae) by determining the concentration that induced 50% of death (LC50), and sublethal effects of nanoCuO on the feeding behaviour and growth of the shredder by exposing the animals to: (i) stream water supplemented with nanoCuO and microbially-colonized leaves, and (ii) stream water (without nanoCuO) and microbially-colonized leaves pre-exposed to nanoCuO. Results from acute lethal tests showed that the 96 h LC50 of nanoCuO was very high (569 mg L−1). In the absence of nanoparticles, leaf consumption rate was 0.27 mg leaf DM mg−1 animal DM d−1 and the shredder growth rate was 56 μg animal DM mg−1 animal DM d−1. A significant inhibition in leaf consumption rate (up to 47%) and invertebrate growth rate (up to 46%) was observed when shredders were exposed to the higher tested sublethal concentration of nanoCuO (75 mg L−1) through either contaminated stream water or pre-contaminated food. The exposure to increased nanoCuO concentration via water or pre-contaminated food led to higher accumulation of copper in the larval body. Leached water-soluble ionic copper from the nanoCuO adsorbed or accumulated in the shredder (up to 10.2% of total Cu) seemed to influence the feeding behaviour and growth of the shredder.  相似文献   

Chloride concentrations in surface waters have increased significantly, a rise attributed to road salt use. In Canada, this may be a concern for endangered freshwater mussels, many with ranges limited to southern Ontario, Canada’s most road-dense region. The acute toxicity of NaCl was determined for glochidia, the mussel’s larval stage. The 24 h EC50s of four (including two Canadian endangered) species ranged from 113-1430 mg Cl L−1 (reconstituted water, 100 mg CaCO3 L−1). To determine how mussels would respond to a chloride pulse, natural river water (hardness 278-322 mg CaCO3 L−1) was augmented with salt. Lampsilis fasciola glochidia were significantly less sensitive to salt in natural water (EC50s 1265-1559 mg Cl L−1) than in reconstituted water (EC50 285 mg L−1). Chloride data from mussel habitats revealed chloride reaches levels acutely toxic to glochidia (1300 mg L−1). The increased salinization of freshwater could negatively impact freshwater mussels, including numerous species at risk.  相似文献   

针对进水氨氮浓度变化会影响CANON颗粒污泥功能微生物间的协同导致系统不稳定的问题,通过接种常温下贮存2个月的自养颗粒污泥,并采用3种调控策略(维持HRT不变,快速提升氨氮浓度(R1);维持HRT不变,逐级提升氨氮浓度(R2);逐级提升进水氨氮浓度同时调整HRT,以125 mg·L−1为进水氨氮增幅(R3)),分别考察各种调控策略对系统适应275 mg·L−1和400 mg·L-1氨氮浓度的效能影响,探讨调控策略与污泥性能的关系及游离氨(FA)、溶解氧(DO)的影响。结果表明,污泥性能提升期,负荷变化最为平稳的策略R3率先适应进水氨氮浓度的提升,仅44 d内总氮去除负荷可达到3.5 kg·(m3·d)−1;污泥性能成熟期,快速提升负荷的策略R1可缩短适应时间至25 d,总氮去除率稳定在80%以上,去除负荷达到5.3 kg·(m3·d)−1。FA会影响功能微生物活性,策略R1在污泥性能提升期,FA浓度高达16.6~26.7 mg·L−1,一定程度上抑制了好氧氨氧化菌(AOB)和厌氧氨氧化菌(AMX)的活性,导致系统适应期延长。在污泥适应高氨氮负荷过程中,比氨氧化速率(SAOR)和比总氮去除速率(SNRR)逐渐提高,污泥浓度和颗粒粒径逐渐增大。f值(Δ$ {\rm{NO}}_3^{-}$-N/ΔTN)可作为DO调节的重要依据,DO与氨氮去除负荷呈良好的正相关性。  相似文献   


Toxic agents may affect photosynthesis either by altering the diffusion of CO2 to the photosynthesizing cells or by altering the chloroplast activity for CO2 fixation. Therefore, the effect of toxic chemicals can be assessed by measurement of the rate of CO2 fixation. The effects on photosynthesis caused by altered CO2 diffusion can be distinguished from those caused at the chloroplast level by evaluating the CO2 concentration inside the leaf. If CO2 concentrations remain constant or rise as photosynthesis declines, the inhibition must act on chloroplast activity. If the CO2 concentrations decrease as photosynthesis declines, the inhibition may be caused by slower diffusion of CO2into the leaf. The latter possibility would suggest a stomatal closure to be the most probable cause of the decline of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

黄河兰州段悬移质泥沙对氨氮的吸附特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究了黄河兰州段不同粒径的悬浮泥沙对氨氮的吸附行为,拟阐释黄河兰州段水质自净的机制。通过分析探讨了含沙量、氨氮初始浓度、泥沙粒径和化学成分对氨氮吸附过程的影响。结果表明,准二级动力学方程和Langmuir模型能够较好地描述黄河兰州段不同粒径泥沙的吸附动力学和等温吸附过程(R20.9);含沙量对泥沙吸附氨氮作用具有显著影响,且氨氮吸附量和平衡时间与含沙量呈明显负相关性;氨氮初始浓度与氨氮吸附量及平衡时间呈正相关性;同时,泥沙颗粒越细,吸附氨氮的能力越强,吸附容量越大,反应的自发程度越高。此外,泥沙有机质、Fe2O3、Al2O3和MgO的含量随粒径减小而增大,它们对单位质量泥沙最大吸附量(Sm)具有正效应。泥沙的吸附在黄河兰州段水质自净过程中起着一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

为解决常规沸石再生过程药耗较高的问题,满足当下双碳目标的要求,构建了结构化磁致自辅热沸石控温载体,利用磁热效应实现沸石氨氮原位吸附过程调控,避免再生过程中的药剂消耗。在优化筛选磁场条件与发热内核构型基础上,应用Langmuir、Freundlich模型、动力学模型及粒子内扩散模型考察了局部自辅热对沸石氨氮原位吸附及解吸过程的影响。结果表明,局部自辅热使沸石氨氮吸附行为更满足Freundlich模型,以物理吸附为主,动力学过程为准二级动力学模型,以粒子内扩散和液膜扩散为主。同时,局部自辅热使沸石氨氮12 h解吸率提升约29 %,动力学拟合更满足准二级动力学模型,为化学解吸过程,扩散方式以以粒子外部扩散为主。最终证实,磁致自辅热可以有效调控沸石氨氮吸附解吸过程,可为沸石可控再生提供一种低耗高效途径。  相似文献   

Organic acids present in the rhizosphere of growing plants are widely recognized to be responsible for dissolving the solid phase metals in the soil and making them available for plant absorption. We proposed a root exudates-based model to assess the long-term phytoavailability of metals in biosolids-amended soils. The phytoavailability of biosolids-borne metals was defined in terms of a capacity factor and an intensity factor. The plant available metal pool, C0 (capacity factor, mg kg−1), can be estimated by fitting the successive organic acids extraction data to an exponential decay kinetic equation. The field metal removal rate, k (intensity factor, yr−1), can be estimated from the successive extraction-based metal release rate through an effective annual organic acid production in the rhizosphere which was found to be characteristic of plant species. The protocol was successfully used to assess the long-term phytoavailability of metals in biosolids-amended soil from two biosolids land application sites.  相似文献   

The amount of toxic metal accumulated by an organism is often taken as an indicator of potential toxicity. We investigated this relationship in the freshwater snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, exposed to 500 μg l−1 Al over 30 days, either alone or in the presence of phosphate (500 μg l−1 P) or a fulvic acid surrogate (FAS; 10 mg l−1 C). Behavioural activity was assessed and tissue accumulation of Al quantified. Lability of Al within the water column was a good predictor of toxicity. FAS increased both Al lability and behavioural dysfunction, whereas phosphate reduced Al lability, and completely abolished Al-induced behavioural toxicity. Tissue accumulation of Al was not linked to toxicity. Higher levels of Al were accumulated in snails exposed to Al + P, compared to those exposed to Al alone, whereas FAS reduced Al accumulation. These findings demonstrate that the degree of tissue accumulation of a metal can be independent of toxicity.  相似文献   

Environmental monitoring by means of biomarker parameters assessed in different species is a useful tool. It has the advantage of providing a quantitative response as well as valuable information of ecological relevance on the chronic adverse effects caused by water pollution. The aim of this study was to assess the response of biochemical and physiological parameters of Cnesterodon decemmaculatus, a native teleost, simultaneously caught in two sites of Reconquista river, a highly polluted peri-urban river. This study compared the measured parameters with that of specimens of the same species captured in an unpolluted body water, and correlated the detected changes with the physicochemical profile of the water at each site. A comparison was made of selected parameters of gill, brain and liver and of somatic indices of fish collected from polluted and reference sites. The main parameters whose changes allowed to discriminate between sampling sites were gill (Na(+),K(+))-ATPase, brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and liver aminotransaminases activities; tissues' protein content and liver somatic index (LSI) were also sensitive biomarkers in brain and liver, respectively. The results showed that the response of the measured biomarkers allowed for the differentiation of sampling sites according to their water quality and confirmed that Cnesterodon decemmaculatus may be a useful test organism for the biomonitoring of freshwater environments. In addition, the simultaneous measurement of the physicochemical parameters of the water samples showed a good correspondence between the biomarkers responses and the environmental chemical stress conditions.  相似文献   

Slaveykova VI 《Chemosphere》2007,69(9):1438-1445
In order to better understand the relationship between lead speciation and its bioavailability in natural waters, the interactions between Pb(II), fulvic acid and the freshwater alga, Chlorella kesslerii were studied at various algal cell densities. An increase in cellular lead or fulvic acid adsorbed to algae was observed with decrease of the cell density from ca. 10(7) to 10(5)cells ml(-1). In the presence of fulvic acid, cellular Pb was greater than that expected for the same free lead ion concentrations in the absence of fulvic acid in agreement to our previous study. This effect was found to be more pronounced at lower cell density, in accordance with increased fulvic acid adsorption to algae. Good fit between experimental observations and model predictions of cellular Pb at various cell densities, was observed by assuming that fulvic acid adsorbed to algae give rise to additional binding sites for Pb(II). The findings of this study indicate that a further extension of the biotic ligand model which includes the formation of a ternary complex and cell density (or concentration) as an input parameter is needed to improve its site-specific predictive capacity, especially in the case of dissolved organic matter-rich surface waters. This extension of predictive capacity would allow to reduce the deviations from the BLM model predictions for microalgae in the presence of dissolved organic matter and hence will serve as a mechanistic tool for establishing ambient site-specific water quality criteria.  相似文献   

Acid rain and acidification research are indeed a multidisciplinary field. This field evolved from the first attempts to mitigate acid freshwater in the 1920s, then linking acid rain to the acidification in late 1950s, to the broad project-concepts on cause and effect from the late 1960s. Three papers from 1974, 1976 and 1988 demonstrate a broad approach and comprise scientific areas from analytical chemistry, biochemistry, limnology, ecology, physiology and genetics. Few, if any, environmental problems have led to a public awareness, political decisions and binding limitations as the story of acid rain. Acid precipitation and acidification problems still exist, but at a lower pressure, and liming has been reduced accordingly. However, the biological responses in the process of recovery are slow and delayed. The need for basic science, multidisciplinary studies, long time series of high-quality data, is a legacy from the acid rain era, and must form the platform for all future environmental projects.  相似文献   

Recent studies revealed that intestinal acanthocephalans of fish can accumulate heavy metals to concentrations orders of magnitude higher than those in the host tissues or the aquatic environment. This significant heavy metal accumulation by acanthocephalans, even surpassing that of established free living accumulation bioindicators, encouraged us to study the bioavailability of the platinum-group-metals (PGM) Pt and Rh for parasites. These precious metals are used in catalytic converters of cars for exhaust gas purification in Europe since the early 1980s. In addition to the beneficial effect in reducing the emission of CHx, CO and NOx of cars there is an increasing emission of these metals. However, it still remains unclear if these elements become accumulated in the biosphere and whether they affect the health of organisms. The present study reveals that in European eels (Anguilla anguilla) naturally infected with the eoacanthocephalan parasite Paratenuisentis ambiguus and experimentally exposed to ground catalytic converter material, the parasites take up and accumulate the catalytic active metals Pt and Rh whereas in the examined host tissues we found no metal uptake. Compared with the PGM concentrations in the water the worms contained 1600 times higher Rh and 50 times higher Pt concentrations. Thus, the parasites can be used as sentinel organisms reflecting even very low levels of precious metals.  相似文献   

This article examines the advantages of the use of biomarkers as environmental indicators by applying it to Paraiba do Sul watershed, one of the most important Brazilian water bodies, which is in a critical environmental situation. We use a multibiomarker approach in fish as an integrated strategy to assess the impact of pollution. It comprehends a general biomarker of fish health, the condition factor (CF), and specific biomarkers of contaminant exposure such as metallothionein (MT), acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and biliary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) metabolites. Our results revealed different effects in the fish from diverse locations with varying degrees of pollution. Furthermore, fish located just upstream of the water-treatment plant of the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro has shown to be affected by metals. This study indicates the usefulness of integrating a set of biomarkers to define the effects of anthropogenic inputs in aquatic bodies under complex polluted situations.  相似文献   

Since the 19th century, large amounts of industrial waste were dumped in a reservoir adjacent to a chlor-alkali plant in the lower Ebro River (NE Spain). Previous toxicological analysis of carp populations inhabiting the surveyed area have shown that the highest biological impact attributable to mercury pollution occurred downstream of the discharge site. However, mercury speciation in fish from this polluted area has not been addressed yet. Thus, in the present study, piscivorous European catfish (Silurus glanis) and non-piscivorous common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were selected, to investigate the bioavailability and bioaccumulation capacities of both total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) at the discharge site and downstream points. Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) was applied to reduce the dimensionality of the data set, and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) models were fitted in order to assess the relationship between both Hg species in fish and different variables of interest. Mercury levels in fish inhabiting the dam at the discharge site were found to be approximately 2-fold higher than those from an upstream site; while mercury pollution progressively increased downstream of the hot spot. In fact, both THg and MeHg levels at the farthest downstream point were 3 times greater than those close to the waste dump. This result clearly indicates downstream transport and increased mercury bioavailability as a function of distance downstream from the contamination source. A number of factors may affect both the downstream transport and increased Hg bioavailability associated with suspended particulate matter (SPM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC).  相似文献   

Zhang C  Chen Y  Liu Y 《Chemosphere》2007,69(11):1713-1721
In most studies on phosphorus- and glycogen-accumulating organisms (PAO and GAO), pH was controlled constantly throughout the entire anaerobic and aerobic periods, and acetic acid was used as the carbon source. In this paper, the effect of long-term initial pH values on PAO and GAO was investigated with mixed propionic and acetic acids as carbon sources. It was observed that with pH increasing from 6.4 to 8.0, the anaerobic propionic acid uptake rate by PAO linearly increased but that by GAO proportionally decreased. At pH 6.70 and pH 7.51, PAO and GAO exhibited the same acetic and propionic acid uptake rates, respectively. The acetic acid uptake rate by PAO was greater than that by GAO at pH > 6.70, and the propionic acid uptake rate by PAO was higher than that by GAO at pH > 7.51, which indicated that PAO would take predominance over GAO at pH > 7.51. Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate, poly-3-hydroxyvalerate and poly-3-hydroxy-2-methylvalerate shared 7%, 62% and 31%, respectively in the PAO system, and 11%, 44% and 45% respectively in the GAO system, and these fractions were observed independent of pH either in the PAO or in the GAO system. In the PAO system, with the increase of pH, the phosphorus removal efficiency was improved greatly, and a phosphorus removal efficiency of 100% was achieved at 8.0. Further investigation showed that the higher phosphorus removal efficiency at higher pH was mainly caused by a biological effect instead of chemical one.  相似文献   

Phthalocyanines are prospective chemicals that have applications in industry, medicine and biology due especially to their architectural flexibility and production of reactive oxygen species. Although they are used in so many areas of human activities nowadays, there is still little knowledge of their ecotoxicity. Here we present the first observation of their toxic effects on representatives of the aquatic plants Lemna minor. The tested phthalocyanines possess a wide spectrum of phytotoxicity ranging from seldom (>50 mg L−1) to highly toxic 0.11 mg L−1. Moreover, the potential of phthalocyanines to be used as selective cyanocides or herbicides is discussed as well.  相似文献   

Selected results from the degradation of reactive-dye hydrolysates after UV irradiation, ozonation and sodium peroxodisulphate (NaPS) treatment are presented. Reactive dyes with representative chromophores and anchor groups were chosen for the research project. Different stages of oxidative decolourisation were examined and determined by water parameters for biological degradation (BOD). The paper focuses on toxicity tests with Pseudomonas putida to consider whether the oxidative treatments result in products with a risk for the environment. Tests were performed with the AQUALYTIC® Sensomat System, which measures biological oxygen demand (BOD). It was determined that the chosen oxidative treatments had as a rule no bearing on respiration of P. putida. Experiments with hydrolysates after short-term UV irradiation resulted in a slightly increased but not long-lasting toxicity in comparison with treatments with ozone or NaPS. Toxic effects were found in tests with hydrolysates of metalliferous dyes. During oxidative treatment, metals were liberated from the chromophores. This did cause complete inhibition of respiration of P. putida. Dye Blue E, a member of a dye class with chlorotriazine anchor groups, was itself found to be toxic, caused by the reactivity of the anchor group. The hydrolysate is only of minor toxicity.  相似文献   

The potential hazard of chemicals on aquatic communities are generally evaluated by standardised single-species bioassays. Safety assessment is based on results gained from organisms adapted to lentic systems and biological interactions in ecosystems are neglected. While lotic communities are often at first in contact with chemicals, it is astonishing that microcosms with lentic communities are mainly used as a bridge between laboratory bioassays and outdoor aquatic systems. Hence, we established five artificial indoor streams to simulate abiotic factors of small rivers. The closed-circuit system was filled with nutrients added to tap water. Washed pebbles were used as sediment. The dynamics of a simple biocoenoses consisting of aufwuchs, Lumbriculus variegatus Asellus aquaticus and Gammarus fossarum was investigated. The dynamic of aufwuchs and periphyton was determined as dry weight and chlorophyll-a, respectively and qualitatively by pigment pattern. The abundance of different developmental stages of L. variegatus was determined at the end of the experiment as well as the population dynamics of G. fossarum and A. aquaticus. Survival rates of gammarids and juveniles per female were investigated and data were used for modelling the population dynamics. The experiment was carried out to investigate the performance of the established artificial streams and the developed approaches to investigate effects of chemicals on a basic lotic community. The prime reason to establish this approach was to close a gap between complex artificial stream systems and laboratory single species tests to assess the impact of chemicals on the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

The mercury distribution and speciation in the water column were investigated from November 2003 to September 2004. The distribution and concentrations of total mercury (THg) and particulate mercury (PHg) showed that algae had a large capacity to bind mercury in late spring (e.g. in May). It is shown that dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) concentrations may also be affected by algae activities. The MeHg profile in the water column at a highly eutrophied site in Hongfeng Reservoir demonstrated that most of the MeHg was produced in the hypolimnion, whereas the MeHg profile pattern at another site with less eutrophication indicated that MeHg in water was largely ascribed to release from sediment. In September, the outflow of the reservoir was enriched with MeHg, which was 5.5 times higher than that in the inflows. The discharge of MeHg-concentrated water from the anoxic hypolimnion in the reservoir may pose a risk to downstream fauna.  相似文献   

This paper compares the dynamics, i.e. the rates of change in element concentrations of young and older lichen thallus parts, of one foliose and one fruticose lichen, during a transplant experiment to a polluted site. Both lichen parts respond to environmental changes. Here, differential accumulation suggests that differential constitution leads to differential uptake and release, and/or the overall behaviour is partly due to internal translocation and regulation mechanisms within the whole lichen. For thallus parts, internal translocation should be taken into account as one more factor affecting lichen “memory length”. Young parts of the thallus presented higher rates of change, but different lichen parts accumulate different elements to different extents. Therefore tissue selection in monitoring may depend on the element of interest, and cannot be made into a generalized approach in survey set-ups: the choice depends on the element.  相似文献   

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