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The study of mercury (Hg) cycle in Arctic regions is a major subject of concern due to the dramatic increases of Hg concentrations in ecosystem in the last few decades. The causes of such increases are still in debate, and an important way to improve our knowledge on the subject is to study the exchanges of Hg between atmosphere and snow during springtime. We organized an international study from 10 April to 10 May 2003 in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, in order to assess these fluxes through measurements and derived calculations.Snow-to-air emission fluxes of Hg were measured using the flux chamber technique between ∼0 and 50 ng m−2 h−1. A peak in Gaseous Elemental Mercury (GEM) emission flux from the snow to the atmosphere has been measured just few hours after an Atmospheric Mercury Depletion Event (AMDE) recorded on 22 April 2004. Surprisingly, this peak in GEM emitted after this AMDE did not correspond to any increase in Hg concentration in snow surface. A peak in GEM flux after an AMDE was observed only for this single event but not for the four other AMDEs recorded during this spring period.In the snow pack which is seasonal and about 40 cm depth above permafrost, Hg is involved in both production and incorporation processes. The incorporation was evaluated to ∼5–40 pg m2 h. Outside of AMDE periods, Hg flux from the snow surface to the atmosphere was the consequence of GEM production in the air of snow and was about ∼15–50 ng m−2 h−1, with a contribution of deeper snow layers evaluated to ∼0.3–6.5 ng m−2 h−1. The major part of GEM production is then mainly a surface phenomenon. The internal production of GEM was largely increasing when snow temperatures were close to melting, indicating a chemical process occurring in the quasi-liquid layer at the surface of snow grains.  相似文献   

Six groups participated in an international study of springtime atmospheric mercury depletion events (AMDEs) at Ny-Ålesund in the Norwegian Arctic during April and May 2003 with the aim to compare analytical methods for measurements of atmospheric mercury species and study the physical and chemical processes leading to AMDEs. Five groups participated in the method comparison that was conducted at three different locations within Ny-Ålesund. Various automated and manual instrumentation were used to sample, measure and compare gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and mercury associated with particles (Hg-P). The concentration of GEM was reproducible during background conditions. For the first time using ambient air, the statistics associated with round robin test procedures were applied. This was found to be an appropriate tool to investigate the reproducibility of GEM measurements in ambient air. The precision for each group measuring GEM concentrations was found to be consistently good (within 5%). Five AMDEs were recorded during the study. Using four different methods, including single and replicate samples, all groups recorded higher values of RGM and Hg-P during AMDEs. The results show that measuring comparable atmospheric mercury species at both the same and different locations (within the Ny-Ålesund area) is difficult. Not only do site location and site characteristics create challenges when trying to intercompare results but there are difficulties, as well, in obtaining comparable results with similar sampling and analysis methods. Nevertheless, with our current procedures for atmospheric mercury identification we can differentiate with certainty between “high” and “low” concentration values of RGM and Hg-P.  相似文献   

Distribution of mercury in the aquatic environment at Almadén,Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The world's largest mercury mine is placed at Almadén, Spain. However, there is a lack of information about the environmental impact of these mining activities in the ecosystem that surrounds this area. The aim of this article is to document the concentration of mercury in waters, sediments and bivalves of the aquatic system impacted by historic mine wastes. Simultaneously, a comprehensive study has been undertaken to characterise this hydrosystem and to determine the influence of some major physico-chemical parameters on the fate of mercury. Samplings were carried out for the last few years. Concentration of mercury in waters ranged from not detectable to 20 microg/l. For the sediments study, samples have been taken both from contaminated and non-contaminated sites within the basin. The regional background mercury concentration is higher than values typically cited for natural backgrounds. At exposed sites the mercury concentrations between 5 and 1000 microg/g were measured. These values are one to four order of magnitude greater than regional background levels. In the comparison between the results obtained at the present moment and those available for the 1974-1977 period, a general diminution of mercury levels is observed. Mercury concentrations in fresh water bivalves ranged between 1 and 4 microg/g (d.w.), with around 30% as monomethylmercury. In the discussion of the implications for risk assessment data available for other areas affected both for mine activities and mercuriferous belt are included.  相似文献   

An improved chemical oxidation pretreatment method has been developed for the determination of elemental carbon (EC) [also known as black carbon (BC) or soot] in lake sediments, using a thermal–optical transmittance (TOT) carbon analyzer. The method employs six steps: (1) removal of carbonates by treatment with HCl; (2) removal of silicates by treatment with HF + HCl; (3) removal of any remaining carbonates by treatment with HCl; (4) removal of humic acids by treatment with NaOH; and (5) oxidation of kerogens by K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4. A critical step of zinc chloride treatment was added; this apparently changes EC's morphology and enhances retention on quartz fiber filter, resulting in several-fold increased chemical yield. EC was determined using the TOT method with modified combustion timings. Carbon black (acetylene) and four NIST standard reference materials (SRMs) were used for quality control, and to assess the precision of the analysis. The EC recoveries from 18 carbon black samples varied from 90 to 111%, with a mean value of 99 ± 6%. The high EC recoveries confirmed the validity of the method. Char reference materials (i.e. chestnut wood and grass char) were used to determine potential contribution to EC in our measurements. The char references containing about 700 mg total organic carbon (OC) contributed ~1.5% EC. The measured EC values from four NIST standards were 17.0 ± 0.6, 24.2 ± 3.2, 5.6, and 1.9 ± 0.1 mg gdw?1 for SRM-1648, SRM-1649a, SRM-1941b and SRM-8704, respectively. These values in SRMs were in agreement (<±4%) with the previously reported values. The method was applied to determine the EC in sediment cores from an urban lake and a remote mountain lake in the Northeastern United States. The EC concentrations in two lakes mimic the model EC emissions from the industrial revolution in United States.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  The Arctic holds large stores of minerals, and extracted materials are provided to the world’s economy; in this sense, the Arctic issue associated with mining is not local but global. In a part of the Arctic region (the Kola Peninsula, 66–70° N and 28–41° E), metal levels are generally elevated in the lake sediment. There is a question as to what results in elevated metal levels—a natural process (naturally abundant minerals) or an anthropogenic process (mining and metallurgy). In terms of solving this question, Staroe lake located on the Kola Peninsula was researched as a case study. Materials and methods  The following parameters were determined in relation with Staroe lake: (1) the current quality of the lake’s water—each 1,000-ml sample was collected at a surface point and a deep point (near the bottom layer), and the collected samples were directly analyzed after filtration; (2) atmospheric bulk deposition—bulk deposition was collected using a set of three rainwater samplers near the lake. In addition, bulk deposition was collected in a background site (250 km to the southwest of the smelter complex) as a reference; and (3) sediment profile (plus principal component analysis)—lake-bottom sediment was collected by an open-gravimetric column sampler equipped with an automatic diaphragm. After collection, the sample columns were cut at a 1-cm interval for analysis. Eigenvalues and variances by factor were calculated from the correlation coefficients. Results  The obtained data show that (1) naturally poor elements (Cu, Ni, Si, and SO4 2−) dominantly influence the lake’s water quality; (2) they are transported from the anthropogenic sources to the study lake through the atmospheric pathway; (3) mainly the contents of Cu, Ni, Sr, and Ca have influenced the sediment quality since the 1950s, corresponding to the industrial movement; and (4) Cu, Ni, and Sr originate from an anthropogenic source (smelter), and Ca originates from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Discussion  As compared with the Russian standard (San Pin 2.1.980–00), the contents of NO3 (50.3 ± 0.1 mg l−1) and particulates (2.3 ± 0.2 mg l−1) exceeded the standard levels (0.7 mg l−1 NO3 and 45 mg l−1 particulates); Staroe lake may be slightly contaminated. However, the contamination factor (comparison with the background data) implies that Staroe lake is considerably contaminated. There is a strong possibility that fine overburden detritus (<0.1 mm diameter) may be transported from an open pit to the study lake by natural forces such as wind. Although it is difficult to suppose that one factor dominantly affects the sediment quality, it follows from a factor analysis that factors 1 and 2 account for about 70% of the total variance: Factor 1 is the most dominant, and factor 2 is the second most dominant in the variability of sediment quality. It is considered that Cu, Sr, and Ni in factor 1 originate from anthropogenic sources because they are poor in sediment rocks. Conclusions  The field survey conducted in Staroe lake can give the following answers to the key objectives: (1) The present water quality is affected by Cu, Ni, Si, and SO4 2− in light of the contamination factor, and these elements originate from anthropogenic sources (the smelter and the open pit) and are transported to the lake through the atmospheric pathway; (2) the sediment profile and statistic analysis show that the lake quality has been influenced by deposition of metals since the 1950s; and (3) Cu, Ni, Sr, and Ca have influenced the sediment quality in light of the most dominant factor—Cu, Ni, and Sr originate from an anthropogenic source, whereas Ca comes from both natural and anthropogenic sources. Recommendations and perspectives  The presented lake survey shows that the dispersion of human-related pollutants via the atmospheric pathway takes place in the Arctic region. If the current pollution continues without countermeasures, the high-latitude environment may lose its original characteristics; hence, this subject is important when considering how to implement a wide range of environmental protection measures in the Arctic.  相似文献   

The Altata-Ensenada del Pabellón lagoon system is located in the central part of Sinaloa state, NW Mexico. The major sources of pollution are represented by the waste effluents from the intensive agriculture and the urban sewage from the cities of Culiacán (population of 750 000) and Navolato (population of 50 000). In this lagoon system diverse penaeid shrimps occur; the crystal shrimp Farfantepenaeus brevirostris, the brown shrimp F. californiensis, the blue shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris, the white shrimp L. vannamei and the Pacific seabob Xiphopenaeus kroyeri. With the purpose of knowing distribution and relative concentrations of Hg in the main tissues of penaeid shrimps, levels of Hg in five species from Altata-Enesenada del Pabellón lagoon on the SE Gulf of California were determined. Analysis were carried out by reducing mercury compounds after acid digestion reduction with SnCl2 and detection by cold vapour atomic absorption. In general, hepatopancreas was the tissue where Hg was mostly accumulated, followed by muscle and exoskeleton. The sequence of Hg concentrations in the five species studied here for every tissue was: hepatopancreas L. vannamei > F. californiensis > L. stylirostris > F. brevirostris > X. kroyeri; muscle L. stylirostris > F. brevirostris > L. vannamei > F. CALIFORNIENSIS=X. kroyeri and exoskeleton F. brevirostris > F. californiensis > L. vannamei > L. stylirostris > X. kroyeri.  相似文献   

In order to assess the temporal variabilities of atmospheric mercury (Hg) from an area moderately impacted by man-made source processes, the concentrations of total gaseous mercury were measured routinely from an urban monitoring station during January 1999–August 2000. The mean hourly concentration of Hg from overall measurements was computed to be 5.26±3.27 ng m−3 (N=11, 572). Using these measurement data, we inspected various aspects on the temporal distribution of Hg. When analyzed over 24 h scale, the pattern was characterized by high concentration during nighttime relative to daytime (e.g., values approaching 9 ng m−3). This pattern was prominent during winter and seen persistently across fall, spring, and summer. When divided seasonally, the highest mean of 6.01 ng m−3 was observed during winter. It appears that such wintertime dominance is most likely to come from the anthropogenic sources such as household heating systems from late fall to early spring. A close inspection of the Hg data however indicated that the seasonal variation proceeded quite dynamically. Inspection of seasonally divided data groups generally showed substantial variabilities among different months. In order to analyze the factors affecting Hg distributions over different time scale, we conducted the correlation analysis. Whereas Hg generally exhibited strong correlations with such parameters as PM, SO2, and NO2, its relationship varied diurnally and seasonally. The overall results of the present study suggest that changes in its source signatures can vary over varying time scale under the influence of strong man-made source processes.  相似文献   

Sediments from the Castilseras reservoir, located downstream on the Valdeazogues River in the Almadén mercury district, were collected to assess the potential contamination status related to metals(oids) associated with river sediment inputs from several decommissioned mines. Metals(oids) concentrations in the reservoir sediments were investigated using different physical and chemical techniques. The results were analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA) to explain the correlations between the sets of variables. The degree of contamination was evaluated using the enrichment factor (EF) and the geoaccumulation index (Igeo). PCA revealed that the silty fraction is the main metals(oids) carrier in the sediments. Among the potentially harmful elements, there is a group (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn) that cannot be strictly correlated to the mining activity since their concentrations depend on the lithological and edaphological characteristics of the materials. In contrast, As, Co, Hg, Pb, and S showed significant enrichment and contamination, thus suggesting relevant contributions from the decommissioned mines through fluvial sediment inputs. As far as Hg and S are concerned, the high enrichment levels pose a question concerning the potential environmental risk of transfer of the organic forms of Hg (mainly methylmercury) from the bottom sediments to the aquatic food chain.  相似文献   

One of the most critical measurements needed to understand the biogeochemical cycle of mercury, and to verify atmospheric models, is the rate of mercury wet-deposition. The Mercury Deposition Network (MDN) operates sites across North America to monitor total mercury in wet-deposition. MDN's primary goal is to provide both spatial and temporal continental-scale observations of mercury wet-deposition fluxes to support researchers, modelers, policy-makers and the public interest. MDN represents the only continental-scale mercury deposition database with a >10-year record of continuous values. This study provides analysis and interpretation of MDN observations at 10 years (1996–2005) with an emphasis on investigating whether rigorous, statistically-significant temporal trends and spatial patterns were present and where they occurred. Wet deposition of mercury ranges from more than 25 μg m?2 yr in south Florida to less than 3 μg m?2 yr in northern California. Volume-weighted total mercury concentrations are statistically different between defined regions overall (Southeast ≈ Midwest > Ohio River > Northeast), with the highest in Florida, Minnesota, and several Southwest locations (10–16 ng L?1). Total mercury wet-deposition is significantly different between defined regions (Southeast > Ohio River > Midwest > Northeast). Mercury deposition is strongly seasonal in eastern North America. The average mercury concentration is about two times higher in summer than in winter, and the average deposition is approximately more than three times greater in summer than in winter. Forty-eight sites with validated datasets of five years or more were tested for trends using the non-parametric seasonal Kendall trend test. Significant decreasing mercury wet-deposition concentration trends were found at about half of the sites, particularly across Pennsylvania and extending up through the Northeast.  相似文献   

The cycle of mercury (Hg) from a gigantic landfill area (area ∼2.72 km2) was investigated by conducting micrometeorological measurements of its exchange rates across soil–air boundary during the spring season of 2000. Based on this field campaign, we attempted to provide various insights into the Hg exchange processes, especially with respect to the decoupling of the mixed signatures of complex source processes. According to our analysis, the cycle of Hg in the study site appeared to be affected significantly by the vent processes; excessive amount of Hg was expected to be released via ventpipes penetrating up to 60 m depths of the deep landfilled waste layer. The influence of these vent source processes was reflected very sensitively by the windrose pattern. The data collected during the non-easterly winds were representing the typical pattern for a strong source area in which upward emission is predominant in both strength and frequency. On the other hand, the data collected from the easterly winds were characterized by excessive deposition of Hg which we suspect is due mostly to the nearest vent located easterly from our measurement spot. The unique characteristics of each data group, divided by windrose pattern, were consistent from apparent difference in: (1) the absolute magnitude of gradient/flux data sets, (2) frequency of exchange for each of two vertical directions, and (3) E/D (emission/deposition) ratios for most relevant parameters. The analysis of the short-term variability of exchange patterns over a 24-h scale, also exhibited that the patterns for two different conditions were quite contrasting as a function of time. The magnitude of bidirectional fluxes in the present study is significantly high with values of 254±224 (N=71 emissions out of 79 fluxes quantified during non-easterly winds) and −1164±1276 ng m−2 h−1 (N=14 depositions out of 16 fluxes during easterly winds), respectively. If the computed emission rate is extrapolated, we estimate that annual emission of Hg from the study area can amount to approximately 6 kg which is comparable with the estimates for other areas around the globe under strong Hg-pollution.  相似文献   


The effects of cadmium and lead on chronic mercury accumulation were investigated in O. aureus. After 140 days’ exposure the accumulation of mercury in the liver, brain, gill filaments, intestine, caudal muscle, spleen, trunk kidney and eye was analysed. The exposure concentrations were 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20 mg/L for mercury alone. O. aureus was also exposed to mixtures of 0.05 mg/L mercury with lead (0.05 mg/L and 0.50 mg/L or cadmium (0.05 mg/L) and 0.10 mg/L mercury with 0.10 mg/L cadmium. In food fish, a knowledge of toxic metal accumulation patterns is of great importance because of their contribution to the human diet and, as fishmeal, to the diet of agricultural animals. The trunk kidney consistently accumulated higher concentrations of mercury than any of the other tissues investigated.  相似文献   

Organic matter (OM) plays a vital role in controlling polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) bioavailability in soils and sediments. In this study, both a hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPCD) extraction test and a biodegradation test were performed to evaluate the bioavailability of phenanthrene in seven different bulk soil/sediment samples and two OM components (humin fractions and humic acid (HA) fractions) separated from these soils/sediments. Results showed that both the extent of HPCD-extractable phenanthrene and the extent of biodegradable phenanthrene in humin fraction were lower than those in the respective HA fraction and source soil/sediment, demonstrating the limited bioavailability of phenanthrene in the humin fraction. For the source soils/sediments and the humin fractions, significant inverse relationships were observed between the sorption capacities for phenanthrene and the amounts of HPCD-extractable or biodegradable phenanthrene (p?<?0.05), suggesting the importance of the sorption capacity in affecting desorption and biodegradation of phenanthrene. Strong linear relationships were observed between the amount of HPCD-extractable phenanthrene and the amount degraded in both the bulk soils/sediments and the humin fractions, with both slopes close to 1. On the other hand, in the case of phenanthrene contained in HA, a poor relationship was observed between the amount of phenanthrene extracted by HPCD and the amount degraded, with the former being much less than the latter. The results revealed the importance of humin fraction in affecting the bioavailability of phenanthrene in the bulk soils/sediments, which would deepen our understanding of the organic matter fractions in affecting desorption and biodegradation of organic pollutants and provide theoretical support for remediation and risk assessment of contaminated soils and sediments.  相似文献   

We use GEOS-Chem chemical transport model simulations of sulfate–ammonium aerosol data from the NASA ARCTAS and NOAA ARCPAC aircraft campaigns in the North American Arctic in April 2008, together with longer-term data from surface sites, to better understand aerosol sources in the Arctic in winter–spring and the implications for aerosol acidity. Arctic pollution is dominated by transport from mid-latitudes, and we test the relevant ammonia and sulfur dioxide emission inventories in the model by comparison with wet deposition flux data over the source continents. We find that a complicated mix of natural and anthropogenic sources with different vertical signatures is responsible for sulfate concentrations in the Arctic. East Asian pollution influence is weak in winter but becomes important in spring through transport in the free troposphere. European influence is important at all altitudes but never dominant. West Asia (non-Arctic Russia and Kazakhstan) is the largest contributor to Arctic sulfate in surface air in winter, reflecting a southward extension of the Arctic front over that region. Ammonium in Arctic spring mostly originates from anthropogenic sources in East Asia and Europe, with added contribution from boreal fires, resulting in a more neutralized aerosol in the free troposphere than at the surface. The ARCTAS and ARCPAC data indicate a median aerosol neutralization fraction [NH4+]/(2[SO42?] + [NO3?]) of 0.5 mol mol?1 below 2 km and 0.7 mol mol?1 above. We find that East Asian and European aerosol transported to the Arctic is mostly neutralized, whereas West Asian and North American aerosol is highly acidic. Growth of sulfur emissions in West Asia may be responsible for the observed increase in aerosol acidity at Barrow over the past decade. As global sulfur emissions decline over the next decades, increasing aerosol neutralization in the Arctic is expected, potentially accelerating Arctic warming through indirect radiative forcing and feedbacks.  相似文献   

In urban area, management of stormwater leads to the accumulation of polluted sediments at the water-sediment interface of various aquatic ecosystems. In many cases, these sediments are colonised by dense populations of tubificid worms. However, the influence of tubificid worms on the fate of stormwater sediments has never been tackled. The aim of this study was to measure in sediment columns the influence of tubificid worms on sediment reworking, organic matter processing (O(2) uptake and release of NH(4)(+), NO(3)(-), PO(4)(3-), and dissolved organic carbon), release of hydrocarbons and heavy metals, and microbial characteristics. Results showed that tubificid worms increased the release of NH(4)(+), PO(4)(3-), and dissolved organic carbon by 2-, 4-, and 3-fold, respectively. O(2) uptake also increased by more than 35% due to tubificid activity. The increase in the percentages of active bacteria and hydrolytic activity in the presence of worms indicated that the higher sediment respiration was caused by the stimulation of microbial communities. A reduction of the number of sulphate-reducing bacteria in the uppermost layers of the sediment was attributed to the penetration of O(2) due to worm activity. These significant effects of tubificid worms were probably linked to the dense network of burrows, which enhanced the exchange surface between the water column and the sediment. No release of heavy metals and hydrocarbons to the water phase was detected in the sediment columns. Understanding the fate and effect of organic stormwater sediments in the natural environment requires the integration of the role of bioturbation in urban pollution studies.  相似文献   

In this paper the time evolution of heavy metal concentration of Pb, Zn, Cd and Hg, in the sediments of the Bay of Cádiz (southwest of Spain) is studied during the past century, as a result of the industrial influence in the zone. The study has been performed using sedimentary profiles that have been extracted from the seabed. The measurement of 210Pb and 137Cs radionuclides has provided the dating of the sediment layers, up to a depth corresponding to the age of 115 years. The relative sedimentation rates obtained are around 0.2 cm/year. The 137Cs activity profile reflects the concentration of this radionuclide in the atmosphere and into aquatic systems during the second half of the twentieth century. This profile has been used to ratify the results provided by the 210Pb dating method.  相似文献   


A fresh‐water lake, free from detectable pesticide residues before this study, was treated with a commercial formulation of technical chlordane. Water and sediment samples were analysed for chlordane residues 7, 24, 52, 279. and 421 days after treatment. Residues moved rapidly from the water to the lake bottom, supporting earlier results of a laboratory study with other organochlorines.

In water, α‐ and γ‐chlordane concentrations remained proportional to total chlordane concentrations, as determined by total‐peak area measurements of gas‐liquid chronatogrammes. But in bottom sediments, α‐ and γ‐chlordane were more persistent than other constituents of technical chlordane, supporting recent evidence that quantification of technical chlordane residues on the basis of γ‐chlordane quantification only (or that of a‐ and γchlordane only), can lead to incorrect results and that this method, although simple and fast, should no longer be recommended.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution, degree of pollution and major sources of PCBs were evaluated in surficial sediments within the heavily urbanized and industrialized ?zmit Bay and its main freshwater inputs. ΣPCB concentrations range from 2.90 to 85.4ngg(-1) in marine sediments and from ND to 47.7ngg(-1) in freshwater sediments. Results suggest that high concentrations of ΣPCBs were localized around a chlor-alkali plant and an industry that handles bulk liquid, dry and drummed chemicals, and petroleum products in the Bay. Using a chemical mass balance receptor model (CMB), major sources of PCBs in the region were investigated. The CMB model identified Aroclor 1254 and 1260 to be the major PCB sources in marine sediments and the less chlorinated Aroclor 1248 and 1242 as the major PCB sources in freshwater sediments. The potential sources for the PCBs were briefly discussed in terms of their use in various industrial applications.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Microplastics (MPs) pervade the environment and increasingly threaten both natural ecosystems and human health. In this study, we investigated MP...  相似文献   



Combinatorial bio/chemical approach was applied to investigate dioxin-like contamination of soil and sediment at the petrochemical and organochlorine plant in Pancevo, Serbia, after the destruction of manufacturing facilities that occurred in the spring of 1999 and subsequent remediation actions.

Materials and methods

Soil samples were analyzed for indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by gas chromatography/electron capture detection (GC/ECD). Prioritized soil sample and sediment samples from the waste water channel were analyzed for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) by high-resolution gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS). Microethoxyresorufin o-deethylase (Micro-EROD) and H4IIE?Cluciferase bioassays were used for monitoring of dioxin-like compounds (DLC) and for better characterization of dioxin-like activity of soil samples.


Bioanalytical results indicated high dioxin-like activity in one localized soil sample, while the chemical analysis confirmed the presence of large quantities of DLC: 3.0?×?105 ng/g d.w. of seven-key PCBs, 8.2 ng/g d.w. of PCDD/Fs, and 3.0?×?105 ng/g d.w. of planar and mono-ortho PCBs. In the sediment, contaminant concentrations were in the range 2?C8 ng/g d.w. of PCDD/Fs and 9?C20 ng/g d.w. of PCBs.


This study demonstrates the utility of combined application of bioassays and instrumental analysis, especially for developing and transition country which do not have capacity of the expensive instrumental analysis. The results indicate the high contamination of soil in the area of petrochemical plant, and PCDD/Fs contamination of the sediment from the waste water channel originating from the ethylene dichloride production.  相似文献   

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