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The stack flue gases and the ashes in different units of two municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs) are sampled to investigate the characteristics of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polybrominated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PBDD/Fs), and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs). Bottom ashes (BA) exhibited much higher PBDD/F (8.11-52.2 pg TEQ/g) and PBDE contents (20.4-186 ng/g) than those of fly ashes (0.0932-2.02 pg TEQ/g and 0.332-25.5 ng/g), revealing that the PBDD/Fs and PBDEs in the feeding waste may not be completely destroyed. The PBDE concentrations/contents in the stack flue gases (26.1-109 ng/Nm3) and in the BA (20.4-186 ng/g) of the MSWIs could reach three orders higher than those in the atmosphere and reference soils. PBDE contributions to the environment from the stack flue gases or the reutilization of BA of MSWIs should not be ignored from the developing PBDE inventory.  相似文献   

The particle size distributions and leaching characteristics of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the bottom ashes of two Taiwanese municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs A and B) were investigated to evaluate PBDE leaching into the environment through reutilization of bottom ashes. The PBDE contents in the bottom ashes of the MSWIs (29.0–243 ng/g) could be two orders higher than those in rural and urban soils. The PBDE fraction of the bottom ashes was more distributed in larger particles (> 0.25 mm). Similar trends were found for the PBDE contents in the bottom ashes and their PBDE leaching concentrations, revealing that the elevated PBDE contents in the bottom ashes may lead to a higher PBDE leaching mass. The leaching of PBDEs is attributed to diffusion driven by the concentration gradient and effective surface area. The normalized leaching ratios (NLRs) of PBDEs for the bottom ashes of the MSWIs are about four orders greater than those of PBDE-related raw materials and products, and this may be due to their porous structures having much greater effective surface area. The elevated NLRs of PBDEs thus deserve more attention when bottom ashes are recycled and reutilized as construction materials.  相似文献   

垃圾焚烧飞灰磷酸洗涤对重金属的固定效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重金属的固定是垃圾焚烧飞灰资源化技术的核心问题.通过系统试验,研究了垃圾焚烧飞灰磷酸洗涤对重金属溶出、后续烧结过程中重金属挥发,以及重金属化学形态变迁的影响.试验结果表明,磷酸洗涤在有效洗脱飞灰中氯盐的情况下,能够显著减少洗涤过程中重金属的溶出,抑制烧结过程中重金属的挥发,从而避免了飞灰处理过程的二次污染;同时,磷酸洗涤使飞灰中的重金属在烧结前后均向更为稳定的化学形态转化,烧结产物中重金属主要以残留态存在,从而提高了烧结产物资源化利用的长期环境安全性.  相似文献   

Leaching and tracer experiments in batches at L/S 20 were performed with 3-month-old MSWI bottom ash separated into eight different particle sizes. The time-dependent leaching of major elements (Ca(2+), K(+), Na(+), Cl(-) and SO(4)(-2)) was monitored for up to 747 h. Physical properties of the particles, the specific surface (BET), pore volume and pore volume distribution over pore sizes (BJH) were determined for all particle classes by N(2) adsorption/desorption experiments. Some common features of physical pore structure for all particles were revealed. The specific surface and the particle pore volume were found to be negatively correlated with particle size, ranging from 3.2 m(2)/g to 25.7 m(2)/g for the surface area and from 0.0086 cm(3)/g to 0.091 cm(3)/g for the pore volume. Not surprisingly, the specific surface area was found to be the major material parameter that governed the leaching behavior for all elements (Ca(2+), K(+), Na(+), Cl(-) and SO(4)(-2)) and particle sizes. The diffusion resistance was determined independently by separate tracer (tritium) experiments. Diffusion gave a significant contribution to the apparent leaching kinetics for all elements during the first 10-40 h (depending on the particle size) of leaching and surface reaction was the overall rate controlling mechanism at late times for all particle sizes. For Ca(2+) and SO(4)(-2), the coupled effect of diffusion resistance and the degree of under-saturation in the intra particle pore volume was found to be a major rate limiting dissolution mechanism for both early and late times. The solubility control in the intra particulate porosity may undermine any attempt to treat bottom ash by washing out the sulfate. Even for high liquid/solid ratios, the solubility in the intra-particular porosity will limit the release rate.  相似文献   

He X  Xi B  Wei Z  Guo X  Li M  An D  Liu H 《Chemosphere》2011,82(4):541-548
This paper aims to characterize the evolution of water extractable organic matter (WEOM) during the composting of municipal solid waste (MSW), and investigate the correlation between maturity and WEOM characteristics. WEOM was extracted at different stages of MSW composting (0, 7, 14, 21, and 51 d) and characterized by FTIR, UV-Vis, and fluorescence spectroscopy. The results obtained show that the composting process decreased aliphatics, alcohols, polysaccharides, as well as protein-like materials, and increased aromatic polycondensation, humification, oxygen-containing functional groups, molecular weight, and humic-like materials. The maturity of MSW during composting was characterized by the presence of the peak with an excitation/emission wavelength pair of 289/421 nm in excitation-emission matrix spectra.  相似文献   

在有膜标准养护和自然养护7 d和28 d的情况下,测定了固化体的含水率、有机质含量、抗剪强度、无侧限抗压强度及增容比等工程指标。研究结果表明,固化体含水率随垃圾焚烧底渣颗粒增大而增大;有机质含量则与颗粒大小没有明显相关性;粘聚力随垃圾焚烧底渣颗粒粒径增大而减小;内摩擦角随垃圾焚烧底渣颗粒粒径增大而增大;无侧限抗压强度随垃圾焚烧底渣粒径增大而增大;实验配比为100:20:20情况下的增容比均小于1.08。底渣中2 mm以上大颗粒对固化起到了更加积极的作用。垃圾焚烧底渣作为骨料,增强工程特性、减小固化剂用量、降低成本。研究成果拓展了污泥处理处置途径。  相似文献   

采用焚烧法处理生活垃圾正呈快速增长的趋势,焚烧过程产生的飞灰中所含有的大量有毒重金属对自然环境和人类生存都造成极大影响。阐述了目前常用的几种固化稳定垃圾焚烧飞灰有毒重金属的方法,综合分析了其固化特点和优缺点,并初步探索了一种低能耗环境下实现高温熔融处置技术的有效途径,从而为垃圾焚烧飞灰高温固化稳定有毒重金属的实施提供一定的理论基础和技术支持。  相似文献   

以深圳市某垃圾焚烧厂飞灰为原料,采用高温管式电阻炉,研究了在0.6L/minN,气氛下,CaCl2在不同添加量、处理温度及处理时间下对飞灰中重金属Pb、Cd、Zn和Cu挥发特性的影响,并对收集到的二次飞灰进行成分及物相分析。结果显示,X射线衍射仪和EDS分析表明,二次飞灰主要是由NaCl、KCl和部分SiCl4组成,zn主要以K2ZnCl4形式挥发,而Pb则主要以氧化物PbO和Pb3SiO5的形式挥发。最终得到CaCl2热处理飞灰的最佳二次气化条件:以0.6L/minN,为载气,添加14wt%的CaCl2,在1100℃高温下处理2.5h。经CaCl2热处理后的剩余飞灰,其浸出毒性达到了《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准》要求。  相似文献   

SGA对垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的固化性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据EPA1311、HJ/T299—2007、HJ/T300—2007和HJ557—2009等国内外不同标准,研究了深圳某垃圾焚烧发电厂垃圾焚烧飞灰的浸出毒性,探讨了六硫代胍基甲酸(sixthioguanidineacid,SGA)、二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸盐(sodiumdimethyldithiocarbamate,SDD)和Ca(OH)2浓度对垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的固定性能的影响。研究结果表明,随着浸提液pH的降低,该厂焚烧飞灰中大部分金属元素的浸出量增大,焚烧飞灰浸出液中的cd、Ni、Ph和zn浓度分别超过国家危险废物鉴别标准(GB5085.3—2007)规定值的4.75倍、1.47倍、6.72倍和2.20倍,属于危险废弃物,必须进行稳定化处理。当固化剂SGA加入量为0.1mol/kg时,稳定化后的重金属浸出浓度已经低于危险废物鉴别标准,且对Cd、Cr、Cu和Pb的固化性能优于SDD和Ca(OH)2;当固化剂SGA、SDD和Ca(OH)2加入量为0.5mol/kg时,稳定化后的焚烧飞灰重金属浸出浓度均低于国家危险废物鉴别标准(GB5085.3-2007)中的规定值。与SDD和Ca(OH):相比,SGA对垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的固化处理更具有优势。  相似文献   

根据EPA 1311、HJ/T 299-2007、HJ/T 300-2007和HJ 557-2009等国内外不同标准,研究了深圳某垃圾焚烧发电厂垃圾焚烧飞灰的浸出毒性,探讨了六硫代胍基甲酸(sixthio guanidine acid,SGA)、二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸盐(sodium dimethyl dithio carbamate,SDD)和Ca(OH)2浓度对垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的固定性能的影响。研究结果表明,随着浸提液pH的降低,该厂焚烧飞灰中大部分金属元素的浸出量增大,焚烧飞灰浸出液中的Cd、Ni、Pb和Zn浓度分别超过国家危险废物鉴别标准(GB5085.3-2007)规定值的4.75倍、1.47倍、6.72倍和2.20倍,属于危险废弃物,必须进行稳定化处理。当固化剂SGA加入量为0.1 mol/kg时,稳定化后的重金属浸出浓度已经低于危险废物鉴别标准,且对Cd、Cr、Cu和Pb的固化性能优于SDD和Ca(OH)2;当固化剂SGA、SDD和Ca(OH)2加入量为0.5 mol/kg时,稳定化后的焚烧飞灰重金属浸出浓度均低于国家危险废物鉴别标准(GB 5085.3-2007)中的规定值。与SDD和Ca(OH)2相比,SGA对垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的固化处理更具有优势。  相似文献   

以深圳市某垃圾焚烧厂飞灰为原料,采用高温管式电阻炉,研究了在0.6 L/min N2气氛下,CaCl2在不同添加量、处理温度及处理时间下对飞灰中重金属Pb、Cd、Zn和Cu挥发特性的影响,并对收集到的二次飞灰进行成分及物相分析。结果显示,X射线衍射仪和EDS分析表明,二次飞灰主要是由NaCl、KCl和部分SiCl4组成,Zn主要以K2ZnCl4形式挥发,而Pb则主要以氧化物PbO和Pb3SiO5的形式挥发。最终得到CaCl2热处理飞灰的最佳二次气化条件:以0.6 L/min N2为载气,添加14 wt%的CaCl2,在1 100℃高温下处理2.5 h。经CaCl2热处理后的剩余飞灰,其浸出毒性达到了《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准》要求。  相似文献   

垃圾焚烧飞灰中的重金属是必须处理的环境污染物。目前,对于垃圾焚烧飞灰的固化稳定化处理已经有了大量的实验研究。但是,不同地区垃圾焚烧厂产生的飞灰中,重金属含量和形态大不相同,故相应的飞灰仍然难以实现大规模、普适性的处理。在查阅文献及实际调研的基础上,系统总结了垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的存在形态与浸出特性;通过对重金属固化稳定机理的分析,指出了垃圾焚烧飞灰固化材料和稳定剂选择的方向。此外,还计算了不同的固化剂与稳定剂对不同重金属的固化率,发现材料复配的方式对多种重金属的稳定效果较好。最后,比较了不同评价方法在垃圾焚烧飞灰固化系统选择中的应用效果,指出综合评价方法是目前相对较完善、系统的方法,在工程实际中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

将有机固废经热解转化为生物炭,具有改良土壤、促进碳固定、钝化重金属等优点,但有机固废生物炭中被钝化重金属进入土壤后生物有效性尚不明确。采用盆栽方法评估了施用市政污泥、中药渣等典型有机固废生物炭对受纳土壤中重金属有效性及植物吸收、传输重金属的影响。结果表明,施用污泥炭、中药渣炭显著增加了土壤中As、Zn的化学提取有效态含量,从而降低了Cr、Pb有效态含量(P < 0.05),对Cd、Cu、Ni有效态含量也有不同程度的降低趋势;同时,抑制了除Zn以外As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb等6种重金属从土壤向植物的传输、累积,降幅最高达30%。中药渣炭联合污泥炭施用可进一步抑制7种重金属在植物地上部分以及除As、Cr外其他重金属在根中的吸收、累积。本研究结果可为评估有机固废生物炭土地利用的环境风险提供参考。  相似文献   

Pore water was separated either with or without water extraction prior to centrifugation (7600 or 20 000 × g) in order to investigate the effects of separation procedure on the amount and properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM i.e. the material passing through a 0.45-μm filter) in three freshwater sediments. On the basis of solubility in alkaline, organic matter was concluded to compose of humic substances in two (S1 and S3) and of humin (S2) in one of the sediments. DOM in the samples was quantified by total organic carbon measurement. Specific UV-absorption (SUVA) and high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) analyses were used to characterize DOM. Sorption of pyrene was used as a measure for functionality of DOM. Both water extraction and centrifugation speed were shown to affect the properties of DOM; however, the effects were sediment dependent. Water extraction increased the amount of DOM separated from the two sediments that had humic character (S1 and S3). In most cases water extraction increased SUVA and shifted the molecular size distribution of DOM towards larger sizes. The separation procedure had also an effect on the functionality of DOM. In water extracted samples of S2 and S3 the sorption of pyrene was higher than in the corresponding samples separated without water extraction, whereas in S1 similar effect was not found. Generally, centrifugation speed had smaller effects on the properties of DOM than water extraction. The fact that the effects of separation procedure on DOM depend on the sediment characteristics complicates the comparison between samples and evaluation of functionality in field conditions.  相似文献   

Soil amendments based on crop nutrient requirements are considered a beneficial management practice. A greenhouse experiment with maize seeds (Zea mays L.) was conducted to assess the inputs of metals to agricultural land from soil amendments. Maize seeds were exposed to a municipal solid waste (MSW) compost (50 Mg ha−1) and NPK fertilizer (33 g plant−1) amendments considering N plant requirement until the harvesting stage with the following objectives: (1) determine the accumulation of total and available metals in soil and (2) know the uptake and ability of translocation of metals from roots to different plant parts, and their effect on biomass production. The results showed that MSW compost increased Cu, Pb and Zn in soil, while NPK fertilizer increased Cd and Ni, but decreased Hg concentration in soil. The root system acted as a barrier for Cr, Ni, Pb and Hg, so metal uptake and translocation were lower in aerial plant parts. Biomass production was significantly enhanced in both MSW and NPK fertilizer-amended soils (17%), but also provoked slight increases of metals and their bioavailability in soil. The highest metal concentrations were observed in roots, but there were no significant differences between plants growing in amended soil and the control soil. Important differences were found for aerial plant parts as regards metal accumulation, whereas metal levels in grains were negligible in all the treatments.  相似文献   

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