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A study of the Silicoflagellates of the Gulf of Marseilles was carried out using water samples collected during three years (1962, 1963 and 1964), at two stations, in 5, 20, 40 and 60 m water depths, respectively. Dictyocha speculum Ehr. was not often seen, whereas D. fibula Ehr. was present all year round. The main forms are D. fibula typica and D. f. var. messanensis (Haeckel) Lemm. The annual cycle of D. fibula, a very constant one, consists of a period of main development during winter and spring, followed by a period of scarcity during summer and autumn. This cycle is very similar to that described by Nival (1965) in Villefranche sur mer. It seems that in Marseilles, as in Villefranche, the development of D. fibula is limited by temperatures over 15 °C. In summer, D. fibula sinks to deeper and colder waters.  相似文献   

Egg-laying of 3 common copepod species from the Gulf of Marseilles (Centropages typicus Kröyer, Acatia clausi Giesbrecht, Temora stylifera Dana) has been studied under various trophic conditions, at different periods of the year. The role of phytoplankton abundance in the induction and importance of egg-laying is indicated. The specific quality of the algal suspension used for feeding affected also fertility. A seasonal variation in the importance of egg-laying is established. Some observations are made on egg deposition and development.  相似文献   

During the expedition of RV “Meteor” in 1964/1965 a population of Pseudeuphausia latifrons (G. O. Sars, 1883) was found in the Persian Gulf; this population is isolated and morphologically different from a population of the same species in the Arabian Sea. The adults of the Persian Gulf population are between 7 and 16 mm long which means that they are considerably larger than those found elsewhere. Morphological differences of the copulatory appendages of the male specimens from the Persian Gulf can only partly be regarded as allometric, which may be due to the abnormal length of these specimens. It is possible that isolation and the particular ecological conditions in the Persian Gulf have led to genetic changes in this population so that it can be regarded as a distinct geographical variation. Comparative analysis has shown that Pseudeuphausia colosii Torelli, 1934, described from the Red Sea, is synonymous with Pseudeuphausia latifrons (G. O. Sars, 1883).  相似文献   

Denoting a fish length or weight at age t by X t , a reference age by t m , and the corresponding fish length or weight by X m , the relation between age and length or weight may be described by a parabola as follows: $$\left| {X_t } \right. - X_m \left| = \right.a + b(\left| {t - t_m } \right.\left| ) \right. + c(\left| t \right. - t_m \left| ) \right.^2$$ or $$X_t = A + b(\left| {t - t_m } \right.\left| ) \right. + c(\left| t \right. - t_m \left| ) \right.^2$$ where a, b and c are constants. Each of the above Eqs. describes one curve at ages older than t m and another one at younger ages, which is made possible by means of the transformation of t to (|t-t m |). In 2 cases out of 10, the parabola takes the form of a cubic equation. Evidence is given that, as the growth data become fewer, the better fit of the parabola or cubic equation will probably be less in comparison to the von Bertalanffy equation (1938, 1949) as developed by Beverton and Holt (1957) and the power-growth equation (Rafail, 1971), and vice versa. This growth equation is used to derive models for estimating the optimum age and yield for fish populations.  相似文献   

Ecotoxicological investigations focus on biological systems and their response to chemically induced stress. Experimental techniques are much more developed than deterministic dynamic modelling. In this methodological contribution a technique is presented, based on lattice theory. This technique, also calledHasse diagram technique, allows data analysis with respect to comparative evaluation. Hasse diagrams are used
  • ? to suggest a possible measure of microbial diversity,
  • ? to analyze dependencies between phospholipid fatty acids and simple geochemical parameters on an ordinal scale and
  • ? to visualise complex results of interactions of humic substances with xenobiotics.
  •   相似文献   

    Higher marine fungi were found for the first time as degraders of chitinous exoskeletons of hydrozoa and of keratinous (?) tubes of annelids. Collections were made in several locations of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Fruiting bodies and hyphae of the ascomycete Abyssomyces hydrozoicus Kohlm. occurred on hydrozoa at a depth of 631 to 641 m near the South Orkney Islands. Sterile mycelia, some of them resembling Dictyonema zoophytarum Reinsch, were collected on hydrozoa on the North Carolina coast, and offshore at a depth of 46 to 73 m. Tubes of the polychaete Chaetopterus variopedatus (Renier) washed ashore in California contained ascocarps and mycelia of Lulworthia sp. Hyphal growth on and in the animal tubes is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

    C. C. Emig 《Marine Biology》1971,8(2):154-159
    The ecology, morphology and taxonomy of Phoronis ijimaï Oka, 1897 and P. vancouverensis Pixell, 1912 have been studied in some detail and are compared with those of P. hippocrepia. P. vancouverensis is considered as a synonym of P. ijimaï (which would be demanded by the law of priority). P. ijimaï must be considered as a distinct species and not incorporated into P. hippocrepia.  相似文献   

    The PCB and DDT contamination is described in the immediate vicinity of a transformer house (Odenwald, Germany). Samples were taken inside and outside the house and analyzed. For a toxicological assessment the measured values (according toBallschmiter PCB 77 and PCB 126) are converted into toxic equivalents.  相似文献   

    The occurrence of Phoronis australis Haswell in the tubewalls of Cerianthus maua Carlgren at Madagascar allows us to describe the taxonomic characteristics of both species and to deal with ecological aspects of the bottoms colonized. The tube wall of C. maua may be divided into 5 distinct layers. P. australis builds his own tube (whose position in the cerianthid-tube is studied): the ampulla always occurs in the fourth layer, and the lophophore projects externally. The Phoronis australis-Cerianthus maua association can be defined as an inquilinism on the basis of three relations: substrate, feeding, protection (C. maua probably obtains no advantage from this association).  相似文献   

    The enzyme activities estimated in the muscles of Rhodeus amarus (Bloch) may vary according to the kind of muscle, age and sex of the test individuals, as well as with the time of day, and the season. Oxygen consumption of individuals acclimated to different temperatures was tested at 22°C. At low adaptation temperatures no adaptation was found; at high adaptation temperatures, however, compensation could be ascertained. In view of the considerable fluctuation of the enzyme activities, estimated from individuals adapted to different temperatures, a relation to certain adaptation types, established by Precht (1961b, 1968), is hardly possible. During the first days following sudden or slow changes of adaptation temperature (increase or decrease) more or less marked fluctuations of enzyme activities were obtained. Later, however, in accordance with the proceeding adaptation, a new, labile balance was established. Temperature changes represent a physiological stress even within normal temperature ranges. This fact requires general attention in studies on biological processes. Disturbance of a newly established balance of enzyme activities can be obtained, when test fishes are exposed to high temperatures. This finding may be of importance in regard to the heat resistance of the animals.  相似文献   

    Electrochemistry–mass spectrometry is used to simulate redox reactions in many research disciplines because this technique is fast and provides information on compound metabolites. However, the analysis of the degradation of refractory organic pollutants by reactive oxygen species is difficult to achieve by the electrochemistry step. Therefore, here we use online electro-Fenton-mass spectrometry to study for the first time the oxidation of 2,4′,5-trichlorobiphenyl [polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) 31] by reactive oxygen species and the binding reactions of PCB degradation products with model substances of natural organic matter. The degradation products were identified by coupled Q Trap mass spectrometry. We observed a binding of a degradation product with γ-l-glutamyl-l-cysteinyl-glycine. We propose a transformation pathway. We conclude that online electro-Fenton-mass spectrometry is a promising technique to study the oxidation of refractory organic pollutants and further binding of degradation products with natural organic matter.  相似文献   

    Acrosiphonia granlis Kjellm, is well characterized by its long rows of intercalary fertile cells. Material obtained from Iceland proved to be very interesting by reason of its peculiar life history. The zygote develops into a codiolum-like stage, which grows directly into anAcrosiphonia thallus at an age of some 20 days without formation of swarmers. The same features have recently been demonstrated byJónsson (1967) in an Icelandic species, identified by him asAcrosiphonia sonderi. From his specimensJónsson described facultative caryogamy, ascertained by him formerly in otherAcrosiphonia species: its absence induces the above-mentioned development, giving rise to a generation of mictohaplonticAcrosiphonia. In contrast, true zygotes of “Acrosiphonia sonderi” develop into fertile codiolum cells, reproducing themselves by biflagellate swarmers. InA. grandis, facultative caryogamy has not been observed and nuclear fusion occurs in all zygotes. Codiolum stages never produced swarmers. The life history ofA. grandis represents an intermediate type between the heteromorphic cycle of species such asA. spinescens (including a true codiolumsporophyte), and the isomorphic life history ofA. arcta, where the zygote develops directly into the filamentous plant.  相似文献   

    L. Hammer 《Marine Biology》1968,1(3):185-190
    Marine plants — phanerogams as well as algae — show a proportional decrease of photosynthetic rate, when the salinity is lowered by dilution with distilled water. Using natural water instead of distilled water, it is absolutely indispensable to take into consideration the carbon supply. Normally, the photosynthetic rate decreases in freshwater with low alcalinity, in comparison to marine water. On the other hand, using water with high contents of bicarbonates, assimilation rate is higher than in marine water. These results show that salinity may indirectly affect photosynthesis due to differences in carbon supply. The direct influence is caused by exosmosis in hypotonic media and is irreversible. — The author cannot but agree with the statement by Ogata and Matsui (1965): “It may generally be said that the changes in salinity, osmotic pressure, pH, and also carbon dioxide supply, particularly in natural sea-water, are rather inseparably associated.”  相似文献   

    The development of criteria for the comparative assessment of technologies and substances beyond the toxicological approach and the development of an integrated pattern of criteria is still at the beginning. The criteria presented here for integrating the precautionary principle into the substance and technology assessment have to be further operationalised and completed, in the same way as the criteria which have been discussed and developed within the framework of
  • - the poisoning and pollutant paradigm
  • - the equilibrium paradigm
  • - the sustainability and “Mitwelt” paradigm
  • - the energy and the general technology assessment debate.
  • The resolution of the criteria has to be improved and their range (which is certainly limited) has to be explored more precisely. The application of the criteria should never occur mechanically. Technology assessment and substance assessment are not only scientific, but essentially social and, hence, discursive processes. It is not so much the assessment of individual substances which should be in the center of the debate, but rather the comparative assessment of competing techniques, substances and substancerelated development pathways (see vonGleich andRubik, 1966 as a first approach to assess the environmental effects of old and new materials). According to the example of the energy strategies, only the development of competing strategies in the substance field could create the necessary prerequisites for a broad public discourse and thus for a democratisation of the basic substancerelated policy decisions. This discourse is a duty which science and economy have toward society.  相似文献   

    Herring larvae were obtained through artificial spawning of Downsherring caught in the southern North Sea near Ijmuiden (Netherlands) on November 18/19, 1965. The eggs were transported to the Marine Station of the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland and transferred into 140 l tanks (Blaxter and Hempel, 1961) using a closed water circulation (inside filter; Fig. 1). All tanks were placed in a dark room at a constant temperature of 10±0.1 °C. Artificial light was kept at a level of about 1.500 lux at the water surface of the tanks for 12 h per day. Dawn was simulated over a period of 30 min in order to avoid abrupt changes in light conditions. The first observations on schooling behaviour were made about 60 days after hatching: at this time the larvae had reached a total length of about 25 to 30 mm. Grouping began with “contact behaviour” of two single individuals: these swam together in the same direction for a matter of seconds only. Groupings of two individuals occurred simultaneously at different places in the same aquarium. Sometimes the larvae formed greater aggregations involving up to 20 individuals. The distances between the larvae were not constant and varied considerably. Shortly after the formation of a school, the initial groups could be distinguished (Fig. 3). Starved larvae tended more towards schooling than well-fed individuals. If food were offered, schooling behaviour ended abruptly.  相似文献   

    For the application of sequential extraction of heavy metals from samples that can only be obtained in amounts of a few milligrams (micro samples, e.g. airborne dust fallout), the method afterZeien &Brümmer (1989) was progressed. A down scale to 1∶100 was carried out and the accuracy of this method with variable sample amounts of about 20 mg and an extraction volume of 500 μl was proofed with standard soil samples. The influence of variable extraction ratios (ratio of sample amount and volume of extraction solvent) and the influence of intensive treatment of dust sampled by the Bergerhoff-method (VDI 2119/2, 1972) prior sequential extraction, was within the precision of measurement of our method. Thus, we showed that sequential extraction can be applied for the investigation of heavy metal mobilization in micro samples with variable sample amounts. A first application of our method for microsamples was carried out to investigate airborne dust fallout and street sediments at two urban sites where different heavy metal immission rates due to traffic influence occur. These investigations will be presented in part 2 (“Sequential extraction of heavy metals from urban dust”).  相似文献   

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