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Dissogony was observed in normal and experimentally manipulated individuals of Mnemiopsis mccradyi in February–April, 1985. The normal oral-aboral length at which sexual reproduction begins in M. mccradyi is 30±5 mm; however, some larvae, of 1.5 to 2.8 mm (oralaboral length), produce viable gametes. During the present study, not all individuals from a particular spawning which were kept in the same conditions became reproductive at an early age. The age at which larval reproduction began varied between individuals. The length of time over which individuals spawned varied considerably — some spawned only once, while others spawned repeatedly. Only the gonads located under the adesophageal ctene rows (and not those associated with the adtentacular rows) produced gametes during the early reproductive period. After larvae stopped spawning, the gonads regressed and the larvae grew to large lobate stages. Individuals which became sexually reproductive as larvae also became sexually reproductive during lobate stages.  相似文献   

Along the mid-Atlantic coast of the US, the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi (Agassiz) appears to be increasing in abundance and undergoing shifts in its historical seasonal distribution. We provide new data on shifting ctenophore abundance in Long Island estuaries and its implications for top-down control of the plankton community. Peak mean biovolume estimates of M. leidyi in Long Island estuaries in 2006 revealed ctenophore abundance values that were a factor of two to five times greater than previous studies conducted two decades ago. Furthermore, peak M. leidyi densities in 2006 occurred 2–3 months earlier than previously documented, suggesting a shift in the seasonal maxima of M. leidyi. Application of daily ingestion rates to zooplankton abundance indicates that, at its highest densities M. leidyi can remove an overall average of 20–89% per day of bivalve veligers and other zooplankton taxa, including adult copepods, nauplii, and tintinnids. Increasing ctenophore abundance, especially during a period when they were not historically abundant (i.e., June) may have significant consequences for species which spawn at this time. For example, current populations of M. leidyi represent a major source of larval mortality for bivalves which may inhibit recovery of shellfish populations and reinforce their low abundance state in Long Island estuaries.  相似文献   

In soft-sediment marine and estuarine habitats, population dynamics of resident species are an important aspect of commnity structure and function, yet the population dynamics of many members of these communities remain poorly studied. The population dynamics and secondary production of the infaunal terebellid polychaete Loimia medusa (Savigny) were investigated in a shallow sand habitat of the York River, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, between June 1989 and December 1990. Monthly sampling throughout 1 yr revealed that individuals were present year-round with maximum densities of 60 ind m-2 and a life span of 1 yr. Abundances were highest from August through September when two cohorts recruited to the population. Mean individual growth was highest in summer, and appeared to be a function of temperature rather than food limitation. Adults were reproductive from May through October and exhibited high fecundity; the number of oocytes segment-1 ranged from 201 to 15840 among worms. Larvae initially appeared approximately 1 mo after gametes were first observed in adult L. medusa, and these larvae appeared to spend less than 1 mo in the plankton. Abundances of larvae in the water column were significantly higher around new moon, suggesting lunar spawning periodicity. New recruits attained sexual maturity within 2 mo of settlement. Secondary production was 3.3 g ash-free dry wt m-2 yr-1 and the P/B (production/biomass) ratio was 3.0. Despite equilibrium species characteristics such as large size, high fecundity, and planktonic larvae, L. medusa exhibits some characteristics typically ascribed to opportunistic species, namely, the capacity for rapid growth and maturation, a short life span and a relatively high P/B ratio. This mixture of life history characteristics emphasizes that there is no simple dichotomy between opportunistic and equilibrium species. We caution that the dominance of large infaunal polychaetes in soft-bottom estuarine and marine environments may not be a useful indicator of undisturbed habitats.  相似文献   

P. E. McShane 《Marine Biology》1991,110(3):385-389
In three wild populations ofHaliotis rubra surveyed off southeastern Australia during the three years 1987–1989, 0 to 10% post-settlementH. rubra survived for 5 mo. Sequential censuses (February, May and December in each year) provided evidence that mortality of post-settlementH. rubra increased with the density of settlement. The occupation of cryptic habitat byH. rubra soon after settlement may well be an adaptation for avoiding predators or grazers and dislodgement by violent water movement.  相似文献   

Lipids of the Arctic ctenophore Mertensia ovum, collected from Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) in 2001, were analysed to investigate seasonal variability and fate of dietary lipids. Total lipids, lipid classes and fatty acid and alcohol compositions were determined in animals, which were selected according to age-group and season. Changes in lipids of age-group 0 animals were followed during growth from spring to autumn. Total lipids increased from May to September. Lipids as percentage of dry mass were lowest in August indicating their use for reproduction. Higher values occurred in September, which may be due to lipid storage for overwintering. Wax esters were the major lipid class accounting for about 50% of total lipids in age-group 0 animals from July and August. Phospholipids were the second largest lipid fraction with up to 46% in this age-group. The principal fatty acids of M. ovum from all age-groups were 22:6(n-3), 20:5(n-3) and 16:0. Wax ester fatty alcohols were dominated by 22:1(n-11) and 20:1(n-9) followed by moderate proportions of 16:0. The unique feature of M. ovum lipids was the high amount of free fatty alcohols originating probably from the dietary wax esters. In May, free alcohols exhibited the highest mean proportion with 14.6% in age-group 0 animals. We present the first data describing a detailed free fatty alcohol composition in zooplankton. This composition was very different from the alcohol composition of M. ovum wax esters because of the predominance of the long-chain monounsaturated 22:1(n-11) alcohol accounting for almost 100% of total free alcohols in some samples. The detailed lipid composition clearly reflected feeding of M. ovum on the herbivorous calanoid species, Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus, the abundant members of the zooplankton community in Kongsfjorden. Other copepod species or prey items seem to be less important for M. ovum.  相似文献   

We have employed electronmicroscopical methods (SEM, TEM) to document the microbial community associated with the marine sponge Aplysina cavernicola (formerly Verongia cavernicola, class Demospongiae). Five dominant bacterial types were identified, three of which resemble the morphotypes originally described by Vacelet (1975). One bacterial type possesses morphological properties that are characteristic of the genus Planctomyces. In addition, morphologically uniform bacteria which reside inside the nuclei of host cells were observed. Using in situ hybridization with fluorescently labelled rRNA probes directed against known bacterial groups, the phylogenetic affiliation of the mesohyl bacteria was assessed. It could be shown that the vast majority of mesohyl bacteria belongs to the domain Bacteria with a low GC content. Among the Bacteria, the delta-Proteobacteria were most abundant, followed by the gamma-Proteobacteria and representatives of the Bacteroides cluster. Clusters of Gram-positive bacteria with a high GC content were also found consistently in low amounts. No hybridization signal was obtained with probes specific to the domain Archaea, to the alpha- and beta-Proteobacteria and to the Cytophaga/Flavobacterium cluster. This study describes for the first time the application of the “top-to-bottom approach” using 16S rRNA probes and in situ hybridization to assess the microbial diversity in Aplysina sponges. Received: 18 December 1998 / Accepted: 12 March 1999  相似文献   

J. T. Rees 《Marine Biology》1977,39(2):197-202
The polyp and medusa of Dipurena bicircella n. sp., a metagenic hydrozoan from Northern California, USA, is described. The arrangement of capitate tentacles of the polyp, in two alternating cycles or circlets, is unique to the genus Dipurena as well as to the family Corynidae. Medusae released in the laboratory attained sexual maturity in 2 weeks. The adult medusa can be distinguished from other medusae of the genus by means of 2 gonad rings, a slight terminal nematocyst cluster on each tentacle, and a relatively small size (about 2 mm in bell height). The polyp was not found in association with sponges, as is the case with some of the other polyps of the genus Dipurena. The medusa is not yet known from the plankton.  相似文献   

Because of the potential of significant geographic variation in the compositions of snake venoms, much insight can be gained by examining individuals originating from diverse locations, and detailed characterization of any species can only be done by including animals from the entire range. Pakistani N. naja (formerly N. naja karachiensis) venom was decomplexed by applying diverse techniques and found a concoction of proteins (a total of 43 venomous proteins comprising 11 super families) from 6 to 200 kilodaltons in size. Among them three finger toxins (58%), phosphoplipses A2 (19%), snake venom metalloproteinases (5%), l-amino acid oxidases (5%), helvepryns (3%), vespryns (2%), cobra venom factor (2%), 5′-nucleotidases (2%), venom nerve growth factor (2%), and Kunitz type serine protease inhibitor (2%) were included. It is the first report that this venom possesses significantly higher percentage of three finger toxins belonging to the cytotoxins (32% overall) and α‐neurotoxins (32% overall, predominately long chain neurotoxins, 24% overall) compared to N. naja from other geographic locations. Better understanding of intraspecific variations in venom can improve the development of location-specific anti-venoms. Furthermore, this pool of diverse toxins could potentially be a source of novel drug candidates for the treatment of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors mediated nervous disorders.  相似文献   

The free-swimming medusae of Eirene viridula are typical marine hydroids, with distinct subdivisions into body regions, which were studied by comparison of light and electron microscopy. Particular attention is given to the epithelio-muscular and digestive muscle cells. The epidermis — apart from a few nerve cells and cnidocytes-consists of epitheliomuscular cells. At their bases these cells form a musculature and at the apex many secretory vesicles. In the velum, large expansions of the intercellular space are found. The gastrodermis — apart from the mucous and zymogen cells in the manubrium — consists of digestive muscle cells, the structure of which corresponds in principle to that of the epitheliomuscular cells. In its apex, this type of cells contains both normal coated vesicles and discoidal coated vesicles. In the solid tentacles, the digestive muscle cells form a turgescent vesicular tissue. The central nervous system consists of the exumbrellar, subumbrellar, and gastrodermal nerve rings. They are composed of ganglion cells, their processes, and intraepithelial flagella. The static organs are purely ectodermal statocysts which have only one lithocyte and only one sensory cell.  相似文献   

Since the early 1980s, the eelgrass, Zostera marina L., population in the saline Lake Gevelingen, The Netherlands, is rapidly declining. An earlier study, in which long-term data on eelgrass coverage in this former estuary were correlated with several environmental variables, showed only one significant correlation: coverage was positively related to water column silicon levels. In addition, a negative correlation with salinity was observed, but this was not significant. In the present study, the effect of silicon and the effect of salinity on the development of Z. marina were investigated experimentally. Enhancement of dissolved silicon concentrations in the water did not stimulate Z. marina above-ground production or an increase in final above- and below-ground biomass. The highly significant correlation between eelgrass coverage and water column silicon levels, thus, remains to be explained. The results of the growth experiments did, however, demonstrate a clear effect of salinity on Z. marina growth. Plants cultured at 22 psu showed a higher production of shoots and leaves, resulting in more above-ground biomass, than plants grown at 32 psu. In addition, below-ground biomass was also higher at 22 psu. Measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence, performed with a PAM-fluorometer, indicated a reduction of photosynthesis in the high-salinity treatments. Thus, low salinity stimulates development of Z. marina from Lake Grevelingen. Eelgrass from such a historically estuarine area may be more sensitive to high salinities than other, more marine populations. Recovery of the autochthonous eelgrass population is expected to be favoured when the estuarine conditions of the seagrass area are re-established, or when restoration programmes are carried out with allochthonous ecotypes that are less sensitive to high salinities. Received: 23 June 1998 / Accepted: 19 November 1998  相似文献   

Patterns of algal seasonality, and their effect on the diet and feeding preferences of the herbivorous crab Grapsus albolineatus were investigated over an 18-mo period from March 1993 to August 1994 on an exposed tropical rocky shore (Hok Tsui Peninsula at Cape d' Aguilar, Hong Kong). Algal cover was greatest in the winter months, and lowest in the summer. Foliose algae such as Ulva fasciata, Porphyra suborbiculata, and Dermonema frappieri were dominant in the winter, but died off in the summer. During the hot summer months, perennial encrusting algae e.g., Ralfsia expansa, Hildenbrandia rubra, H. occidentalis, coralline crusts and the encrusting cyanobacteria Kyrtuthrix maculans, were the dominant algal species. Seasonal variation in algal abundance influenced the dietary selectivity of the herbivorous crab G. albolineatus. In the winter, the crab fed selectively on filamentous algae (e.g. Hincksia spp., Cladophora spp., Enteromorpha spp., and the cyanobacteria Lyngbya sp.). Foliose algae (e.g. U. fasciata, P. suborbiculata, Pterocladia tenuis) formed a small part of the diet, despite being the dominant species on the shore. Foliose and filamentous algae were virtually absent from the shore in the summer, and the crabs switched to feeding solely on encrusting algae. Electivity indices revealed preferences for green and brown turf species, and avoidance of foliose algae. Faecal analysis revealed that a greater proportion of the food is digested in the winter, suggesting that G. albolineatus is able to digest filamentous algae more efficiently than encrusting algae. Feeding preferences of G. albolineatus appear to be influenced by a number of factors, including the availability, digestibility and morphology of algae. The foraging behaviour and cheliped morphology of the crab also affect food choice. The monsoonal nature of Hong Kong's climate controls the diversity and abundance of intertidal algae and, therefore, indirectly influences the diet and subsequent growth and reproductive success of the herbivorous crab G. albolineatus.  相似文献   

The extent of diversity within closely related taxa may be a function of their shared evolutionary history or of selective forces causing adaptive changes. Examining variation among taxa within a single genus may help to identify flexibility in trait variation because recently diverged populations are more likely living in the environment of adaptation. This study examines correlates of diversity in Eulemur, a genus that has a wide distribution in a variety of habitat types throughout Madagascar. Previously published data were gathered from 11 long-term studies of Eulemur populations. Variables were categorized into multiple datasets: (1) environmental characteristics, (2) social organization, and (3) ecology, which included subsets for ranging behavior, diet, and activity budget. Molecular phylogenies from the literature were used to create the fourth and final dataset, a dissimilarity matrix of evolutionary distance among the 12 species and subspecies. Principal components and cluster analyses were implemented to examine the overall ecological similarity among Eulemur populations and to determine which variables contribute most to the variation among taxa. Partial Mantel tests were conducted to test for correlations among the dataset matrices. The results suggest ecological flexibility for the genus, in particular, populations in similar environments displayed similar activity patterns. In contrast, social organization showed no relationship with environment but was correlated with phylogenetic distance among populations. While Eulemur seems to demonstrate some flexibility for ecological adaptations, characteristics related to group size and sex ratio more closely track phylogeny and thus may be less flexible.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible to authorized users.  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis was used to compare the genetic divergence of global populations of Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758 and two congeneric [M.␣curema Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836; M. gyrans (Jordan & Gilbert, 1885)] and two more distantly related [Liza ramada (Risso, 1826); Xenomugil thoburni (Jordan & Starks, 1896)] species on the basis of 18 enzyme loci. The amount of genetic divergence among the species examined is in agreement with their present systematic status, the differences being larger among non-congeneric species than among species of the same genus. Intraspecific genetic distances in M. cephalus (average Nei's D= 0.154), although higher than those reported for conspecific populations of fish, appear to be small when compared to the interspecific values among mugilid species (0.821 ≤ Nei's D ≤ 1.744). Phylogenetic trees obtained by genetic distance methods and discrete character parsimony analysis were of similar topology, except for the relationships within the genus Mugil and for the arrangement of M. cephalus populations. Received: 7 April 1997 / Accepted: 4 February 1998  相似文献   

This study investigates the feeding behaviour of the precious red coral Corallium rubrum on bacterioplankton. The effects of flow rate, prey concentration, and seawater temperature were tested. The results obtained show that C. rubrum was able to prey on both pico- and nanoplankton cells. Flagellates constituted the major bacterioplankton food source in terms of carbon and nitrogen, representing from 43 to 70% of the C and N ingested. Flow speed (2, 6, and 11 cm s−1) had no effect on grazing rates, maybe due to the small size of the ingested particles. Conversely, feeding rates increased with prey concentration and seawater temperature. There was a doubling of the picoplankton ingestion rate for a sixfold increase in its concentration. The ingestion of autotrophic flagellates, however, increased at the same time as their concentration, indicating a preference for this type of food. Considering the range of concentrations typically found in the Ligurian Sea, the ingestion of pico- and nanoplankton brings 148 ng C polyp−1 day−1 and 28 ng N polyp−1 day−1. This type of food represents only ca. 4.5% of the total carbon gained by C. rubrum from the different sources, but might be the most important in terms of nitrogen, phosphorus, and other essential elements.  相似文献   

Repeated visual censuses of different categories (juveniles, females, territorial and group males) of the stoplight parrotfish (Sparisoma viride, a protogynous hermaphrodite) over a 3-year period indicated a relatively stable size and structure of the adult population. This allowed estimates of size-specific mortality, sex change, and territory acquisition probabilities from previously reported growth rates. Comparison of the predicted number of survivors, sex changers, and territory take overs with field observations indicates that our estimates are quite reliable. However, rather large differences in mortality are obtained for the largest three size classes (>25 cm), which may be due to reduced accuracy of length estimates of large fish. A pooled mortality for these classes is therefore suggested as a more realistic estimate. The life-history implications of our findings are investigated by comparing the predicted survival and future reproductive success of fish that change sex at different sizes. Ten percent of the adults reach an age of ca. 17 years, once a length of 20 cm is attained, as predicted from the pooled estimates. Calculations based on these estimates indicate that the predicted reproductive output of a 15-year-old fish (2500 matings) is the same for early (i.e. at 20 cm) and late (>30 cm) sex changers and for an average fish subject to the estimated daily sex change and territory acquisition probabilities. These findings suggest that S. viride individuals are able to flexibly adjust the timing of sex change in an adaptive way to unpredictable local conditions. However, independent mortality estimates are needed to corroborate our present findings. Received: 2 January 1997 / Accepted: 27 January 1997  相似文献   

Because subpopulations can differ geographically, genetically and/or phenotypically, using data from one subpopulation to derive vital rates for another, while often unavoidable, is not optimal. We used a two-state open robust design model to analyze a 14-year dataset (1998–2011) from the St. Joseph Peninsula, Florida (USA; 29.748°, ?85.400°) which is the densest loggerhead (Caretta caretta) nesting beach in the Northern Gulf of Mexico subpopulation. For these analyses, 433 individuals were marked of which only 7.2 % were observed re-nesting in the study area in subsequent years during the study period. Survival was estimated at 0.86 and is among the highest estimates for all subpopulations in the Northwest Atlantic population. The robust model estimated a nesting assemblage size that ranged from 32 to 230 individuals each year with an annual average of 110. The model estimates indicated an overall population decline of 17 %. The results presented here for this nesting group represent the first estimates for this subpopulation. These data provide managers with information specific to this subpopulation that can be used to develop recovery plans and conduct subpopulation-specific modeling exercises explicit to the challenges faced by turtles nesting in this region.  相似文献   

Atmospheric particulate matter is altering climate. For instance marine biogenic particles are cooling climate. Organic markers are major tools to elucidate the sources of atmospheric particulate matter. Formate is commonly used as a marker of continental aerosols, whereas methanesulphonate is used as tracer of biogenic marine aerosols. However, transformation processes during aerosol transport may modify their relative concentrations and, in turn, introduce a bias in the assessment of particle sources. Actually very little is known about the transformation of formate and methanesulphonate in aerosols. Therefore, we irradiated formate and methanesulphonate in the presence of nitrate and haematite. Nitrate and haematite are aerosol photosensitisers, producing reactive species that degrade organic compounds. The time evolution of formate and methanesulphonate was monitored by ion chromatography. Our results show that formate is transformed from 1.6 to 4.1 times faster than methanesulphonate. This trend is partly due to higher reactivity with the hydroxyl radical and partly due to additional reaction with other transients such as nitrogen dioxide. Such results strongly suggest faster formate transformation during particle transport. Therefore, when formate and methanesulphonate are used as particle tracers, an overestimation of marine biogenic versus continental particle sources is expected. This bias has major implications for climate prediction models, because marine biogenic particles have a cooling effect on climate.  相似文献   

Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are deep-diving predators foraging in meso- and bathypelagic ecosystems off the continental shelves. To investigate the ecophysiological and communicative function of various click types from male sperm whales in a high-latitude habitat, we deployed a large-aperture array of calibrated hydrophones off northern Norway (N69, E15). Data show that sperm whales in this habitat produce three click types: usual clicks, creak clicks and, occasionally, slow clicks. Usual clicks and creak clicks exhibit short duration, profound directionality and a frequency content suited for echolocation on meso- and bathypelagic fish and squids. The acoustic properties and low repetition rate of usual clicks are suited for long-range echolocation, whereas creak clicks have properties equivalent to signals in buzzes, the terminating pulse trains known from echolocating bats during prey capture. From these source parameters and the high acoustic activity during foraging dives, it is concluded that echolocation is an important sensory cue in prey location. Sound pressure levels of creak clicks and usual clicks measured off the acoustic axis suggest that sperm whales may be subjected to eavesdropping by conspecifics, thereby conveying information about food aggregations at estimated ranges of 6 km for creak clicks and 16 km for usual clicks. Slow clicks exhibit low directionality, low-frequency emphasis and a reduced repetition rate, suggesting that this click type is more suited for communication than for echolocation. Slow clicks can be detected by submerged conspecifics at ranges up to 60 km. Thus, sperm whales producing slow clicks may represent an odontocete species that utilizes long-range sound communication.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of understanding feeding in the early stages of bivalve development, little information is available concerning the organogenesis of the bivalve gill. The present study used histological and scanning electron microscopical techniques to present a detailed account of gill development in the early stages of the scallop Pecten maximus L. (Bivalvia: Pectinidae). Live specimens from larval cultures were observed daily using light microscopy, while five scallops were sampled for electron and light microscopy every 2 to 3 d from Day 18 to 35, then weekly to Day 56, with a final sampling on Day 58. Although development was continuous, four distinct stages were identified (1-primordia, 2-homorhabdic unreflected, 3-homorhabdic reflected, 4-heterorhabdic), partially recapitulating the presumed phylogenetic evolution of this character in the Pectinidae. The absence of a ventral grcove in all stages suggests that the particle transport mechanism of pectinids evolved independently of such a structure, which is found in other bivalve families. Similarly, the absence of latero-frontal cilia in all specimens up to the largest observed (4 mm) indicates that the single row found in adults is a later development, rather than a vestige of a more abundant ciliation in ancestral forms. The anatomical data, together with in vivo observations of feeding in postlarvae, suggest that the developmental stages of the P. maximus gill correspond to critical changes in gill function. The early life of P. maximus may thus be characterized by distinct functional changes in feeding.  相似文献   

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