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This is the first investigation of how two independent proxies for seawater temperature inference (zooid size variation and oxygen isotope ratios of skeletal carbonate) relate to the actual measured ranges of temperature experienced by cheilostome bryozoan colonies. Nine specimens of the bimineralic marine cheilostome bryozoan Pentapora foliacea (Ellis and Solander, 1786) were analysed, collected from ~18-m depth at two localities in Wales, UK—four from Skomer Island (51°42′510″N, 5°13′42.60″W) and five from Porth Ysgaden, Lleyn Peninsula (52°54′6.75″N, 4°38′47.34″W). The annual range of temperature implied by zooid size variability provides a good approximation of the actual range of temperature recorded by a datalogger. However, annual ranges of temperature reconstructed from skeletal oxygen isotope ratios were narrower, typically not showing the lowest temperatures experienced by the colonies. This can be explained by progressive thickening of zooid skeletal walls during the life of the colony that homogenises the temperature signal by time-averaging over the lifetime of the colonies. Our study provides evidence that a combined morphological isotope approach has great potential in the reconstruction of annual ranges in seawater temperatures from historical and fossil bryozoans, particularly for species that lack ontogenetic skeletal wall thickening and bimineralic skeletal composition. As cheilostome bryozoans have been common in benthic communities since the Late Cretaceous, they represent a valuable and underutilised resource for the interpretation of environmental regimes.  相似文献   

We studied the growth patterns and the stable oxygen isotopic composition of an individual of Pentapora foliacea (Ellis and Solander 1786) collected on October 6, 1978 from the Bristol Channel, Pembrokeshire, UK, Irish Sea. The stable oxygen isotopes are in equilibrium with the ambient seawater and show a marked seasonal variation reflecting seasonal water temperature changes. The stable oxygen isotopes further suggest that regular growth patterns of less calcified growth bands, which are secreted in winter, are perennial. These winter growth check lines can easily be used to determine longevity of these bryozoa colonies and of annual growth rates. The colony analysed is at least 3-years-old with an annual growth rate of approximately 2 cm per year.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments with larvae of the cheilostome bryozoan Bugula stolonifera Ryland, 1960 assessed the time to settlement in the presence of a constantly available polystryrene substrate, the development of competence for metamorphosis, and the effects of the duration of swimming period on early colony development. Sexually mature colonies of B. stolonifera were collected on 11 and 18 September 1987; 2 and 18 August, 1988; and 6, 12, 19, and 26 September 1988, from Eel Pond (Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA) and were maintained at 20°C. In the presence of a constantly available substrate, cumulative percent settlement curves were sigmoid, with 75% of larvae settled in 3.2±0.5 h. Typically, 50% of the larvae settled in less than 3 h and 95% settled in 6.1±1.2 h. The number of settled individuals that developed feeding ancestrulae by 3 d and the number that developed first-feeding autozooids by 6 d was assessed as a function of duration of larval swimming. Individuals which were kept swimming for 8 and 10 h after hatching developed significantly more slowly to the ancestrula and autozooid stages in 13 out of 14 experiments than did larvae that swam 2 or 6 h. This is the first report for any bryozoan that prolongation of the larval free-swimming period affects the rate of colony development.  相似文献   

W. B. Jaeckle 《Marine Biology》1994,119(4):517-523
Lecithotrophic larvae of the cheilostome bryozoan, Bugula neritina (L.), lose metamorphic competence 12 to 24 h after release from the maternal zooid. The high respiration rate of newly released larvae (mean=306.3 pmol O2 larva-1 h-1, range=149.3 to 466.6, n=18 trials, 22.5°C) from adults collected at Link Port, Fort Pierce, Florida during the winter/spring of 1990–1991 reflects their active swimming behavior. The average energy content per larva was 15.24 mJ (range: 13.35 to 20.17 mJ ind-1, n=5 groups). If all cells have an identical energy content and metabolic rate, then 2 and 20% of the total energy content would be consumed by the onset (2 h post-release) and the loss (24 h post-release) of metamorphic competence. Larvae of B. neritina are a composite of both larval and juvenile tissues and the loss of metamorphic competence may be due to regional depletion of labile energy stores in transitory larval cells, particularly the ciliated cells that comprise the locomotory organ, the corona. Although nonfeeding, B. neritina larvae can acquire nutrients from the environment in the form of dissolved organic materials (DOM) in seawater. Both the amino acid alanine and the fatty acid palmitic acid can be transported from seawater ([S]=1 M, 22.5°C). The rates of alanine influx (appearance of label in tissue) averaged 0.366 pmol larva-1 h-1 and, based on comparisons between rates of solute transport and metabolism, would contribute little (<1% of required energy) to offset the metabolic demand. The average rate of palmitic acid influx was 4.668 pmol larva-1 h-1 and assuming that the measured influx equals the net solute flux, could account for 21 to 72% of energy requirements. These data suggest that the duration of planktonic life of B. neritina larvae is principally regulated by the amount of endogenous energy stores, but may be modulated by available DOM in seawater.  相似文献   

The relationship between seasonal changes in temperature and the size of zooids within cheilostome bryozoans is explored by comparing zooid size and contemporaneous carbonate mineralogy within a single colony of a perennial species that grew in a highly seasonal environment. Previously published oxygen isotope profile data from two fronds of a large colony of Pentapora foliacea from the Irish Sea record the cyclical patterns related to seasonal changes in temperature experienced by the colony over 3 years of growth. Zooid size data gathered from the same points at which the oxygen isotope data were taken reveal that zooid size and contemporaneous 18O values covary. These and previously published data show that zooid size profiling can be confidently used to easily estimate rates of growth and longevity of bryozoan colonies, and further illustrate the negative relationship between zooid size and ambient temperature. Some inconsistencies in timing between zooid size and 18O data may provide insights into the mechanisms behind temperature mediated body size changes in poikilothermic animals.Communicated by P. W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Summary The post-hatching growth and sleeping group sizes of green iguanas (Iguana iguana) were followed on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, for 3 successive years. The laboratory clearing was subdivided and surveyed routinely for iguanas, most intensively the six weeks following onset of hatching. A similar pattern of influx of iguanas into the clearing took place each May. Over the early weeks the size of groups generally increased. Animals sleeping in larger groups had significantly faster growth rates. Animals that disappeared from the clearing prior to July had larger group sizes prior to disappearance than those that remained. Growth rates measured in animals that remained declined markedly after June. Possible reasons for the social grouping of young iguanas are discussed.  相似文献   

Ulva curvata (Kutz.) de Toni growing in shallow estuaries experiences a highly variable supply of dissolved inorganic N, which can limit growth rates. The effects of N supply variability and annual temperature and light variation on growth rates and chemical composition were assessed in plants grown in outdoor tanks supplied with running seawater and either pulsed or continuous N additions for 8 d. Environmental variables were measured every 12 h, growth rates every 2 d, and plant nitrogenous constituents every 4 d. The experiment was repeated 7 times over the course of a year. The slopes of growth rate-tissue N and growth rate-N supply plots increased with temperature and varied at periods at least as short as 2 d. Temperature explained 44% of variation in growth rate, and temperature, light, and N supply together explained 53% of variation in growth rate. N-limitation occurred only above 20°C, the approximate temperature for the maximum growth rate. Growth rate and tissue N were not affected by N supply frequency. Tissue N, ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase activity, and chlorophyll contents were correlated with each other and with environmental variables but not with growth rate. U. curvata thus does not maintain balanced growth in the strict sense, but rather stores nutrients supplied as pulses for use when they become growth-limiting. Since the relative importance of any single growth-limiting factor is highly dynamic, assessing the importance of multiple limiting factors requires longterm, high-frequency sampling of principal limiting factors and seaweed growth rates.  相似文献   

R. M. Ali 《Marine Biology》1970,6(4):291-302
The rate of filtering Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Isochrysis galbana was measured in Hiatella arctica (L.) by the indirect suspension depletion method monitored by optical density measurement. The filtration rate of H. arctica was found to be 1.412×10–2 l/h/g wet weight at a temperature of 15°C when fed with P. tricornutum, at average cell concentrations up to 3.5×106 cells/ml. The filtration rate dropped almost to zero when the concentration of P. tricornutum reached 11×106 cells/ml. The filtration rate of I. galbana diminished at a much lower cell concentration of 1×106 cells/ml, and almost ceased at 3 to 4×106 cells/ml. In mixed cultures of I. galbana and P. tricornutum, the filtration rate ratio was 0.37 to 1.00, and this was believed to be due to a proportion of the smaller former cells passing through the ostia. However, when resuspended in sea water, I. galbana cells were taken at a rate slightly less than P. tricornutum. The medium in which the I. galbana cells had been grown was inhibitory to the filtering activity of H. arctica, since, when cells of either alga were resuspended in the medium, the filtration rate was considerably reduced. No inhibitory factor existed in either of the original nutrient media. Hence, the importance of using low cell concentrations and of eliminating any inhibitory metabolic products when measuring filtration rates of bivalves is stressed. H. arctica shows a typical activity temperature eurve for a boreo-arctic species, with a steady rise from 0°C to a maximum between 15° and 17°C, and a sharp fall in activity to about zero at 25°C. The rates of filtration of various species at temperatures approaching the optimum were compared after allowance was made for fall in filtration rate with increasing body weight. The results suggested that the Mytilacea had the highest filtration rates and that H. arctica possesses one of the lowest filtration rates recorded.  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements of oxygen consumption were made on Penaeus monodon (Fabricius) from protozoea to adult stage at temperatures between 15° and 35°C. The logarithmic relationship between weight-specific respiration rate (WRt) and temperature (T) for two size groups, Protozoea 1 (PZ1) to Postlarva 1 (PL1) and PL to adult, are given as; WRt=100.431+0.0146 (T) (ml O2 g-1 h-1) and WRt=10-0.948+0.0338 (T) (ml O2 g-1 h-1), respectively. Additionally, equations relating metabolic rate, temperature and size for the two size groups are; PZ1-PL1: log M=0.431+0.0146T+(1.25 (log TL)+0.579), and PL1-adult: log M=-0.948+0.0338T+(2.60(log CL)-0.683), where M=oxygen consumption in ml O2 individual -1h-1, T=temperature in °C, TL=total length in cm, and CL=carapace length in cm. Activation energies of 6 186.75 J for PZ1-PL1 and 14 066.62 J for PL-adults point to different metabolic pathways or to differences in the ratio between the metabolic pathways used.  相似文献   

Growth rates were determined for copepodites of the genera: Acartia, Centropages, Corycaeus, Oithona, Paracalanus, Parvocalanus and Temora in nearshore waters of Jamaica from in situ microcosm incubations. At these high local temperatures (∼28 °C), total copepodite development time was as short as 4 to 5 d. Mean instantaneous growth rates (g) ranged from as high as 1.2 d−1 to as low as 0.1 d−1. In general, cyclopoid copepods appeared to grow more slowly than calanoids of the same size. Enhancement of resources by nutrient addition caused a 32% increase in growth rates in experiments from a mesotrophic site, but only a 17% increase at a more eutrophic site. Additionally, copepodites at both sites showed faster development and generally larger size at stage in response to nutrient addition. Growth rates were positively related to chlorophyll concentration in the >2 μm size-fraction. A significant relationship of growth rate to body size (r 2 = 0.45) emerged across a wide range of trophic status, but it was confounded with resource availability. It appears that growth in tropical copepod copepodites may be frequently limited by resources in a size-dependent manner. Received: 30 May 1997 / Accepted: 13 May 1998  相似文献   

Larvae of the marine cheilostomatid bryozoan Bugula neritina (L.) were prevented from settling for 1, 4 and 8 h by mechanical agitation, following which settlement and metamorphosis success were examined. Settlement rates were significantly affected by swimming time, which decreased from 100% after 2 h to 93.7 ± 4.3% after 8 h. Similarly, metamorphosis to the feeding ancestrula was significantly impaired following a swimming time of 8 h, declining from 93.7 ± 4.3% after 1 h to 65.9 ± 7.0% after 8 h. The resultant colonies grew well for the first 3 wk, following which time, growth patterns became erratic. Growth rate was in all cases highly variable, and did not correlate with enforced swimming times. Larval protein composition was examined after 1, 4 and 8 h swimming time, and post-larval composition 1, 2, 5, 24 and 48 h after settlement using sodium-dodecyl-sulphate polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Individual protein content was measured using a densitometer. Larvae did not consume protein during swimming, however a protein measuring 170 kdaltons was consumed during metamorphosis. These results are discussed in the context of larval settlement and energetics. Received: 19 July 1998 / Accepted: 3 December 1998  相似文献   

Distributions of serotonin and catecholamines in larvae of the marine bryozoan Bugula neritina (Bryozoa: Cheilostomatida) were investigated using immunohistochemistry with anti-serotonin antiserum and glyoxylic acid–induced fluorescence histochemistry. Anti-serotonin immunoreactive substances and glyoxylic acid–induced fluorescent substances had similar distributions in the equatorial neuromuscular ring, the neural plexus, the paired axial neuromuscular cords, and tracts connecting the neural plexus to ciliated cells bordering the pyriform organ. The effects of dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, tyramine, octopamine, synephrine and serotonin, at 10−4, 10−5 and 10−6M, on settlement were analysed. In filtered seawater, 98% of larvae settled in 3 h, but only 11%, 3% and 6% total settlement was observed after 8 h in 10−4M dopamine, 10−4M serotonin and 10−5M serotonin, respectively. Total settlement was 70% in 10−4M noradrenaline, 80% in 10−4M adrenaline and 60% in 10−4M tyramine. Less than 60% settlement was observed in 10−4 and 10−5M octopamine and synephrine. Serotonin's inhibitory effect on settlement was mimicked by a range of serotonin receptor agonists and antagonists, among which 5-carboxamidotryptamine was the most potent. Received: 19 March 1999 / Accepted: 11 October 1999  相似文献   

Balanus amphitrite, an acorn barnacle, is distinctly euryhaline, eurythermal and a dominant fouling organism found in warm and temperate waters throughout the world. In this study, the influence of temperature and food concentration on the reproductive biology of this species collected from a tropical habitat was evaluated. Adult barnacles were maintained at 20, 25 and 30°C temperatures at different concentrations of food (50, 100, 150 and 200 Artemia ind−1 day−1). In this previously believed obligatory cross-fertilizing hermaphrodite, self-fertilization was observed. The rise in temperature from 20 to 30°C resulted in a longer interbreeding interval (6–7 days, 200 Artemia ind−1 day−1; 11–13 days, 50 Artemia ind−1 day−1). Computed carbon gained through feeding during the interbreeding interval indicated an inverse relationship to the temperature. At 20°C, although a greater amount of carbon was gained through feeding, the numbers of larvae produced were fivefold less when compared to those raised at 30°C. At 20°C, 2.3 μg C was required to produce a single larva, whereas at 30°C it was 0.4 μg C. A rise in rearing temperature also influenced the molting rate positively. Observations on temporal variation in the gonad development of this species in a tropical coastal environment influenced by the monsoons indicated gonad development to be positively related to chlorophyll a concentration.  相似文献   

Growth rates and development times were determined for nauplii of the genera: Acartia, Centropages, Corycaeus, Oithona, Paracalanus, Parvocalanus and Temora in nearshore waters of Jamaica from in situ microcosm incubations. At these high local temperatures (∼28 °C), total naupliar development time was short: 3 to 4 d inshore and 4 to 5 d offshore. Mean instantaneous growth rates (g) ranged from as high as 0.90 d−1 for Parvocalanuscrassirostris to as low as 0.41 d−1 for Corycaeus spp. In general, nauplii of cyclopoid copepods appeared to grow more slowly than those of calanoids of the same size. Naupliar growth rates were significantly related to body size (r 2 = 0.43 to 0.50), but were unrelated to chlorophyll concentration in any measured size-fraction. This suggests that nauplii are generally not limited by resources, but are growing at their maximum temperature and size-dependent rates. Received: 30 May 1997 / Accepted: 13 May 1998  相似文献   

Rates of routine respiration (R R, μl O2 fish−1 h−1) and total ammonia nitrogen excretion (E R, μg NH4–N + NH3–N fish−1 h−1) were measured on larval and juvenile haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) to ascertain how energy losses due to metabolism were influenced by temperature (T), dry body mass (M D, mg) and specific growth rate (SGR, % per day). R R and E R increased with M D according to y =  · M D b with b-values of 0.96, 0.98, 1.14, and 0.89, 0.78, 0.74, respectively, at 10, 7, and 4°C, respectively. Multiple regressions explained 98% of the variability in the combined effects of M D and T on R R and E R in larval haddock: R R = 0.97 · M D 0.98  · e0.092 · T ; E R = 0.06 · M D 0.79  · e0.092 · T . In young juvenile (24–30 mm standard length) haddock, R R tended to decline (P = 0.06) and E R significantly declined (P = 0.02) with increasing SGR. O:N ratios significantly increased with increasing SGR suggesting that N was spared in relatively fast-growing individuals. Our results for young larval and juvenile haddock suggest: (1) nearly isometric scaling of R R with increasing body size, (2) allometric scaling of E R with increasing body size, (3) Q 10 values of 2.5 for both R R and E R, (4) metabolic differences in substrate utilization between relatively fast- and slow-growing individuals, and (5) that rates of routine energy loss and growth were not positively related. The measurements in this study will provide robust parameter estimates for individual-based models that are currently being utilized to investigate how variability in climatic forcing influences the vital rates of early life stages of haddock. Our results also stress that inter-individual differences in rates of energy loss should not be overlooked as a factor influencing growth variability among individuals.  相似文献   

Four species of estuarine benthic diatoms: Amphiprora c. f. paludosa W. Smith, Nitzschia c. f. dissipata (Kützing) Grunow, Navicula arenaria Donkin, and Nitzschia sigma (Kützing) W. Smith were grown in unialgal cultures. The growth rates of the diatoms were determined as the rate of increase of the chlorophyll a content of the cultures. The diatoms were cultured at different combinations of temperture, daylength, and quantum irradiance. The highest growth rates of Navicula arenaria occurred at 16° to 20°C; the other 3 species had their optimum at 25°C or higher. The small-celled species had higher growth rates at their optimum temperature, but at lower temperatures the growth rates of all 4 species became very similar. The minimum daily quantum irradiance that could effect light-saturated growth at 12° and 20°C ranged from 2.5 to 5.0 E.m-2.day-1. At 12°C, two species had their highest growth rates under an 8 h daily photoperiod. At 20°C, the three species tested all had highest growth rates under 16 h daily photoperiod. The growth response of the benthic diatoms is comparable to that of several cultures of planktonic diatoms, as described in the literature. The influence of temperature and quantum irradiance on the diatoms in the present investigation was comparable to the influence of temperature and light intensity on the 14C-fixation of marine benthic diatoms (Colijn and van Buurt, 1975).  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of four algal diets (Corallina spp., Gelidium pristoides, Ulva rigida and an equal volume mixture of these seaweeds) on growth and reproduction of the South African gastropod Turbo sarmaticus Linnaeus, 1758. The best growth rate of juveniles (up to 13.8 mm shell length and 34.26 g wet body weight increase in 12 months), reproductive fitness of mature specimens (gonad index up to 33%) and energy reserves (up to 4.76 mg glycogen/100 mg foot tissue) were achieved when T. sarmaticus was fed U. rigida or a mixed diet. In addition, the gonad index of individuals fed these diets was almost twice that of similar-sized field specimens. Juveniles fed Corallina spp. only, grew very little (only 2.4 mm shell length and 4.23 g wet body weight increase in 12 months). The reproductive fitness of adults fed on such a diet was also poor (gonad index <4.5%) and energy reserves were low (<3.5 mg glycogen/100 mg foot tissue). Along the southeastern coast of South Africa, T. sarmaticus has a distinct reproductive cycle with gametogenesis occurring from March/April until August/September, whilst maturity (gonad index = 15%) was maintained until December, after which spawning occurred until March. Received: 6 July 1998 / Accepted: 8 March 1999  相似文献   

Egg production was measured in 17 species of copepods from the genera Acartia, Calanopia, Centropages, Clausocalanus, Corycaeus, Eucheata, Euterpina, Oithona, Oncaea, Paracalanus, Parvocalanus, Temora and Undinula in Jamaican waters. At the high local temperatures (∼28 °C), mean egg production ranged from 3.2 to 88 eggs female–1 d–1, and instantaneous female growth (g, as egg production) ranged from 0.04 to 0.87 d–1. Female growth was positively related to ambient chlorophyll concentration (r 2 = 0.44) and negatively to female body size (r 2 = 0.29). Together these two variables explained 60% of the variation in growth. When quadratic terms for chlorophyll and a term for interaction of body size and chlorophyll were introduced, 82% of the variance in growth rate was explained. Egg production rates represent an extension of the resource and size-dependent relationship established for copepodites. In smaller species (<3.5 μg), egg production was comparable to prior copepodite somatic growth; in larger species (>3.5 μg), egg production is compromised at lower resource concentrations than copepodite somatic growth. Thus, it appears that egg production in tropical copepods may be frequently limited by resources in a size-dependent manner. Under conditions where growth is resource limited, we caution against the application of egg production rates for the calculation of total copepod production. Received: 30 May 1997 / Accepted: 13 May 1998  相似文献   

Eupolymnia nebulosa (Montagu) is a widely distributed terebellid polychaete that builds its tubes on the coastal shelf in areas with mixed soft and hard bottoms. From a long-term survey in the Bay of Banyuls, France (NW Mediterranean), we found an advancement of the timing of the spawning period coincident with a delayed breakdown of the thermocline. We postulate that persistent high temperatures can influence gamete development by stimulating oocyte growth, resulting in earlier spawning. During 1992 and 1993, we used a between-individuals experimental approach to assess the possible effect of temperature on oocyte growth based on: (1) determination of the growing fraction of the oocyte population (i.e. oocyte net growth); (2) identification of differences in oocyte growth-rate among females; (3) comparison of non-significantly different size-distributions of the growing oocyte fraction (net oocyte size-distributions) at the beginning of the experiments with those at the end. No effect of temperature on oocyte growth was detectable at the population level, but a positive individual response to prolonged high temperature was evident. Thus, the lack of a significant response by the population to prolonged high temperature does not imply a lack of individual response. We propose a model of oocyte-growth dynamics based on temperature that incorporates previous observations of extended oogenesis and oocyte growth during periods of both increasing and decreasing temperature and on the scattered pattern of oocyte size-distributions at the onset of spawning. Received: 4 November 1996 / Accepted: 18 January 1997  相似文献   

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