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成都市雨水分布特征及其利用潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雨水是一种可供人类使用的宝贵淡水资源。为缓解成都水资源供需矛盾,有效利用雨水资源,本文针对成都市的降雨情况,分析了降雨年内分布特征、雨水水质特点和雨水利用潜力,给出了雨水收集、利用的相应措施,可为城市雨水利用工程规划与建设提供科学参考。  相似文献   

“新五小” “新五小”企业指国家经贸委、国家发改委限期淘汰和关闭的破坏资源、污染环境、产品质量低劣、技术装备落后、不符合安全生产条件的企业,包括小水泥、小火电、小炼油、小煤矿和小钢铁企业等。  相似文献   

本文论述了雨水资源和目前世界各地雨水利用的概况,提出了家庭用水和农业用水雨水资源评价的计算方法。  相似文献   

生命周期评价是一种对全过程资源消耗和环境影响进行分析与评价的方法,利用生命周期评价法对雨水收集处理方法进行评估分析对低影响开发雨水系统构建具有重要意义。根据《海绵城市建设技术指南—低影响开发雨水系统构建》的要求,对3种低影响开发雨水系统技术展开了生命周期评价。结果表明,绿色屋顶原材料最为环保,污染物排放最小;雨水花园产生的综合环境影响最小,水体污染物减排效应最为显著,环保优势较为明显;透水路面会对环境产生较大的负荷,应考虑环保材料、改进工艺等手段降低化石能源的消耗,从而减少雨水收集系统对环境所造成的负面影响。  相似文献   

"海绵城市"建设是我国应对城市雨水问题的新举措,目的是改善城市水文环境,促进城市雨水资源的可持续利用。国外尤其是发达国家已进行了多年的雨水利用理论研究与实践。对相关研究成果进行梳理并加以借鉴,将有助于促进我国"海绵城市"建设。通过文献分析法检索了世界知名出版社和数据库的相关论文,对国外近年来雨水资源利用的主要研究成果进行了总结和分类。结果表明,国外的雨水资源利用在雨水采集系统、技术应用、风险评价、社会学研究、低影响开发与最佳管理实践等领域取得了丰富的成果,在研究深度、广度和尺度上对我国的相关研究具有启发性。我国的"海绵城市"研究应吸收国外的优秀成果并与中国的城市特点相结合,全方位、系统性地开展研究和实践,为全国范围内的推广应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

浅谈钢铁企业工业污水处理现状和存在的问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章对钢铁企业工业污水处理现状和存在的问题进行了初步的分析和探讨。指出我国钢铁工业要进一步降低钢铁企业吨钢耗用新水量、提高钢铁企业水的重复利用率,需要积极推广应用少水或不用水的工艺技术装备,并应强化合理串级用水,以及加强工业污水的综合处理回用。  相似文献   

运用城市小区雨水资源收集回用系统成为了城市节约水资源新的途径。分析了乌鲁木齐晨光-佳苑住宅小区原有雨水收集回用状况,建议采用雨水入渗技术,对原有设计系统进行改造,增加新的雨水收集回用系统,探讨改造小区雨水收集回用系统的可行性,提出完善新增雨水收集回用系统的建议。  相似文献   

盐碱湿地鲇鱼资源及其增养殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲇鱼是松嫩平原盐碱湿地重要的高值食用鱼类之一。根据近年来对新荒泡鲇鱼的研究,作者报道了其生物学特征、经济价值、资源利用现状及其对新荒泡渔业资源的影响,提出了鲇鱼的增养殖途径及其关键技术。  相似文献   

雨水收集设施等水工程日益得到应用,需要解决雨水收集设施等水工程设施收集的水资源的所有权。因大气降水是一种自由资源,不属于《宪法》中的"水流"或《水法》中的"水资源"的范畴,雨水收集设施等水工程设施收集的水资源所有权不能适用《宪法》、《水法》的规定,而是取决于雨水收集设施等水工程设施的所有权。雨水收集设施等水工程设施不是土地的组成部分,所有权包括国家所有、集体所有、其他组织和个人所有等形式,因此,雨水收集设施等水工程设施收集的水资源所有权自然包括国家所有、集体所有、其他组织和个人所有。但水工程设施不是公益性、大中型的水利设施,允许其他投资主体投资,其所有权应以集体、个人所有为主要形式  相似文献   

德胜集团成立于1997年,是一家横跨川滇黔三省的大型现代民营企业集团,位列2011年中国民营企业500强第96位。四川德胜集团钢铁有限公司是集团核心企业之一,公司是四川省委省政府确定的四川钢铁行业"一大四骨干"重点骨干钢铁企业、省政府重点扶持的首批迅速做大做强的大企业大集团之一、四川省循环经济试点企业、"四川省AAA级企业质量信用等级企业"、国际质量管理体系、环境管理体系、测量管理体系及职业健康安全管理体系认证企业。公司始终坚持走节能减排、资源综合利用、发展循环经济的道路,抓住西部大发展、四川"加快建设灾后美好新家园、加快建设西部经济发展高地"机遇,面向市场,调整产品结构,依靠技术进步,实现钒钛磁铁矿资源综合利用,打造全线运用高新技术、节能减排、综  相似文献   

污泥堆肥工程曝气系统的设计与选型比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曝气系统作为污泥好氧堆肥工艺流程的主要组成部分,对项目的技术经济可行性有着重要影响。本文通过比较分散供气和集中供气形式,推荐采用分散供气形式作为系统形式;通过比较离心通风机、多级离心风机和罗茨风机,推荐采用离心通风机作为气源设备。  相似文献   

膜法脱盐技术在钢铁企业污水回用中的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钢铁企业综合污水处理厂的出水脱盐处理回用具有重要意义,本文对国内一些钢铁企业采用的膜法脱盐技术的优缺点进行了分析,并提出了改进方案。  相似文献   

青龙县部分铁矿企业的无序开采给水土保持、生态环境带来了严重危害。落实科学发展观,以生态科学为指导,建设资源节约型、环境友好型的铁矿开采企业迫在眉睫。为此提出以下防治对策:加大执法力度,加强对铁矿企业的监管;编报水土保持方案,严格审批服务;因地制宜,采取水土保持措施;强化铁矿企业生态环境保护,推广尾矿综合利用。  相似文献   

An iron resource efficiency is proposed to define a measure of the natural iron resources saved in the steel manufacturing process. A simplified iron flow diagram is presented for the steel manufacturing process. The influences of various deviations in iron flow from the simplified iron flow diagram on iron resource efficiency are analyzed. The relationships between iron resource efficiency of unit processes and the final product are also discussed. As an example, data from a steel plant are used to analyze the influence of iron flow on its iron resource efficiency of finial product in the steel manufacturing process, the influence of iron resource efficiency of unit process on iron resource efficiency of the final product, and give some measures to improve the iron resource efficiency of the steel manufacturing process.  相似文献   

Iron is an important basic resource for national economic development in China. It is of great strategic importance for the sustainable development of China's economy to study the utilization and circulation status of iron resources. In this paper, using the material flow and value chain analysis method, we quantitatively analyzed the value flow of iron resources in China. According to the value chain and price theory of element M, a value stream diagram of iron resources corresponding to the substance flow chart was plotted. Based on the previous material flow analysis result of iron resources, the diagram quantitatively depicted the value of the circulating flow of iron resources in China in 2011. The results show that by recycling materials, the value of the circulating flow of iron resources can bring considerable economic benefits to both producers and consumers. In the production stage, the expenditures of the entire economic system was reduced by 91.77 billion RMB by circulating iron and the income increased by 95 billion RMB by recycling home scrap, which was generated in the crude steel production stage. In the use stage of iron and steel products, the recycling of old scrap enabled the entire economic system to recover 370.78 billion RMB. It should be noted that analysis within a single framework of physical and economic characteristics of iron resources in the economic system can further extend the research chain of substance flow and value flow at the macro level, enhancing the economic value of substances flow research. In addition, by tracking and depicting the value flow cycle of elements, the improvement potentials and the value situations can be determined to provide useful information for conducting processing and technological innovation for waste minimization.  相似文献   

Summary Iron and steel have been used in India since ancient times (possibly as early as 5000 BC). There are several references to the use of iron and steel in the Vedic literatures. The rust and corrosionfree iron pillar of Qutub Minar in Delhi, built 1500 years ago and the steel girders used in the temples of Orissa around AD 700–1200 still bear the testimony of these early industries. Steels are in great demand today but the large steel plants provide a limited range of steel mostly consumed in building and construction activities. In India, heavy machine tools, locomotives, automobiles, aviation, ship building and engineering tools require super grade steels with various specifications and these are met by mini iron and steel industrial plants. There are approximately 160 such plants mostly situated in big cities and towns. There are several economic and ecological advantages of these mini steel plants. They mostly use iron and steel scrap and other kinds of iron wastes from large industries as their raw material, contrary to the large plants which use iron ores as primary raw materials, the extraction processing and utilization of which involves severe environmental damage by way of deforestation and air and water pollution. Mini steel plants consume much less water and energy. The government of India has given a number of incentives to the mini steel industries by way of exemption from income tax, custom and excise duties, depreciation and investment allowances and rebates on charges for consumption of water and electricity.Dr Rajiv K. Sinha is an assistant professor in human ecology at the University of Rajasthan. Mr V.N. Bhargava is an engineer employed at the Research and Development Division of National Engineering Industries, Khatipura Road, Jaipur 302006, India.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the restructuring of the Asia-Pacific iron ore market in the wake of the rise of the Chinese steel industry. Prior to the 2000s, this market was characterised by two key features—high firm-level concentration on both the producer and consumer sides, and price determination through annually negotiated benchmark pricing between Australian mining and Japanese steel firms. However, owing to rapid growth in the Chinese steel industry and its emergence as the region's principal iron ore consumer, the Asia-Pacific iron ore market has been dramatically restructured during the last decade. This process has been accelerated since 2005 by Chinese governmental resource security policies, which have sought to address current record high iron ore prices through the use of foreign investment to sponsor new market entrants and the formation of an import cartel amongst the Chinese steel firms. This paper evaluates how these policies have driven restructuring in the Asia-Pacific iron ore market, through an analysis of the growth of China's steel industry, Chinese resource security policies aimed at lowering iron ore import costs, and their effects upon the regional market's ownership structure and price determination mechanisms. It argues that while Chinese investment and cartelisation policies have catalysed significant changes to the ownership and pricing structures of the Asia-Pacific iron ore market, they have carried only mixed benefits for the Chinese steel industry's resource security.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,水资源消耗日益增加,供需矛盾日益突出。秦皇岛市已面临水资源日益紧张的严峻形势,节流和开源,建立节水型社会体系,积极开发利用再生水、海水和雨水等非常规水源以及合理地配置和利用水资源,是实现秦皇岛市水资源可持续利用的有效措施。  相似文献   

通过对钢铁行业消耗水资源及产生污染情况进行分析,阐述了目前钢铁行业为节能减排而采取的管理、技术、污染治理措施,以达到减少废水外排量、降低污染物浓度、降低新水消耗的目的,对钢铁行业废水回用中尚存和潜在的工艺、设计问题进行了讨论,同时提出了通过清洁生产、优化工艺结构来解决问题的措施和建议,确立了企业近期和长期的节能减排任务目标。  相似文献   

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