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西双版纳自然环境试验站环境真菌的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自然沉降法对西双版纳自然环境试验站的环境真菌进行收集和分离;同时采用显微形态观察对其中的16株真菌进行分类鉴定,结果16株真菌归属于2个纲、4个目、5个科、10个属;结合ITS区间序列分析,确定5个主要环境真菌类群的分类地位。本研究将有助于开展环境试验和防霉研究工作。  相似文献   

由于不同时期人类对自然环境、生态系统以及人类自身认识程度的不同,环境立法理念经历了变化。环境立法理念的转变和更新是决定环境立法目变迁的根源。在学理上对环境立法理念的历史发展和变革予以探讨,将有助于把握对环境立法目的的准确认识。因此,本文拟从环境立法理念的角度入手来揭示环境立法目的。  相似文献   

SEPA 《环境教育》2001,(4):46-47
“九五”期间,中国政府高度重视环境保护,颁布了《国务院关于环境保护若干问题的决定》、《全国生态环境建设规划》、《全国生态环境保护纲要》。环境立法和执法取得进展,全民环境意识有较大提高。结合国家经济结构调整,取缔、关停了 8.4万多家污染严重又没有治理前景的企业。环境保护投入逐年增长,占同期 GDP的 0.93%。以重点流域、地区、城市、海域和工业企业污染治理为突破口,开展了大规模的环境污染治理,并取得了阶段性成果。生态环境保护和建设得到加强,启动了国家天然林资源保护工程,开始实行退耕还林 (草 ),国家级生态示范区建设试点开始实施。经过五年的努力,全国环境污染加剧趋势得到基本控制,部分城市和地区环境质量有所改善,“九五”环境保护目标基本实现。   2000年,城市环境空气中主要污染物浓度持续下降,酸雨区范围和频率保持稳定;工业废水对地表水的污染得到一定的控制;“三河三湖”水质恶化趋势基本得到控制;近岸海域海水水质总体上有所改善,渤海近岸污染程度减轻,东海近岸污染略有加重;重点城市道路交通噪声大都控制在轻度污染水平;全国辐射环境质量良好。但全国城市空气污染依然严重,空气质量达到国家二级标准的城市仅占三分之一;地表水污染普遍,特别是  相似文献   

Investigating local people’s environmental perceptions can produce useful information that could be incorporated into decision making processes that help resolve environmental problems. Although China is undergoing severe desertification, the perceptions of the local people toward their degraded environment and the related issues have so far not been actively solicited. This article, which is a supplement to Lee and Zhang’s (2004, 2005) studies, seeks to further investigate the lay public’s general environmental attitudes, perceptions of desertification, interpretations of land-degrading activities, and particularly their interrelations in severely desertified areas. Minqin County in Gansu Province, northern China, was chosen to be the study area. Data was collected via a questionnaire survey (n = 1138) administered in December 2002. Major findings were: (1) Most respondents had only weak altruistic environmental attitudes, with educational level to be a significant determinant. (2) Respondents’ perceptions of desertification and interpretations of land-degrading activities were contingent on personal attributes, general environmental attitudes, and other conceptions related to desertification. It is recommended that the interrelations between the various aspects of the public’s environmental perceptions should be thoroughly examined to facilitate their participation in environmental management.  相似文献   

工业废弃物中,废酸碱、重金属、废矿物油等都属于危险废物,我们日常生活中的废电池、灯管、显像管、空调、冰箱等都含有大量成分的危险废物。开展危险废物的有效回收,建立有效回收网络,才能从根本上防治危险废物进入环境,防治危险废物给人类与环境造成严重灾难。  相似文献   

随着人口的增长和城市化的迅速发展,城市生活垃圾产量逐年递增,成分更加复杂.城市生活垃圾填埋过程中产生的渗滤液和焚烧过程产生的烟气对环境的污染极为严重,一定程度上已经制约了城市的可持续发展.通过分析渗滤液的产生及对环境的污染,提出了分层填埋控制和渗透反应栅格修复技术.对焚烧过程中的污染,通过焚烧前分类处理从源头上减少二次污染,同时对焚烧产生的烟尘和有毒有害物质进行物理化学方法的去除.  相似文献   

王政 《中国环境管理》2024,16(2):113-120
流域及其生态环境问题的特殊性引发行政治理体系的变革,系统论为流域生态环境行政治理体系的建构指明了方向,流域生态环境行政治理体系的建构是系统化的工程。在系统论指引下,结合相关规范性文件,流域生态环境行政治理系统的建构需从建立协调机制、规范职权行使与推进治理协同三方面切入,并分别明确三者在流域生态环境行政治理系统中的作用,通过建立议事协调机构发挥协调机制的统筹协调功能、通过整合与上收行政机关职权明确规范职权行使的实施功能、通过建立治理协同机制发挥推进治理协同的支持与保障功能。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the increasing importance of the environment to social scientists. A multidisciplinary approach is highlighted and it is argued that the social sciences have a more significant role to play in understanding and responding to environmental deterioration than has hitherto been the case. The need for harmonizing multidisciplinarity in appreciating impact assessments is emphasized. A framework for analyzing and containing environmental impacts in Hong Kong is also proposed.  相似文献   

油田采出水中含有多种组分,有油类(分散油和溶解油)、放射性元素、重金属和化学处理剂等。当采出水外排时,这些组分对环境有着不同的影响。现以海洋为对象,介绍采出水的化学特性及其对环境的作用,认为在一般情况下,采出水不致对海洋环境产生不良影响。讨论内容对陆上环境影响也具有参考价值。  相似文献   

本文通过对居室环境概念的阐述,剖析了人与居室环境功能的关系,并指出了居室环境对人行为的规范作用及营造良好居室环境的重要性。  相似文献   

In both England and Wales (UK) and New South Wales (Australia) the respective planning systems permit the applicant a right of appeal to challenge the merits of a town planning decision. These systems have experienced a growing appeal workload over the last 10 years whilst their administrators have sought to increase the speed of decision making. To deal with such pressures, as well as to provide an alternative method of resolving appeal disputes, the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales has introduced a mediation facility in planning appeals. The Court itself has estimated that some 736 hours have been spent in mediation with an estimated saving of Court time of approximately 405 days. This paper examines how these reforms have sought to reduce the level of dispute in the planning system and consequently the number of appeals with their associated time and expense. Comparison will be made with reforms introduced into the UK system, in particular the Informal Hearing method. The extent to which such mediation could operate in the UK is considered.  相似文献   

成都地区慈竹生长状况及其与环境因子关系的初步分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘庆  何海  沈昭萍 《四川环境》2001,20(4):43-46
通过对成都市城区边缘及郊区6个样地慈竹林竹株的实地观测和取样分析,发现成都市城区边缘及青白江区的慈竹普遍生长不良,不同竹龄竹株的高度和胸径都比无郊崇州市怀远的慈竹要小,发育不良竹株竹杆内硅的含量显著高,初步分析硅的过多积累可能是慈竹竹杆脆化的一个明显指标;发育不良的慈竹竹杆含水量也普遍比生长状况好的慈竹竹杆含水量高。从样地土壤样品分析发现,慈竹生长不良的样地土壤偏酸或者偏碱。成都市区的降水普遍偏酸,降水中过高的SO4^2-,NO3^-,Cl^-和F^-离子成分也可能是导致慈竹生长不良的环境因素。  相似文献   

肖猛  易春 《环境技术》2010,28(2):11-13
本文对20Hz-40GHz电磁环境自动监测系统进行了说明,对系统各个硬件组成部分分别进行了介绍,并详尽阐述了如何通过软件控制完成自动监测功能。最后对监测点的选择方法进行了分析。  相似文献   

国家环境保护总局局长周生贤于2007年9月27日签发了《电子废物污染环境防治管理办法》(国家环境保护总局令第40号),该办法将于2008年2月1日起施行。现将全文刊登如下。  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence to support the existence of a relationship between democracy and one aspect of environmental quality, urban air pollution. The relationship between environmental quality and democracy is explored empirically using a regression analysis of urban air concentrations of three pollutants, sulfur dioxide (SO2), suspended particulate matter (SPM) and smoke, and two measures of democracy, the Freedom House Index and Polity III. The results suggest a significant and robust negative linear relationship between these pollutant concentrations and democracy level: the higher the level of democracy, the lower the ambient pollution level.  相似文献   

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