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The use and performance of soil vapor extraction (SVE) as an in-situ remedial technology has been limited at numerous sites because of both geologic and chemical factors. SVE systems are not well suited to sites containing low permeability soils or sites contaminated with recalcitrant compounds. Six-phase soil heating (SPSH) has been developed by the Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories (Battelle) to enhance SVE systems. The technology utilizes resistive soil heating to increase the vapor pressure of subsurface contaminants and to generate an in-situ source of steam. The steam strips contaminants sorbed onto soil surfaces and acts as a carrier gas, providing an enhanced mechanism by which the contaminants can reach an extraction well. Full-scale applications of SPSH have been performed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina; at a former fire training site in Niagara Falls, New York; and at Fort Richardson near Anchorage, Alaska. At each site, chlorinated solvents were present in low permeability soils and SPSH was applied in conjunction with SVE. The results of the three applications showed that SPSH is a cost-effective technology that can reduce the time required to remediate a site using only conventional SVE.  相似文献   

Traditional bioremediation approaches have been used to treat petroleum source contamination in readily accessible soils and sludges. Contamination under existing structures is a greater challenge. Options to deal with this problem have usually been in the extreme (i.e., to dismantle the facility and excavate to an acceptable regulated residual, or to pump and treat for an inordinately long period of time). The excavated material must be further remediated and cleanfill must be added to close the excavation. If site assessments were too conservative or incomplete, new contamination adulterating fill soils may result in additional excavation at some later date. Innovative, cost-efficient technologies must be developed to remove preexisting wastes under structures and to reduce future remediation episodes. An innovative soil bioremediation treatment method was developed and evaluated in petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated (PHC) soils at compressor stations of a natural gas pipeline running through Louisiana. The in-situ protocol was developed for remediating significant acreage subjected to contamination by petroleum-based lubricants and other PHC products resulting from a chronic leakage of lubricating oil used to maintain the pipeline itself. Initial total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) measurements revealed values of up to 12,000 mg/kg soil dry weight. The aim of the remediation project was to reduce TPH concentration in the contaminated soils to a level of <200 mg/kg soil dry weight, a level negotiated to be acceptable to state and federal regulators. After monitoring the system for 122 days, all sites showed greater than 99-percent reduction in TPH concentration.  相似文献   

The thrust of this study is to develop an in-situ method/technique capable of modifying the contaminated soil environment and maximizing contaminant extraction. Contaminated soils were compacted in electrokinetic cells to densities similar to natural field conditions. Conditioning fluids were used during the application of a direct current to solubilize the precipitated forms of heavy metals. Mobilization of contaminants as a function of time was quantified by analysing metal ion concentrations in the extracted effluents at both the anode and cathode and in the compacted specimens. For each conditioning fluid used, the removal efficiencies were evaluated based on both effluent and soil concentrations.  相似文献   

A new process for enhancing in-situ remediation of low-permeability soil and rock formations is presently under development at the Hazardous Substance Management Research Center (HSMRC). The patented process, known as ?pneumatic fracturing,”? consists of injecting high-pressure air or other gas into contaminated geologic formations at controlled flow rates and pressures. In fine-grained soils such as clay, pneumatic fracturing creates conductive channels in the formation, thereby increasing the permeability and exposed surface area of the contaminated soil. The potential benefits of pneumatic fracturing are significant, since in-situ remedial technologies are essentially limited by the pore gas exchange rate of the soil being treated. This article describes the results of a recent demonstration of pneumatic fracturing at an industrial site to enhance a volatile organic compound (VOC) extraction system. After establishing the baseline removal rate of soil gas effluent from the clay, soil surrounding the extraction system was fractured to enhance VOC with drawal. A substantial improvement in the VOC removal rate was observed, including: (1) flush effluent concentrations that increased up to 200 times; and (2) air flows in the formation that increased up to 1,000 times.  相似文献   

In-situ bioremediation is a process by which contaminants in subsurface environments are biologically eliminated or mineralized; however, it is often difficult to implement. Microbes sparsely distributed in deep soils are incapable of degrading a chemical rapidly; furthermore, fine-pore structures of soils tend to retard the penetration and propagation of these microbes and hinder oxygen transfer. The latter is particularly detrimental to the aerobic growth of microbes, which is often essential for bioremediation. Measures intended to promote bioremediation, such as the addition of surfactants for enhancing dissolution and the application of genetically engineered microbes for accelerating the biodegradation of contaminants, are almost impossible to adopt. This is attributable to the fact that various facets of the bioremediation process (e.g., the distribution of dissolved contaminants, nutrients, and oxygen, and the concentration of microbes) cannot be readily manipulated. This article proposes a novel technology, namely, bio-wall. This technology resorts to an in-situ constructed medium with porosity and organic content greater than those of the original soil for promoting the adsorption and retention of microbes and the biodegradation of contaminants. Moreover, oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the bio-wall to facilitate microbialgrowth. The results of conceptual design study and simulation have revealed that the technology is indeed feasible and, under certain environmental conditions, cost-effective. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that bio-wall can prevent contaminant migration through the enhancement of the biodegradation rate and reduction of the plume-distance, both by several orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Although a soil vapor extraction system (SVES) had effectively remediated the vadose zone soils at a gasoline spill site in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, gasoline remained in the soils below the water table. The state Department of Environmental Management (DEM) closure criteria of 10,000 parts per billion (ppb) were still not met after five years. This article describes how an air sparging system was added to the effort for $57,000, and how after three weeks, closure criteria were achieved.  相似文献   

To stem rising remediation costs for soils contaminated with hazardous metals, increased emphasis is being placed on the development of in-situ and ex-situ treatment technologies. Often, a lack of basic information on the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil and contaminants hampers treatability studies used to design these technologies. This article proposes and demonstrates a characterization program to meet these information needs, employing standard analytical techniques coupled with advanced spectroscopy and microscopy techniques. To support treatments involving physical separation strategies, the program uses standard analytical techniques to characterize the soil and the association of contaminants with different soil fractions (e.g., size and density fractions). Where chemical treatments are required, spectroscopy and microscopy methods are employed to yield quantitative information on the oxidation state and speciation of the contaminant. Examples demonstrate the use of measured soil and contaminant characteristics in the screening of alternative treatment technologies and in the selection of soils for use in treatability studies. Also demonstrated is the use of these characterization tools in the design and optimization of treatment strategies and in support of risk assessment determinations.  相似文献   

Endosulfan is an economically important insecticide and widespread environmental pollutant, originating from a wide range of agricultural activities. The major implication from the feasibility study described was that endosulfan I can be remediated by natural attenuation processes in cotton-farming soil, in which concentrations were relatively low, as well as heavily contaminated soil, from an agricultural chemical waste (evaporation) pit. Endosulfan I, the major isomer of endosulfan, was present in agricultural soils with low (2.2 mg/kg) and high (417 mg/kg) concentrations of technical-grade endosulfan. The half-lives of the major isomer of endosulfan were 94 and greater than 350 days in the low-level (cotton farming soil) and high-level (contaminated soil), respectively. Even under conditions of minimal intervention, as in the current study, endosulfan concentrations in contaminated soils can be substantially reduced. The nonbiological process of soil binding was predominantly responsible for the natural attenuation of endosulfan I in both soils. Low levels of mineralization of the chlorinated ring 14C-labelled carbons were also reported, but mineralization did not play an important role in natural attenuation of endosulfan I in either soil studied.  相似文献   

Contaminants remaining onsite after regulatory‐approved environmental remediation operations are complete represent continued risk to human health and the environment. Many sites require continued management efforts to: (1) protect the integrity of the engineered remedy/control, (2) limit the exposure of individuals to residual contamination by limiting reuse activities, (3) maintain ready access to accurate records/information, and (4) protect against vulnerabilities from intentional threats/actions. This article presents performance information from selected case studies to provide insight into various management approaches employed for addressing the risks associated with residual contaminants. The case studies involve sites remediated within the U.S. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act framework and illustrate two prevailing management approaches for addressing the risks. Sacrifice zones are sites that are purposefully isolated to prevent human access onto the property. Reuse sites provide limited access for specific use. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Natural microbes living in contaminated subsurface media can be enhanced to degrade large concentrations of contaminating compounds at a faster rate than the microbes could degrade under natural conditions. A feasibility study demonstrating this principle was performed on-site in southern Louisiana to evaluate the effectiveness of two microbial degradation remediation methods used to decrease the human carcinogenic risks associated with exposure to ethylene dichloride and vinyl chloride concentrations in contaminated clay and sludge soils at the site. The results of the study are compared to an acceptable Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality closure level to evaluate in-situ microbial enhancement in chlorinated aliphatic-contaminated sludge and clay soils as a remediation/cleanup alternative in similar industrial situations.  相似文献   

The Bog Creek Farm CERCLA (Superfund) site in Howell Township, New Jersey, was extensively contaminated, allegedly with wastes from paint manufacturing. The site contained two types of incinerable wastes: contaminated soils and sediments. A remedial investigation and feasibility study (RI/FS) was conducted, leading to a recommendation to treat the most contaminated areas by incineration. This recommendation was converted into the selected approach through the Record of Decision (ROD) mechanism. Contaminants at the Bog Creek Farm site included a wide range of volatiles, semivolatiles, and heavy metals. The incineration approach chosen, therefore, had to remove the organics from the soil without creating additional problems associated with heavy metals emissions. In order to evaluate the incineration problem and develop an advisory conceptual design for its solution, Ebasco Services Incorporated performed extensive characterizations of the material. Such characterizations included performing proximate and ultimate analyses and determining other key physical, chemical, and thermodynamic properties of the soils and sludges. Energy and Environmental Research Corporation (EER) then performed treatability studies in its rotary kiln test incinerator. These treatability studies focused upon the rotary kiln, and the environment required for cleaning the soil. They assumed that contaminants in the vapor phase could be destroyed in the afterburner. Tests were conducted at bed temperatures of 1,000°F, 1,460°F, and 1,800°F. Samples were drawn from the kiln at intermediate times. Combustion regimes were therefore constructed for the treatment of Bog Creek Farm wastes, maximizing organic removal while managing the heavy metals problem. Ebasco then converted the results of the incinerability or treatability studies into an advisory conceptual design. This advisory conceptual design called for a kiln temperature of 1,600°F (bed temperature of 1,200°F) and a solids residence time in the kiln of 40 minutes. Additional data indicated that the afterburner could operate at 1,800°F in order to ensure destruction of the POHCs. Combustion chemistry fundamentals demonstrated that the minimum afterburner temperature required was 1,650°F. Ebasco converted this conceptual design into a performance specification to be used in the bid process, under the management of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The remediation was then put out to bid. Chemical Waste Management was the successful bidder. The incineration was successfully completed by August 1990; the system was then demobilized, as the site was remediated.  相似文献   

A field demonstration of an enhanced in-situ bioremediation technology was conducted between March 1998 and August 1999 at the ITT Industries Night Vision (ITTNV) Division plant in Roanoke, Virginia. The bioremediation process was evaluated for its effectiveness in treating both chlorinated and nonchlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in groundwater located in fractured bedrock. Chlorinated compounds, such as trichloroethene (TCE), in fractured bedrock pose a challenging remediation problem. Not only are chlorinated compounds resistant to normal biological degradation, but the fractured bedrock presents difficulties to traditional techniques used for recovery of contaminants and for delivery of amendments or reagents for in-situ remediation. The demonstration was conducted under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program. The SITE program was established to promote the development, demonstration, and use of innovative treatment technologies for the cleanup of Superfund and other hazardous waste sites. This article presents selected results of the demonstration and focuses on understanding the data in light of the fractured bedrock formation. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In-situ sparging has been accepted as a method to rapidly remediate groundwater at considerably lower costs compared to remedies based on groundwater recovery alone. The success of in-situ sparging depends on effective mass transfer between air and contaminated media in the subsurface. Factors affecting mass transfer include advective airflow, diffusive transport, interphase chemical partitioning, and chemical and biological reaction rates between sparged gases and subsurface contaminants, minerals, and naturally occurring organic compounds. Understanding these factors can increase the design efficiency of in-situ sparging and assist in developing sparging systems that use gases other than air (i.e., oxygen, ozone, and methane).  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination of soil resulting from anthropogenic sources poses a significant challenge in many industrialized societies. The current technologies employed for removal of heavy metals often involve expensive ex-situ processes requiring sophisticated equipment and removal, transportation, and purification of the soil. Generally, in-situ remedial technologies are favored to ex-situ methods for detoxification, neutralization, degradation, or immobilization of contaminants. In-situ bioremediation is increasingly favored because of its effectiveness and low cost. A new type of bioremediation, known as vegetative remediation or “phytoremediation,” uses metal-tolerant hyperaccumulator plants to take up metal ions from soils and store them in their aboveground parts. To select the appropriate phytoremediation technology, one must understand the technical feasibility, cost effectiveness, and availability of the suitable plant species. Equally important is determining whether the site's soil conditions are optimal to enhance or restore the soil biological activity. Before phytoremediation can be exploited on a contaminated site, greenhouse-scale confirmatory testing is necessary to measure plant uptake and correlate shoot metal concentrations to available soil metals. These tests also validate that the harvesting and subsequent disposal of metal-containing plant tissues are environmentally safe and manageable.  相似文献   

Electrical resistance heating (ERH) has become a common method of remediation for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in unconsolidated soils, both above and below the water table. Recently, use of ERH has expanded to include treatment of contaminated sedimentary bedrock. This article describes the implementation issues for rock remediation and provides case studies of three sites remediated by ERH in Maryland, New Jersey, and Indiana. With proper design, remediation of bedrock can be as effectively completed as remediation of overburden materials. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Smoldering combustion, commercially available as the Self‐sustaining Treatment for Active Remediation (STAR) technology, is an innovative technique that has shown promise for the remediation of contaminant source zones. Smoldering combustion is an exothermic reaction (net energy producing) converting carbon compounds and an oxidant (e.g., oxygen in air) to carbon dioxide, water, and energy. Thus, following ignition, the smoldering combustion reaction can continue in a self‐sustaining manner (i.e., no external energy or added fuel input following ignition) as the heat generated by the reacting contaminants is used to preheat and initiate combustion of contaminants in adjacent areas, propagating a combustion front through the contaminated zone provided a sufficient flux of air is supplied. The STAR technology has applicability across a wide‐range of hydrocarbons in a variety of hydrogeologic settings; however, there are limitations to its use. Impacted soils must be permeable enough to allow a sufficient flux of air to the combustion front and there exists a minimum required concentration of contaminants such that the soils contain sufficient fuel for the reaction to proceed in a self‐sustaining manner. Further limitations, as well as lessons learned and methods to mitigate these limitations, are presented through a series of case studies. In summary, the successful implementation of STAR will result in >99 percent reduction in contaminant concentrations in treated areas, limited residual contaminant mass, reduced groundwater contaminant mass flux which can be addressed through monitored natural attenuation; and an enhanced site exit strategy, reduced lifecycle costs, and reduced risk. ©2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to provide a tool for regulators to evaluate the groundwater contamination from the use of virgin and secondary materials in road construction. A finite element model, HYDRUS2D, was used to evaluate generic scenarios for secondary material use in base layers. Use of generic model results for particular applications was demonstrated through a steel slag example. The hydrology and reactive transport of contaminants were modeled in a two-dimensional cross section of a road. Model simulations showed that in an intact pavement, lateral velocities from the edge towards the centerline may transport contaminants in the base layer. The dominant transport mechanisms are advection closer to the edge and diffusion closer to the centerline. A shoulder joint in the pavement allows 0.03 to 0.45 m(3)/day of infiltration per meter of joint length as a function of the base and subgrade hydrology and the rain intensity. Scenario simulations showed that salts in the base layer of pavements are depleted by 99% in the first 20 years, whereas the metals may not reach the groundwater in 20 years at any significant concentrations if the pavement is built on adsorbing soils.  相似文献   

Three fluorescent dye traces were designed by Zapata Incorporated at a large portion of Tinker Air Force Base (AFB) near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to replicate the migration of chlorinated ethene plumes from two target source areas and determine if commingling of those plumes has occurred. The target source areas are spatially separated, contributed contaminants into two aquifers, and were to be remediated from two different financial mechanisms. The nature of the shared fiscal responsibility for remediation of the commingled plumes was unclear. Background sampling was performed to verify that the preferred conservative dyes planned for use were suitable for the site. The fluorescent dyes used were fluorescein and eosine. Eosine dye was introduced into two wells in the upper saturated zone (USZ) under Building 3001 in July 2008. Fluorescein dye was introduced into four monitoring wells screened in the lower saturated zone (LSZ) and the lower lower saturated zone (LLSZ) in July 2008 at the industrial wastewater treatment plant. Zapata then conducted a second dye trace using fluorescein dye in a third USZ well to confirm the results of the eosine dye trace in the USZ under Building 3001. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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