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The generation rates of each residential solid waste component was determined for test areas in the U.S.A. and Japan. To keep the results consistent; single family dwelling areas in Madison (U.S.A.) and Sapporo (Japan), which have similar characteristics, were selected as test areas; the same survey methods were employed in both cities; all waste material from households, including recycled material, was estimated. The average person in Madison was found to produce twice the amount of paper waste, half the amount of food waste but approximately the same quantity of total residential waste (other than yard waste) as in Sapporo.  相似文献   

It is postulated that the current “garbage crisis” is due to a shortage of disposal capacity, not to burgeoning amounts of municipal solid waste (MSW). In support of this, trends in the quantity and composition of MSW, methods of waste reduction, recycling and growth of waste-to-energy capacity are examined to gain insight as to the future course of MSW management in the U.S. over about the next 15 plus years. This is the likely time to install new disposal capacity if pending legislative proposals are passed, that would enable states that provide their own disposal to ban wastes from other states.A new term, the “intensity of waste generation”, is proposed and illustrated, analogous to the intensity of mineral usage. The intensity is decreasing, implying that it is unlikely that waste generation will grow at rates projected by extrapolation or simple macroeconomic assumptions. Some other conclusions are: per capita MSW generation was nearly statistically constant from 1970 to 1984; the content of most forms of packaging in MSW are decreasing; packaging decreases the amount of food residues in MSW; and proposed national recycling targets of about 25% or more are not likely to be achieved, in part because of changes in the composition of MSW. Coupled with likely shortages of labor to process separated waste, it is forecast that there will be some future time when people will not think source separation is worth the bother and recycling will decrease. The future growth of waste-to-energy capacity is projected by assuming that a city will install capacity when others have done so, which leads to a simple quantitative model. The likely effects of impending landfill and incineration regulations are addressed.  相似文献   

Forest applications of dewatered municipal sludge in Washington State, U.S.A. were monitored for heavy metals, pathogens, and nitrates. Heavy metals did not leach from the sludge in significant quantities and remained associated with the sludge for at least four years. Tree seedlings grown in sludge-amended soil and compost accumulated moderate metal levels, but growth was not adversely affected. Populus seedlings took up more metal than coniferous seedlings. Some coniferous seedlings grown directly in unamended sludge had reduced growth and developed symptoms of nutrient imbalances. Fecal coliform and total coliform levels in sludge were initially high, but decreased to background levels in 1.0–1.5 years, suggesting that site access should be limited for a time after application. Bacterial movement in the soil was limited and very few viable bacteria reached the groundwater. Aerosols may be generated during sludge applications. Nitrogen leaching is a major environmental concern or sludge application. Heavy applications resulted in high NO3 levels in soils and groundwater. A significant fraction of the nitrogen loss was in gaseous form. Sludge applications in forests can be environmentally sound if application rates are matched to site characteristics.  相似文献   

Remediation responsibilities of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) encompass a vast national complex of highly contaminated former weapons facilities. During the mid‐1990s, DOE announced its intentions to consolidate some waste types at specific sites. At about the same time, organizations and public officials around DOE sites urged a National Dialogue, designed to develop comprehensive solutions to the Department's needs for waste disposition ( transportation, treatment, and storage). Recent opposition from citizens and elected officials in Nevada and Washington State has presented obstacles to DOE's plans. Additionally, chairs of nine site‐specific advisory boards recommended that DOE support a National Stakeholder Forum, similarly designed to develop solutions to disposition needs. This article reviews the chronology of DOE's disposition efforts, along with public and state reactions and recommendations. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The paired catchment study at the forested Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM) U.S.A. documents interactions among short- to long-term processes of acidification. In 1987–1989, runoff from the two catchments was nearly identical in quality and quantity. Ammonium sulfate has been added bi-monthly since 1989 to the West Bear catchment at 1800 eq ha-1 a-1; the East Bear reference catchment is responding to ambient conditions. Initially, the two catchments had nearly identical chemistry (e.g., Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2-, and alkalinity ≈82, 32, 100, and 5 μeq L-1, respectively). The manipulated catchment responded initially with increased export of base cations, lower pH and alkalinity, and increased dissolved Al,NO3 - and SO4 2-. Dissolved organic carbon and Si have remained relatively constant. After 7 yr of treatment, the chemical response of runoff switched to declining base cations, with the other analytes continuing their trends; the exports of dissolved and particulate Al, Fe, and P increased substantially as base cations declined. The reference catchment has slowly acidified under ambient conditions, caused by the base cation supply decreasing faster than the decrease of SO4 2, as pollution abates. Export of Al, Fe and, P is mimicking that of the manipulated watershed, but is lower in magnitude and lags in time. Probable increasing SO4 2- adsorption caused by acidification has moderated the longer-term trends of acidification of both watersheds. The trends of decreasing base cations were interrupted by the effects of several short-term events, including severe ice storm damage to the canopy, unusual snow pack conditions, snow melt and rain storms, and episodic input of marine aerosols. These episodic events alter alkalinity by5 to 15 μeq L-1 and make it more difficult to determine recovery from pollution abatement.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P), aluminum (Al), and iron (Fe) stream chemistry were assessed for high discharge snowmelt events at the Bear Brook Watershed, Maine (BBWM) during December 2001 and February 2002 and compared with results from a January 1995 study of the same streams. The West Bear catchment has been subjected to artificial acidification since 1989. The East Bear catchment is the untreated reference. Total (acid soluble) Al, Fe, and P were positively correlated with discharge during the 2001–2002 events. However, dissolved P concentrations remained low (≤0.1 μmol L-1) during high discharge events as pH decreased in both streams.For example, in 2001, total P concentration increased to 1.7 μmol L-1 during the rising limb of the hydrograph in West Bear, approximately five times the value in East Bear. During the same event, in West Bear and East Bear dissolved Al concentrations increased to 21 and 6.3 μmol L-1, respectively, while total Al concentrations increased to 166 and 30 μmol L-1, respectively. Dissolved Fe concentrations remained ≤0.9 μmol L-1 in both streams during all study events. However, total Fe concentrations in 2001 increased to 239 and 4.1 μmol L-1 for West Bear and East Bear, respectively. Total Al and Fe declined parallel to total P after peaking during all study periods. Nearly all of the base cations were in dissolved form during the three events, indicating that total Al in West and East Bear Brooks is not associated with primary minerals such as feldspars. We conclude that particulate Al, Fe, and P are chemically linked during transport at high discharge in these episodically and chronically acidified streams.  相似文献   

COGNIS TERRAMET® soil leaching and Bescorp soil washing systems have been successfully combined to remediate an ammunition test burn area at the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP), New Brighton, Minnesota. This cleanup is the first in the country to successfully combine these two technologies, and it offers a permanent solution to heavy metal remediation. Over 20,000 tons of soil were treated in the project. The cleaned soil remained on-site, and the heavy metal contaminants were removed, recovered, and recycled. Eight heavy metals were removed from the contaminated soil achieving the very stringent cleanup criteria of <175 ppm for residual lead and achieving background concentrations for seven other project metals (antimony, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, and silver). Initial contaminant levels were measured as high as 86,000 ppm lead and 100,000 ppm copper, with average concentrations over 1,600 ppm each. In addition, both live and spent ordnance were removed in the soil treatment plant to meet the cleanup criteria. By combining soil washing and leaching, COGNIS and Bescorp were able to assemble a process which effectively treats all the soil fractions so that all soil material can be returned on-site, no wastewater is generated, and the heavy metals are recovered and recycled. No hazardous waste requiring landfill disposal was generated during the entire remedial operation.  相似文献   

Wastewater sewage sludge was co-pyrolyzed with a well characterized clay sample, in order to evaluate possible advantages in the thermal disposal process of solid waste. Characterization of the co-pyrolysis process was carried out both by thermogravimetric-mass spectrometric (TG-MS) analysis, and by reactor tests, using a lab-scale batch reactor equipped with a gas chromatograph for analysis of the evolved gas phase (Py-GC).Due to the presence of clay, two main effects were observed in the instrumental characterization of the process. Firstly, the clay surface catalyzed the pyrolysis reaction of the sludge, and secondly, the release of water from the clay, at temperatures of approx. 450-500 °C, enhanced gasification of part of carbon residue of the organic component of sludge following pyrolysis.Moreover, the solid residue remaining after pyrolysis process, composed of the inorganic component of sludge blended with clay, is characterized by good features for possible disposal by vitrification, yielding a vitreous matrix that immobilizes the hazardous heavy metals present in the sludge.  相似文献   

This work presents the current waste management system at the pulp and paper mill complex of Stora Enso Oyj Veitsiluoto Mills at Kemi, Northern Finland. This paper covers examples of case studies carried out at the mill and describes how the wastes and by-products are utilized as a neutralizing agent for acidic wastewaters (i.e., green liquor dregs from the causticizing process), as a hardener in filling mine cavities (i.e., ash from the fluidized bed boiler), as a landscaping agent (i.e., ash as well as the fibre clay from chemical wastewater treatment plant), as a hydraulic barrier material for landfills (i.e., fibre clay), and as a soil enrichment agent (i.e., calcium carbonate from the precipitated calcium carbonate plant). In addition, the wood waste from the wood-handling plant, sawmill, packaging pallet plant and from the groundwood mill, as well as the biosludge from the biological wastewater treatment plant, are all incinerated in the fluidized bed boiler for energy production. Due to effective utilization of the solid wastes generated at the mills, the annual amount of waste to be disposed of in the landfill has decreased between 1994 and 2004 from 42,990 to 6083 tonn (expressed as wet weight). The paper also gives an overview of the relevant European Union legislation on the forest industry and on waste management, as well as of the pulping process and of the generation of major solid wastes in the pulp and paper mills.  相似文献   

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