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Lakes are landscape features that influence connectivity of mass and energy by being foci for the reception, mixing, and provision of water and material. Where lake fractions are high, they influence hydrological connectivity. This behavior was exemplified in the Baker Creek watershed in Canada's Northwest Territories during a two‐year drought in which many lake levels declined below outlet elevations. This study evaluated how lakes controlled surface runoff connectivity reestablishment following the drought using a new assessment method, T‐TEL (time scales — thresholds, excesses, losses). Analysis of daily data showed that during a summer period following the drought, connectivity occurred between 0% and 41% of the time. The size of run‐of‐the‐river lakes relative to their upstream watershed area, and the upstream lake fraction, are two factors for connectivity. These terms represent a lake's ability to control the size of storage deficits relative to rainfall, and evaporation and storage losses along pathways. The connectivity magnitude–duration curve only aligned with the watershed flow duration curve during high‐water conditions, implying lakes functioned as individuals rather than as part of a perennial watercourse during much of the study. The T‐TEL method can be used to quantify consistent metrics of hydrologic connectivity that can be used for regionalization exercises and understanding hydrologic controls on material transport.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Detailed studies of the surface hydrology of reclaimed surface-mined watersheds for both rainfall and snowmelt events are non-existent for central Alberta yet this information is crucial for design of runoff conveyance and storage structures. A study was initiated in 1992 with principal objectives of quantifying surface runoff for both summer rainfall and spring snowmelt events and identifying the dominant flow processes occurring in two reclaimed watersheds. Snowmelt accounted for 86 and 100% of annual watershed runoff in 1993 and 1994, respectively. The highest instantaneous peak flow was recorded during a summer rainfall event with a return period of greater than 50 years. Infiltration-excess overland flow was identified as the dominant flow process occurring within the Sandy Subsoil Watershed, whereas saturation overland flow was the principal runoff process occurring within the West Watershed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of an artificial lake system upon the runoff hydrology of a small watershed have been determined by comparing the quantity and quality of runoff with that of an adjacent and similar watershed containing no lakes. Lake storage reduced peak discharge and slowed flood recession rate downstream. Water stored within the lakes is generally of different quality than downstream surface runoff. Salt stored in the lakes from winter deicing is released during periods of surface runoff throughout the rest of the year. During summer or fall runoff events, lake outflow dominates the salt load of the outlet stream, generating double-peaked load hydrographs in which the second, or lake-induced, crest is many times larger than the peak which corresponds to maximum flow. On the other hand, the lakes cause a reduction of salt loads and concentration in winter runoff. The concentration and loads of ions which are not related to road salt are generally less affected by the lakes, although they are increased substantially in the fall.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The average microwave temperature of the watershed surface as detected by an airborne Passive Microwave Imaging Scanner (PMIS) was compared with the measured Soil Conservation Service (SCS) watershed storm runoff coefficient (CN). Previous laboratory work suggested that microwave response to the watershed surface is influenced by some of the same surface characteristics that affect runoff, i.e., soil moisture, surface roughness, vegetative cover, and soil texture. In order to field test and develop relations between runoff potentfal and microwave response, several highly instrumented watersheds of approximately 1.5 to 17 km2 were scanned under wet- and dry-soil conditions in April and June 1973. The polarized (horizontal and vertical) scans at 2.8 cm wavelength provided the data base from which other values were calculated. The best relationship between runoff coefficients (CN) and PMIS temperatures was observed when horizontally polarized temperatures from the near-dormant, early-growing season flight were used. Lower SCS runoff coefficients seem to be correlated with the cross-polarized response under dry watershed conditions late in the growing season and the difference in horizontal polarized response between wet conditions early in the growing season and dry conditions late in the growing season. To apply the results, the relationships need to be verified further.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: West Bitter Creek floodwater retarding structure site 3 in South Central Oklahoma was instrumented and records obtained and analyzed to obtain information concerning an impoundment water budget that is useful to landowners and designers of these impoundments. On-site loss of water from the impoundment was only 17 percent of the inflow during three years when the annual precipitation averaged 26 inches and the annual inflow averaged 1.4 inches. Runoff from an eroded area with no farm ponds was about 70 percent greater per unit area than from a portion of the watershed where 71 percent of the drainage area was controlled by farm ponds. A previous study indicated, however, that the ponds were reducing runoff only 13 percent. Loss of top soil increases runoff considerably. Only 24 percent of the total runoff into the impoundment was base flow. The flow rate into the impoundment was less than 0.05 cfs 70 percent of the time, and the inflow rate exceeded 10 cfs only 1 percent of the time. SCS runoff curve numbers varied between 57 and 96 for the impoundment watershed with an inverse relation between precipitation amount and curve number apprently caused by partial area runoff from impervious and semi-impervious areas. A comparison of measured event runoff versus event runoff computed by the SCS curve numbers gave an r2 of only 0.44. However, the total computed surface runoff for eight years of record was less than 1 percent below the measured runoff which indicated the curve number method was a good tool for predicting long term runoff for the watershed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's effort to determine the long-term effects of acidic deposition on surface water chemistry, annual runoff was estimated for about 1000 ungaged sites in the eastern U.S. using runoff contour maps. One concern in using contour maps was that a bias may be introduced in the runoff estimates due to the size of the 1000 ungaged sites relative to the size of the watersheds used in developing the maps. To determine if a bias was present the relationship between the annual runoff (expressed as depth) and the watershed area for the Northeast (NE) and Southern Blue Ridge Province (SBRP) was tested using five regional data bases. One short-term data base (1984 Water Year, n = 531) and two long-term data bases (1940–57, n = 134 and 1951–80, n = 342) were used in the NE. In the SBRP one short-term database (1984 Water Year, n = 531) and one long-term data base (1951–80, n = 60) were used. For the NE and the SBRP, runoff was not directly correlated with watershed area using the five regional databases. Also, runoff normalized by precipitation was not related to watershed area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The use of continuous time, distributed parameter hydrologic models like SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) has opened several opportunities to improve watershed modeling accuracy. However, it has also placed a heavy burden on users with respect to the amount of work involved in parameterizing the watershed in general and in adequately representing the spatial variability of the watershed in particular. Recent developments in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have alleviated some of the difficulties associated with managing spatial data. However, the user must still choose among various parameterization approaches that are available within the model. This paper describes the important parameterization issues involved when modeling watershed hydrology for runoff prediction using SWAT with emphasis on how to improve model performance without resorting to tedious and arbitrary parameter by parameter calibration. Synthetic and actual watersheds in Indiana and Mississippi were used to illustrate the sensitivity of runoff prediction to spatial variability, watershed decomposition, and spatial and temporal adjustment of curve numbers and return flow contribution. SWAT was also used to predict stream runoff from actual watersheds in Indiana that have extensive subsurface drainage. The results of this study provide useful information for improving SWAT performance in terms of stream runoff prediction in a manner that is particularly useful for modeling ungaged watersheds wherein observed data for calibration is not available.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper evaluates the effects of watershed geometric representation (i.e., plane and channel representation) on runoff and sediment yield simulations in a semiarid rangeland watershed. A process based, spatially distributed runoff erosion model (KINEROS2) was used to explore four spatial representations of a 4.4 ha experimental watershed. The most complex representation included all 96 channel elements identifiable in the field. The least complex representation contained only five channel elements. It was concluded that oversimplified watershed representations greatly influence runoff and sediment yield simulations by inducing excessive infiltration on hillslopes and distorting runoff patterns and sediment fluxes. Runoff and sediment yield decrease systematically with decreasing complexity in watershed representation. However, less complex representations had less impact on runoff and sediment‐yield simulations for small rainfall events. This study concludes that the selection of the appropriate level of watershed representation can have important theoretical and practical implications on runoff and sediment yield modeling in semiarid environments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A curve number based model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), and a physically based model, Soil Moisture Distribution and Routing (SMDR), were applied in a headwater watershed in Pennsylvania to identify runoff generation areas, as runoff areas have been shown to be critical for phosphorus management. SWAT performed better than SMDR in simulating daily streamflows over the four‐year simulation period (Nash‐Sutcliffe coefficient: SWAT, 0.62; SMDR, 0.33). Both models varied streamflow simulations seasonally as precipitation and watershed conditions varied. However, levels of agreement between simulated and observed flows were not consistent over seasons. SMDR, a variable source area based model, needs further improvement in model formulations to simulate large peak flows as observed. SWAT simulations matched the majority of observed peak flow events. SMDR overpredicted annual flow volumes, while SWAT underpredicted the same. Neither model routes runoff over the landscape to water bodies, which is critical to surface transport of phosphorus. SMDR representation of the watershed as grids may allow targeted management of phosphorus sources. SWAT representation of fields as hydrologic response units (HRUs) does not allow such targeted management.  相似文献   

The use of salt to melt ice and snow on streets and roads has become prevalent throughout the Northeast. Several states apply as much as 20 tons per lane-mile. Salt runoff may be sorted in various locations within the hydrologic system. Eventually the salt reaches streams and lakes. In Meadowbrook, it was observed that the chloride content reached a high of 11,000 ppm in December 1969. The runoff from the watershed was emitted in several surges. Chloride concentrations declined with the onset of summer, but still remained high, suggesting that some of the salt applied during the past winter appeared in the summer stream flow. Salt runoff entering a small lake, flowed directly to the lake bottom. The buildup of high density saline water in the lower portion of the lake prevented complete mixing in the spring. Incomplete mixing led to anoxic conditions in the lower lake strata. The population of bent hic fauna of the lake was changed by the flow of salt water into the lake. From a total of 10 species of dipteran larva and oligochaetes, only 4 species of the latter remained.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nutrient loading from beef pastures located within the northern Lake Okeechobee watershed in Florida, has been identified as a source of phosphorus contributing to the accelerated eutrophication of the lake. Since 1989 within the watershed, 557 agricultural drainage sites, mainly beef pasture, have been monitored for compliance under a regulatory program. Of those sites, 154 were actively monitored for phosphorus concentrations from October 1, 1998, to September 30, 1999. Of these 154 sites, 77 were considered to be out of compliance (OOC). An OOC site is defined as having runoff with a 12‐month average phosphorus concentration exceeding the permitted discharge limit. The average annual phosphorous load from the 77 OOC sites for an eight‐year study period from October 1, 1991, to September 30, 1999, was estimated using measured concentration values and simulated runoff obtained from an agricultural nonpoint source pollution model, CREAMS‐WT. The 77 OOC sites produced an estimated average annual 46 metric tonnes of phosphorus load, of which an estimated 22 tonnes of phosphorus reached Lake Okeechobee on an average annual basis. The remaining estimated average annual 24 tonnes of phosphorus load was retained by streams and wetlands in the discharge transport system between the sites and the lake. The estimated average annual load reaching Lake Okeechobee from the OOC sites represented 11 percent of the phosphorus load above a five‐year average annual target load for the lake. However, the OOC site drainage areas represented only 3 percent of the northern watershed that drains into the lake. Of the 77 OOC sites, 12 sites had an average annual phosphorus loading rate equal to or greater than 3.0 kg/ha and were placed on the priority list for the Critical Restoration Project in the Lake Okeechobee watershed. To estimate the possible phosphorus load reductions from the 77 sites, two scenarios were modeled. The first scenario reduced phosphorus concentrations in runoff to the permitted discharge limits under the Lake Okeechobee regulatory program. The second scenario changed current land uses to native rangeland with an estimated annual offsite total phosphorus areal loading rate of 0.114 kg/ha. These two scenarios are hypothetical with assumed concentration values and loading rate. Model results showed that the first management scenario reduced the average annual phosphorus load to the lake by an estimated 15 tonnes. The second scenario reduced the average annual phosphorus load to the lake by an estimated 21 tonnes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A simple nonlinear runoff model was developed and tested for use on field-size agricultural watersheds. A Wooding idealization of the watershed topography was used. Kinematic wave equations were used with an assumed, instead of computed, overland flow, watersurface profile in order to simplify the numerical computations. The approach was used to synthesize runoff hydrographs for an agricultural watershed in Iowa. The accuracy of the synthesized hydro-graphs was judged by comparing the estimated and observed peak discharges and by comparing estimated and observed stages at the measuring weir. The mean errors were 0.01 in/hr and 0.05 ft, respectively. A qualitative comparison was also made with a detailed kinematic wave study. The largest variability occurred during the seedbed period for both models, which was attributed to changes in surface roughness. The roughness was more constant and the results more consistent for the canopy and ground residue periods.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To alleviate serious flooding problems brought upon by rapid urbanization in the Beargrass Creek watershed, located in Louisville, Kentucky, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers undertook a major flood study in 1973. In order to predict flood conditions in 1990, the year when the watershed was expected to undergo complete urbanization, trends in the Clark Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (Clark IUH) parameters were utilized to determine the 1990 unit hydrograph and flood conditions. Based on the results from this flood study, this paper demonstrates the applicability of using projected Clark IUH parameters for modeling future runoff conditions in an urbanizing watershed. Values of these parameters, as estimated from maximum annual historical flood data, are used to develop regression models for predicting future Clark IUH parameters. Using the projected parameters, selected annual flood events since 1973 are simulated in order to verify the accuracy of these projections. Results show a close correspondence between the simulated and observed flood characteristics. Hence, the use of projected Clark IUH parameters is an appropriate procedure for modeling future runoff conditions in an urbanizing watershed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An index of watershed susceptibility to surface water contamination by herbicides could be used to improve source water assessments for public drinking water supplies, prioritize watershed restoration projects, and direct funding and educational efforts to areas where the greatest environmental benefit can be realized. The goal of this study is to use streamflow and herbicide concentration data to develop and evaluate a method for estimating comparative watershed susceptibility to herbicide loss. United States Geological Survey (USGS) concentration data for five relatively water soluble herbicides (alachlor, atrazine, cyanazine, metolachlor, and simazine) were analyzed for 16 Indiana watersheds. Correlation was assessed between observed herbicide losses and: (1) a herbicide runoff index using GIS‐based land use, soil type, SCS runoff curve number, tillage practice, herbicide use estimates, and combinations of these factors; and (2) predicted herbicide losses from a non‐point source pollution model (NAPRA‐Web, an Internet‐based interface for GLEAMS). The highest adjusted R2value was found between herbicide concentration and the runoff curve number alone, ranging from 0.25 to 0.56. Predictions from the simulation model showed a poorer correlation with observed herbicide loss. This indicates potential for using the runoff curve number as a simple herbicide contamination susceptibility index.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of Spatially Integrated Models for Phosphorus Loading and Erosion (SIMPLE) in predicting runoff volume, sediment loss, and phosphorus loading from two watersheds. The modeling system was applied to the 334 ha QOD subwatershed, part of the Owl Run watershed, located in Fauquier County, Virginia, and to the 2240 ha watershed, Battle Branch, located in Delaware County, Oklahoma. Simulation runs were conducted at cell and field scales, and simulation results were compared with observed data. Runoff volume and dissolved phosphorus loading were measured at the Battle Branch watershed. Runoff volume, sediment yield, and total phosphorus loading were measured at the QOD site. SIMPLE tended to underestimate runoff volumes during the dormant period, from November to March. The comparison between observed and predicted dissolved phosphorus showed better correlation than for observed and predicted total phosphorus loading. Cell level simulations provided similar estimates of runoff volume and phosphorus loading when compared to field level simulations for both watersheds. However, observed sediment yields better compared with the values predicted from the cell level simulation when compared to field level simulation. Finally, results of model evaluation indicated that SIMPLE's predictive ability is acceptable for screening applications but not for site-specific quantitative predictions.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) has been applied successfully in temperate environments but little is known about its performance in the snow‐dominated, forested, mountainous watersheds that provide much of the water supply in western North America. To address this knowledge gap, we configured SWAT to simulate the streamflow of Tenderfoot Creek (TCSWAT). Located in central Montana, TCSWAT represents a high‐elevation watershed with ~85% coniferous forest cover where more than 70% of the annual precipitation falls as snow, and runoff comes primarily from spring snowmelt. Model calibration using four years of measured daily streamflow, temperature, and precipitation data resulted in a relative error (RE) of 2% for annual water yield estimates, and mean paired deviations (Dv) of 36 and 31% and Nash‐Sutcliffe (NS) efficiencies of 0.90 and 0.86 for monthly and daily streamflow, respectively. Model validation was conducted using an additional four years of data and the performance was similar to the calibration period, with RE of 4% for annual water yields, Dv of 43% and 32%, and NS efficiencies of 0.90 and 0.76 for monthly and daily streamflow, respectively. An objective, regression‐based model invalidation procedure also indicated that the model was validated for the overall simulation period. Seasonally, SWAT performed well during the spring and early summer snowmelt runoff period, but was a poor predictor of late summer and winter base flow. The calibrated model was most sensitive to snowmelt parameters, followed in decreasing order of influence by the surface runoff lag, ground water, soil, and SCS Curve Number parameter sets. Model sensitivity to the surface runoff lag parameter reflected the influence of frozen soils on runoff processes. Results indicated that SWAT can provide reasonable predictions of annual, monthly, and daily streamflow from forested montane watersheds, but further model refinements could improve representation of snowmelt runoff processes and performance during the base flow period in this environment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An excellent hydrologic record on sagebrush range-land has been developed at the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in southwestern Idaho. The objectives of this paper were two-fold: (1) to analyze and describe the hydrologic record (8–18 years) from four sagebrush watersheds (1–83 ha); and (2) to evaluate the hydrology component of SPUR, a comprehensive rangeland model. The watersheds represent a gradient in elevation (1180–1658 m) and precipitation (240–350 mm/yr). Runoff was a small fraction (> 2 percent) of the total water budget for all of the watersheds. It occurred very infrequently at the three lower elevation watersheds: Summit, Flats, and Nancy Gulch. At Lower Sheep, the highest elevation watershed, runoff occurred most years for a period of 1 to 17 weeks in the winter. Frozen soil combined with rainfall or snowmelt was associated with most of the runoff from Flats and Nancy Gulch. At Summit summertime thunderstorms produced all of the runoff. The average annual sediment yield from all of the watersheds was low (17–950 kg/ha). It was highest from Summit, which had well developed alluvial channels and very steep slopes. SPUR was able to simulate runoff with reasonable accuracy only at Summit, where frozen soils were not a factor. There was poor correlation between predicted and actual annual 8ediment loss. The model tended to overpredict evapotranspiration early in the growing season and underpredict it in the late summer.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Many coastal states are facing increasing urban growth along their coast lines. The growth has caused urban non-point source nitrogen runoff to be a major contributor to coastal and estuarine enrichment. Water resource managers are responsible for evaluating the impacts from point and non-point sources in developed watersheds and developing strategies to manage future growth. Non-point source models provide an effective approach to these management challenges. The Agricultural Non-Point Source Model (AGNPS) permits the incorporation of important spatial information (soils, landuse, topography, hydrology) in simulating surface hydrology and nitrogen non-point source runoff. The AGNPS model was adapted for developed coastal watersheds by deriving urban coefficients that reflect urban landuse classes and the amount of impervious surface area. Popperdam Creek watershed was used for model parameter development and model calibration. Four additional watersheds were simulated to validate the model. The model predictions of the peak flow and total nitrogen concentrations were close to the field measurements for the five sub-basins simulated. Measured peak flow varied by 30 fold among the sub-basins. The average simulated peak flow was within 14 percent of the average measured peak flow. Measured total nitrogen loads varied over an order of magnitude among the sub-basins yet error between the measured and simulated loads for a given sub-basin averaged 5 percent. The AGNPS model provided better estimates of nitrogen loads than widely used regression methods. The spatial distribution of important watershed characteristics influenced the impacts of urban landuse and projecting future residential expansion on runoff, sediment and nitrogen yields. The AGNPS model provides a useful tool to incorporate these characteristics, evaluate their importance, and evaluate fieldscale to watershed-scale urban impacts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A distributed watershed model was developed to mathematically simulate overland and channel flow for a single-event storm. The modeled watersheds in the study were subdivided into rectangular grid elements. All hydrologically significant parameters, such as land slope, rainfall and precipitation excess, were assumed to be uniform within each element. The Green-Ampt method was adopted to generate precipitation excess for each element during the simulation period. A two-dimensional diffusion wave model was used for overland flow routing and an iterative Alternative Direction Implicit scheme was used to solve the simultaneous overland flow equations. Once the overland flow became inflow to the channel, a one-dimensional dynamic wave flood routing technique, based on a four-point, implicit, non-linear finite difference solution of the St. Venant equation of unsteady flow, was applied. A limited number of comparisons were made between simulated and observed hydrographs for areas of about one square mile. Given the appropriate parameters, the model was able to accurately simulate runoff for single-event storms. This paper describes a distributed watershed model developed to simulate overland and channel flow. Comparisons were made between simulated and observed hydrographs for three watersheds. The model was able to accurately simulate the runoff for single-event storms using 61-m by 61-m (200 ft by 200 ft) watershed grid elements.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Runoff Routing model (RORB) is a general model applicable to both rural and urban catchments. The performance of the model is illustrated through its simulation of flood runoff hydrographs in an urban catchment in Singapore. The essential feature of the model is the routing of rainfall excesses on subareas through some arrangement of concentrated storage elements, which represent the distribution of temporary storage of flood runoff on the watershed. This nonlinear routing procedure of the storage elements has two common parameters, kc and m. With the limited data available, these two parameter values were determined through calibration runs. The same set of values of kc and m were then used in the model to determine the runoff hydrographs of five other storms selected from the rainfall events between 1979 and 1981. It was found that the simulated runoff hydrographs matched reasonably well with the recorded hydrographs.  相似文献   

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