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Radon has been determined in soil, groundwater, and air in Mexico, both indoors and outdoors, as part of geophysical studies and to estimate effective doses as a result of radon exposure. Detection of radon has mainly been performed with solid-state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD) and, occasionally, with active detection devices based on silicon detectors or ionization chambers. The liquid scintillation technique, also, has been used for determination of radon in groundwater. The adjusted geometric mean indoor radon concentration (74 Bq m−3) in urban developments, for example Mexico City, is higher than the worldwide median concentration of radon in dwellings. In some regions, particularly hilly regions of Mexico where air pollution is high, radon concentrations are higher than action levels and the effective dose for the general population has increased. Higher soil radon levels have been found in the uranium mining areas in the northern part of the country. Groundwater radon levels are, in general, low. Soil-air radon contributing to indoor atmospheres and air pollution is the main source of increased exposure of the population.  相似文献   

Indoor and outdoor air pollution is known to contribute to increased lung cancer incidence. This study is the first to address the contribution of home heating fuel and geographical course particulate matter (PM10) concentrations to lung cancer rates in New Hampshire, USA. First, Pearson correlation analysis and geographically weighted regression were used to investigate spatial relationships between outdoor PM10 and lung cancer rates. While the aforementioned analyses did not indicate a significant contribution of PM10 to lung cancer in the state, there was a trend towards a significant association in the northern and southwestern regions of the state. Second, case-control data were used to estimate the contributions of indoor pollution and secondhand smoke to the risk of lung cancer with adjustment for confounders. Increased risk was found among those who used wood or coal to heat their homes for more than 10 winters before the age of 18, with a significant increase in risk per winter. Resulting data suggest that further investigation of the relationship between heating-related air pollution levels and lung cancer risk is needed.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted to identify high-risk industries for histological subtypes of lung cancer based on a large population-based case-control study in British Columbia, Canada. Occupational histories and information on smoking and relevant covariates were collected from 14,755 male incident cancer cases. Industrial risk factors for 2998 lung cancer cases, including histological subtypes were assessed by logistic regression using other cancer cases, excluding smoking-related cancers, as controls. An excess risk of lung cancer was found among workers in mining, metal manufacturing, and electric power systems for all histological-subtypes, and construction, water transport, health services for specific histological subtypes. Industrial associations that are unique to histological subtypes of lung cancer were identified. Future research needs to focus on confirming these histological associations, and identifying the risk from key exposures found within these industries (e.g. medical radiation, electromagnetic fields, and cooking fumes).  相似文献   

Few researchers have developed large-scale habitat models for sympatric carnivore species. We created habitat models for red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), coyotes (Canis latrans) and bobcats (Lynx rufus) in southern Illinois, USA, using the Penrose distance statistic, remotely sensed landscape data, and sighting location data within a GIS. Our objectives were to quantify and spatially model potential habitat differences among species. Habitat variables were quantified for 1-km2 buffered areas around mesocarnivore sighting locations. Following variable reduction procedures, five habitat variables (percentage of grassland patches, interspersion–juxtaposition of forest patches, mean fractal dimension of wetland patches and the landscape, and road density) were used for analysis. Only one variable differed (P < 0.05) between red fox and coyote sighting areas (road density) and bobcat and coyote sighting areas (mean fractal dimension of the landscape). However, all five variables differed between red fox and bobcat sighting areas, indicating considerable differences in habitat affiliation between this pair-group. Compared to bobcats, red fox sightings were affiliated with more grassland cover and larger grassland patches, higher road densities, lower interspersion and juxtaposition of forest patches, and lower mean fractal dimension of wetland patches. These differences can be explained by different life history requirements relative to specific cover types. We then used the Penrose distance statistic to create habitat models for red foxes and bobcats, respectively, based on the five-variable dataset. An independent set of sighting locations were used to validate these models; model fit was good with 65% of mesocarnivore locations within the top 50% of Penrose distance values. In general, red foxes were affiliated with mixtures of agricultural and grassland cover, whereas bobcats were associated with a combination of grassland, wetland, and forest cover. The greatest habitat overlap between red foxes and bobcats was found at the interface between forested areas and more open cover types. Our study provides insight into habitat overlap among sympatric mesocarnivores, and the distance-based modelling approach we used has numerous applications for modelling wildlife–habitat relationships over large scales.  相似文献   

The pulmonary Cd and Cr content was determined from 53 lung cancer patients operated for cancer and from 39 patients who died of non‐malignant diseases. The results were correlated with smoking habits, pulmonary emphysema and occupational history. Both the pulmonary Cd and Cr increased with the amount of smoking. In ex‐smokers the Cr content in lung tissue did not diminish with the time since stopping smoking, but the Cd did follow the half‐life of about 9 years. The pulmonary Cd, compared with smoking habits, behaved similarly in both the lung cancer and control patients, whereas Cr in the lung cancer patients could not be explained solely by smoking, but some of the cancer patients may have been occupationally exposed to Cr. Speciation was not studied.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the determination of uranium concentrations in drinking and ground water samples by laser fluorimetry and calculation of cumulative, age-dependent radiation doses to humans. The concentrations were found to be between 0.20 ± 0.03 and 64.0 ± 3.6 μg L?1, with an average of 11.1 ± 1.5 μg L?1, well within the drinking water limit of regulatory bodies. The concentrations of uranium increase with depth of water samples collection. The estimated annual ingestion dose due to the intake of uranium through drinking water for all age groups varied between 0.2 and 137 μSv a?1, with an average of 17.3 μSv a?1. The mean annual ingestion dose is 5% of the global average ingestion dose, for infants, marginally higher than for other age group. Most effective dose values were less than 20 μSv a?1.  相似文献   

In May and September, 2002, 14 private residential drinking water wells, one dewatering well at a lignite mine, eight surface water sites, and lignite from an active coal mine were sampled in five Parishes of northwestern Louisiana, USA. Using a geographic information system (GIS), wells were selected that were likely to draw water that had been in contact with lignite; control wells were located in areas devoid of lignite deposits. Well water samples were analyzed for pH, conductivity, organic compounds, and nutrient and anion concentrations. All samples were further tested for presence of fungi (cultures maintained for up to 28 days and colonies counted and identified microscopically) and for metal and trace element concentration by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry and atomic emission spectrometry. Surface water samples were tested for dissolved oxygen and presence of pathogenic leptospiral bacteria. The Spearman correlation method was used to assess the association between the endpoints for these field/laboratory analyses and incidence of cancer of the renal pelvis (RPC) based on data obtained from the Louisiana Tumor Registry for the five Parishes included in the study. Significant associations were revealed between the cancer rate and the presence in drinking water of organic compounds, the fungi Zygomycetes, the nutrients PO4 and NH3, and 13 chemical elements. Presence of human pathogenic leptospires was detected in four out of eight (50%) of the surface water sites sampled. The present study of a stable rural population examined possible linkages between aquifers containing chemically reactive lignite deposits, hydrologic conditions favorable to the␣leaching and transport of toxic organic compounds from the lignite into the groundwater, possible microbial contamination, and RPC risk.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) is a particularly important parameter in soil management, especially in mineral soils in Mediterranean and semi-arid countries where its concentration is low. In these conditions, increasing SOM concentration has several agronomic and environmental benefits, ranging from increase in water holding capacity to soil protection and carbon sequestration. We develop a model to express the short-term trend of SOM increase in grasslands as the balance between input and mineralization. This model is calibrated using five years of soil analyses from eight locations. In each location there were either two or three plots with the different grassland systems considered: sown biodiverse permanent pastures rich in legumes (SBPPRLs), fertilized natural grasslands (FNGs), and (un-improved) natural grasslands (NGs). SBPPRL are a new system consisting in the use of plant biodiversity to increase pasture productivity and resilience. So far, they exist mostly in Portugal.We use statistical calibration to adjust an asymptotic curve to the data and obtain the model parameters. Under the assumption of equal mineralization rates across grassland systems, we find that the expected steady-state long term SOM concentration in undisturbed SBPPRL is higher than in NG and FNG. Fertilization does not significantly increase SOM input, and so the trend in SOM is equal for NG and FNG. In 10 years, there is an average increase of 0.21 percentage points per year in SBPPRL. In turn, SOM increases in FNG and NG are 0.08 percentage points per year.  相似文献   

我国云南省曲靖的宣威和富源等地是全世界肺癌高发区,为了研究环境介质中铜(Cu)等重金属的暴露与体内分布特征,探讨Cu与肺癌的相关性,在当地开展肺癌环境流行病学调查,采集宣威和富源高发区人群饮食、饮水以及人体血浆和肺组织样品,微波消解ICP-MS法测定样品中Cu等元素.结果显示,当地居民使用燃料类型是影响肺癌高发的重要因素.高发区人群Cu的日摄入总量低于我国推荐的每日膳食中营养素供给量(RDA).肺癌组血液中Cu含量显著高于对照组,肺癌组织中Cu含量显著高于癌旁组织和正常组织,且肺癌患者的血浆和肺组织中Cu/Zn比值均升高.Pearson相关性分析结果表明,Cu和Ni、Cu和Pb呈显著正相关,提示在致癌作用上具有协同效应;Cu和Fe、Cu和Zn呈显著负相关,提示具有抑制或拮抗作用.多因素Logistic回归结果表明,Cu是肺癌发生的重要影响因素,人体中Cu含量和Cu/Zn比值可为肺癌的早期预防和诊断提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Uranium is a naturally occurring radioactive element which may cause toxicological or radiological hazards to the public if present in drinking water. This study reports the quantification of uranium in groundwater of major towns of the district Fatehabad, Haryana, India. Uranium concentrations ranged between 0.3 and 48 μg L?1. In 22% of the groundwater samples, uranium concentrations were higher than the World Health Organization maximum permissible limit of 30 µg L?1. The radiological dose for males was found to be in the range of 4.8?×?10?4–7.1?×?10?2 mSv y?1 and for females 3.5?×?10?4–5.2?×?10?2 mSv y?1. The results showed that due to the ingestion of groundwater in the study area, radiological cancer risk is in the range of 9.1?×?10?7–1.3?×?10?4, lower than the risk limit. Uranium ingestion from groundwater varied from 0.02 to 3.5 µg kg?1 day?1, which is within acceptable limit.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that mean-residential-radon (Rn) levels for U.S. counties are negatively associated with age-adjusted county rates of lung-cancer mortality (LCM), after adjustments for potentially confounding factors. Those results may be due to (a) confounding unaddressable by any county-level (ecological) study design, or (b) county-level factors such as Rn/smoking or age/radon correlations or exposure misclassifications from the use of disparate data sources. Possibilities (b) were addressed by comparing age-specific LCM rates for white women in 2821 U.S. counties who died in 1950–54 at age 40+ (11% of whom ever smoked), or at age 60+ (% of whom ever smoked), to county Rn levels newly estimated from U.S. Rn, climatic and geological-survey data. Significant negative LCM v Rn trends were found for both age groups, after adjusting for age and subsets of 21 county-level socioeconomic, climatic and other factors. Negative trends were largest for counties with 100 Bq m–3 Rn (p 0.00087; 420 analyses). Adjusted relative risk (RRadj) for LCM was significantly elevated (1 < [95% conf. limits on RRadj] 1.46) in 43 of 210 analyses comparing LCM rates in counties with > 150 Bq m–3 v 65–100 Bq m–3 Rn, most involving adjustment for climate- and education-related factors likely to have influenced exposure to indoor air contaminants such as Rn and cigarette smoke. Though inconclusive due to potential ecological-fallacy-related confounding that could not be controlled, results from this ecological study are most consistent with a U-shaped dose-response relationship between 1950–54 LCM risk and U.S. residential radon in white women who predominantly never smoked.  相似文献   


In order to evaluate the ecological risk reductions of copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) and the change of nutrient contents and stoichiometry in a smelter-impacted farmland in Guixi, Jiangxi Province, China, with ~ 800?mg Cu kg?1 soil and 0.8?mg Cd kg?1 soil, an three years in situ experiment was conducted. The field trial consisted of 4 ×?5?m plots in a completely randomised block design. Hydroxyapatite was added at 10?g kg?1 soil and Sedum plumbizincicola, Elsholtzia splendens, and Pennisetum sp. were planted. Post-treatment soil and plant samples were collected annually and analysed for Cu and Cd bioaccessibility, soil carbon: nitrogen: phosphorus (C:N:P), and the stoichiometries of soil β-glucosidase (BG), N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG), and acid phosphatase (AP) activity levels. The results indicated that the hydroxyapatite treatments significantly reduced Cu and Cd bioaccessibility as well as the ratio of C:P and N:P. Moreover, BG, NAG, and AP activity levels all increased relative to those in untreated soil. Plants may also influence soil BG, NAG, and AP activity. This study demonstrated that in situ Cu and Cd stabilisation by hydroxyapatite and phytoextraction is ecologically safe and can alter soil mineral nutrient ecological stoichiometry and enzyme activity.  相似文献   


Concentrations of radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn) were measured in the air of different marble factories by using a nuclear track technique. The influence of the marble dust nature and ventilation on radon and thoron concentrations was investigated. It was observed that measured radon and thoron concentration ranged from 310 to 903 Bq m−3 and 6 to 48 Bq m−3, respectively. In addition, alpha-activities due to the unattached and attached fractions of 218Po and 214Po radon short-lived progeny were evaluated in the marble factories studied. Committed equivalent doses due to the attached and unattached fractions of 218Po and 214Po nuclei were evaluated in the lung tissues of marble factory workers. The dependence of the resulting committed equivalent dose on the concentration of the attached and unattached fractions of the 218Po and 214Po radionuclides and mass of the tissue was investigated. The resulting annual committed effective doses to the lung of marble factory workers due to the attached and unattached fractions of the 218Po and 214Po radionuclides were calculated. The obtained results show that about 80% of the global committed effective doses received by workers in the studied marble factories are due to the attached fraction of the 218Po and 214Po radon short-lived daughters from the inhalation of polluted air. Male workers spending 8 h per day (2080 h per year) in a marble factory receive a maximum dose of 34.46 mSv y−1 which is higher than the (3–10 mSv y−1) dose limit interval given by the ICRP. Good agreement was found between data obtained for the average effective dose gotten by using this method and the UNSCEAR and ICRP conversion dose coefficients.


Soil Quality: A Review of the Science and Experiences in the USA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An increasing human population is placing greater demand on soil resources, and as a result degradation is taking place in many regions of the world. This is critical because soils perform a number of essential processes including supporting food and fiber production, influencing air quality through interaction with the atmosphere, and serving as a medium for storage and purification of water. The soil quality concept was introduced to complement soil science research by making our understanding of soils more complete and helping guide the use and allocation of labor, energy, fiscal, and other inputs as agriculture intensifies and expands to meet increasing world demands. Soil quality thus provides a unifying concept for educating professionals, producers, and the public about the important processes that soils perform. It also provides an assessment tool for evaluating current management practices and comparing alternative management practices. Soil attributes comprising a minimum data set have been identified, and both laboratory and field methods have been developed for measuring them. A soil quality index is being developed to normalize measured soil quality indicator data and generate a numeric value that can be used to compare various management practices or to assess management-induced changes over time. Using previously published data, we evaluated the soil quality index as a tool to assess a wide range of management practices in the Northern Great Plains. The index ranked the treatments: grazed fertilized tame pasture > moderately grazed > ungrazed> heavily grazed > annual cropping with no-tillage > conventionally tilled crop-fallow which agrees with the way they were subjectively ranked in the publications. The soil quality index shows potential for use as a management assessment tool.  相似文献   

土壤是全球重要的碳库和氮库,在全球碳氮循环中具有重要地位。密云水库是华北地区最大的水库和北京市最重要的地表水水源地,其上游流域山地广布,地形复杂,气候变化明显,土壤类型和植被类型多样,影响土壤碳氮库的环境因素具有较强的变异性。为揭示环境因素对密云水库上游流域土壤有机碳(soil organic carbon,SOC)和全氮(total nitrogen,TN)含量的作用效应,采用野外采样、实验室分析与逐步回归分析和通径分析相结合的方法,研究了气候(温度和降水)、地形(海拔和坡度)、土壤理化性质(土壤容重、含水量、pH值和粘粒含量)等环境因素对流域SOC和TN含量的影响。结果表明:温度、土壤容重、含水量、pH值和粘粒含量对SOC含量的影响显著(P&lt;0.001),其中各因子的直接通径系数依次为:土壤含水量(0.439)>土壤容重(-0.324)>pH值(-0.238)>温度(-0.209)>土壤粘粒含量(0.092),间接通径系数依次为:土壤容重(-0.425)>土壤粘粒含量(0.305)>土壤含水量(0.287)>pH值(-0.179)>温度(-0.043),因此,土壤含水量、pH值和温度主要通过直接作用影响SOC含量,而土壤容重和粘粒含量则主要通过其它因子的作用间接影响SOC含量。海拔、土壤容重、含水量、pH 值和粘粒含量对 TN 含量的影响显著(P&lt;0.001),其中各因子的直接通径系数依次为:土壤含水量(0.456)>海拔(0.234)>土壤容重(-0.228)>pH 值(-0.190)>土壤粘粒含量(0.094),间接通径系数依次为:土壤容重(-0.484)>土壤粘粒含量(0.301)>海拔(0.247)>土壤含水量(0.257)>pH 值(-0.202),因此,土壤含水量主要通过直接作用影响TN含量,而土壤容重和粘粒含量主要通过土壤含水量的作用间接影响TN含量,海拔和土壤pH值的直接作用与间接作用  相似文献   

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have found numerous applications in various industries. Recently, adverse effects of these materials on human and animal cells in vitro have been reported. In the present study, the cytotoxicity of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), and chrysotile asbestos in human lung epithelial cells has been studied using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay. The cells were exposed for 6 h and 24 h to between 0.97 and 1500 μg mL?1 of CNTs and chrysotile fibers prepared in two culture media containing 5% serum and 0.5% dimethylsulfoxide. Dose–response curves were obtained to determine the nonobservable adverse effect concentration and the half-maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50). The way of dispersion affects the cytotoxicity of CNTs. For MWCNT, the toxicological indexes were lower than for SWCNT. Chrysotile fibers were even less cytotoxic than CNTs. Therefore, workplace control measures are recommended as priority for occupational and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil total nitrogen (STN) concentrations and stocks are essential for improving soil quality and increasing C-reservoir. The study aimed at quantifying the dynamics of soil properties under different land use in Imo watershed where there is no knowledge about the effects of land use on SOC and STN pool. Six land use: arable land (AL), forest land (FL), grassland (GL), shrubland hills (SL), urban built-up green (UL), and freshwater swamp-mangrove wetland (WL) were classified using ArcGIS 10.1 and FAO land use classification system. Soil samples were collected and analyzed from each land use under different soil depths and slope positions with three replications. Topsoil layer (0–30?cm) contributed to more than 90% of the total soil nutrients. Land use significantly affected SOC content, STN content, and bulk density. SOC and STN concentrations were in the order of FL?>?WL?>?GL?>?SL?>?UL?>?AL which revealed the potentials of FL and WL for SOC and STN sequestration. The study provides land users with the information to improve soil quality, conserve C and N stocks for ecological sustainability and climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

Systematic geochemical mapping based on sampling and analysis of surface soils (0–2 cm) has been carried out in several Norwegian cities. The soils in the oldest parts of the cities are contaminated with metals (especially Pb) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Due to the fact that children are often in contact with surface soil, it was realized that special focus had to be directed towards soils in day-care centers and playgrounds. The first mapping and remedy program was initiated in Trondheim in 1996. Here, the importance of copper–chromium–arsenic (CCA)-pressure-impregnated wood in playing equipment as a pollution source for soils was documented, and a process was started with the aim to ban this product. Soils from day-care centers in the inner city of Bergen were polluted to a degree that required remediation in 45% out of 87 centers, mainly due to high concentrations of Pb and benzo(a)pyrene. In Oslo, 38% of 700 day-care centers needed remediation due to soil pollution by Pb, BaP, Cd, Hg, Ni and PCB. Removal of CCA-impregnated wood was necessary in more than half of the day-care centers The Norwegian parliament has decided to investigate all outdoor playing areas in day-care centers, playgrounds and schoolyards in Norway, starting in 2007 with day-care centers in the ten largest cities and five most important industrial areas. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has developed quality criteria for soils in day-care centers and playgrounds for As, Cd, Cr6+, Hg, Ni, Pb, zinc, PAHsum16, benzo(a)pyrene, and PCBsum7. The Geological Survey of Norway has developed guidance for mapping of soil pollution (sampling, chemical analysis and reporting) in day-care centers. Especially the sampling strategy has been developed in the period 1996–2007, and the preferred sampling strategy is to collect at least 10 samples of surface soil (0–2 cm) from (1) “original soil” on the site, (2) artificial man-made “hills”, and (3) soils used for growing vegetables. A total number of 2,000 day-care-centres are to be investigated, and necessary remediation should be completed before the end of 2010.  相似文献   

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