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在水资源短缺条件下绿洲的垦区农业采取多种经营,发展以棉花,水果和养鹿为主的高效特色农业,同时加强工程建设,进行水资源开源节流,强化管理和对绿洲的保护,这些已成为维持绿洲稳定和促进绿洲农业经济发展的关键措施。  相似文献   

将地理信息系统 (GIS)与景观格局分析软件FRAGSTATS相结合 ,选取了 9个斑块类型指标和 13个景观指标 ,从区域和绿洲 2个尺度分析了金塔县及其境内的金塔农业绿洲和鼎新农业绿洲的景观格局。结果显示 ,区域尺度的景观格局体现了绿洲与戈壁等基质类型景观的镶嵌特征 ;金塔农业绿洲体现出冲、洪积三角洲的特征 ,即耕地从扇顶呈放射状与盐碱地相间分布 ;鼎新农业绿洲显示了沿河绿洲的特点 ,即景观类型以河道为轴对称分布。指出划定绿洲界限和提高数据分辨率是揭示绿洲景观格局与过程相互作用机制的关键  相似文献   

气候变化对河西绿洲农业的影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变暖和区域降水变化给河西绿洲农业生产带来严峻挑战。认识气候变化特征及其对农业的影响,提出应对措施,可为区域农业应对气候变化提供科学依据。基于河西绿洲气象观测资料,分析河西绿洲近58年(1961—2018年)气候变化特征,对比讨论气候变化对河西绿洲农业的主要影响,提出河西绿洲农业应对气候变化的适应技术对策。结果表明,近58年,河西绿洲区年平均气温呈显著上升趋势,气温变化倾向率为0.364℃·(10 a)~(-1),年平均气温于20世纪70年初开始持续上升,年平均气温上升突变点出现在1997年。年降水量年际变化也呈显著上升趋势,降水量变化倾向率为4.341 mm·(10 a)~(-1),降水量于20世纪60年代开始上升,降水量上升突变点为2006年。气候变暖使河西绿洲作物生长季延长,春小麦、玉米的出苗期、生育期缩短,成熟期提前;作物适宜种植区和可以种植区海拔增加,多熟制北移,夏粮面积缩小,秋粮面积增大。弱冬性、中晚熟品种逐步取代强冬性、中早熟品种;玉米中晚熟品种种植适宜区上限高度已由海拔1 500 m提升到海拔1 800m左右。未来气候变化对绿洲农业发展利弊共存。夏季降水增多会增加径流量,山区降雪会增加冰川储水量;气温增高,有效积温增加,无霜期延长,复种指数提高;但是,气候变暖使灾害性天气的极端性增加,危害加重,对设施农业、大田生产造成的损失增加。要严格控制人工绿洲面积,提高土地生产力;优化农业产业结构,发展高效绿洲生态农业种植模式;加快特色农业建设,优化农业经济结构;依靠科技提升核心竞争力,逐步提高农业现代化水平;研究绿洲生态系统演变机理和驱动机制,维护绿洲生态系统平衡;发展节水生态农业,建立绿洲多元化复合种植结构;发展绿洲及过渡带舍饲畜牧业,延长生态产业链。通过上述的措施,科学开发利用气候资源,减缓气候变暖的不利影响,应对气候变化。  相似文献   

干旱区农业绿洲景观格局研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
将地理信息系统(GIS)与景观格局分析软件FRAGSTATS相结合,选取了9个斑类类型指标和13个景观指标,从区域和绿洲2个尺度分析了金塔县及其境内的金塔农业绿洲和鼎新农业绿洲的景观格局。结果显示,区域尺度的景观格局体现了绿洲与戈壁等基质类型景观的镶嵌特征;金塔农业绿洲体现出冲、洪积三角洲的特征,即耕地从扇顶呈放射状与盐碱地相间分布;鼎新农业绿洲显示了沿河绿洲的特点,即景观类型以河道为轴对称分布。指出划定绿洲界限和提高数据分辨率是揭示绿洲景观格局与过程相互作用机制的关键。  相似文献   

构建适用于中国粮食主产区农业水资源脆弱性与粮食安全的评价指标体系,利用D-S证据理论合成主客观权重并确定综合权重,对2010—2019年粮食主产区的农业水资源脆弱性和粮食安全进行评价。采用耦合协调度模型和相对发展度模型,分析两者的耦合协调水平及耦合协调发展类型。结果表明,2010—2019年粮食主产区的农业水资源脆弱性和粮食安全呈持续改进优化的趋势,两者得分分别提高6.22%和17.22%。农业水资源脆弱性与粮食安全的耦合协调度上升5.11%,耦合协调度等级从勉强协调升至初级协调,耦合协调度呈南高北低的空间分布特征。粮食主产区耦合协调发展类型主要为低度磨合-农业水资源滞后型、高度磨合-同步发展型,农业水资源系统改进和发展滞后已成为制约粮食安全的主要障碍因素,笔者据此提出了降低农业水资源脆弱性、促进2个系统耦合发展的路径。  相似文献   

论述了当今世界水资源危机的现状,引起水资源危机的主要原因;认为发展节水农业是缓解水资源危机的重要举措,并概述了节水农业的技术现状和节水农业今后的发展趋势.  相似文献   

黄河流域农业水资源与水环境问题及技术对策   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6  
对黄河流域农业水资源与水环境现状和存在问题进行了分析,并针对这些问题,提出了改善黄河流域农业水资源利用与水环境安全的技术对策。研究指出,黄河流域水资源贫乏、水质污染严重、灌溉水水质劣化、农业水资源供需矛盾突出,水环境日趋恶化,产生了严重的生态环境问题;而目前我国缺乏有效的农业水资源和水环境监测预警系统,节水农业和水污染防治技术水平低,基础设施落后,信息平台建设不够,农业种植结构和水资源不匹配。今后应加快建立农业水资源与水环境监测预警系统与信息平台,积极推进农业水资源高效利用技术升级,全面提高农业污染防控技术水平,加强农业水环境保护,调整种植结构,建立节水高效种植制度。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲经济区耕地锐减,水资源分布不均,工业和农业污染严重,农业生态环境日趋恶化。经济发展不平衡,农业趋于萎缩状态,本文针对这些问题,提出了珠江三角洲农业生态环境治理的指导思想、发展目标和基本措施。  相似文献   

广东省水资源问题及可持续利用对策   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
李伟烈 《生态环境》2004,13(2):284-286
论述了广东省的水资源状况和水资源利用中存在的主要问题,提出了水资源可持续利用的对策。认为水质性缺水、水利工程老化失修、水资源浪费严重、管理体制不健全是水资源利用中存在的主要问题;应加强水污染的防治,健全防洪防旱体系,建立健全水资源统一管理运作饥制,提高全民节水观念,发展节水农业,走兴林治水之路,使水资源可持续利用。  相似文献   

黑河流域生物生产量分布趋势测算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑河流域地处干旱地带,水资源紧缺,天然绿洲植被迅速退化,流域的生态环境状况十分严峻。本文应用迈阿密模型以及作者提出的修正方法,对黑河流域的生物生产量进行了测算及分布趋势分析,所得结果对黑河流域以及西北干旱地区的水土资源利用和生态环境保护具有应用价值  相似文献   

The Shiyang River Basin is an inland river basin in the Hexi Corridor, Gansu Province, northwest China. Shiyang is the largest basin in terms of human population density and has the highest exploitation of water resources in the northwest. Serious water shortages constrain social and economic development, and the area has some of the worst ecological and environmental deterioration in China. From historical data and recent observations, we have analysed changes in water systems in the Minqin oasis, at the end of the river basin, and assessed impacts and consequences of a changing climate and intensive human activity. Historically, climate change has been the main cause of changes in the oasis. In the last 50 years, however, a major influence has been intense human activity in the basin. With increasing population (159% in 50 years), the amount of cultivated land has been greatly expanded (by 51%). Many reservoirs have been built by damming rivers and large-scale irrigation has been introduced in the middle reaches of the basin. The introduction of leakage-free canals and more extensive exploitation of underground water have further expanded the irrigated area. Water use by humans has exceeded the carrying capacity of the water resources of the basin, which has led to a dramatic shift in water allocation between the upper and lower reaches and a rapid drop in the water table in the Minqin oasis (by as much as 14 m). The oasis is shrinking, natural vegetation that relies on underground water is disappearing, and desertification is accelerating. An ancient oasis that can be traced back 2000 years is disappearing and this must be a warning sign for future generations.  相似文献   

张军民 《生态环境》2007,16(4):1328-1332
普遍的生态敏感性和整体的生态退化趋势,使干旱区成为社会适应和经济适度极端脆弱区,其生态安全问题的典型性和突出性,为完善区域生态安全评价理论体系提供了理想靶区。根据生态安全评价的一般原理和目标,通过剖析新疆绿洲区生态安全问题的驱动、压力和响应机理,主要利用地带性共扼和非地带性耦合分析方法,从哲学观和生态系统、景观生态、土地类型及其稳定性格局层面,初步构建了干旱区生态安全评价的基本原理,得出确保有效的生态需水和生态水位,协调水生态及水安全功能,是干旱区生态安全评价的基础;基于生态承载和再生恢复禀赋的合理、适度利用优势资源,是绿洲开发的生态安全保障;维护天然绿洲和荒漠的“生态标本”价值,引导土地利用的生态化转向,是绿洲生态安全评价的客观依据;通过系统的生态规划和景观设计,保持异质景观的竞争性统一和生态圈层结构的动态稳定性,是干旱区生态安全评价的核心内容。  相似文献   

An oasis is not only the most concentrated area of human activity in an arid area but also the largest area where artificial disturbances occur at a regional scale. The study of oasis urban expansion and related factors is important to understand the development of cities in arid areas, guide the evolution of rational urban expansion and promote sustainable development of oasis cities. Although there have been several studies on urban expansion in Xinjiang over past decades, a lack of quantitative data and methods impedes further research. In this paper, urban expansion of the studied area in 1990, 2000 and 2007 is evaluated using 39 Landsat satellite images, a geographical information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS). We also analyse the related factors of urban expansion using quantitative and qualitative methods. We found that economic development and the area of the urban administrative region greatly effect urban expansion. Too rapid growth and outward urbanized expansion paradigms should not be applied blindly in arid areas from the point of view of sustainability. Historic–geographic features of oases and urban planning influence oasis urban morphology. Compact urban morphology is relatively better for protecting precious water and arable resources, and reducing ecology damage to the surrounding oasis. The relationship between urban expansion and population growth was not coordinate before 2000, and effectively only improved after that date. City growth should be moderated, with lower elastic coefficients, slower expansion and higher elasticity coefficients. Oasis cities in Xinjiang are expanding under the combined effects of urbanization, economic development, transportation, environment, resources, policy and planning.  相似文献   

陈惠娟  千怀遂 《生态环境》2006,15(6):1331-1336
选取了北京、上海、广州三个不同地理纬度、经济较为发达的代表性城市作为研究对象,应用多项式模型把气候耗水量从水资源消费总量中分离出来,用统计分析的方法探讨三个城市水资源消费变化及其与经济和气候的关系。研究表明:城市万元GDP用水量与经济水平有明显的对数相关关系,一般都随经济水平的提高而不断下降,三个城市中,上海的水资源利用率最高,广州居中,北京最低。温度是影响城市气候耗水量的主要气候因子,在1986—1991年,三个城市的气候耗水量与温度的相关性不明显,自1992年以来,气候耗水量与温度距平值的波动趋势愈来愈密切,这说明随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,城市水资源消费与温度的关系越来越密切。  相似文献   

Spatially explicit integrated assessment of ecosystem services is a new and important research field in landscape ecology. The objective of this paper was to develop an integrated process-based modeling method to simulate changes in multiple ecosystem services in 2000–2009 at pixel and regional scales in the Zhangye oasis of northwestern China. Six ecosystem service indicators were selected and quantified using process-based models, including net primary production (NPP), grain production, net oxygen production (NOP), carbon sequestration (CS), water conservation, and soil conservation. Analytical results were as follows: (1) At the oasis scale, NPP, NOP, CS, water conservation, and soil conservation decreased from 2000 to 2009, whereas grain production increased. (2) At the pixel scale, the spatial changes in NPP were similar to those in NOP and CS, but changes in grain production showed the opposite pattern. Water conservation and soil conservation showed somewhat unintuitive spatial patterns. (3) The impact of land-use forms on ecosystem services showed that grazing and township construction both had negative impacts on all services, but that nature conservation and wetland development had positive impacts on all services. This research showed that the integrated modeling can be proposed as an environmental decision-making tool in similar case studies.  相似文献   

Land-use change in oases of arid zones play a significant role in the sustainable development and stability of oases. This paper presents a typical case of successful efforts to mitigate land-use change, its drivers and effects on the oasis eco-environment at Keriya Oasis in the western arid zone of China using remotely-sensed data, official statistics, and data collected by field investigation. Mathematical models were developed to quantify important elements related to land-use change, including net change and total change. The results indicate that: (1) approximately 17% of land-use types of Keriya Oasis changed between 1991 and 2002; (2) socioeconomic development, climate change, and economic polices contributed to land-use change in the oasis; (3) inappropriate human activities were the main cause of land-use change and eco-environmental degradation in the oasis; and (4) the stability of the oasis is threatened by land-use change and unexpected eco-environmental changes in the oasis and oasis–desert ecotone. The study suggests irrational human activity in arid zones, and that caution should be exercised to maintain stability and sustainable development of oases.  相似文献   

干旱地区的城市亦被称为绿洲。从其发生与生境状况分析,注意到近期城市的扩展已脱离绿洲型的发展轨道,而与全球城市模式类同,亦具城市化的共有弊病。又因所处区位受到荒漠气候的强烈影响,较其它地带的城市,其生境更加恶劣。干旱区居民长期凭借绿洲生境而生息劳动,早期出现的城市亦脱胎于绿洲。目前仍沿用绿洲以称城市,但与绿洲的生境相比较已面目全非,实质是以现代设施在荒漠中建立的水泥荒漠。目前全球范围正展开以改善城市生境为目标的生态城市建设,位处干旱区的城市应从其所在区位出发,以绿洲化作为生态城市建设目标,切实改善居民生存环境质量。应仿照绿洲,在外围营造阻隔荒漠气候侵袭的防护林,在市区通过营造片林与行道树,形成类似条田林网格局,以一定植被规模重构绿洲化城市,形成绿洲生境以改善城市居民生存条件,回归干旱区居民世世代代依存的绿洲空间。  相似文献   

Time series data on population change, economic development, climate change, water volume and quality and oasis land-use change were collected to study the interactions between these factors in the arid Tarim River Basin, China. The study reveals that precipitation and stream flow in headwater streams increased, but stream flow in the main Tarim River had reduced significantly over the past three decades. This implies that human activity, rather than climate change, dominated the recent environmental changes in the river basin. As a result of population growth and cultivated land expansion in the upper and middle reaches of the river, severe problems of water shortage, water pollution, death of natural vegetation, soil salinization, desertification and sand-dust storms have occurred, particularly in downstream areas of the river basin. These problems have had serious negative effects on the health of local people and sustainable social economic development in the region. Some development strategies are proposed to deal with these problems.  相似文献   

生态市是实现城市社会—经济—自然可持续发展的一种模式和过程。以山东省济宁市为例,提出了济宁生态市建设的战略措施。从资源型城市的产业生态转型、水体和矿山的自然生态修复和孔孟文化的人文生态振兴3方面提出了建设目标;建设框架包括自生型生态环境、竞争型循环经济和共生型和谐社会。主导产业和循环经济建设要促进传统农业和矿山开采型产业向静脉产业、阳光产业、物流产业、文化产业和旅游产业的生态转型;从水资源、水环境、水生态、水景观、水安全和水文化建设几方面提出了水资源保护与水环境治理的综合措施;最后提出了济宁市煤矿塌陷区的生态修复对策和生态文化建设策略。  相似文献   

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