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Tug-of-war over reproduction in a cooperatively breeding cichlid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In group-living animals, dominants may suppress subordinate reproduction directly and indirectly, thereby skewing reproduction in their favour. In this study, we show experimentally that this ability (‘power’) is influenced by resource distribution and the body size difference between unrelated dominants and subordinates in the cichlid Neolamprologus pulcher. Reproduction was strongly skewed towards the dominant female, due to these females producing more and larger clutches and those clutches surviving egg eating better than those of subordinate females, but was not so when subordinates defended a patch. If breeding shelters were provided in two patches, subordinate females were more likely to exclusively defend a patch against the dominant female and breed, compared to when the same breeding resource was provided in one patch. Relatively large subordinate females were more likely to defend a patch and reproduce. Females also directly interfered with each other’s reproduction by eating the competitors’ eggs, at which dominants were more successful. Although dominant females benefited from subordinate females due to alloparental care and an increase in egg mass, they also showed costs due to reduced growth in the presence of subordinates. The results support the view that the dominant’s power to control subordinate reproduction determines reproductive partitioning, in agreement with the predictions from tug-of-war models of reproductive skew.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting was combined with field observations over four breeding seasons to investigate the social structure and mating system of the laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae). Groups comprised a socially dominant pair and up to six helpers of either sex. Helpers were always recruited from young hatched in the group. Territorial inheritance, which is a feature of other cooperative breeders and an oft-cited benefit of philopatry, did not occur. Helpers only attained dominant status in an established group by dispersing into a vacant dominant position in that group. However, helpers could also form new groups by excising a new territory, often through a ”budding” process. The mating system was overwhelmingly monogamous. There were no cases of extra-group parentage in a sample of 140 nestlings; within groups of three or more birds, dominance predicted parentage almost perfectly (99.2% of 129 nestlings), irrespective of whether helpers in the group were related to one or both dominant birds. This is contrary to predictions from models of reproductive skew, possibly because they currently fail to incorporate the willingness of females to share reproduction among males. Received: 15 May 1999 / Received in revised form: 2 November 1999 / Accepted: 6 November 1999  相似文献   

Brown jays (Cyanocorax morio) are long-lived, social corvids that live in large, stable, territorial groups (mean = 10 individuals). In this study, I determined the distribution of reproductive success within groups using multi-locus DNA fingerprinting. Breeding females produced virtually all (99%) of the young within their own nests. Reproduction within groups was highly skewed towards a single primary female, although long term data indicate that secondary females (female breeders that were usually younger and subordinate to the primary female) were sometimes successful. The high reproductive skew observed for females was associated with primary female aggression. Successful reproduction by secondary females may have been due to parental facilitation or the inability of primary females to completely suppress secondary females. Multiple paternity occurred in 31–43% of broods and extra-group paternity occurred in a minimum of 22% of broods. Patterns of paternity also varied between years, since females often switched or included new genetic mates. Although male consorts of nesting females fathered relatively few offspring (20%), they still had a higher chance of fathering offspring than any other single group male. Reproduction was less skewed for males than females as a result of female mating patterns. Female reproductive patterns are consistent with some of the predictions and assumptions from optimal skew models, while male reproductive patterns are not. The factors affecting skew in species with complex social systems such as incomplete control by breeders over subordinate reproduction, female control of paternity, and resource inheritance have not been well incorporated into reproductive skew models.Communicated by: J. Dickinson  相似文献   

In most cooperatively breeding species, reproduction is monopolised by a subset of group members. However, in some species most or all individuals breed. The factors that affect reproductive success in such species are vital to understanding why multiple females breed. A key issue is whether or not the presence of other breeders is costly to an individual’s reproductive success. This study examines the factors that affect the post-parturition component of reproductive success in groups of communal-breeding banded mongoose (Mungos mungo), where up to ten females breed together. Per-litter reproductive success was low (only 18% of pups survived from birth to independence). Whilst singular breeding was wholly unsuccessful, there were costs associated with breeding in the presence of increasing numbers of other females and in large groups. Synchronisation of parturition increased litter success, probably because it minimises the opportunity for infanticide or decreases competitive asymmetry between pups born to different females. There was no evidence of inbreeding depression, and reproductive success was generally higher in litters where females only had access to related males within their group. I conclude that communal breeding in female banded mongooses represents a compromise between the benefits of group-living and communal pup care on the one hand, and competition between females to maximise their personal reproductive success on the other. Such conflicts are likely to occur in most communal breeding species. Whilst communal breeding systems are generally considered egalitarian, negative effects of co-breeders on individual reproductive success is still an issue.  相似文献   

Current mating system theory predicts that the number of females breeding in a group will depend on the number of females in the group and the accessibility of unrelated males, whereas the number of males breeding in a group will depend on the ability of males to control access to reproductive females. By combining information on group composition with genetic data, I determined whether breeding patterns in a rock-dwelling rodent, Ctenodactylus gundi, were concordant with these expectations. C. gundi breeding patterns varied from facultative monogamy to uni-male polygyny to multi-male polygyny. The number of reproductive individuals of each sex in a group increased with group size. Whereas communal breeding among related females tended to increase female reproductive success, males breeding in the same group were unrelated to other group members and seemed to compete over access to matings. While some males were assigned offspring from neighboring social groups, most group-living males successfully monopolized the reproduction of females within their group. There was no evidence that females had multiply sired litters, although some bred with alternative males in separate breeding attempts. Although numerous individuals were not assigned as parents or offspring, genetic information enabled me to determine that most unassigned individuals were philopatric group members, whereas only a few were unrelated immigrants into their current social group. Together, these results provide evidence that C. gundi social groups represent fairly distinct reproductive units whose breeding patterns are dependent on group size and composition in accordance with theoretical predictions. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Neolamprologus pulcher, a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika, lives in permanent social groups comprising one breeding pair and helpers of both sexes. Variation in group size (1-14 helpers) provides an opportunity to investigate factors that affect how many helpers remain in a group and in turn how group size affects reproductive success. This field study showed that larger groups live in larger territories with more shelter. Group size was more strongly correlated with territory quality than with breeder size. Experimental enhancement of territory quality did not affect group size but group size decreased when territory quality was reduced. Breeders living in a large group benefit because such individuals feed more often and have lower workloads and greater reproductive success. Helpers in larger groups also fed more frequently but did not have lower workloads. This is one of the first experimental studies to examine the factors influencing group size in cooperative breeders.  相似文献   

To determine whether fundamental differences exist in the reproductive physiology of breeder and nonbreeder Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens), we compared plasma levels of testosterone (T) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in males, and estradiol (E2) and LH in females. Although male breeders had higher overall T and larger testes, nonbreeders’ T paralleled that of breeders, and their testes were more than an order of magnitude larger than regressed testes. Breeder and nonbreeder males had equivalent baseline LH, and equivalent changes in LH following a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (cGnRH-I) challenge. The T, LH and GnRH challenge data indicate that nonbreeder males have functional hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axes. We found no hormonal evidence of inbreeding suppression in males: nonbreeders that did not live with their mothers and those that did had similar T. Male nonbreeders that were exposed to E2-implanted females had higher T than did controls, suggesting that the lack of within-pair stimulation is a key factor in whether an individual delays breeding. Female nonbreeders had E2 titres equal to or higher than breeders and neither basal LH nor LH following GnRH challenge differed by breeding status. Nonbreeders’ ovarian follicles were smaller than breeders’, but were larger than they would be during the non-breeding season. These data suggest that nonbreeders were primed for breeding and were simply waiting for an opportunity or a required stimulus. Female nonbreeders that lived in a territory with an unrelated male breeder had significantly higher E2 than those that remained with their fathers. Similarly, nonbreeders that were captured away from their home territories had elevated E2. However, nonbreeders that lived with their fathers had E2 that was equivalent to breeding females, suggesting that inbreeding avoidance may not be the primary factor leading to delayed breeding in females. Received: 13 June 1995 /Accepted after revision: 27 April 1996  相似文献   

Plasma concentration of androgens and gonad development were studied in wild cooperatively breeding bell miners (Manorina melanophrys) of different age, sex and social status. Plasma levels of androgens increased with age of birds. For sexually mature (SM) bell miners, androgen levels were higher in breeders than in nonbreeding (NB) helpers (P < 0.005), and they were marginally higher in females than in males (P < 0.10). Thus female breeders showed the highest plasma levels of androgens. This pattern may be explained by an asymmetry between the sexes in the levels of competition needed to reach and defend breeding status; the degree of intra-sexual competition seems to be higher among female bell miners than among males. In general, male breeders had larger gonads than male SMNB helpers; male breeder gonads produced spermatozoa whereas most helpers' gonads did not. However, old (i.e. 34 months) SMNB male helpers had large gonads producing spermatozoa in spite of having low plasma levels of androgens. We suggest that young male bell miners may be under a voluntary mechanism of reproductive suppression perhaps favoured by inbreeding avoidance; although some aggressive interactions observed between very young helpers (about 2 months) and adult members of the breeding unit suggests that a certain degree of imposition also occurs at young ages. Older male helpers may avoid aggression with the male breeder and imposed reproductive suppression, hence the low circulating levels of androgens, but they have the potential to sneak extra-pair copulations. Gonad size decreased during the non-breeding season in both sexes.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the investment rules adopted by breeders and non-breeders, and the factors that affect them, is essential to understanding cooperative breeding as part of a life-history tactic. Although the factors that affect relative contributions to care of young have been studied in some cooperative bird species, there is little data on mammals, making coherent generalisations within mammals and across taxa difficult. In this study, we investigate individual contributions to pup escorting, a strong predictor of offspring provisioning, in the banded mongoose (Mungos mungo), a cooperatively breeding mammal in which reproductive skew is low. Contributions by those under a year old (which virtually never breed) increased with age and body weight but were generally low. Among older age classes (yearlings and adults), individuals that had not bred in the current litter generally contributed less to escorting than those that had bred (with the exception of yearling males). In addition, females that did not breed reduced their investment if they were heavy presumably because such females are more likely to breed in the following event and benefit from saving resources for this. The generally greater contributions by breeders in banded mongooses contrast with the recent findings in meerkats (Suricata suricatta), another obligatorily cooperative mongoose with similar group size but wherein reproductive skew is high. Our results suggest that relative contributions by breeders vs non-breeders are not dependent on group size but on the ratio of breeders to carers and the probability that non-breeders will breed in the near future.  相似文献   

In the pipefish Syngnathus typhle as in other species of Syngnathidae, developing embryos are reared on the male's ventral surface. Although much laboratory research has been directed toward understanding sexual selection in this sex-role-reversed species, few studies have addressed the mating behavior of S. typhle in the wild, and none has capitalized upon the power of molecular genetic assays. Here we present the first direct assessment of the genetic mating system of S. typhle in nature. Novel microsatellite loci were cloned and characterized from this species, and employed to assay entire broods from 30 pregnant, field-captured males. Genetic analysis of 1340 embryos revealed that 1–6 females (mean = 3.1) contributed to each brooded clutch, the highest rate of multiple maternity yet documented in any pipefish. Evidence of multiple mating by females was also detected. Thus, this population of S. typhle displays a polygynandrous mating system, a finding consistent with previous field and laboratory observations. Our results, considered together with similar studies of other syngnathid species, provide preliminary support for the hypothesis that the genetic mating system is related to the evolution of sexual dimorphism in the fish family Syngnathidae. Received: 19 January 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 April 1999 / Accepted: 9 May 1999  相似文献   

The effect of carbofuran, a carbamate pesticide, on the breeding performance of the freshwater fish Labeo rohita (Hamilton) has been investigated in the present study. Breeding of L. rohita was conducted after treatment with three sublethal concentrations, i.e. 0.06, 0.15 and 0.30 mg L?1 of carbofuran for 96 h. The present investigation showed that the number of total eggs and total amount of eggs (litre per kg body weight) decreased significantly (p < 0.01) at all concentrations of carbofuran in comparison to controls, while the reduction in fertilization percentage at all concentrations of carbofuran was not significantly different from controls. The reduction in hatching percentage, the expected number of hatchlings, and the expected number of hatched larvae were significantly (p < 0.01) different between treated and control groups at all carbofuran concentrations. No significant differences for the 96 h survivability of hatched larvae were reported at all concentrations of carbofuran.  相似文献   

Lactation imposes substantial physiological costs on mothers and should therefore not be directed towards foreign offspring. Such allonursing, however, is common in mammal species that share roosts. Hypotheses to explain allonursing among such plural breeders include misdirected parental care, milk evacuation, brood parasitism, reciprocity, and kin selection. The necessary behavioral data, in combination with data on kinship and kin recognition, have rarely been available to distinguish among these explanations, however. In this study, we provide evidence for cooperative nursing and adoption by plural-breeding females in a nocturnal primate, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), in which females forage solitarily during the night, but form day-time sleeping groups with one to two other females. We observed 34 resident females in an 8 ha study area in Kirindy Forest, Madagascar, over three consecutive annual breeding seasons and determined genetic relationships among all members of this population. Five sleeping groups of adult females were filmed inside their roosts during one breeding season after females gave birth. The composition of groups changed substantially across years, but they always consisted of close maternal relatives. All females within a group gave birth to one to three infants. They regularly transferred only their own offspring among roosting sites, demonstrating an ability to discriminate between their own and other’s offspring, but they regularly groomed and nursed related offspring other than their own and adopted related dependent young after their mother’s death. Kin selection may therefore be the main selective force behind cooperative breeding among these closely related females with a high mortality risk, providing each of them with family insurance.  相似文献   

Cooperatively breeding birds might be expected to suffer from higher costs of parasitism than pair-breeding species because of two aspects of their ecology which should facilitate horizontal transmission and possibly select for higher parasite virulence: first, they interact regularly with more individuals than pair-breeding species, and second, these individuals are commonly close relatives that could share similar resistance alleles. This hypothesis predicts that cooperative breeders should invest relatively more in immune defence than closely related species which breed in pairs. I tested this prediction comparatively in African birds by examining the response of the immune system to the mitogenic lectin, phytoahemagglutinin (PHA response) in relation to cooperative breeding. Among 66 species, of which 18 breed cooperatively, PHA response was significantly higher in cooperatively breeding species. This association appeared not to be confounded by body size, clutch size, nest position, coloniality or similarity owing to common phylogenetic descent. These results suggest that cooperatively breeding birds may have been selected to invest more than pair-breeders in defences against parasites. If so, then additional costs of philopatry and helping behaviour might be imposed on breeders, helpers and offspring.  相似文献   

In the annual bumblebee Bombus terrestris, the onset of queen-worker conflict over male production is seasonally and socially constrained. Workers will do better if they start to reproduce (the so-called competition phase) only after ascertaining that larvae are committed to gyne development but before the season ends because they gain more by rearing sister-gynes than their own sons. Here, we tested two nonmutually exclusive hypotheses as to what triggers the onset of worker reproduction: Workers can directly monitor larval development and/or workers eavesdrop on the queen signal that directs gyne development. Exposing workers to gyne larvae through a double mesh did not advance the competition phase compared to control colonies. However, when workers, but not the queen, were allowed contact with gyne larvae, both the competition phase and gyne production were advanced. Thus, while larvae do not emit a volatile pheromone that discloses their developmental route, the physical contact of workers with such larvae triggers early competition phase. However, workers exclusively exposed to worker larvae (colonies prevented from producing gyne larvae) started to reproduce at the same time as control colonies. Replacing the resident queen with an older queen (from gyne-rearing colonies) advanced the competition phase, irrespective of worker age. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that workers eavesdrop on the queen pheromones. This is adaptive because it allows workers a broader time-window for reproduction and thus to gain fitness from rearing both sister-gynes and sons before the season ends without affecting colony development.  相似文献   

The extended phenotype of a social insect colony enables selection to act at both the individual level (within-colony selection) and the colony level (between-colony selection). Whether a particular trait persists over time depends on the relative within- and between-colony selection pressures. Queen replacement in honey bee colonies exemplifies how selection may act at these different levels in opposing directions. Normally, a honey bee colony has only one queen, but a colony rears many new queens during the process of colony reproduction. The replacement of the mother queen has two distinct phases: queen rearing, where many queens develop and emerge from their cells, and queen elimination, where most queens die in a series of fatal duels. Which queens are reared to adulthood and which queens ultimately survive the elimination process depends on the strength and direction of selection at both the individual and colony levels. If within-colony selection is predominant, then conflict is expected to occur among nestmates over which queens are produced. If between-colony selection is predominant, then cooperation is expected among nestmates. We review the current evidence for conflict and cooperation during queen replacement in honey bees during both the queen rearing and queen elimination phases. In particular, we examine whether workers of different subfamilies exhibit conflict by acting nepotistically toward queens before and after they have emerged from their cells, and whether workers exhibit cooperation by collectively producing queens of high reproductive quality. We conclude that although workers may weakly compete through nepotism during queen rearing, workers largely cooperate to raise queens of similar reproductive potential so that any queen is suitable to inherit the nest. Thus it appears that potential conflict over queen replacement in honey bees has not translated into actual conflict, suggesting that between-colony selection predominates during these important events in a colonys life cycle.Communicated by A. Cockburn  相似文献   

Photosynthetic sulfur bacteria oxidize the sulfide produced by dissimilatory sulfate-reducing bacteria, thus preventing the occurrence of pollution by these compounds in the oxygenic zone of aquatic systems. Zinc is one of the most abundant heavy metals. Its toxic effects have been documented in various organisms that can photosynthesize, but a lack of information prevails in this respect, about photosynthetic sulfur bacteria. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the toxic effects of zinc on green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobiaceae) and purple sulfur bacteria (Chromatiaceae) in a microcosm as well to explore the possible relationships between the bacterial population growths with the physicochemical properties of the metalimnion of Zimapan Reservoir (Mexico) during a 1-year period. Hydrosoluble organic carbon (HOC) and light availability in the metalimnion were the limiting factors for growth in these bacteria. Higher HOC levels occurred in Spring, at the end of the wet season and in Winter. Current zinc levels in the reservoir seem to elicit toxic effects. At lethal zinc concentrations, the best concentration-response relationship was shown. The biomarker for purple sulfur bacteria was the bacteriochlorophyll content, while total reducing sugar was the best biomarker for green sulfur bacteria. At sublethal concentrations, zinc alters adenosine triphosphate levels, total reducing sugar, total protein content, and bacteriochlorophyll content. The observed responses indicate that green sulfur bacteria are more sensitive than purple sulfur bacteria and are suitable target organisms for use in establishing the accepted threshold concentration of zinc (NOEC 0.056–0.097 mg L?1 of Zn) in anoxic deep water.  相似文献   

Combining chemical analysis and odour preference tests, we asked whether two closely related sympatric species of sac-winged bats use odour for species recognition. Males of the two sister species Saccopteryx bilineata and Saccopteryx leptura have pouches containing an odoriferous liquid in their antebrachial wing membrane, which is used in S. bilineata during courtship displays. Although both species occasionally share the same daytime roosts and are morphologically similar, there is no evidence for interbreeding. We compared the production and composition of the wing sac odorant in male S. leptura and S. bilineata and performed odour preference tests with female S. bilineata. Similar to male S. bilineata, male S. leptura cleansed and refilled their wing sacs with secretions, but they spent more time each day in doing so than male S. bilineata. Chemical analysis by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry revealed that male Saccopteryx carried species-specific scents in their wing sacs. Binary choice tests confirmed that female S. bilineata preferred the wing sac scents of male S. bilineata to those of the sister species, suggesting that the species specificity of male wing sac scents maintain the pre-mating isolation barrier between these closely related species.  相似文献   

The benefits of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant (GMHT) sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) varieties stem from their presumed ability to improve weed control and reduce its cost, particularly targeting weed beet, a harmful annual weedy form of the genus Beta (i.e. B. vulgaris ssp. vulgaris) frequent in sugar beet fields. As weed beet is totally interfertile with sugar beet, it is thus likely to inherit the herbicide-tolerance transgene through pollen-mediated gene flow. Hence, the foreseeable advent of HT weed beet populations is a serious threat to the sustainability of GM sugar beet cropping systems. For studying and quantifying the long-term effects of cropping system components (crop succession and cultivation techniques) on weed beet population dynamics and gene flow, we developed a biophysical process-based model called GeneSys-Beet in a previous study. In the present paper, the model was employed to identify and rank the weed life-traits as function of their effect on weed beet densities and genotypes, using a global sensitivity analysis to model parameters. Monte Carlo simulations with simultaneous randomization of all life-trait parameters were carried out in three cropping systems contrasting for their risk for infestation by HT weed beets. Simulated weed plants and bolters (i.e. beet plants with flowering and seed-producing stems) were then analysed with regression models as a function of model parameters to rank processes and life-traits and quantify their effects. Key parameters were those determining the timing and success of growth, development, seed maturation and the physiological end of seed production. Timing parameters were usually more important than success parameters, showing for instance that optimal timing of weed management operations is more important than its exact efficacy. The ranking of life-traits though depended on the cropping system and, to a lesser extent, on the target variable (i.e. GM weeds vs. total weed population). For instance, post-emergence parameters were crucial in rotations with frequent sugar beet crops whereas pre-emergence parameters were most important when sugar beet was rare. In the rotations with frequent sugar beet and insufficient weed control, interactions between traits were small, indicating diverse populations with contrasted traits could prosper. Conversely, when sugar beet was rare and weed control optimal, traits had little impact individually, indicating that a small number of optimal combinations of traits would be successful. Based on the analysis of sugar beet parameters and genetic traits, advice for the future selection of sugar beet varieties was also given. In climatic conditions similar to those used here, the priority should be given to limiting the presence of hybrid seeds in seed lots rather than decreasing varietal sensitivity to vernalization.  相似文献   

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