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The effects of temperature and precipitation on the formation of annual rings in stem wood of Siberian larch in ecotopes with optimal, insufficient, and excessive soil moistening are discussed. It is shown that precipitation fallen in the period from April to June, when the needles are formed, has a favorable effect on xylem increment. This relationship is better manifested in trees growing under conditions of insufficient soil moistening. In all types of ecotopes, a positive correlation between the annual ring width and warm and dry weather in July has been observed.  相似文献   

Studies on speckled alder trees in an alder forest of grass-herb type in the northern taiga subzone of Northern Karelia have shown that specific features of the seasonal growth of shoots, leaves, and stems in these trees depend on a number of ecological factors, with air temperature playing the main role.  相似文献   

To estimate the response of tree vegetation to recent climate warming in the Western Caucasus, the population state of several tree species at the upper limit of their distribution has been estimated in three mountain massifs in the Belaya River basin. For this purpose, the average and maximum stem diameters, vitality, and age of trees have been determined in the transitional zone between middle-mountain and high-mountain beech-fir forests (1400–1700 m a.s.l.) and in crooked birch forests growing at the upper timberline (1810–2025 m). The upper limits of Acer platanoides, A. pseudoplatanus, Ulmus glabra, and Betula litwinowii have shown a tendency to rise. The upper limit of Abies nordmanniana has remained unchanged over the past few decades, which may be explained by a decrease in moisture supply during the warm season.  相似文献   

The results of ten-year observations on fluctuations in the sex of individual trees and the sex structure of tree stands in two insular pine forests in the south of Central Siberia are presented. It is noted that the ratio of sex types of pine trees has markedly changed since 1998–1999. Significant correlations between the sex structure of stands and anomalies of the annual average air temperature have been recorded since the early 1990s. The male generative sphere of pine has changed to the greatest extent. Periodicity and delay in the change of shoot sexualization in response to changes in temperature are discussed.  相似文献   

Relationships between stem diameter and phytomass of trees and their parts (single- and multistemmed growth forms) have been studied at different altitudinal levels of the present-day upper treeline ecotone on the Iremel’ Massif, the Southern Urals. The time course of changes in the structure and phytomass of birch–spruce stands during the past centuries has been reconstructed. It is shown that the expansion of forests to the mountains in this period has occurred against the background of rise in summer and winter temperatures and increase in the amount of solid precipitation in the Southern Urals.  相似文献   

The distribution of frost injuries in earlywood and latewood, in different zones of stem (with respect to height, diameter, and circumference), and at the bases of large roots has been studied in Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) and Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) at the northern limit of their ranges (the Obsko-Tazovskaya forest-tundra). It has been shown that a high frequency of frost injuries, especially in spruce, is characteristic of the study region. Mass frost injuries occur only in thin trees, mainly in the lower part of stems. Guidelines for collecting and preparing wood samples for the study of frost injuries are proposed.  相似文献   

树木年轮宽度指标在气候重建中发挥了重要的作用,可是在温暖湿润的地区,利用树木年轮宽度重建古气候遇到了困难。因此寻找其他代用指标就成为一项急迫而重要的任务。一些研究发现,树轮稳定碳同位素可以发挥重要的作用。但是,是否所有的树种的树轮碳同位素对气候的响应都同样的敏感,还需要通过大量的研究分析工作来验证。为了了解温暖湿润的亚热带季风区马尾松树轮δ13C对气候响应的敏感性,选取了南京紫金山的两个马尾松树盘,进行了树轮δ13C的分析,建立了1939~2002和1955~2002年两个树轮δ13C变化序列。与降水、温度、相对湿度、光照时数、风速等气候指标进行了相关分析。结果表明:(1)马尾松树轮δ13C对于气候的响应是敏感的,可以作为气候变化的代用指标;(2)坡向对于马尾松树轮δ13C对气候的响应敏感性也有一定的影响,树轮δ13C平均值西南坡比东南坡高,西南坡比东南坡对月平均最低和最高温度的响应更敏感;(3)紫金山马尾松树轮δ13C与该地区生长季(尤其是夏、秋季)的月平均气温、月平均最高气温和日照时数呈正相关,而与月平均最低气温、降水量、空气相对湿度呈负相关  相似文献   

The effect of increased ambient temperature on the vertical, radial, and volume increments of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees has been studied in the zone of thermal impact from a burning petroleum gas flare. Regular age-dependent changes in the pattern of increment dependence on the distance from the flare and ambient temperature have been revealed. The mechanisms of these changes are explained. It is concluded that an increase in ambient temperature by 1.0–1.5° C has a favorable effect on the dynamics of Scots pine growth.  相似文献   

Analysis has been made of changes in the species composition and abundance of epiphytic lichens on fir trees during the first decade after a sharp reduction of emissions from a large copper smelter in the Middle Urals. The results show that lichens have recolonized the area of the former lichen desert and that the abundance of lichen species in the impact and buffer zones has increased. However, a fairly long time is required before lichen communities in the vicinity of the smelter can recover to the background state, since species highly sensitive to pollution still occur only in the background area.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation of heavy metal-contaminated land by trees--a review   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
This paper reviews the potential for using trees for the phytoremediation of heavy metal-contaminated land. It considers the following aspects: metal tolerance in trees, heavy metal uptake by trees grown on contaminated substrates, heavy metal compartmentalisation within trees, phytoremediation using trees and the phytoremediation potential of willow (Salix spp.).  相似文献   

The pyrophytic properties of the larch Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. growing in the northern taiga of central Siberia have been studied. It has been found that, although the trees are highly combustible and fire resistance of tree stands is low, the species is highly pyrophytic, which allows it to retain its geographic range. At early stages of postfire successions, the larch exhibits characteristics of pyrogenic explerent and is subject to r-selection. When forest restoration is close to completion, the species passes into the patient state and acquires properties subject to K-selection.  相似文献   

Coconut trees growing on atolls of the Bikini Islands are on the margin of K deficiency because the concentration of exchangeable K in coral soil is very low, ranging from only 20 to 80 mg kg−1. When provided with additional K, coconut trees absorb large quantities of K and this uptake of K significantly alters the patterns of distribution of 137Cs within the plant. Following a single K fertilization event, mean total K in trunks of K-treated trees is 5.6 times greater than in trunks of control trees. In contrast, 137Cs concentration in trunks of K-treated and control trees is statistically the same while 137Cs is significantly lower in edible fruits of K-treated trees. Within one year after fertilization (one rainy season), K concentration in soil is back to naturally low concentrations. However, the tissue concentrations of K in treated trees stays very high internally in the trees for years while 137Cs concentration in treated trees remains very low in all tree compartments except for the trunk. Potassium fertilization did not change soil Cs availability.  相似文献   

Manifestations of the edge effect on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees and stands were evaluated in natural southern taiga forests growing in a large industrial city (Yekaterinburg, Russia). For this purpose, 14 transects were laid out, each consisting of 6–10 circular 400-m2 plots arranged in a line that extended for 140–260 m into the tree stand, perpendicular to its boundary. During transect surveys, 128 records were made of parameters characterizing the state of pine trees (height, diameter, defoliation level, needle age) and stands (density and timber volume). The boundaries differed in age, i.e., the time of formation (no more than 8 years and more than 20 years ago), and type (adjoining to motorways or wastelands). The edge effect manifested itself only near old boundaries and only for tree height (5 m lower near the boundary than deep in the forest) and for stand density and timber volume (25% lower), independently of the boundary type. Since the test parameters linearly increased with distance from the boundary, it was impossible to estimate the range of the edge effect.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of 11 enzyme systems has been studied in dwarf Scots pine trees occurring on sand dunes and crags in two populations of southern Central Siberia. High genotypic variability of dwarfs and their similarity to normal trees in basic indices of genetic diversity have been revealed. Both populations, including normal and dwarf trees, are in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The sample of dwarf trees has proved to differ from the “norm” in showing an age-related trend toward decreased heterozygosity. The observed linkage disequilibrium at some pairs of loci can be explained by unequal contributions of trees to population reproduction or by a recent bottleneck event. The populations studied are similar to other Scots pine populations from the Asian part of the species range. Increased frequencies of some rare alleles in the populations from Tuva provide evidence for the probable presence of a glacial refugium for pine in this region.  相似文献   

it has been determined that the sex structure of the population is of great importance for pine adaptation to extreme environmental conditions. As environmental conditions deteriorate, differentiation of populations with respect to sex becomes more apparent, the proportion of trees of mixed type decreases, and the number of male trees increases. A tendency toward correlation between tree habitus, needle and shoot sizes, and the sex structure of population is noted. The prevalence of male trees in populations exposed to increasing stress reflects the rearrangement of such populations aimed at the more efficient use of natural resources.  相似文献   

The overgrowing of meadow-bog communities by shrubs and trees (age 5–40 years, crown closure 0.4–0.9) leads to a decrease in incident illumination. As a consequence, juvenile and generative plants disappear from D. incarnata population loci, their average ecological density decreases, and the loci enter the state of regression. The digging activity of wild boars disrupts phytocenotically closed groups of longirhizomatous herbs, thereby creating favorable conditions for seed reproduction of D. incarnata. The species begins to form population loci with a complete ontogenetic spectrum and high ecological density, eventually restoring the normal (definitive) population structure.  相似文献   

The decline of spruce stands in Belarus has been analyzed in relation to the dynamics of climatic variables. The results show that this process is correlated with the amount of precipitation, moisture deficit, index of aridity, relative air humidity, and evapotranspiration. Frosts at the onset of the growing season enhance tree die-off, while increase in cloud cover has a favorable effect on the state of spruce stands. Damage to trees occurs mainly in areas with elevated and convex topography and slopes of southwestern aspect, increasing on steeper slopes. The level of die-off is most closely correlated with conditions of the previous year, which is explained by the impact of biological factors (pest insects and phytopathogens) on tree stands already affected by water stress. The decline of spruce stands on a mass scale is also observed in neighboring regions of Russia and counties of East Europe, which is evidence for a low adaptability of spruce to current climate change, including the increasing frequency and severity of dry periods.  相似文献   

横断山区干热河谷气候及其对植被恢复的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
干热河谷是我国西南横断山区一种特有的生态系统类型。由于气候条件和高山峡谷地形的影响以及人为干扰,植被及土壤严重退化,水热平衡失调,环境干热,植被恢复和生态治理难度极大。通过对多年来干热河谷区域植被恢复经验的总结,认为干热河谷属于我国北热带气候下的一种干热类型,具有季节性干旱的本质气候特征。在植被恢复的适宜树种选择方面,除选择乡土树种外,树种引种的相似区域应该是季节性干旱明显的热带地区。同时,该地区植被恢复应以稀树灌草为主体,通过人工促进植被恢复,充分利用雨季丰富的天然降水资源,可以在干热河谷的局部地区恢复以乔木为主的森林植被,在一定区域恢复相当面积的稀树灌木草丛植被。〖  相似文献   

基于AHP和FSE的九华山风景区古树名木景观价值评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以九华山风景区古树名木资源调查为基础,从古树名木的美学价值、生态价值和资源价值构建评判指标体系,运用层次分析法(AHP)和模糊综合评价(FSE)对景区内古树名木景观价值进行了评价。结果表明:对古树名木景观价值影响较大因素依次为姿态、传说趣闻、色彩、季相变化等。九华山风景区现有449株古树名木中,属于极高等级的古树名木有14株,占总数的3.12%;属于高等级的古树名木有84株,占总数的18.71%;而属于一般、差和很差等级的古树名木分别占总数的48.33%、27.39%和2.45%。古树名木景观价值高的树种为银杏、黄山松、桂花、浙江柿、黑壳楠、三角枫、香果树和红果山胡椒,而景点则有太白书堂、通慧寺和甘露寺。  相似文献   

The state of tree and ground vegetation layers in spruce-fir forests around the Middle Ural Copper Smelter (Revda, Sverdlovsk oblast) has been repeatedly evaluated in 25 permanent sampling plots at 5- to 10-year intervals (1989–2013). The results have been used to characterize the dynamics of plant communities in the period of reduction of emissions from the smelter. Although the annual amount of emissions has decreased from 150–225 × 103 t in the 1980s to less than 5 × 103 t after 2010, the vegetation in the impact zone (1 and 2 km from the smelter) remains severely suppressed: the trees continue to die off, and the diversity of ground vegetation layer is very low. In zones with low and moderate levels of industrial pollution (30 and 4–7 km from the smelter), natural factors associated with windfall disturbance after the 1995 windstorm with snow have played a more important role in the dynamics of forest communities than the reduction of emissions itself.  相似文献   

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