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稀土是世界公认的发展高新技术、国防尖端技术、改造传统产业不可或缺的战略资源,对未来发展具有重要的战略价值。经过50多年的发展,我国已成为稀土生产、出口和消费的第一大国。虽然国外指责中国限制稀土出口的声音越来越多,但我国的稀土其实在相当长时间里卖的都是“泥土价”。  相似文献   

生态城市建设中的产业生态化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统产业发展模式是制约城市可持续发展的根本障碍,产业生态化应成为生态城市建设的重点领域和主要内容.本文剖析了生态城市的内涵,指出产业生态化在生态城市建设中的重要地位,阐述了生态城市建设中产业生态化的形式和基本思路,最后提出推进产业生态化的重点工作.  相似文献   

我国工业园区生态化改造的难题与对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国工业园区发展现状,围绕生态园区建设需求,为有效解决工业园区发展与资源环境约束之间的矛盾,提出园区生态化改造的有效对策,主要包括生态补链、提标改造、一体化管理等。进一步展望了工业园区生态化改造的前景,并开展了风险评估和效益分析。  相似文献   

<正>东丽经济技术开发区、华明高新技术产业区、西青经济技术开发区、中北工业园区、京滨工业园、宝坻低碳工业区、宝坻节能环保工业区7个园区被确定为天津市2015年园区循环化改造示范试点园区。按照"美丽天津·一号工程"部署,为推进园区循环经济发展,提高园区综合竞争力和生态文明建设水平,实现园区绿色循环低碳发展,在各区县组  相似文献   

莱钢要生存要发展,就必须承担相应的社会责任。莱钢充分考虑了资源、能源供给状况和企业自身特点等,在钢铁行业率先提出发展循环经济,建设生态化钢厂的战略思想,从科学发展观出发,以建设生态化钢厂作为切入点,进行生产流程结构的改造和调整。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,一批以加工制造业为主的传统工业园因应而生,在经济发展取得飞越性成就时,相对粗放的经济发展方式同时给环境带来巨大损害,同时,传统产业能级过低也成为制约园区经济发展的重要因素.因此,推动现有产业转型升级,实现园区生态化改造,是同时期传统工业园区面临的共同任务.文章从生态工业园的定义和理论基础出发,通过对实践...  相似文献   

<正>日前,工信部和国家发改委公示了《国家低碳工业园区试点名单(第一批)》。共有55家园区进入名单,其中,天津滨海高新技术产业开发区华苑科技园、天津经济技术开发区成功入围。到2015年,这些试点园区单位工业增加值碳排放大幅下降,传统产业低碳化改造和新型低碳产业发展取得显著  相似文献   

清洁生产对环境政策的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清洁生产全面实施,需要环境保护方面的政策,予以支持和落实,例如大力调整产业结构,根治和减少污染严重的企业,用高新技术改造传统产业,淘汰落后的生产工艺设备和产品等方面,国家制定了许多政策,这就需在推进清洁生产过程中,应该得到全面贯彻。  相似文献   

城中村是伴随着我国城市化的加速发展而产生的一个特有的城市问题,已严重地影响着我国的城市化和城市生态化,影响着我国城市的可持续发展。在2000年左右,各大城市的城中村改造工程开始启动,在十几年的改造过程中,一些大城市取得了很大的成就,但也存在着一些问题和不足,究其原因主要是对城中村形成、发展和改造的诸因子及其相互关系的认识不足。通过对我国城中村改造问题的深入研究,对城中村诸因子及其相互关系建立了力学模型并进行营力系统分析:城市化与城市生态化是城中村形成、演变、改造、发展并最终使城中村实现城市化与城市生态化相统一的主要驱动力;城市的经济功能、社会功能、环境功能及其生态功能是城中村的支撑力;城中村在体制、功能、生态上和城市体制、功能、生态的二元差异性所产生的粗糙度和压力构成了城中村形成、改造和发展的摩擦力。  相似文献   

一是加快产业结构调整步伐,扎实推进产业结构优化升级,积极运用先进适用技术改造提升化工、造纸、农产品深加工等传统产业,扶持发展新型材料、生物制药等高新技术产业,努力实现企业的可持续发展。二是积极实施污染减排工程,加强对钢铁、化工、淀粉、水泥等行业的监管,在力保各企业稳定达标排放的基础上,督促企业走废物资源化的路子。  相似文献   

凌岚 《环境保护科学》2010,36(2):115-118
依照产业生态学原理,循着生态工业园发展的道路,是我国工业园发展的目标。但如何将已有的综合型工业园建成生态工业园,是一个新课题。本文界定了综合型工业园的概念,分析了综合型工业园的特征,就产业链构建和管理,探讨了综合型工业园生态化的模式。  相似文献   

Industrial symbioses (ISs) and eco-industrial parks (EIPs) are key concepts of industrial ecology (IE). The aim of ISs and EIPs is to minimise inefficient material and energy use by utilising local by-product and energy flows. Industrial symbioses tend to develop through spontaneous action of economic actors, for gaining of economic benefit, but these systems can be designed and promoted via policy instruments as well. A literature review showed that national programmes for eco-industrial parks can be found in different parts of the world. In the action programmes and other sustainable consumption and production (SCP) policy documents of the EU, on the other hand, industrial symbioses gain less recognition as a path to enhanced sustainable production. In this article, we consider this and also analyse how the evolution and environmental performance of an industrial symbiosis system centred on a Finnish pulp and paper mill have been affected by SCP policy instruments. With regard to the system forming the subject of the case study, and Finnish industrial systems in general, policy instruments have succeeded in reducing emissions but not in systematically encouraging operators toward symbiosis-like activities. All in all, few studies exist on the overall impact of policy instruments promoting design of eco-industrial parks. It is not self-evident that symbiosis-like production systems would be sustainable in every case, as the background assumptions for political promotion of EIPs suggest. We concluded that industrial symbioses should be analysed and developed on a life cycle basis, with documentation of the real environmental benefits due to efficient resource use and decreased emissions in comparison to standalone production. ISs can then bring eco-competitiveness to companies in relation to SCP tools, such as environmental permits, ecolabels, and future product regulation based on the Ecodesign Directive in Europe. Indirect encouragement of symbiosis through land-use regulation and planning, in such a way that material fluxes between companies are possible both in operations and in financial terms, may prove effective. The same holds for waste policies that encourage increased reuse of a company’s waste by other enterprises.  相似文献   

工业园区污染物和温室气体排放集中,推动工业园区实现减污降碳协同增效是落实碳达峰碳中和发展目标的迫切需要.本研究综合《2030年前碳达峰行动方案》《减污降碳协同增效实施方案》等文件,从产业发展、能源结构转型、循环经济、污染治理、园区运营管理等方面对工业园区减污降碳协同增效的基本内涵进行了阐述.以内涵解读为基础,参考国内外相关研究、国家生态工业示范园区和绿色园区创建指南等构建评价指标体系,并对不同地区和不同主导产业类型的园区设定差异化参考值.运用层次分析法对各指标赋权重,归一化处理后加权得到工业园区减污降碳协同发展指数(IPSR),并选取包头市稀土高新区(全国唯一冠有稀土专业名称的高新区,且涵盖“两高行业”)为案例园区进行实证研究.结果表明,评价指标体系能较好地反映案例园区在重点方面的工作进展情况,包头市稀土高新区近3年IPSR逐步提升,2020年得分达70.19分(理想水平为100分),进一步提升IPSR的重点在于着重打造低碳高效产业、降低化石能源消费占比、科学治污以及持续大力推动园区基础设施建设.研究显示,构建工业园区减污降碳协同增效评价指标体系对引导工业园区高质量发展具有重要的现实意...  相似文献   

在对上海市78家工业区进行抽样调查的基础上,分析了工业区环境管理目前存在的法规缺位,机构不健全,基础设施不健全、环评和规划实施不全面、信息沟通不畅、考核机制待改进等主要问题。并提出了加快环境管理法制建设、建立健全环境管理机构.建设和完善区域环境基础设施、全面实施区域环评和环保规划、加强与地方环保行政部门的信息沟通、建立完善环境监督和考核制度等对策和建议。  相似文献   

在最近几年中,中国出现越来越多的工业园区,进而有效带动了中国地方经济的快速发展,同时也在工业园区污水处理方面,积累了一定的实践经验,不过还是存在较多问题.基于此,文章对工业园区污水处理方法进行了深入分析,并提出了相应的工业区污水处理措施,包括对污水水质进行准确区分、对污水进行科学处理,提高政府监督力度,对污水排放进行有效监控,制定更为严格的入园标准等,以期能够为工业园区污水的处理提供有价值的参考意见.  相似文献   

静脉产业类生态工业园区标准的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以静脉产业和静脉产业类生态工业园区的基本概念为基础,深入分析了我国建立静脉产业类生态工业园区标准的重要意义. 选取经济发展、资源循环与利用、污染控制和园区管理4个方面共20个指标,构成静脉产业类生态工业园区评价指标体系,旨在全面、准确地反映静脉产业类生态工业园区的建设水平. 经过综合分析,确定采用层次分析(AHP)法对评价指标体系进行权重计算. 根据权重分析结果可得出如下结论:静脉产业类生态工业园区的建设重点应为提高资源循环利用率和保障环境安全,污染控制以固体废物的安全处置为主. 最后,对该评价指标体系进行了可行性分析,该方法所设定的各项指标在经济上、技术上、可操作性上都是可行的. 依据该评价方法,制定了国家《静脉产业类生态工业园区标准》.   相似文献   

China has rapidly developed a number of Eco-industrial parks (EIPs) in recent years. In order to promote and regulate their development, two government agencies, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the National Development and Reform Commission are currently engaged in promoting national pilot EIP programs. Both agencies have developed their own management systems, and 60 industrial parks have been approved for construction of national pilot EIPs, among which six parks appear in both lists of the two agencies. This article introduces the practice of the national pilot EIPs. It first describes the management systems and achievements within the two programs, and then summarizes the problems encountered thus far in program implementation. Finally it proposes brief suggestions for future development of EIPs.  相似文献   

工业园区循环经济发展规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以吉林经济开发区为研究对象,通过分析开发区产业内部及产业间的联系现状,为其制定符合循环经济3R原则的产业发展规划,对规划过程中出现的问题进行了探讨,并提出了应对政策和保障措施,为其他工业园区的循环经济型规划提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether eco-industrial parks (EIPs) offer possibilities to implement sustainable development policies. EIPs are based upon industrial ecology principles that suggest industrial systems can operate in a similar fashion to natural ecological systems. Drawing upon a survey of all identifiable EIPs in the USA and Europe and in-depth interview surveys of 16 EIPs, the research discovered few examples of networking between firms or processes using wastes and materials recycling. Most EIPs are at a very early stage of development, where linkages are potential rather than real. The problems encountered in developing EIPs from scratch suggests that a more fruitful approach is to build upon existing and potential linkages within a locality, assisted by a pro-active policy to encourage interchanges.  相似文献   

The development of eco-industrial parks (EIPs) is an emerging concept that is being spread worldwide as a new industrial model that can reconcile the three dimensions of sustainability: social, economic and environmental. In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, EIPs were launched through formal legislation as a means to foster sustainable development and to ameliorate the distress caused by unplanned urban and industrial development. The objective of this study is to present and analyze the development of EIPs in Rio de Janeiro, focusing on two of the initiatives launched. We argue that Rio de Janeiro has the potential for developing a sustainable industrial system through EIP implementation, but the continuity of EIPs will only be successful if there is convergence of interests among the actors involved.  相似文献   

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