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北京市城市非点源污染特征的研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
通过监测降雨径流水质,研究了北京市城市非点源污染的特征。结果表明,北京市城市地表径流水排入任何地表水体都会对其造成污染,且城市地表径流水的大部分水质指标已经达到了污水综合排放的三级标准,因此,我们对待城市地表径流水应该如对待污水一样处理。对于TN、TP、CODCr、BOD5浓度,路面径流要高于屋顶径流,而对于SS浓度,屋顶径流高于路面径流。总磷TP颗粒吸附态的污染物对总污染物的贡献最大,对于路面径流高达83.1%,对于屋顶径流为68.6%,其次是CODCr,总氮TN的颗粒吸附态的贡献较低。通过沉积或过滤去除城市地表径流中的悬浮颗粒物,可以提高城市地表径流的水质。所有污染物随降雨过程变化的总体趋势为雨水初期径流污染物浓度很高,随降雨历时的延长,污染物浓度逐渐下降并趋于稳定。初期径流危害较大。  相似文献   

调查分析蔷薇河非点源废水排放情况,结合相关统计资料,核算出蔷薇河非点源废水污染物的排放量。结论表明,农田回归水污染是蔷薇河水体非点源污染的主要因素。  相似文献   

基于MapX的污染源普查GIS软件开发实例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
污染源普查数据面广量大,且含有准确的地理信息,但国家统一开发的普查数据应用软件中没有集成GIS分析功能。东台市环保局在对污染源普查数据的应用中,以Delphi为编程工具,调用污染源普查数据库,基于MapX实现了一款简易的污染源普查GIS应用软件,介绍了MapX特点及其应用、数据接口方法及系统的实现等。  相似文献   

Non-point source (NPS) pollution is the result of various land use practices such as agriculture, sites of construction and waste disposal, urban development and so on. The control of NPS pollution is possible by regular monitoring and assessment on watershed basis to educate people for implementing well-known structural and non-structural measures. Recent trend is to use GIS based modelling tool for assessment of rainfall-runoff and non-point loading. The approach requires generation and analysis of basin wide data on various features of land and estimates of Event Mean Concentrations (EMCs) of pollutants in the runoff. In the present paper, basin wide data in different districts of Tapi basin has been analysed for land use distribution; fertilizer application; low, medium and high-density habitation; and annual rainfall. Coefficients of runoff have been estimated considering pervious and impervious area for different land use types, and compared with the reported values for Indian conditions. The estimated mean annual runoff flow indicated that two districts Jalgaon and Dhule contribute maximum runoff to the Tapi River. Estimates of EMCs for BOD and nutrients (N and P) in the runoff from various districts are useful in GIS-based modelling study for NPS pollution assessment.  相似文献   

城市街道地表物特性分析   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
通过对城市街道地表物的收集、处理、分析和典型降水的径流冲刷实测,全面探究了城市街道地表物的分布、累积和冲刷规律,并对其污染物的含量和污染物总量进行了定量计算。为现代城市非点源污染截污处理和环境综合整治提供了理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

The scrap vehicle recycling program was formally initiated in 1995 when the illegal dumping issues of scrap tires and cars turn out to be intolerable in the society of Taiwan. The inherent complexity of such a recycling program, however, by integrating many public and private sectors that functions as a whole from the collection, storage, transport, treatment, and the disposal of scrape vehicles, makes the entire managerial efficiency hard to be maintained. Therefore, the state-of-the-art information technology via the use of the Internet platform becomes an indispensable tool to present a good communication mechanism, to provide the essential information sharing between all users and agencies, and to end up with improving the overall managerial efficiency. The idea using advanced web database along with geographical information system to help general public to dump their scrap vehicles smoothly and to make governmental agency control the disposal procedure easily could be one of the best solutions from the long-term environmental management perspective. This paper, representing contemporary progress of environmental management skill performed by the Foundation for Reduction, Reuse and Recovery, sponsored by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in Taiwan, is designed to illustrate how to build up such a system, as named by the Scrap Vehicles Recycling Program Information System (SVRPIMS) in order to meet the requirement from both supply and demand sides of scrap vehicles disposal. Experience gained in this study indicates that the SVRPIMS successfully integrates the Coldfusion® and Mapguide® software engineering technologies on the World Wide Web (WWW) platform. After actual implementation in 1999, it proved that communication between users and agencies at various levels in the recycling program became much easier through instant information retrieval and analysis via such a system. Besides, SVRPIMS also provides two decision-support functionalities to assist in automatic search for the most appropriate dumping site for the users and to perform possible trading of spare parts for the recyclers through a logistic optimization analysis.  相似文献   

随着工业点源废水治理达标排放的实现,非点源废水已成为连云港市地表水环境污染的主要因素。通过现场调查、理论计算,结合连云港市第一次全国污染源普查结果和相关统计资料,核算出连云港地区非点源废水污染物的排放量。  相似文献   

农村生态环境保护是实现乡村振兴不可缺少的一环,是保障农业农村高质量发展的基础。基于"十三五"江苏省农村环境监测体系和2020年全省农村环境质量监测结果,分析了全省农村环境监测现状。指出,江苏省农村环境监测工作存在监测任务较重、基础信息获取难度较大、水环境监测代表性不足、监测指标单一以及对农业面源污染治理成效评估支撑不够等问题;提出,强化部门数据共享与信息整合、完善农村环境例行监测网络、构建农业面源污染监测技术体系、探索特色指标监测研究、加强农村环境监测人才队伍建设等"十四五"江苏省农村环境监测工作建议,以期摸清农业面源污染现状,为全省农村生态环境治理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

贵州农用地土壤在长期的耕作过程中,承载大量的重金属污染物,影响土壤质量。采集了贵州东部、南部、中部、北部主要农业非点源重金属污染区土壤样品进行检测。结果表明,贵州农业非点源重金属污染物主要是Hg、Pb,贵州省农业非点源污染土壤中重金属累积污染程度Hg>Pb>Cd>As>Cr。各地区污染物种类和程度不同,重金属As污染为中部地区较高,农业土壤Hg、Pb污染主要集中在中部和东部地区,Cd污染主要发生在南部区域。  相似文献   

合肥市环巢湖地区种植业面源污染监测与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2016—2018年在合肥市环巢湖5个县区主要农田周边沟渠中采集水样,监测农田氮磷流失浓度,并评价该区域种植业面源污染状况.结果表明,这3年该区域种植业TN、TP流失的平均质量浓度分别为3.48 mg/L、0.602 mg/L,均高于地表水Ⅴ类水质标准.2016年与2017年TN、TP浓度差异不大,2018年较前两...  相似文献   

支撑排污许可制度的固定源监测技术体系完善研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
排污许可制度是固定源核心管理制度,对污染源监测技术提出"便捷、智能、精细"的发展要求,依规发证、依证管理2个阶段均需要污染源监测技术的有效支撑.针对当前污染源监测技术体系现状,应进一步完善自行监测技术指南体系,对发证行业指南实施情况跟踪评估,适时修订;为将工业园区纳入核发排污许可证范围扎牢基础,制定工业园区自行监测技术...  相似文献   

Dynamic Hydrologic Simulation of the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM) consists of a pair of research watersheds, East Bear Brook (EBB) and West Bear Brook (WBB). Years of research and observations have shown both watersheds have high similarity in geographic and hydrologic characteristics; a simple comparison of hydrographs from these two watersheds further substantiates this similarity. The Object Watershed Link Simulation (OWLS) model was developed and used to simulate the hydrological processes within the BBWM. The OWLS model is a 3-dimensional, vector-based, visualized, physically-based, distributed watershed hydrologic model. Simulation results not only provide a close examination of hydrologic processes within a watershed, but also dynamically visualize the processes of flow separations and Variable Source Areas (VSA). Results from flow separations suggest that surface flow from riparian area is the predominate component for the flood rising limb and that macropore flow from riparian area dominates during the falling limb. Soil matrix flow has little effect flood period but is a persistent contributor to base flow. Results from VSA visualization demonstrate 3-D dynamic changes in surface flow distribution and suggest that downstream riparian areas are the major contributing area for peak flow. As water chemistry is highly relevant to the flow paths within a watershed, simulations have provided valuable information about source of stream flow and the water migration dynamics to support the study of watershed chemistry in the BBWM. More specific linkages between the chemistry behavior and the dynamic hydrologic processes should become the next simulation effort in the watershed study. There are many questions that are critical to watershed chemistry studies like: which flow component (surface flow, macropore flow, soil matrix flow) predominates during peak flows? How do the flow components distribute during a flood event? How do flow contributions differ between these two watersheds? Which portion of the watershed contributes the most to the peak flows? These questions remain unknown from previous observations and only can be addressed with a physically-based distributed model.  相似文献   

第二松花江面源污染时空分布规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第二松花江流域作为松花江干流的主要产水区,其污染年负荷关乎下游水质的安全。面源污染是第二松花江的重要污染来源,采用输出系数法估算面源污染年负荷量,通过流域土地利用类型、社会经济信息等因素,利用有资料年的统计数据,进行面源污染年负荷量在时间、空间上的展布,探寻第二松花江流域面源污染年负荷量的空间分布规律,为水环境管理部门提供理论依据。  相似文献   

系统介绍了宝钢环境信息化系统建设架构、功能、特点,以及对污染减排、环境自动监测及信息化技术进行有效融合后的应用实践,并对该信息化系统在提高环境监控能力,完善系统建设上提出扩展监控范围、提升功能等构想.  相似文献   

分析了数据管理系统在生态环境领域的应用现状,以及页岩气开发生态环境数据的特性和管理需求,提出了基于地理信息系统和关系型数据库有效集成的数据管理系统框架,实现对页岩气开发区域水环境、土壤环境、环境空气及污染源负荷在时间和空间尺度的分析与评价,指出大数据、物联网技术的运用是系统发展的重要方向.  相似文献   

基于GIS的污染源自动监测数据综合分析系统设计和实现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于地理信息系统(GIS),将污染源在线监测数据信息与空间地理信息相结合,建立北京市重点锅炉烟气、污水处理厂两类主要污染源和水环境质量等大量在线监测数据的监控和综合分析系统。系统不仅实现了对重点污染源在线监测数据的实时监控、数据展示、统计分析、超标报警等常规业务功能,还在污染源扩散模拟展示、污染源与环境质量信息相互作用的空间综合分析等方面进行了初步研究,为进一步提高北京市的污染源监控管理和自动监测数据利用水平做出了创新性的技术尝试。  相似文献   

环境监测预警体系只有依靠计算机信息系统才能发挥其作用,根据预警体系的特点、内容以及要实现的功能,论述了信息系统硬件建设和软件建设的基本要求、系统的组成和系统实现的方法。  相似文献   

A geographic information system was used to map and analyze nitrate, chloride, sulfate, and fluoride concentrations in 110 wells tapping the Woodbine Aquifer. The study area, covering ninecounties in north-central Texas, includes large percentages of both urban and agricultural land uses. Land use maps were compared with solute concentration data, and statistics were applied to detect associations between solutes, well depth, andland use. Anthropogenic sources such as fertilizer applications and natural sources such as gypsum, lignite, and clay deposits controlled nitrate, chloride, and sulfate concentrations, each inversely correlated with well depth. However, only one nitrate observation – from a shallow well in the aquifer's outcrop zone – surpassed the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 44.3 mg L-1. By comparison, nearly half of the sulfate and several of the chloride observations surpassed the MCL of 250 mg L-1for each of those ions. Volcanic ash deposits influenced fluorideconcentrations, which directly correlated with well depth. There were no statistically significant associations between solute concentrations and land use. Low recharge rates and confining layers have mitigated anthropogenic impacts on solute levels in the aquifer.  相似文献   

灰色新陈代谢GM(1,1)模型在城市道路交通噪声预测中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以郑州1991~1996年城市道路交通噪声监测的数据,运用灰色系统理论,建立了常规GM(1,1)和新陈代谢GM(1,1)预测模型。经用四种不同方法对两种模型的精度进行检验,结果表明,新陈代谢GM(1,1)模型优于常规GM(1,1)模型,其精度更高,不失为预测城市道路交通噪声的一种好方法。应用该模型,对郑州城市道路交通噪声未来10年进行预测,其结果符合郑州城市的实际情况  相似文献   

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