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The locomotion behavior of Pseudorasbora parva was observed in laboratory under various light intensity, turbidity, structural complexity and zooplankton size, focusing on swimming speed and time of search, approach, and attack. At low prey density, the satiation level affected the swimming speed only slightly. The search speed was nearly constant regardless of the satiation level to reduce the swimming energetic cost when opportunities of encountering prey were low. However, the attack and approach speeds slightly decreased with satiation. With increasing visual and swimming conditions, the approach speed increased markedly, but the search and attack speeds did not. Although the time for the approach and attack to capture a prey did not change much with decreasing swimming and visual conditions, the search time significantly increased to compensate for the decreased swimming speed.  相似文献   

In 2002, a “top-down” biomanipulation (reduction of biomass of planktivorous fish Carassius auratus) had been successfully carried out in a small reservoir of the river Bugach (Krasnoyarsk, Russia), after which the cyanobacterial blooming ceased. However, the reservoir ecosystem was absolutely free of Daphnia – the main link of trophic cascade. As supposed, the reduction of blooming was the result of suppression of a direct stimulation effect of planktivorous fish on cyanobacteria, revealed earlier in laboratory experiments. The question arose as to whether the effect of stimulation of cyanobacteria revealed in laboratory may lead to the changes in biomass of cyanobacteria in the reservoir, observed after the biomanipulation.To test this supposition, a mathematical model describing growth of cyanobacteria in the reservoir was developed. The modelling results and field data on biomass of cyanobacteria in summer closely coincided. Modelling calculations showed that direct influence of planktivorous fish could cause the second summer peak of water blooming by Microcystis. On the contrary, removal of crucian carp from the reservoir will not affect the level of water blooming caused by cyanobacteria Anabaena, as this species’ growth is not stimulated by fish.  相似文献   

Summary In controlled experiments, shoaling European minnows fed in equal numbers on two equally-rewarded food patches, and likewise on unequal patches the numbers feeding reflected food levels. For equal food, minnows did not feed at the patch where they had encountered a simulated diving avian predator, whereas they chose to feed at this risky patch when it was more valuable. By avoiding hazard for equal food, but accepting predator risk for higher food rewards, the minnows performed a risk-balancing trade-off.  相似文献   

Thums M  Bradshaw CJ  Hindelli MA 《Ecology》2011,92(6):1258-1270
Predators are thought to reduce travel speed and increase turning rate in areas where resources are relatively more abundant, a behavior termed "area-restricted search." However, evidence for this is rare, and few empirical data exist for large predators. Animals exhibiting foraging site fidelity could also be spatially aware of suitable feeding areas based on prior experience; changes in movement patterns might therefore arise from the anticipation of higher prey density. We tested the hypothesis that regions of area-restricted search were associated with a higher number of daily speed spikes (a proxy for potential prey encounter rate) and foraging success in southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina), a species exhibiting both area-restricted searches and high interannual foraging site fidelity. We used onshore morphological measurements and diving data from archival tags deployed during winter foraging trips. Foraging success was inferred from in situ changes in relative lipid content derived from measured changes in buoyancy, and first-passage time analysis was used to identify area-restricted search behavior. Seals exhibited relatively direct southerly movement on average, with intensive search behavior predominantly located at the distal end of tracks. The probability of being in search mode was positively related to changes in relative lipid content; thus, intensively searched areas were associated with the highest foraging success. However, there was high foraging success during the outward transit even though seals moved through quickly without slowing down and increasing turning rate to exploit these areas. In addition, the probability of being in search mode was negatively related to the number of daily speed spikes. These results suggest that movement patterns represent a response to prior expectation of the location of predictable and profitable resources. Shelf habitat was 4-9 times more profitable than the other habitats, emphasizing the importance of the East Antarctic shelf for this and other predators in the region. We have provided rare empirical data with which to investigate the relationship between predator foraging strategy and prey encounter/ foraging success, underlining the importance of inferring the timing and spatial arrangement of successful food acquisition for interpreting foraging strategies correctly.  相似文献   

A fish model based upon mass balances is set up. Several of the parameters have been determined by experiments. The remaining parameters are based upon literature values and it was not necessray to find any parameter by calibration. The model was validated with a completely acceptable result.The model includes equations giving the fish growth, the production of ammonia and organic matter, the oxygen consumption, and the influence to the temperature.The model can be used for management of fish farms and as a submodel for a total aquatic system.  相似文献   

David Ward 《Ecological modelling》2010,221(19):2406-3215
Based on data collected over 24 years in the Serengeti in Tanzania, Sinclair and Arcese (1995) indicated that the sensitivity of blue wildebeest Connochaetes taurinus to predation risk by lions Panthera leo may cause them to change habitats between open (low risk) and wooded (risky) habitats. They found that, in poor rainfall years, predators kill wildebeest that are in better condition than those that die of natural causes. In good rainfall years, predators kill wildebeest that are in worse condition than those that die of natural causes. Sinclair and Arcese (1995) proposed the “predation-sensitive food” hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that, as food becomes limiting, animals take greater risks to obtain more food, and some of these animals are killed. I propose a more parsimonious hypothesis based on the marginal value theorem that is consistent with the observations made by Sinclair and Arcese (1995). Wildebeest follow a single decision rule in good and poor rainfall years, viz. move when foraging elsewhere increases your rate of intake of nutritious food. Similarly, predators follow a single decision rule in good and poor rainfall years, viz. take the prey item that maximizes the intake of energy per unit effort expended. This parsimonious model does not require differences in predator sensitivity as required by Sinclair and Arcese's (1995) model. I indicate ways in which my model can be falsified.  相似文献   

A kin selection model is described for populations in which groups of interacting individuals (trait groups, sensu Wilson 1975) are spatially situated within larger aggregations. The model predicts the optimal foraging strategy when resources are shared with other trait group members and there is an individual risk in foraging. The ecological mechanism of variation in group fitness, differential resource accumulation, is explicitly incorporated into the model. The optimal foraging rate obtained from this model depends on the product of a benefit-to-cost ratio and a relatedness parameter. The appropriate definition of relatedness for the evolution of communal foraging is determined by the details of the ecological interaction between consumers and resources. When competition is purely intra-specific, the genetic correlation among interactants relative to other members of the local aggregation defines the relatedness parameter applicable to selection on foraging propensity. When competition is primarily inter-specific, the genetic correlation among trait group members relative to the entire population defines relatedness.  相似文献   

Summary The foragers in honeybee colonies cooperate by sharing information about rich sources of food. This study examines three hypotheses about the benefits of this cooperation: (H1) it decreases foragers' costs in finding new food sources, (H2) it increases the quality of the food sources located by foragers, and (H3) it increases the ability of a colony's foragers to compete for high-quality food sources. To test each hypothesis, we identified a critical pattern in the foraging process which, if observed, would cast doubt on that hypothesis, and then gathered data to check for these patterns. Our observations do not support the first hypothesis, but do support the second and third. These results, in addition to helping us understand the functional significance of the honeybee's dance language, provide insights into the colonial organization of foraging by honeybees.  相似文献   

A numerical model for the simulation and study of fish behavior is presented. The model, based on continuous representations in both biological and spatial dimensions, has been developed as part of a large Norwegian arctic ecosystems modeling project directed by Professor Jens G. Balchen of the University of Trondheim, Norway. The model describes the migratory behavior of fish, and is capable of incorporating a variety of hypothesized driving forces, such as food density, temperature, light, direction and magnitude of ocean currents, and local fish density. The model relies on standard finite difference numerical methods for solution of the continuum transport equations, and a gradient search conceptualization to determine fish taxis. Two driving forces, food and temperature fields, are used to provide a demonstration of the potentials of the proposed modeling methodology.  相似文献   

Many species of baleen whales were hunted to near extinction in the Southern Hemisphere. The recovery of these populations will be affected by the availability of krill, a major dietary component, in the Southern Ocean. We combine a novel energetics model for baleen whales with a state dependent foraging model to explore the impacts of an expanding krill fishery on baleen whales. We parameterize the model for blue whales, but with simple modifications it could be applied to most baleen whales. We predict that an expanding fishery will have a small but significant impact on the blue whale population through decreased birth rates. However, spreading the catch limit throughout the range of krill can reduce these effects. In addition, whales may be able to reduce these impacts through adaptive changes in foraging behavior. The relationship between krill abundance and blue whale foraging and reproductive success is nonlinear, such that larger reductions in krill biomass, potentially following a loss of sea ice due to climate change, could have a much larger negative impact on the recovery of blue whales.  相似文献   

This paper describes an individual-based model, MORPH, that has been designed to predict the effect of environmental change on foraging animal populations. The key assumptions of MORPH are that individuals within populations behave in order to maximise their perceived fitness, but that perceived fitness may not always be positively related to the actual chances of survival and reproduction. MORPH has been parameterised for coastal birds on several European sites and predicted the effect of environmental change, caused by factors such as habitat loss, disturbance from humans and sea-level rise, on the survival and body condition of these species. However, MORPH contains a basic framework to describe animal physiology and foraging behaviour, and the distribution and abundance of the resources required by these animals. Therefore, MORPH is not restricted to coastal birds, and is potentially applicable to a wider range of systems. To be applied to a forager system, MORPH requires parameters describing (i) the distribution of the food supply and how food quality and abundance changes through time; (ii) the rate at which foragers consume food given the abundance of food and competitors; (iii) the amount of food the forager must consume each day to survive; (iv) the distribution and seasonal changes in other factors which influence the foraging behaviour and survival of foragers. The purpose of this paper is to (i) describe MORPH, (ii) give examples of its application, (iii) describe the types of systems to which MORPH can be applied, and (iv) publish its source code and a user guide.  相似文献   

The influence of kinship on foraging competition in Siberian jays   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Foraging competition in Siberian jay groups was examined in relation to dominance and kinship to determine whether juvenile offspring, by associating with adults, gained in food acquisition relative to juvenile immigrants. Members of the adult pair were dominant over juvenile cohort members and males were dominant to females, although an inter-sexual hierarchy, with male juveniles occasionally overlapping adult females, was suggested. Few competitive asymmetries were found between adults and retained offspring or adults and immigrant juveniles when they were competing for food together, but in kin and non-kin foraging groups, respectively. Male offspring visited the bait site more frequently than adult males, and female immigrants spent less time at the bait site than adult females. Under these circumstances, hoarding activities may limit the ability of alpha members to control resources. In mixed groups containing both juvenile offspring and juvenile immigrants, no difference was found in the number of visits made to the bait site, although load sizes and foraging rates were lower for immigrant birds. Retained juveniles obtained greater load sizes and foraging rates when associating with adults. The social dominance of parents suggests that they control juvenile foraging. Although offspring benefit in the presence of adults, adults may incur a cost to their restraint by spending more time at the bait site when competing with immigrants. These results extend conclusions from previous work describing the role of selective tolerance by adults which relaxes competition with retained offspring in Siberian jay winter groups. The present findings suggest that offspring benefit in both immediate and future energy gains, which may have a direct influence on survival. Received: 18 September 1996 / Accepted after revision: 26 January 1997  相似文献   

The blacksmith Chromis punctipinnis, an abundant planktivorous damselfish off southern California, USA, shelters along rocky reefs at night. While sheltered, blacksmiths excrete ammonium that could, in turn, be utilized by nearby benthic macrophytes. Laboratory experiments during the summer and fall of 1983 and 1984 indicate that ammonium excretion at night ranged from 18.1 mol h-1 by a 8.5 g (dry) fish, to 89.1 mol h-1 by a 27.3 g fish; excretion rates generally declined throughout the night. Field measurements at night indicate that ammonium concentrations were significantly higher in rocky crevices occupied by blacksmiths than in unoccupied shelters, and the ammonium level in one shelter dropped after a blacksmith was experimentally removed. Young kelp plants (Macrocystis pyrifera) are capable of taking up ammonium at night. Ammonium levels in chambers containing both a blacksmith and a young kelp plant were significantly lower than in chambers containing only a fish, and ammonium levels dropped in ammoniumspiked chambers that contained kelp plants. Nighttime ammonium uptake rates by young kelp plants, which averaged 1.6 mol g-1 (dry) h-1, were only slightly lower than those during the day. Daytime excretion by blacksmiths occasionally results in elevated ammonium levels in the water column. On two of six days, ammonium concentrations in midwater foraging aggregations were slightly but significantly higher than in upcurrent controls; since blacksmiths typically aggregate at the incurrent margin of kelp beds, the ammonium is swept downcurrent and may be utilized by large M. pyrifera that extend through the water column. Thus, the activities of blacksmiths may results in the importation of extrinsic, inorganic nitrogen to primary producers on temperate reefs.  相似文献   

Summary Allozyme analyses of honey bee workers revealed significant differences in the intracolonial subfamily composition of groups of nectar foragers, pollen foragers, and nest-site scouts. These differences demonstrate that colony genetic structure influences the division of labor among older foraging-age bees just as it does for younger workers. The maintenance of genetic variability for the behavior of individual workers and its possible effects on the organization of colonies are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A model of risk-sensitive foraging based on a continuously foraging but interruptable predator is developed and tested in a simple choice experiment using common shrews.Given a choice of two feeding stations, shrews behaved in accordance with the broad predictions of the model. Having been trained below their estimated food requirement, shrewss preferred the station y elding the higher mean reward rate, but prefereence for a constant (constant reward rate) or risky variable reward rate) station was influenced by experience of variance in reward rate at the risky station.Preference was influenced most clearly by experience of reward rate variance during tests rather than training.  相似文献   

Individual variation in winter foraging of black-capped chickadees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Wintering black-capped chickadees (Paridae: Parus atricapillus) in northwestern Massachusetts showed a high degree of individual variation in foraging behavior. After accounting for the effects of different habitats and weather conditions, individual differences comprised 6–17% of the total observed variation in four measures of foraging location and rate of feeding. Differences between age and sex groups were not significant and explained comparatively little variation (0.0–1.4%). The chickadees did not fall into a few distinct behavioral categories but instead showed continuous variation on all measures of foraging behavior. It appeared that some variation among individuals was a consequence of behavioral convergence within social groups, since birds that were observed together were more similar in their foraging than expected by chance, after taking habitat differences into account. Our results therefore do not support the interpretation that individual variation in feeding behavior serves to reduce exploitation competition within social groups.  相似文献   

In old, spruce-dominated forests of central Finland, Eurasian treecreepers Certhia familiaris divide their territories spatially during the breeding season. Females forage primarily on the upper parts of the tree trunks, while males use the lower parts of the tree trunks. In this study we removed males from eight territories in the early nestling period to see if the mate's absence would change the foraging patterns of the resident female. Widowed females foraged at lower heights, thus behaving more like paired males. These females also spent less time on each tree and on each foraging bout than did paired females. We conclude that male removal facilitated the change in a female's foraging niche and foraging time at the trees. Females may re-optimize their foraging site selection owing to the absence of dominant males and a consequent need to increase their parental care. Behavioral plasticity may be the mechanism of niche partitioning between the sexes in this species. Received: 28 June 1996 / Accepted after revision: 27 March 1997  相似文献   

Sea otter, Enhydra lutris, predation had no detectable effect on abundance and size distribution of deep-burrowing bivalve prey in the Elkhorn Slough, California, USA. Up to 23 otters were present for 6 mo of the study period (March 1984 through April 1985). This is in contrast to previous studies of sea otter predation, especially on the shallow-burrowing Pismo clam Tivela stultorum, which can be found along the wave-exposed coast near the slough. The deep-burrowing clams Tresus nuttallii and Saxidomus nuttalli made up 61% of the prey taken in the slough, and are more difficult for otters to excavate than Pismo clams. The occurrence of foraging otters was highest in an area where the two bivalve prey were extremely abundant (18 individuals m–2). However, the otters did not selectively prey on the largest clams available within the study sight, but foraged preferentially in a patch of smaller individuals where bivalve burrow depth was restricted by the presence of a dense clay layer. This foraging strategy maximized the amount of prey biomass obtained per unit volume of sediment excavated. Our findings suggest that in soft-sediment habitats deep-burrowing bivalves may be more resistant to otter predation than shallower burrowers.  相似文献   

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