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This study provides a comprehensive examination of the life cycle dynamics of the brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) in the Mondego estuary, Portugal, a habitat located near the southern edge of the range of this species in European waters. The phenology of all life stages was documented (from the occurrence of ovigerous females, developing embryos, planktonic larvae and benthic post-larvae), and migration patterns of larvae into and out of the estuary were examined. Temperature-dependent functions of egg and larval development were combined with data on field abundance to predict the timing and magnitude of occurrence of larvae and recruits. Compared to brown shrimp at higher latitudes, southern conspecifics grow slower, mature earlier and have smaller brood sizes, and larvae have a more protracted settlement period. The Mondego estuary, besides acting as nursery area, is a dynamic platform for C. crangon to use in different stages, sizes and seasons.  相似文献   

The material examined consisted of adult specimens (male and female) of the shrimp Crangon crangon (L.) collected during the summer of 1967 from the Gdask Bay of the Baltic Sea. Column and thin-layer chromatography was used for the separation of the carotenoids. The ester compounds and protein complexes of carotenoids were hydrolized with 15% KOH in methanol at room temperature in a nitrogen atmosphere for 48 h. The absorption maxima of the various fractions and spots were determined on the spectrophotometer Specol after eluation. The identification of the carotenoids was based mainly on the absorption maxima in appropriate organic solvents and on the Rt values. The acetone extract from the Crangon crangon specimens gave a light blue fluorescence and absorption maxima at wavelengths of 447, 463, 595 to 596 and 667 m. The following carotenoids were found to be present in the adult specimens of Crangon crangon: -carotene, cantaxanthin, astaxanthin, free and esterified lutein, zeaxanthin, and a form of xanthophyll which was not precisely identified. In addition to the above, biliary dyes were also found, probably of the mesobiliviolin and mesobilirhodin type.  相似文献   

An underwater weighing apparatus is described. This consits basically of a float, the buoyancy of which is neutralized by a known amount of lead weights. The standard error of the method is ±0.1g. The entire weighing procedure takes place on the reef using SCUBA diving gear. The advantages are that the animals are not harmed by experimental treatment, and that the pure calcium-carbonate increment is registrated. Some results obtained by this method show growth of Montastrea annularis and Madracis mirabilis.  相似文献   

In situ zooplankton grazing rates on natural particle assemblages were stimated by measuring zooplankton uptake of labelled autotrophic (with Na14CO3) and heterotrophic (with [methyl-3H]-thymidine) particulate matter in 1-h incubations in clear, Plexiglas, Haney chambers. The in situ grazing rates are in the same range as those measured for zooplankton in the laboratory using standard particle counting techniques. A negative selection coefficient for 3H-labelled particles indicated a lower filtration efficiency or avoidance of these particles by zooplankton.  相似文献   

Oh  C.-W.  Hartnoll  R. G. 《Marine Biology》2004,144(2):303-316
Aspects of the reproductive biology of the common shrimp Crangon crangon (L.) were studied in Port Erin Bay, Isle of Man, Irish Sea. Size at sexual maturity was determined from the proportions of ovigerous females and of females with maturing ovaries. The size at which 50% of females are mature is estimated (±95% confidence intervals) as 12.5±0.48 mm carapace length. Based on the proportions of ovigerous females and of mature females, the main breeding season was from January to June. Mean ovarian dry weights indicated two broods (winter and summer), with females bearing winter broods (WB) having higher gonad indices than those with summer broods (SB). WB females with non-eyed eggs and with eyed eggs differed in the regression of ovarian dry weight on carapace length, indicating preparation for laying a second brood. In both broods the moult stages of berried females were related to egg stage. Moulting will occur following the release of the brood. During embryonic development, mean egg length and egg volume were larger in all stages, and the mean dry weight of individual eggs of all stages heavier, in WB than in SB; there was no difference in egg number, however. Consequently, reproductive investment, the proportion of female weight devoted to egg production, was 67% higher in WB (0.20±0.04) than in SB (0.12±0.03). There is a significant effect of egg volume on brood weight, but not on egg number. In both broods, egg number was a negatively allometric function of female body size in non-eyed eggs and an isometric function of female body size in eyed eggs. Brood mortality during incubation was higher in SB (17%) than WB (10%). Differences in the reproductive variables and investment between the two broods of C. crangon are discussed in the light of reproductive strategies and life history.Communicated by J.P. Thorpe, Port Erin  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - In China, chemical enterprises are required to cluster into a large number of chemical industrial parks (CIPs), which increase risks and threats to the...  相似文献   

Summary Relationships between spacing behavior and growth rates were investigated in a field experiment with juvenile lizards, Anolis aeneus. The behavioral variable most closely related to juvenile growth was distance moved per unit time. This variable had a curvilinear relationship with growth, such that juveniles moving approximately 400 cm/h grew more rapidly than those traveling either larger or shorter distances per unit time. Daily fluctuations in arthropod abundance were also related to growth rates, with restricted growth during periods of low food availability. Temporal fluctuations in prey and distance traveled per unit time had independent effects on growth; together these two variables accounted for 43% of the variance in growth rate for the juveniles in this study.Territory size, overlap and social status appeared to affect growth indirectly, by influencing distance traveled per unit time. Optimal travel distances of around 400 cm/h were most likely when a juvenile had a relatively exclusive territory of about 0.5 m2. High ranking juveniles were more apt to achieve this spacing pattern than were low ranking juveniles, but some high ranking juveniles had very large territories, extensive overlap with subordinates, supraoptimal travel distances and relatively low growth rates. Low ranking juveniles tended to fall into two groups: subordinates, with a small home range overlapping that of a more dominant individual and low travel distances, and floaters, with a large home range overlapping several more dominant individuals and high travel distances. Although a few low ranking juveniles achieved travel distances permitting high growth rates, most had either supra or suboptimal travel distances and relatively low growth rates.  相似文献   

A stochastic simulation model of brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus Ives) population dynamics in Galveston Bay, Texas, is described, validated, and used to evaluate the effects of management alternatives and changing environmental conditions on shrimp dynamics. The model is composed of submodels representing: (1) recruitment, (2) growth, (3) natural mortality, (4) fishing mortality, and (5) emigration of brown shrimp. The model predicts significant changes in total annual harvest from the food shrimp, bait, and recreational fisheries resulting from (1) closure of the bay system to all fishing except during the spring and fall open seasons, (2) two-week postponement of the opening and closing of the open seasons for the food shrimp fishery, (3) a 2.5°C increase and (4) a 2.5°C decrease in mean water temperature, (5) an 80% increase and (6) an 80% decrease in fishing effort. No significant change in the total annual harvest is predicted when the food shrimp fishing season is extended from May 15 through December 15. Sensitivity analysis suggests that field experimentation designed specifically to test the hypothesis of a 60-day time lag between brown shrimp recruitment into the bays and exposure to the fishery should receive high priority. Simulation results are discussed within a management framework.  相似文献   

The models used for ecosystems modeling are generally based on differential equations. However, in recent years new computational models based on biological processes, or bioinspired models, have arisen, among which are P systems. These are inspired by the functions of cells and present important advantages with respect to traditional models, such as a high computational efficiency, modularity and their ability to work in parallel. They are simple, individual-based models that use biological parameters that can be obtained experimentally. In this work, we present the framework for a model based on P systems applied to the study of an ecosystem in which three avian scavengers (predators) interact with 10 wild and domestic ungulates (preys). The computation time for 100 repetitions, corresponding to 14 simulation years each, with an initial population composed of 385,422 individuals, was 30 min. Our results suggest that the model presented, based on P systems, correctly simulates the population dynamics in the period of time analyzed. We discuss the usefulness of this tool in simulating complex ecosystems dynamics to aid managers, conservationists and policy-makers in making appropriate decisions for the improvement of management and conservation programs.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,186(2):143-153
Two kinds of wildlife habitat studies can be distinguished in the literature: hindcasting and forecasting studies. Hindcasting studies aim to emphasize among a large set of habitat variables those that are of interest for the focus species, whereas forecasting studies are intended to predict habitat selection according to a small number of habitat variables for a given area. We provide here a new analytical tool which relies on the concept of ecological niche, the K-select analysis, for hindcasting studies of habitat selection by animals using radio-tracking data. Each habitat variable defines one dimension in the ecological space. For each animal, the difference between the vector of average available habitat conditions and the vector of average used conditions defines the marginality vector. Its size is proportional to the importance of habitat selection, and its direction indicates which variables are selected. By performing a non-centered principal component analysis of the table containing the coordinates of the marginality vectors of each animal (row) on the habitat variables (column), the K-select analysis returns a linear combination of habitat variables for which the average marginality is greatest. It is a synthesis of variables which contributes the most to the habitat selection. As with principal component analysis, the biological significance of the factorial axes is deduced from the loading of variables. An example is provided: habitat selection by wild boar is studied in a Mediterranean habitat using the K-select analysis. The numerous advantages of the analysis (a large number of variables that can be included, individual variability in habitat selection taken into account, a lack of too strict underlying hypotheses) make it a powerful approach in radio-tracking studies designed to identify habitat variables that are selected by animals.  相似文献   

In recent years, the urban drainage system in China is facing the dual pressure of renovation and construction. This requires that the integrated assessment for the planning and operation of the urban drainage system is obligatory. To evaluate the urban drainage system, an integrated assessment methodology based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), integrated simulation, and fuzzy assessment is established. This method is a multi-criteria decision adding app roach to the assessment of the urban drainage system comprehensively. Through the integration of the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), a simple wastewater treatment plant model, and a surface water quality model, an integrated modelling system for the urban drainage system is developed and applied as a key tool for assessment. Using the established method, a case study in Shenzhen City has been implemented to evaluate and compare two urban drainage system reno vation plans, the distributed plan and the centralized plan. Because of the particularity of this case study, the established method is not applied entirely. Considering the water environ mental impact, ecological impact, technological feasibility, and economic cost, the integrated performance of the distri buted plan is better. As shown in this case study, the proposed method is found to be both effective and practical.  相似文献   

Rapid land use transformation shaped by agriculture, industrialization and population urbanization has a great influence on ecological environment. Based on theory of ecosystem service functions, this study aims at revealing the response of ecological storage and conservation to each unit area of land use transformation. Taking Cishan Town, a mining town in China, as a case study, this paper estimates the “past-present-future” ecological storage impacted by the process, result and possibility of land use transformation. The local land use and industrial distribution show that the active areas of land use transformation are also the areas of concentration of human (industrial) activities. Ecological storage shows the different responses to land use ways. And then this study combines the ecological storage indices with the indices of ecosystem pattern and land condition into the“5A” framework (active state, active degree, active possibility, active balance and active condition) for grading ecological conservation, and then assigns all regions of Cishan Town into different grades through membership functions for complex mapping of ecological conservation. The research results show that the ecological conservation in Cishan goes toward two extreme grades (best grade and worst grade). Uneven and unbalanced land use transformation is the main cause of that. Hence, rational and timely reflection of impact of land use transformation on ecological storage and conservation can assist land use planners and local government in adjusting land use ways and balancing regional ecology and economy.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainable cities is based on a development paradigm that recognizes that cities make an important contribution to social and economic development. System thinking, including hard and soft systems, can be used to provide a new perspective and tools to resolve questions. The 500-year-old heritage city of Udaipur in India, which has traditionally maintained the spirit of living in a sustainable manner, is now seeking sustainable development. This paper attempts to analyse the issues underlying sustainable development of Udaipur by applying CATWOE in order to comprehend the systemic elements of the city from a soft systems perspective.  相似文献   

This article presents a system dynamics (SD) method to examine the problem of forest degradation. The model developed takes a system-oriented view of forest management, embracing both social and biophysical factors affecting deforestation. Social factors examined are socio-economic variables or elements that influence behaviour and decision-making choices at the household level. Biophysical factors are four sub-components that are considered major land uses namely, the paddy field component, rattan plantations, coffee plantations and forest stands. The model was applied in a case study located in Pasir District of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The site covers an area that includes a protected forest and a privately allocated timber license concession. Three village communities are examined in the case study. The SD model developed was applied to the case study focusing on three management policies or scenarios, which are based on access rights to the forest resources within the study area. Specifically, the property arrangements examined in each scenario are: Policy 1 – status quo (i.e. continue present property rights arrangements); Policy 2 – local communities manage the forest exclusively; and Policy 3 – collaborative management involving both local communities and a private company. Results from the model show that the third policy is the most viable option, and also lead to a win–win solution.  相似文献   

The Fleet (southern England) is a stable (ca. 5,000 years) coastal saline lagoon that supports a population of Alcyonidium resembling the common coastal epiphyte, Alcyonidium gelatinosum (L.). A combination of morphological, reproductive, and ecological characters was used to compare lagoonal and non-lagoonal proximate populations. Comparisons revealed a difference in the timing of spawning, considered to be related to the temporally restricted availability of viable substrata within the lagoonal basin. Allochronous spawning and spatial separation together suggest that the lagoonal taxon is reproductively isolated. The two populations were further compared with seven other coastal populations of Alcyonidium using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. The results confirm the individuality of the lagoonal taxon but also a close relationship with three A. gelatinosum populations. We present and consider four hypotheses that may account for the presence of this genetically distinct taxon: (1) diversification within the Fleet; (2) colonisation from another lagoon; (3) non-indigenous species status; and (4) introduction by shipping or other anthropogenically mediated dispersal mechanism. Significant diversification on the time scale involved has been demonstrated for isolated freshwater environments and, therefore, is feasible within a saline lagoon. Hypothesis 1 and, to a lesser extent, hypothesis 2 are consistent with the recognition of individual lagoons as 'biogeographic' islands of importance for their unique or characteristic biodiversity. The study also represents the first example of concordant morphological, reproductive, and genetic diversification in a marine bryozoan.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of zooxanthellae living in the mantle of a giant clam, Tridacna derasa, was studied. The giant clams with shell lengths of 5 to 6 cm which had been reared in the Palau Mariculture Demonstration Center, in the Republic of Palau, were transferred to aquaria on deck of the R.V. “Sohgen-maru” and kept in running sea water at 29 to 30 °C. Two clams were removed from the aquaria, and zooxanthellae in the mantle were isolated every 2 h for 24 h. Numbers of the zooxanthellae in or not in the cell division stage were counted for calculations of the zooxanthellae population in the mantle and their mitotic index (MI). The MI increased after sunset and reached the maximum values of 6.1 to 11.5% at 03:00 to 05:00 hrs. The specific growth rate, μ, estimated from the MI was 0.083 to 0.14 d−1. Five clams were kept in each of 2 Plexiglas containers in the aquarium for collection of the discharged feces every 3 to 4 h. The discharged zooxanthellae in the feces were counted. The zooxanthellae discharged in 24 h were 0.38 to 1.46% of the total zooxanthella population in the mantle, and 2.7 to 16.9% of the newly formed zooxanthella population in a day. Increase of zooxanthella population in the mantle was estimated from clam shell growth rate and from the correlation between zooxanthella population and clam shell size. Daily increase of zooxanthella population in the mantle was estimated to be approximately 7.6 to 19% of the newly formed zooxanthella population. Therefore, the sum of zooxanthellae populations accounting for daily increase in the mantle and discharge in the feces was 11 to 36% of the newly formed population. About 64 to 89% of the newly formed cells were missing; some of these may have been digested by the clam. Received: 14 July 1996 / Accepted: 19 August 1996  相似文献   

The considerable complexity often included in biophysical models leads to the need of specifying a large number of parameters and inputs, which are available with various levels of uncertainty. Also, models may behave counter-intuitively, particularly when there are nonlinearities in multiple input-output relationships. Quantitative knowledge of the sensitivity of models to changes in their parameters is hence a prerequisite for operational use of models. This can be achieved using sensitivity analysis (SA) via methods which differ for specific characteristics, including computational resources required to perform the analysis. Running SA on biophysical models across several contexts requires flexible and computationally efficient SA approaches, which must be able to account also for possible interactions among parameters. A number of SA experiments were performed on a crop model for the simulation of rice growth (Water Accounting Rice Model, WARM) in Northern Italy. SAs were carried out using the Morris method, three regression-based methods (Latin hypercube sampling, random and Quasi-Random, LpTau), and two methods based on variance decomposition: Extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (E-FAST) and Sobol’, with the latter adopted as benchmark. Aboveground biomass at physiological maturity was selected as reference output to facilitate the comparison of alternative SA methods. Rankings of crop parameters (from the most to the least relevant) were generated according to sensitivity experiments using different SA methods and alternate parameterizations for each method, and calculating the top-down coefficient of concordance (TDCC) as measure of agreement between rankings. With few exceptions, significant TDCC values were obtained both for different parameterizations within each method and for the comparison of each method to the Sobol’ one. The substantial stability observed in the rankings seem to indicate that, for a crop model of average complexity such as WARM, resource intensive SA methods could not be needed to identify most relevant parameters. In fact, the simplest among the SA methods used (i.e., Morris method) produced results comparable to those obtained by methods more computationally expensive.  相似文献   

Active biomonitoring of the air quality in Belgrade, Serbia, was performed using the moss Sphagnum girgensohnii. Moss bags were exposed in parallel with and without irrigation for 3 and 6 months, respectively, at three different sites. Twenty-nine elements were determined in the exposed moss samples by INAA. For all exposure periods, higher uptake in the irrigated moss bags was evident for Al, Cr, Fe, Zn and Sr. Elements such as Cl, K, Rb and Cs were depleted in the moss tissue during the time of exposure. For most of the elements the accumulation after 6 months exceeded that observed after 3 months.  相似文献   

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