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Pulse jet fabric filters (PJFFs) have become an attractive option of particulate collection utilities, because they can meet stringent particulate emission limits regardless of variation in operating conditions. Despite their wide applications, the present control algorithm for PJFFs can best be described as rudimentary. In this paper, a modeling and control strategy based on the local model network (LMN) is proposed. An extended self-organizing map (ESOM) network is developed to construct the LMN model of the filtration process using the filter's input-output data. Subsequently, these ESOM local models are incorporated into the design of local generalized predictive controllers (GPC), and the proposed controller design is obtained as the weighted sum of these local controllers. Simulation results show that the proposed controller design yields a better performance than both conventional GPC and proportional plus integral (PI) controllers yield.  相似文献   

To reveal the formation mechanism of a pulse-jet airflow’s cleaning effect in a filter bag, a theoretical model is built by using the theory of the gas jet and unitary adiabatic flow according to given specifications and dimensions of the bags and resistance characteristics of the cloth and dust layer. It is about the relationship between cleaning system structure and operating parameters. The model follows the principle that the flow and kinetic energy of jet flow injected into a filter bag should be consistent with the flow of cleaning airflow in the bag and the pressure drop flowing through the filter cloth and dust layer. The purpose of the model is to achieve the peak pressure of cleaning airflow, which dominates the effect of the pulse-jet cleaning process. The cleaning system structure includes air pressure in the nozzle, structure and size of nozzle, exit velocity of nozzle, jet distance, and diameter of jet cross section. Based on the condition of the cleaning system structure and operating parameters established by using the theoretical model, Fluent software is applied to carry out a numerical simulation of the jet airflow field at the nozzle’s outlet, jet airflow field between nozzle and bag top, and cleaning airflow field in the filter bag. Experimental results are used to verify the reliability of the theoretical model. They are obtained in a pilot-scale test filter with a single bag, with length 2 m and in general full-scale dimensions of the cleaning system. The results show that when any rectification measure is not installed at the bag opening, the cross-sectional area covered by the jet gas is hardly sufficient to cover the entire area of the bag opening. A large portion of the gases injected into the filter bag will overflow reversely upward from the edge due to pressure differences between the upper area and lower area inside the bag opening. This led to a serious shortage of the cleaning airflow and ar limited increase in static pressure. When a venturi-type rectifier tube is installed at the bag opening, the jet flow is converted to funnel flow for which the cross-section velocity distribution is more uniform at the throat of the rectifier tube due to the guided effects of the upper tapered pipe. Then it is transited to stressful flow below the bag opening via rectified effects of the lower dilated pipe. The results show that the gap between the static pressure of gas in the bag and the expected value is significantly reduced. The theoretical value of the nozzle diameter is enlarged to compensate for two aspects of adverse effects of cleaning airflow and energy. This is because the flow is not a purely free-form jet from the nozzle to the entrance of the rectifier tube and because the gas suffers from local resistance while flowing through the rectifier tube. The numerical simulation and experiment show that the peak pressure of cleaning airflow in the filter bag is able to reach the expected value. The results confirm that the mechanism of the pulse-jet cleaning airflow and the calculation method of the pulse-jet cleaning system structure and operating parameters offered in this study are correct. The study results provide a scientific basis for designing the system of pulse-jet fabric filters.

Implications: Pulse-jet cleaned fabric filters are commonly used for air pollution control in many industries. Pulse-jet cleaning is widely used for this purpose as it enables frequent cleaning while the filter is operating. However, the theoretical system of the forming mechanism of the pulse-jet cleaning has not formed so far. This indicates the theoretical model plays an important role in designing effective pulse-jet cleaned fabric filters.  相似文献   

错流式过滤除尘技术利用切向风流抑制尘饼生长变厚,具有过滤阻力上升缓慢的优点,采用脉喷气流撞击设置在滤芯外的横向挡板并产生局部静压可实现内滤式滤芯的清灰。构建CFD数值模拟考察了喷吹气流的分布,分析了喷嘴入口处的喷吹压力和挡板位置对脉冲喷吹性能的影响,设计并考察了挡板往复式喷吹策略。结果表明:滤芯压力随喷嘴入口压力升高而增加,确定了最佳喷嘴入口压力为5 000 Pa;挡板位置的变化显著影响清灰的有效区,对于1 000 mm长的滤芯,挡板位置为500 mm和350 mm分别实现350~500 mm和0~350 mm区域的有效清灰;相比普通喷吹,设计的挡板往复式喷吹 (挡板位置依次为350、500、650、500 mm) 可实现滤芯喷吹压力增大1.57倍、均匀性提升7.17倍。该研究结果可为内滤式滤芯脉喷清灰提供参考。  相似文献   

响应面法优化袋式除尘器脉冲清灰性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于计算流体动力学的方法采用三维、可压缩、非稳态流动数学模型对袋式除尘器脉冲清灰过程进行了数值模拟,得到了滤袋内外压差,并与文献实验值进行了比较,验证了仿真模型的可靠性。基于响应面法研究了喷吹压力、喷吹高度、滤袋直径和滤袋长度对脉冲清灰性能的影响,得到这4个影响因子的二次多项式预测模型,并进行优化。结果表明,喷吹压力为0.3 MPa,喷吹高度为0.2 m,滤袋直径为0.16 m,滤袋长度为6 m时,内外压差峰值最优,优化结果与仿真模拟结果相差小于3%。研究结果为袋式除尘器脉冲清灰系统的设计与优化提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

采用物理模型实验,对回转定位喷吹系统的扁圆形滤袋壁面峰值压力分布进行测试,得出该滤袋同一截面压力分布均匀,且其沿滤袋长度方向的壁面峰值压力分布规律也与圆形滤袋相似。在该规律成立条件下,将扁圆形滤袋运用等效面积法转化为圆形滤袋,通过数值模拟方法,设计正交实验得出:滤袋壁面峰值压力随着喷吹压力和喷嘴直径的增大而增大,而随滤袋长度增加无明显变化;并进行单因素实验得出,当滤袋长度增加至10 m,可满足工程设计清灰需要,为滤袋长度的设计提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

褶皱比高、过滤面积大的大风量滤筒除尘器存在不完全清灰的随机性更大,因为脉冲清灰过程中脉冲气流在滤筒内的流场分布不均引起滤筒侧壁压力的不均匀分布。主要通过检验大风量滤筒(325×1 000 mm)侧壁压力峰值变化过程和探寻引起侧壁压力峰值分布的气流动态变化过程。实验结果表明,冷态实验时,有诱导喷嘴时,滤筒侧壁压力峰值呈现从上到下减小的趋势,滤筒侧壁压力变化过程与滤筒上粉尘剥落的过程相一致;动态实验时,随着过滤风速增大,滤筒侧壁压力峰值出现增大的现象,因为脉冲气流受到系统过滤气流的影响,脉冲气流在轴向的速度降低的要缓慢一些,动压转化为静压的速度要缓慢一些,出现滤筒650 mm位置侧壁压力峰值明显增大,而在滤筒850 mm位置侧壁压力峰值并未增大,将动态实验用于实际现场,结果表明,长时间运行滤筒底部出现清灰效果差的现象。  相似文献   

A new style of diffusion denuder has been evaluated specifically for sampling HNO3. A coated fabric is used as the denuder substrate, which can be loaded directly into a standard filter holder. This approach allows direct denuder sampling with no additional capital costs over filter sampling and simplifies the coating and extraction process. Potential denuder materials and coatings were evaluated in the laboratory to test the removal efficiency. NaCl coatings were used to assess more than 20 materials for HNO3 collection efficiency. Particle retention, which would cause a denuder to have a positive bias for gas concentration measurements, was evaluated by ambient air sampling using particulate sulfate as the reference aerosol. Particle retention varied from 0 to 15%, depending on the denuder material tested. The best performing material showed an average particle retention of less than 3%. Denuder efficiency of four fabric materials was tested under ambient conditions to determine removal efficiency. The fabric denuder method was compared with a long path-length Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, a tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer (TDLAS), and a denuder difference sampler to independently measure HNO3. HNO3 collection efficiency was typically 90% for the denuders, whether coated with NaCl or not. For 10-L/min sampling rates with the fabric denuder, the square of the correlation coefficient with the FTIR spectrometer was 0.73, compared to 0.24 with the TDLAS.  相似文献   

金属纤维滤袋可直接过滤高温烟气粉尘,解决高温烟气粉尘导致的环境、安全问题,对高温烟气的余热能源回收利用有非常重要的意义。目前,金属滤袋除尘器脉冲喷吹参数是依照传统纤维滤袋器设计的,存在着脉冲瞬时气流导致喷吹清灰失效问题。针对此问题,在脉冲喷吹实验平台上,通过改变喷吹压力、喷吹距离以及喷吹孔径,针对ϕ130 mm×2 000 mm的金属滤袋,利用压力数据采集系统测试喷吹压力0.2~0.6 MPa、喷吹孔径6~14 mm、喷吹距离50~250 mm时,金属滤袋距顶部80、200、600、1 000、1 400和1 800 mm 6个部位的侧壁压力峰值,以探求针对金属滤袋的脉冲喷吹的合理参数。结果表明:2 m金属滤袋的最佳脉冲喷吹孔径为8 mm,最佳喷吹距离为200 mm,最佳喷吹压力为0.5 MPa;此条件下的P1(80 mm)、P2(200 mm)、P3(600 mm)、P4(1 000 mm)、P5(1 400 mm)、P6(1 800 mm)的侧壁压力峰值分别为1 000、1 686、839、746、749和2 005 Pa。金属滤袋的侧壁压力峰值大小排列呈下>上>中的规律。随着喷吹孔径的增大,最优喷吹距离有逐渐减小的趋势。金属滤袋的中、下部(距滤袋口600~1 400 mm)清灰将是未来金属滤袋清灰的重点关注部位。上述研究结果可为金属滤袋的推广发展提供参考。  相似文献   

A cost-effective weighing chamber for particulate matter filters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Particulate matter (PM) is a ubiquitous air pollutant that has been receiving increasing attention in recent years due in part to the association between PM and a number of adverse health outcomes, including mortality and increases in emergency room visits and respiratory symptoms, as well as exacerbation of asthma and decrements in lung function. As a result, the ability to accurately sample ambient PM has become important, both to researchers and to regulatory agencies. The federal reference method for the determination of fine PM as PM2.5 in the atmosphere recommends that particle-sampling filters be conditioned and weighed in an environment with constant temperature and relative humidity (RH). It is also recommended that vibration, electrostatic charges, and contamination of the filters from laboratory air be minimized to reduce variability in filter weight measurements. These controls have typically been maintained in small, environmentally controlled "cleanrooms." As an alternative to constructing an elaborate cleanroom, we have designed, and presented in this paper, an inexpensive weighing chamber to maintain the necessary level of humidity control.  相似文献   

Activated carbon injection for Hg control in a 500-lb/hr pilot-scale coal-fired furnace equipped with a fabric filter for particulate control was evaluated at different operating conditions. The pilot-scale tests showed that Hg removal was improved at lower temperatures and higher C/Hg ratios. The two-stage mathematical model developed to describe Hg removal using powdered activated carbon injection upstream of a baghouse filter was used to obtain Langmuir isotherm parameters as a function of temperature by fitting the model to a subset of experimental data. The predictive capability of the model was then tested by comparing model calculations with additional experimental data from this system obtained using different operating temperatures and sorbent to Hg ratios. Model predictions were in good agreement with experimentally measured Hg removal efficiency. Based on the model predictions, Hg removal in the duct appears to be limited and higher C/Hg ratio, lower operating temperature, and longer cleaning cycle of the baghouse filter should be utilized to achieve higher Hg removal in this system.  相似文献   

2种不同填料曝气生物滤池处理生活污水的经验模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对分别装有火山岩和陶粒填料的2套平行运行的曝气生物滤池,在不同的进水负荷下进行生活污水的试验研究,结果表明火山岩的溶解性COD(SCOD)去除效果要优于陶粒。同时,根据大量试验数据针对2个反应器进出水SCOD随反应器高度的变化关系,建立一套经验模型。推算出不同水力负荷下的经验模型常数n和K值,结果表明模型的预测值与实测值是相吻合的,该模型可作为设计者和运行者的参考依据。  相似文献   

针对除尘滤筒脉冲反吹清灰均匀性差、强度不足的缺点,构建了脉冲喷吹滤筒除尘器CFD数值模型,考察了文丘里喷嘴和金锥滤筒组合条件下的清灰性能。结果表明,无论是文丘里喷嘴还是金锥滤筒的使用或二者组合使用,滤筒内喷吹压力均为底部大而上部小;文丘里喷嘴和金锥滤筒可单独或组合式优化喷吹性能;在喷吹高度为150~550 mm时,喷吹强度和均匀性整体上随喷吹高度的增大而逐渐增强,当喷吹高度为350 mm时,文丘里喷嘴和金锥滤筒组合使用的优化效果最佳,喷吹强度和均匀性分别提高了1.72和1.96倍。本研究结果可为脉喷清灰滤筒除尘器的优化提供参考。  相似文献   

Lamberts D  Koponen J 《Ambio》2008,37(3):178-184
Tonle Sap Lake is a large and complex data-deficient ecosystem in the Mekong River Basin. Highly valuable in biodiversity and natural livelihoods capital, it is susceptible to degradation when the flood pulse that drives its productivity is altered as a result of hydropower and irrigation development on the Mekong River. To date, there are no tools to assess the consequences of such flood pulse alterations, leaving the Tonle Sap underrated in water-resources use and planning. A combined ecological-hydrodynamic model is presented for the production potential of the Tonle Sap ecosystem and its likely response to hydrological changes.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical model to describe pulse injection experiments. This model solves the advection-diffusion equation while taking into account back diffusion from the clay core to the inlet and from the outlet to the clay core. In most analytical models, back diffusion is neglected. For sufficiently high Péclet numbers, this is a good approximation. However, in experiments where the Péclet number is low, back diffusion is important and must be taken into account. An additional advantage of the present model is that both concentration and flux are conserved at the inlet and at the outlet of the clay core. This model is used to fit pulse injection experiments with iodide and tritiated water (HTO) in clay cores. The (new) model is required for fitting the experimental results since in clay layers advection is very slow leading to a low Péclet number. The experiments are performed on clay cores taken from different depths from the Boom Clay and the Ypres Clay layer under the site of the nuclear power plant of Doel (Belgium). The quality of all fits is excellent and the obtained parameter values are coherent. For HTO, the fitted value for the diffusion accessible porosity is consistent with measurements of the water content in Ypres Clay cores. In both types of clays, the apparent diffusion coefficient at zero flow is between 10(-10) and 2 x 10(-10) m(2)/s for iodide and between 2 x 10(-10) and 3 x 10(-10) m(2)/s for HTO. The dispersion length is in the order of 10(-3) m. The average value for the diffusion accessible porosity is between 0.35 and 0.4 for HTO and between 0.2 and 0.25 for iodide.  相似文献   

Filter papers and impaction substrates made of cellulose fibers, such as Whatman 41 and Misco P810/252, are of considerable utility in the collection of aerosol for subsequent trace elemental analysts. This experiment evaluated the performance of Misco P810/252 in collecting trace elements, relative to a co-located standard glass fiber filter hi-vol collection. Sampling was conducted in varying meteorological conditions, so that results might be expressed in terms of environmental variables such as temperature and relative humidity. The pass-through factors presented here were derived from a series of environmental samples collected over land and over water. Overall, the Misco impactor/filter failed to collect 38% of Pb and 32% of Zn.  相似文献   

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