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A promising microalgal strain isolated from fresh water, which can grow both autotrophically on inorganic carbon under lighting and heterotrophically on organic carbon without lighting, was identified as Chlorella sp. USTB-01 with the phylogenetic analysis based on 18S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene sequences. In the heterotrophic batch culture, more than 20.0 g·L?1 of cell dry weight concentration (DWC) of Chlorella sp. USTB-01 was obtained at day 5, and which was used directly to seed the autotrophic culture. A novel fermentor-helical combined photobioreactor was established and used to cultivate Chlorella sp. USTB-01 for the fixation of carbon dioxide (CO2). It showed that the autotrophic growth of Chlorella sp. USTB-01 in the combined photobioreactor was more effective than that in the fermentor alone and the maximum DWC of 2.5 g·L?1 was obtained at day 6. The highest CO2 fixation of 95% appeared on day 1 in the exponential growth phases of Chlorella sp. USTB-01 and 49.8% protein was found in the harvested microalgal cells.  相似文献   

Inorganic phosphate (Pi) uptake by the marine cyanophyte Synechococcus sp. NIBB 1071 was studied using cells grown in an artificial seawater medium. The phosphate uptake was markedly enhanced in cells grown in the medium of low phosphate concentrations (phosphate-limited cells) than in cells grown in the phosphate-rich medium (phosphate-replete cells). The diagnosis of kinetics of instantaneous phosphate-uptake showed that V max of the former was more than two orders of magnitude greater than that of the latter, and the k m of the former was about 1/20 of that of the latter. The enhancement of the phosphate uptake was completed after a 40-h incubation of phosphate-replete cells in the phosphate-free medium. The activation was suppressed by chloramphenicol, an inhibitor of protein synthesis. The uptake developed in phosphate-limited cells was energy dependent and susceptive to osmotic shock, which suggests the involvement of a periplasmic phosphate-binding protein, analogous to that found in heterotrophic gram-negative eubacterial cells. The relationship between phosphate quota and growth rate, together with the kinetical data for phosphate uptake, predicted that ambient phosphate as low as 0.5 nM could support cell growth at a rate of one division per day. Results indicate that cells can grow rapidly even at phosphate concentrations as low as nanomolar levels. A possible regulatory mechanism of phosphate uptake in marine Synechococcus spp. is discussed in relation to a wide distribution of this picophytoplankton in the ocean environment. Received: 19 March 1997 / Accepted: 2 April 1997  相似文献   

The abundance, biomass and distribution of Solenicola setigera, a colonial heterotrophic protist found only with the centric chain-forming diatom Leptocylindusmediterraneus, are reported for four major ocean basins. The distribution is cosmopolitan, and abundances and biomass are usually low (<500 colonies l−1); however, in the summer of 1993, we observed a major biomass component (range = 5 to 31 μg C l−1) in the surface waters of the North Atlantic attributable to S. setigera. These colonies of S. setigera were exceptionally large, and unusual in possessing high abundances of Synechococcus sp., a normally solitary cyanobacterium, embedded in the matrix covering the cells. We hypothesize that this relationship was mutually beneficial for both Solenicola setigera and Synechococcus sp. Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted: 22 May 1998  相似文献   

F. Wulff 《Marine Biology》1972,13(4):325-329
Volume regulation and salinity-preference tests have been made on Nitocra spinipes Boeck (Crustacea, Harpacticoidea). This species is often dominant in Baltic brackish-water rockpools. The investigation attempts to evaluate the relative importance of some of the different response mechanisms of this species to salinity changes in relation to the unstable environmental conditions of the rockpools. Volume-regulation experiments have shown that N. spinipes is capable of hypoosmotic and probably hyperosmotic regulation in the tested salinity range of 1 to 20 S. In laboratory cultures, reproduction, hatching and moulting oecurred in salinities ranging from 0.5 to 30 S. Preference experiments showed that N. spinipes has a very weak behavioural response even to very large variations in salinity concentrations between the alternative; a significant choice could only be found under conditions which never occur in the natural biotope. It is therefore concluded that, in a biotope such as the rockpool, where salinity changes will affect the whole biotope rather than produce microclimatic variation, regulation and adaptation must have a higher ecological importance than escape responses.  相似文献   

甲醛广泛应用于室内装修材料中,造成室内空气污染,危害人的身心健康。本研究用含甲醛的培养基从驯化的菜园土中分离出一株霉菌,并观察平板培养特征、孢子形态,提取DNA,PCR扩增,产物测序,序列比对,查找同源率,构建系统发育树等,研究了其在一定浓度下的甲醛转化能力,结果表明:该菌株的培养特征、孢子形态和宛氏拟青霉(Paecilomycesvariotii)最相似,18S rDNA序列与宛氏拟青霉(Paecilomyces variotii)的同源率为100%,160 r.min-130℃摇床培养144 h,能将ρ(甲醛)=1 235、ρ(甲醛)=1 682 mg·L-1转化为ρ(甲醛)=0和ρ(甲醛)=65 mg·L-1,其转化能力分别为100%、96.1%,菌丝干质量分别从0.468 9、0.475 9 g增长到0.529 8、0.523 6 g,还能将ρ(甲醛)=2 377、ρ(甲醛)=2 849 mg·L-1转化为ρ(甲醛)=854、ρ(甲醛)=1 507 mg.L-1,其转化能力也能达到64.1%、47.1%,但菌丝增长缓慢,结果显示该菌株是高浓度的甲醛转化霉菌,具有重要的研究意义。  相似文献   

In the pipefish Syngnathus typhle, only males brood embryos in specially developed brood pouches, supplying oxygen and nutrients. Laboratory studies have shown that this elaborate paternal care has led to sex-role reversal in this species: males limit female reproductive rate, females are the primary competitors for mates and males exercise greater selectivity in accepting mates. In the first field study of this pipefish, we describe mating behaviour in the wild and test the hypothesis that temporal variations in the operational sex ratio (OSR) determine sex differences in mating behaviour. Our study comprised two reproductive seasons of two sequential mating periods each, the latter separated by a lengthy interval of male brooding. During mating periods, females displayed to all males without wandering and males moved about searching for females, without reacting to all females. The OSR was least female-biased (or even male-biased) at the onset of the breeding season, when most pipefish were simultaneously available to mate, but became strikingly female-biased as males' pouches were filled. The OSR remained substantially female-biased during the second mating period, because few males became available to remate at any one time. As hypothesised, female-biased OSRs resulted in more female-female meetings. As well, females were above the eelgrass more often than brooding males, thus exposing themselves to conspecifics and/ or predators. In the second year, males arrived earlier than females on the breeding site and male pregnancies were shorter, because of higher water temperatures, so rematings occurred earlier. Males met more often during that year than the previous one, but male competitive interactions were still not observed. The field results support laboratory studies and demonstrate that behaviours associated with female-female competition are more prominent when the OSR is more female-biased. Correspondence to: A. Vincent  相似文献   

从巴丹吉林沙漠盐湖表层沉积物中筛选到一株高效耐盐苯酚降解菌CL.测定了菌株CL的生理生化指标、16S rRNA基因序列,通过动力学模型探究了该菌株的生长和苯酚降解特性,同时考察了固定化对其耐受及降解苯酚能力的影响.结果表明,菌株CL属于葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus sp.),在温度30℃、pH 7.0—8.0、盐度0—10%和苯酚浓度100—200 mg·L~(-1)条件下,该菌株能高效降解苯酚,其降解率均在85%以上.菌株CL对不同浓度苯酚的降解符合Haldane模型,其最大比降解速率和抑制常数分别为0.32 h~(-1)和351.70 mg·L~(-1),同时该菌株在不同盐度下对苯酚的降解符合Ghose and Tyagi模型.固定化可以明显增加菌株CL对苯酚的降解和耐受能力.菌株CL在高盐环境下能够高效降解苯酚,具有生物处理高盐含酚废水的潜力.  相似文献   

对节杆菌P-1和红球菌J-5降解聚乙烯醇(PVA)的特性进行了比较研究.结果表明,P-1菌在PVA浓度小于1000mgL-1时,PVA降解效率均达到80%以上;J-5菌在PVA浓度为2000mgL-1时,PVA降解效率达到70%.用生产废水进行试验,P-1菌对低浓度PVA废水的处理效率比J-5菌高10%左右;P-1菌受温度的影响小于J-5菌;P-1菌的废水处理效果比J-5菌稳定;分段使用J-5菌与P-1菌处理高浓度的PVA废水具有很好的处理效果,出水能达到国家排放标准.图7表1参9  相似文献   

一株积聚四氢嘧啶的青海湖盐单胞菌的分离及特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从青海湖采集20份水样,利用RM高盐培养基分离获得35株嗜盐菌.选取其中一株优势中度嗜盐菌QHL25进行形态学和生理生化特征分析,结果表明:QHL25菌落圆形或椭圆形,乳白色,不透明,中心突出,边缘透明,生长盐度为0~2.9 mol/L,最适生长盐度为1.45 mol/L.显微形态呈短杆状,革兰氏染色呈阴性,单个或成串排列.最适生长pH为8.5,最适生长温度为37℃.16S rDNA序列分析表明:该菌株与盐单胞菌属(Halomonas sp.)相似性为98%;结合形态特征和生理生化特征分析,初步认定该菌株隶属于γ变形杆菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria)海洋螺菌目(Oceanospirillales)盐单胞菌科(Holomonadaceae)盐单胞菌属(Holomonas).薄层层析(TLC)定性分析可知QHL25胞内含有相容溶质四氢嘧啶;高效液相色谱(HPLC)定量分析表明,在1.7 mol/L的NaCl浓度下,四氢嘧啶含量约为36.70 mg/g(细胞干重).  相似文献   

一种新的中温酸性α-淀粉酶的分离纯化及酶学性质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从Bacillus sp.中分离纯化了一种新的中温酸性α-淀粉酶,并对其酶学性质进行了研究.粗酶经硫酸铵沉淀、 DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow阴离子层析、 Sephadex G-75凝胶过滤层析等步骤后获得电泳均一的α-淀粉酶,其分子量(Mr)约为56×103.该酶最适反应pH为5.0,在pH 5.0~11.0范围内稳定,具有较好的耐酸特性.该酶最适反应温度为40~50 ℃,在40~60 ℃范围内稳定.在60 ℃、 pH 4.5时,该酶能快速有效水解可溶性淀粉;在pH 5.0时该酶对多种生淀粉底物也具有良好的水解作用.因此,该酶有助于解决中温条件淀粉加工行业中,液化酶和糖化酶由于适用pH值的差异而无法联用的难题,是一种具有研究价值和应用前景的中温酸性α-淀粉酶.经LC-MASS-MASS分析得到了酶蛋白中两个肽段的氨基酸序列,通过比对发现,该酶与NCBI中已报道的α-淀粉酶序列具有一定的同源性,同时,在氨基酸水平上也存在着差异.  相似文献   

Between July 21 and August 8, 1984, phytoplankton were collected from the surface (2 m) and/or chlorophyll maximum of a neritic front, warm-core eddy 84-E and Wilkinson's Basin in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean and incubated up to 38 h in 200-liter vats. Effects of light intensity and nutrient availability on diel patterns of cell metabolism were analyzed in a 0.6- to 1-m fraction, where Synechococcus spp. represented 80 to 100% of the total photoautotrophs. Populations held under in situ conditions exhibited daytime peaks in photosynthetic potential (Pmax) that were an order of magnitude higher than nighttime Pmax values. Daytime phasing of Pmax peaks had no relationship to asynchronous fluctuations in cellular activities of ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase (RUBPCase) or phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase), or to variations in chlorophyll content. Daytime Pmax peaks were about 12 h out of phase with nighttime maxima in the frequency of dividing cells (FDC). The phase relationship between Pmax and FDC could be altered by manipulating environmental conditions. High light exposure of depp populations did not affect timing of the Pmax peak, but its magnitude increased and coincided with increased RUBPCase activity and chlorophyll photobleaching. In the eddy population, a major shift in the timing of peak Pmax was induced when increased light intensity was accompanied by nutrient enrichment. This change coincided with major increases in cellular chlorophyll and carboxylating enzyme activity. Lowering irradiance and/or increasing nutrient availability elicited different diel pattern in cellular metabolism in surface populations from the eddy and from Wilkinson's Basin that appeared linked to differences in the nutrient status of the cells. Rates of cell division estimated from the percentage of dividing cells in preserved samples were 0.83 divisions d-1 in surface warm-core eddy populations, supporting the view that carbon and nitrogen turnover rates in oligotrophic waters can be sufficient to promote near optimal growth of Synechococcus spp.  相似文献   

于实验室嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans)淋滤处理城市污泥酸性废液中分离出一株踝节霉菌ZJ-1,并对其进行了摇瓶液体培养特性研究.单因素试验结果表明:该菌株的最适碳源和氮源分别为葡萄糖和酵母膏,最适温度为28℃,最适转速为140 r/min,最适初始pH值为5.0.正交试验优化得到碳、氮源的最优水平分别为葡萄糖70 g/L,酵母膏15 g/L.采用HPLC对该菌株PDA培养液中的有机酸进行了分析,发现其中含有丙酮酸.初始PDA培养液中丙酮酸含量为0.039 g/L,接菌培养d 5.5时其含量达0.106 g/L.为探讨踝节霉菌ZJ-1对嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌淋滤污泥过程的影响,在生物淋滤起始阶段接种10%A.ferrooxidans和4%踝节霉菌ZJ-1,以仅接种10%A.ferrooxidans作为对照.结果表明A.ferrooxidans和踝节霉菌ZJ-1的复合菌组与对照组相比,淋滤耗时由7 d缩短至4 d,淋滤处理时间缩短了43%.  相似文献   

Diel patterns of 14C-bicarbonate incorporation in>5 m algal communities were compared with those in cyanobacterial populations of Synechococcus spp. (0.6 to 1.0 m), collected from the surface and/or chlorophyll maximum at three stations in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean (a neritic front; in Warm-Core Eddy 84-E; and Wilkinson's Basin) from 21 July to 8 August, 1984. Cell constituents were chemically separated into four fractions: lipids, low molecular weight (LMW) metabolites, polysaccharides/nucleic acids, and proteins. The in situ diel pattern of 14C assimilation was virtually the same for >5 m algal communities adapted to different environments. Protein synthesis appeared to continue at a reduced rate at night using energy derived from the catabolism of polysaccharides and the mobilization of LMW compounds. Synechococcus spp. populations exhibited inherent physiological differences in their in situ diel pattern of carbon fixation from that in>5 m algal communities taken from the same water mass. There was no nighttime protein-synthesis in Synechococcus spp. The relative proportion of 14C-protein remained constant over night, while that of 14C-polysaccharides/nucleic acids declined and that of labelled LMW metabolites increased. Daytime light-intensity manipulations did not alter the diel pattern of carbon fixation in any of the>5 m algal assemblages, while changes in the carbon metabolism of surface and shadeadapted Synechococcus spp. populations could be rapidly induced by altering the light intensity.Bigelow Laboratory Contribution No. 86004  相似文献   

For elucidation of the metabolism of the endocrine disruptor nonylphenol by Sphingomonas sp. strain TTNP3, the degradation of an isomer of nonylphenol, 4(2,6-dimethyl-2-heptyl)-phenol, has been studied. As in the case of 4(3,5-dimethyl-3-heptyl)-phenol, the metabolism of this nonylphenol isomer leads to the formation of the NIH-shifted product 2(2,6-dimethyl-2-heptyl)-1,4-benzenediol (NIH: National Institute of Health), but also to the alkoxy derivative 4(2,6-dimethylheptan-2-yloxy)phenol as additional metabolite. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing the formation of alkoxyphenol as a degradation product of nonylphenol. Additionally, these results provide for the first time evidence for slight differences in the biodegradation of the isomers of nonylphenol.  相似文献   

为了解环境因素对生物除铬(VI)的影响,并为铬(VI)污染环境的生物强化治理提供高效菌株,采用选择培养的方法从制革废水污泥样品中分离到2株革兰氏阳性铬(VI)去除菌——Rhodococcus sp.Chr-9和Exiguobacterium sp.Chr-43.菌株Chr-9和Chr-43在25~40℃内均能够较好生长,并高效去除铬(VI),菌株Chr-9和Chr-43的最适生长pH均为7.0~9.0,菌株在pH 7.0的培养基中去除铬(VI)的效率最高.加入0.2~0.5 mol/L的NO3-、SO42-和Cl-能够促进Chr-9和Chr-43的生长以及去除铬(VI)的效率.在含铬(VI)培养基中同时接种Chr-9和Chr-43时,Chr-9促进菌株Chr-43的生长,并提高菌株去除铬(VI)的效率.研究表明,pH、温度、阴离子和环境中的其它生物对铬(VI)的去除有明显影响.  相似文献   

In eutrophic areas, green macroalgae are frequently and for long periods arranged in mats, resulting in a steep light gradient. This study investigates the effect of this gradient on physiological characteristics [tissue nitrogen content, maximal photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm), glutathione levels and redox ratio, absorbance and absorption spectra] of the green macroalga Ulva spp. Mats were sampled during the build-up (June), stationary (July), and decomposing (September) phases of a macroalgal bloom in the Veerse Meer, a eutrophic brackish (salinity 15–20 psu) lake in the southwest Netherlands. Water samples were taken for nutrient analyses. At all three sampling dates, the mats were composed almost entirely of Ulva spp.; in September the mats were in decay and covered with silt and epiphytes. In June and July, total dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration (DIN) of the water within the mat was significantly higher than outside the mat. Pronounced vertical differences were found in tissue N, Fv/Fm values, total glutathione levels, glutathione redox ratios, and absorbance. In June and July, tissue N decreased from over 2.2% dry weight (DW; N-sufficient) in the bottom layers to around 1% DW (minimum level for survival) in the top layers. Wide-band absorption increased with depth in the mat and throughout the season, probably due to higher Chl a and b and lutein contents. The shape of the absorption spectrum was similar for all layers. The absorption of the silt/epiphyte film on the top Ulva layer was highest; its absorption spectrum (high absorption in the 500–560 nm range) indicates that the film on the top layers of the macroalgal mats mainly consisted of diatoms. In June, Fv/Fm and the glutathione redox ratio of the algae increased with depth in the layer, while total glutathione decreased. Low Fv/Fm values in the bottom and middle layers in September reflect the bad condition of the algae; the mats were largely decaying. It is concluded that multiple growth-limiting gradients occur in macroalgal mats: upper layers suffer from nitrogen limitation and photoinhibition while bottom layers are light limited. The algae in the mat acclimatize to low light conditions by increasing their absorption through increased pigment contents and by higher photosynthetic efficiency during the build-up and stationary period. This study qualifies the glutathione redox ratio as a promising candidate for stress indicator in macroalgae and provides suggestions for its further development.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

海洋苯酚降解菌Candida sp.P5的分离鉴定及其降解特性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从海洋沉积物中分离、筛选到一株能以苯酚作为唯一碳源和能源的酵母菌P5.根据菌落特征、菌体形态、生理生化特性和18SrDNA序列分析,确定菌株P5为假丝酵母菌属(Candicla sp.).该菌株最适宜生长和降解苯酚的条件为:温度25℃,pH6.0~7.0,摇床转速100r/min,需氧;菌株P5能在较高浓度的苯酚条件下生长,在72h内可以降解95%以上的苯酚.对苯酚代谢途径和相关酶的研究发现,菌株P5主要在邻苯二酚1,2-双加氧酶作用下通过邻位途径进行苯酚代谢.图7表2参24  相似文献   

从海洋沉积物中分离、筛选到一株能以苯酚作为唯一碳源和能源的酵母菌P5.根据菌落特征、菌体形态、生理生化特性和18S rDNA序列分析,确定菌株P5为假丝酵母菌属(Candida sp.).该菌株最适宜生长和降解苯酚的条件为:温度25℃,pH6.0~7.0,摇床转速100r/min,需氧;菌株P5能在较高浓度的苯酚条件下生长,在72h内可以降解95%以上的苯酚.对苯酚代谢途径和相关酶的研究发现,菌株P5主要在邻苯二酚1,2-双加氧酶作用下通过邻位途径进行苯酚代谢.图7表2参24  相似文献   

D. Liang  S. Uye 《Marine Biology》1996,127(2):219-227
Population dynamics and production of the calanoid copepodParacalanus sp. were studied from November 1986 to November 1987 in Fukuyama Harbor, a eutrophic inlet of the Inland Sea of Japan. This species was perennial, with a large abundance peak in June/July and small peaks in September/October and November/December. During a year of investigation, 15 generations Gould be detected. For each generation, the mean population egg production rate and the mean daily midstage abundance front NIII to CV were determined to obtain a survival curve from egg to CV. The mortality was extremely high during the early life stages: on average only 7.1% of the eggs produced might survive into NIII. This high mortality might be caused by predation by sympatric omnivorous copepods, in addition to sinking loss of eggs from the waten column. The biomass ofParacalanus sp. showed marked seasonal variations largely in parallel with numerical abundance. The instantaneous growth rate of each developmental stage increased exponentially with temperature up to 20 °C, above which the rate was constant. The annual integrated production rate was 734 mg C m–3 yr–1 or 5.5 g C m–2 yr–1.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain capable of degrading carbofuran as the sole carbon source was isolated from carbofuran-phytoremediated rhizosphere soil of rice. A 16S rRNA study identified the strain as Burkholderia sp. (isolate PCL3). Free cells of isolate PCL3 possessed inhibitory-type degradation kinetics with a q max of 0.087 day?1 and S m of 248.76 mg·L?1. Immobilised PCL3 on corncob and sugarcane bagasse possessed Monod-type degradation kinetics with a q max of 0.124 and 0.098 day?1, respectively. The optimal pH and temperature with the highest degradation rate coefficient of carbofuran were pH 7.5 and 35 °C, respectively.  相似文献   

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