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Despite the rapid rate of human-induced species losses, the relative influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the functional diversity of species assemblages remains unknown for most ecosystems. A model was previously developed to predict the diversity structure of coral reef fish assemblages in 10 atolls of low human pressure and contrasting morphology of the Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia). This existing model predicted smoothed histograms (spectra) of species richness according to size classes, diet classes and life-history classes of fish assemblages using a combination of environmental characteristics at different spatial scales. The present study applied the model to Tikehau, another atoll of the same archipelago where commercial fishing is practiced and where the same sampling strategy was reproduced. Significant differences appeared between predicted and observed species richness in several size, diet and life-history classes of fish assemblages in Tikehau. Two parameters which were not accounted for in the initial model, i.e. fishing pressure and atoll position within the archipelago, explained together 63% of variance in model residuals, >60% being explained by fishing pressure only. The respective effects of fishing and atoll position on the diversity of coral reef fish assemblages are discussed, with the potential of such modelling approach to assess the relative importance of factors affecting functional diversity within communities.  相似文献   

Nutrient concentrations were measured in the lagoon and surrounding oceanic waters of Tikehau Atoll (Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia) from 1984 to 1987. The atoll-mass effect alters the nutrient profiles: turbulent vertical mixing of the waters along the deeper slopes of the atoll induces nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment of the surface layer. Nutrient concentrations varied with year and month of sampling; except for ammonium, inorganic nutrient levels were lower inside the lagoon than in the surrounding oceanic waters. Nitrogen, phosphorus and silica budgets were calculated by mean differences in nutrient concentrations recorded between lagoon and oceanic surface waters and by the waterexchange rate through the passage linking the lagoon and oceanic waters and the reef-flat spillways. Particulate and dissolved organic nitrogen and ammonium are exported from the lagoon to the open ocean through the westward passage. The nitrogen budget is not balanced by the nitrate input from oceanic waters and the organic nitrogen and ammonium output from lagoonal waters. Nitrogen fixation would appear to constitute another source of nitrogen for lagoonal waters. The phosphorus budget is largely balanced by phosphate input from the oceanic waters and organic phosphorus output from the lagoon waters. The oceanic waters became impoverished in silicate during their crossing of the atoll reef edge and their residence in the lagoon. The atoll constitutes a source of nitrogen for the surrounding oceanic waters.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to assess the consequences of human impact on the characteristics of sediments heavy metal concentration, grain size and its influence on the structure of the microbial and meiofaunal community assemblages. A survey was carried out in July 2013 within six sites located in the Bizerte Lagoon (Tunisia), both downstream and upstream of industrial effluents. The highest total sediment metal concentrations were detected in stations located close to the industrial sewage discharge points. In these stations, the lowest densities of the total meiofauna (33?±?13?ind/10?cm?2) and conversely the highest densities of cultivable bacteria that are heavy metal resistant have been reported (16?±?80.34?CFU?g?1). Univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate (MDS/CCA) analyses demonstrate high dissimilarity (0.06) in meiofaunal and bacterial community structures between downstream and upstream industrial sewages. Furthermore, canonical correspondence analysis CCA results indicated that heavy metal sediment contamination promoted bacteria that are resistant to heavy metals, while heterotrophic bacteria supported the development of meiofauna taxa. The results highlight the importance of bacteria/meiofauna interactions, as both meiofaunal and microbial communities give indications of the ecological impact of heavy metal contamination in sediment.  相似文献   

The calcium carbonate budget of coral reefs is the result of the interaction of the processes of calcification and biological degradation, and is reflected in the chemical properties of the seawater overlying the reefs. A series of experiments at Moorea Island (French Polynesia) in 1988 monitored the diurnal and nocturnal variations in the chemical properties of seawater under field and laboratory conditions. Our results revealed that in the study area (Tiahura barrier reef flat), the calcium carbonate budget varied over space and time as a function of location in the water current. Two in-situ sites were investigated; one was situated 100 m from the algal crest of the barrier reef, the other 300 m further downstream. As a result of cumulative upstream events, the daily net calcification was ten times higher at the downstream (5.22 gm-2 d-1) than at the upstream (0.45 gm-2 d-1) site. The carbonate uptake by in situ Porites lobata in enclosures (8 kgm-2 yr-1) was ten times higher than the uptake by the whole community in the surrounding water (0.8 kgm-2 yr-1) and five times higher than that recorded for P. lobata in laboratory experiments (1.4 kgm-2 yr-1), where illumination levels were 10% of in situ levels. In laboratory experiments, the planktonic fraction of the seawater had no perceptible influence on the calcium carbonate budget. In the absence of bioeroders, living coral totally depleted the carbonate content of the seawater (3.7 gm-2d-1). Bioerosive organisms played an important role in restoring this calcium carbonate; e.g. sea urchins grazing on algal turf covering dead coral ingested CaCO3 and released this as a carbonate powder (1.26 gm-2d-1); a form of carbonate which is extremely accessible to chemical dissolution.  相似文献   

This study explores the extent to which ontogenetic habitat shifts modify spatial patterns of fish established at settlement in the Moorea Island lagoon (French Polynesia). The lagoon of Moorea Island was divided into 12 habitat zones (i.e. coral seascapes), which were distinct in terms of depth, wave exposure, and substratum composition. Eighty-two species of recently settled juveniles were recorded from March to June 2001. Visual censuses documented changes in the distribution of juveniles of each species over time among the 12 habitats. Two patterns of juvenile habitat use were found among species. Firstly, some species settled and remained in the same habitat until the adoption of the adult habitats (i.e. recruitment; e.g. Chaetodon citrinellus, Halichoeres hortulanus, Rhinecanthus aculeatus). Secondly, others settled to several habitats and then disappeared from some habitats through differential mortality and/or post-settlement movement (e.g. 65–70 mm size class for Ctenochaetus striatus, 40–45 mm size class for Epinephelus merra, 50–55 mm size class for Scarus sordidus). A comparison of the spatial distribution of juveniles to that of adults (61 species recorded at both stages) illustrated four patterns of subsequent recruitment in habitat use: (1) an increase in the number of habitats used during the adult stage (e.g. H. hortulanus, Mulloidichthys flavolineatus); (2) a decrease in the number of habitats adults used compared to recently settled juveniles (e.g. Chrysiptera leucopoma, Stethojulis bandanensis); (3) the use of different habitat types (e.g. Acanthurus triostegus, Caranx melampygus); and (4) no change in habitat use (e.g. Naso litturatus, Stegastes nigricans). Of the 20 most abundant species recorded in Moorea lagoon, 12 species modified the spatial patterns established at settlement by an ontogenetic habitat shift.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

The standing stock and taxonomic composition of zooplankton (>200 m) were monitored in the lagoon of Tikehau atoll from April 1985 to April 1986. These data were supplemented by two 10 d studies on the variability, structure and functioning of the pelagic ecosystem. The biomass of animals >200 m comprised 50% of the total biomass of all organisms from 35 to >2000 m. The zooplankton populations were characterized by successive blooms of copepods, larvaceans, pteropods and salps, probably arising from the periodic input of detritus from the reef during windy periods. As a result, the ecosystem was not in a steady state and the data for the fluxes of organic matter are presented separately for April 1985 and April 1986. Using the C:N:P ratio method, net growth efficiencies, K 2, were calculated for total mesozooplankton, mixed copepods, and two planktonic species, Undinula vulgaris and Thalia democratica. Combined with nitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates, these K 2 values enabled the assessment of production rates. On a 24 h basis, P:B ratios (%) were close to 100 for the total zooplankton and 54, 34 and 800 for mixed copepods, U. vulgaris and T. democratica, respectively. These ratios are 5.7 times lower than that recorded for phytoplankton. High productivity may be ascribable to the high density of seston, the high temperature (29.5°C), and the kind of organisms present. Zooplankton production equalled 38 and 30% of 14C uptake during April 1985 and April 1986, respectively. Ingestion of animals >35m was calculated by means of assimilation efficiencies and amounted to 17 and 7% of particulate organic carbon, 100 and 38% of living carbon, and 64 and 140% of primary production during the two periods, respectively. Finally, inorganic exduring was 32 and 18% of phytoplankton nitrogen and phosphorus requirements. A model based on the dimensional structure of the pelagic food-web, has been drawn to illustrate the biomass and carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes in the study area. The lagoon appears to export part of its planktonic biomass, which is 4.2 times lower one sea mile outside the main pass connecting the lagoon to the open ocean.  相似文献   

Excretion of ammonia by mesozooplankton (>200 m zooplankton) and its potential contribution to the nitrogen requirement for phytoplankton growth has been estimated for different hydrographical situations along a transect across the Catalan Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean). The nitrogen excreted as ammonia was estimated from mesozooplankton biomass and specific excretion rates. Nitrogen requirements of phytoplankton were estimated by means of carbon fixation rates and C:N ratios of <200 m particulate organic matter. Minimum C:N ratios and maximum primary production, zooplankton biomass, phytoplankton nitrogen requirements, and nitrogen excretion of zooplankton occurred near the Catalan density front. On average, the nitrogen regenerated by the mesozooplankton accounted for 43% of the nitrogen requirements of the phytoplankton. The specific excretion rates of ammonia and the percentage of phytoplanktonnitrogen requirements supplied by excreted nitrogen were higher at coastal stations. In some coastal and frontal stations, the ammonia excreted exceeded the phytoplanktonnitrogen demand. Bacteria competing for nutrient supply and the possible uncoupling between rate processes and standing stocks of phyto- and zooplankton could explain the apparent excess of regenerated ammonia.  相似文献   

J. Grant 《Marine Biology》1986,90(2):299-306
In-situ measurements of benthic community respiration and primary production on an intertidal sandflat in Nova Scotia, Canada were used to test the hypothesis that community responses to light and temperature were similar within and between seasons. Multiple regression indicated that mean incubation temperature explained 57% of the variance in total sediment oxygen demand (TOD). The logarithmic relationship between TOD and temperature (Q10=6.5) was not significantly different between fall and spring, suggesting no acclimation within season. Chemical oxygen demand measured in formalin-poisoned cores averaged 30% of TOD. Microalgal gross primary production (GROSS) was measured as oxygen production in light cores. Mean incubation temperature and sediment chlorophylla explained 56% of the variance. The linear relationship between GROSS and temperature had Q10=2.0. When production was normalized to chlorophylla [GROSS(SP)], seasonal production-temperature curves were significantly different. The spring curve had Q10=3.3; in the fall, production and temperature were not related. GROSS(SP)-light curves derived from Plexiglas shade experiments in the field were linear and not significantly different between fall and spring. Temperature alone was a better predictor of GROSS(SP) than light, even when P/I curves were adjusted for temperature. One can therefore model community respiration and photosynthesis at this site using daily averages in temperature, which are then summed over longer time scales to estimate monthly or seasonal rates.  相似文献   

Primary production at Antarctic coastal sites is contributed from sea ice algae, phytoplankton and benthic algae. Oxygen microelectrodes were used to estimate sea ice and benthic primary production at several sites around Casey, a coastal area in eastern Antarctica. Maximum oxygen export from sea ice was 0.95 mmol O2 m−2 h−1 (~11.7 mg C m−2 h−1) while from the sediment it was 6.08 mmol O2 m−2 h−1 (~70.8 mg C m−2 h−1). When the ice was present O2 export from the benthos was either low or negative. Sea ice algae assimilation rates were up to 3.77 mg C (mg Chl-a)−1 h−1 while those from the benthos were up to 1.53 mg C (mg Chl-a)−1 h−1. The contribution of the major components of primary productivity was assessed using fluorometric techniques. When the ice was present approximately 55–65% of total daily primary production occurred in the sea ice with the remainder unequally partitioned between the sediment and the water column. When the ice was absent, the benthos contributed nearly 90% of the primary production.  相似文献   

The macrofauna settling on experimental substrates was studied at two sites of the Lesina Lagoon to test its possible role in monitoring ecological variations in a brackish-water ecosystem. The community settlement was seasonally investigated on 3-month-old wooden poles; the development was monitored from 2001 to 2005. Comparisons with benthic assemblages settled on 10-yr-old poles were also performed. The main hydrological parameters were periodically measured during the study. A total of 38 species were collected. The assemblage reached the highest development in the central lagoon, showing relevant carbonate structures which supported a rich vagile fauna. Close to the sea-water inlet species richness and abundance values were lower, with the disappearance of some brackish-water species. A remarkable salinity drop during 2004 produced some faunistic changes in the assemblages, which however maintained different structures between the study sites, thus confirming macrozoobenthos as an efficient bioindicator of different environmental conditions for transition biotopes and a useful investigation tool in monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

The composition, distribution and infestation sequence of organisms that destroy the commercially valuable shells of the black oyster Pinctada margaritifera var. cumingii Jameson, 1901 were studied. Three ecologically different groups of boring (euendolithic) organisms were identified: (1) phototrophic boring microorganisms (cyanobacteria, Hyella caespitosa, Hyella sp., Mastigocoleus testarum, Plectonema terebrans, and green algae, Phaeophila dendroides, Ostreobium quekettii); (2) heterotrophic boring microorganisms (fungi, Ostracoblabe implexa); (3) filter-feeding boring organisms (sponges, Cliona margaritiferae, C. vastifica). The phototrophic endoliths dominate the external pristmatic region of the shell, whereas the valuable interior nacreous region is attacked mainly by heterotrophs. Boring patterns reflect in part the shape and behaviour of the organisms and in part the structural properties of the shell, and inflict different types of damage. Infestation starts with microbial borers, which prepare the conditions for later invasion by more damaging clionid sponges. The infestation begins always at the apex, the oldest part of the shells, from which the periostracum is often removed by natural attrition or by cleaning procedure. The rate of bioerosion in 1 yr-old hatchery shells is 36 times higher than in natural populations.  相似文献   

Benthic communities on soft bottoms off Barcelona, at and around two main pollution sources, the mouth of the Besòs River and the outlet of the submarine pipeline draining wastewater and organic sludges from the wastewater treatment plant of Sant Adrià del Besòs, have been studied. Samples were obtained with a Van Veen grab from 36 stations covering a 100 km2 grid, between 10 and 70 m in depth. The effect of both pollution sources is clearly seen both at the species (the following macrofauna groups have been studied: Polychaeta, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Crustacea Decapoda) and community levels. The distribution of species and individuals numbers, species diversity and a pollution index, and of some selected (indicator) polychaeta species, all clearly define the degree of environmental degradation and the extent of the areas under the influence of the organic pollution.  相似文献   

The benthic dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus spp. is the primary causative agent of ciguatera fish poisoning in French Polynesia. However, the initiation of ciguatera outbreaks and the factors that control ciguatoxin production in this dinoflagellate are still poorly understood. In this paper, we present some original data concerning the seasonal abundance and toxicity of natural populations of Gambierdiscus spp. based on a long-term survey in a ciguateric site of the island of Tahiti. From February 1993 to December 1997, Gambierdiscus spp. population densities were monitored weekly in the Atimaono barrier reef of Papara in relation to temperature and salinity. Densities peaked at 4992 cells g−1 in October 1994 and constituted ≥1000 cells g−1 on several occasions. A total of 58 blooms were recorded in the area, of which 65% occurred in 1995 and 1996 alone. Our data confirmed the high endemicity of Gambierdiscus spp. in the Papara area. Refined analysis of our raw data by a principal-component analysis of processes (PCAP) revealed a seasonality in cell densities from February 1993 to May 1995. During this period, Gambierdiscus spp. populations tended to reach maximum abundance at the beginning and end of the hot season. In contrast, salinity did not appear to be a determining factor in the seasonal abundance of this dinoflagellate. The noticeable increase in both peak densities and frequency of blooms further noticed in 1995 and 1996 was preceded by unusually high water temperatures in January to April 1994, concomitant with a severe coral-bleaching episode. During the course of the study, a total of 303 × 106 cells obtained from 48 successive blooms was harvested. Toxicity screening revealed that toxin production was maximum from October 1994 through December 1996. No correlation was found between toxicity of these blooms and their biomass nor the seasonal pattern of temperatures. It is suggested that the toxicity of naturally-occurring blooms of Gambierdiscus spp. and, consequently, the severity of ciguatera incidents in a given area, is mainly dependent on the clonal nature of cells which coexist within local populations of this dinoflagellate. Received: 12 October 1998 / Accepted: 15 June 1999  相似文献   

P. Silan  C. Maillard 《Marine Biology》1989,103(4):481-487
Serranicotyle labracis (Van Beneden and Hesse, 1863) Maillard, Euzet and Silan, 1988 (synonym: Microcotyle labracis Van Beneden and Hesse, 1863) is a monogenean Polyopisthocotylea and a gill parasite of the bass Dicentrarchus labrax (Linné, 1758). Analysis of a western Mediterranean population of this parasite (Gulf of Lions, Languedoc, France) clarified several aspects of its biology. Its location in the gill biotope (Silan et al. 1987) was not fundamentally different from that found by Oliver (1977) and Winch (1983), but its distribution in host populations differed from that reported in the earlier studies; it displayed a negative binomial distribution in the study zone. At a finer level of observation, the behaviour of the hosts, as a function of degree of maturity and sex, appeared to determine more than any other factor the extent of infestation by the parasite. Previous suggestions in the literature to account for these differences in population dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

Five arsenic-resistant bacterial strains designated MT1, MT2, MT3, V1 and V2 were isolated from sediments of the Oliveri-Tindari Lagoon (Italy), which comprises six small lakes whose sediments contain low arsenic concentrations. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences assigned them to the genus Bacillus. Bacillus sp. strain MT3 showed higher tolerance to As(III) and As(V), as indicated by minimum inhibitory concentrations of 14 and 135 mmol?1, respectively. Bacillus sp. strain V1 showed growth inhibition at 14 mmol?1 in the presence of As(III) and at 68 mmol?1 in the presence of As(V), whereas the arsenic resistance of Bacillus sp. strain MT1 was 10 and 27 mmol?1 for As(III) and As(V), respectively. The strains Bacillus spp. MT2 and V2 showed low levels of As(III) and As(V) resistance, as it was unable to grow at concentrations>7 and 14 mmol?1, respectively. The isolated arsenic-resistant Bacillus spp. strains were able to reduce As(V) to As(III), especially Bacillus spp. strain MT3. This study suggests that the isolated bacterial strains play a role in the arsenic biogeochemical cycle of arsenic-poor sediments in the Oliveri-Tindari Lagoon.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variability in zooplankton was studied at eight stations located in the Lesina Lagoon (South Adriatic Sea) Salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a (in the lagoon) at these stations were also assessed. The zooplankton community was characterised by clear seasonal oscillations and mostly represented by copepods and their larvae. The dominant copepod species were Calanipeda aquaedulcis and Acartia tonsa, which exhibited spatial–temporal segregation in the lagoon. C. aquaedulcis copepodites seemed to be better adapted to oligotrophic and oligohaline conditions compared with the A. tonsa population. The invasive species A. tonsa has completely replaced the formerly abundant Acartia margalefi. A positive correlation was found between abundances, total species numbers and trophic state. An increasing abundance trend was shown from the lagoon towards the sea. The highest diversity indices were recorded at the two channel inlets, during high tide due to the absence of a clear dominance of one or more coastal species and the co-occurrence of species of lagoon and marine origin.  相似文献   

The cytogenotoxicity and histopathological alterations induced by xenobiotics in Lekki Lagoon and Ogun River on Synodontis clarias were investigated. Fish from these water bodies and a fish farm (control) were examined for micronucleated, binucleated, and immature erythrocytes in both gill and peripheral blood. Also gill, liver, kidney, and ovary were processed for histopathology using hematoxylin-eosin staining. Concentrations of cadmium, zinc, lead and copper in the water were determined. There was significant (p < 0.05) increase in micronucleated, binucleated, and immature erythrocytes in both gill and peripheral blood of S. clarias from the lagoon and river compared to the reference site. Loss and disorganization of the primary and secondary lamellae, multifocal degeneration, hemorrhages, cellular infiltration, congestions, vacuolations, atresia, and necrosis were common lesions in the examined tissues of fish from the lagoon and river. Cd, Zn, Pb, and Cu in water samples from the lagoon and river were higher than the reference site. Xenobiotics in Lekki Lagoon and Ogun River, mostly metals, induced deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and pathological damage in S. clarias.  相似文献   

To examine the suitability of benthic foraminifera and their test deformations as bioindicators of pollution in coastal marine environments, we studied foraminifera and metal concentrations in 72 marine sediment samples, collected from the inner shelf along the Sicilian coast (Gulfs of Palermo and Termini) and on the south-eastern coast of Lampedusa Island. These areas are characterised by different environmental conditions. On the basis of pollution sources and foraminiferal assemblages, we recognised different zones in the Gulf of Palermo. The most polluted zones showed high metal concentrations, and low diversity of benthic foraminifera with species typical of stressed environments. By contrast, the lowest polluted zones showed a high population density and the highest percentages of epiphytes. Epiphytes were abundant where a Posidonia oceanica meadow was present and decreased in the most polluted zones. Sediments of the Gulf of Termini and Lampedusa exhibited high percentages of benthic foraminifera typical of well-oxygenated waters and low concentrations of metals, with the exception of sites located near sewage outfalls and harbour areas. Furthermore, even though deformed tests are commonly known in natural stressed environmental conditions, this study shows that in the most polluted zones, benthic foraminifera were characterised by the highest percentages of deformed individuals.  相似文献   

From May 2002 to October 2003, a fortnightly sampling programme was conducted in a restricted macrotidal ecosystem in the English Channel, the Baie des Veys (France). Three sets of data were obtained: (1) physico-chemical parameters, (2) phytoplankton community structure illustrated by species composition, biovolume and diversity, and (3) primary production and photosynthetic parameters via P versus E curves. The aim of this study was to investigate the temporal variations of primary production and photosynthetic parameters in this bay and to highlight the potential links with phytoplankton community structure. The highest level of daily depth-integrated primary production Pz (0.02–1.43 g C m−2 d−1) and the highest maximum photosynthetic rate P B max (0.39–8.48 mg C mg chl a −1 h−1) and maximum light utilization coefficient αB [0.002–0.119 mg C mg chl a −1 h−1 (μmol photons m−2 s−1)] were measured from July to September. Species succession was determined based on biomass data obtained from cell density and biovolume measurements. The bay was dominated by 11 diatoms throughout the year. However, a Phaeocystis globosa bloom (up to 25 mg chl a m−3, 2.5 × 106 cells l−1) was observed each year during the spring diatom bloom, but timing and intensity varied interannually. Annual variation of primary production was due to nutrient limitation, light climate and water temperature. The seasonal pattern of microalgal succession, with regular changes in composition, biovolume and diversity, influenced the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of the environment (especially nutrient stocks in the bay) and thus primary production. Consequently, investigation of phytoplankton community structure is important for developing the understanding of ecosystem functioning, as it plays a major role in the dynamics of primary production.  相似文献   

The Oliveri-Tindari Lagoon, located in North-Eastern Sicily (Italy) and composed of six lakes, is subject to continuous environmental changes. An integrated study focusing on sediment features and levels of contamination was carried out for three of the six lakes, which are of ancient origin: Verde, Mergolo della Tonnara and Marinello. A high primary production (26.89 μg l?1) was detected at Lake Verde; texture classification showed a typical grain size in the sediments of all lakes; the study of macronutrients highlighted 17.08 of total carbon in sediments from Lake Mergolo della Tonnara; toxic elements were detected at higher concentrations in the sediments of Lake Marinello in comparison to the others, while arsenic was found in high concentrations in all the samples tested, especially in Lake Verde, with a mean value of 17.25 mg kg?1 dry weight (d.w.). All the organic contaminants, except 4, 4′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene, were below the detection limits in the sediments. Minimal microbiological contamination was found in both water and sediment samples. In the latter, we isolated several bacterial strains thriving in the presence of arsenic, which play a role in the biogeochemical cycle of arsenic. These preliminary results, obtained for the first time using a multidisciplinary approach, provide general information about the Oliveri-Tindari Lagoon area.  相似文献   

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